1. Atomic Structure and Units (AS)1.1 Particles in the Atom0/01.1.1 Atomic Composition and Characteristics1.1.2 Atomic and Nuclear Properties1.1.3 Particle Numbers and Atomic Radius1.2 Isotopes and Ionisation Energy0/01.2.1 Isotope Fundamentals1.2.2 Trends and Factors in Ionisation Energy1.3 Electrons and Orbitals0/01.3.1 Introduction to Energy Levels and Electron Configuration1.3.2 Orbital Shapes and Electron Arrangement1. Atomic Structure and Units (AS)1.1 Particles in the Atom0/01.1.1 Atomic Composition and Characteristics1.1.2 Atomic and Nuclear Properties1.1.3 Particle Numbers and Atomic Radius1.2 Isotopes and Ionisation Energy0/01.2.1 Isotope Fundamentals1.2.2 Trends and Factors in Ionisation Energy1.3 Electrons and Orbitals0/01.3.1 Introduction to Energy Levels and Electron Configuration1.3.2 Orbital Shapes and Electron Arrangement2. Atoms, Molecules, and Stoichiometry (AS)Premium2.1 Relative Masses0/02.1.1 Understanding Relative Masses2.1.2 Molecular Mass Concepts2.2 The Mole Concept0/02.2.1 Mole and Avogadro's Constant2.3 Chemical Formulas0/02.3.1 Writing Chemical Formulas2.3.2 Understanding Empirical and Molecular Formulas2.3.3 Balancing Equations and Ionic Equations2.4 Reacting Masses and Volumes0/02.4.1 Mole Calculations in Reactions2.4.2 Application in Real-world Scenarios2. Atoms, Molecules, and Stoichiometry (AS)Premium2.1 Relative Masses0/02.1.1 Understanding Relative Masses2.1.2 Molecular Mass Concepts2.2 The Mole Concept0/02.2.1 Mole and Avogadro's Constant2.3 Chemical Formulas0/02.3.1 Writing Chemical Formulas2.3.2 Understanding Empirical and Molecular Formulas2.3.3 Balancing Equations and Ionic Equations2.4 Reacting Masses and Volumes0/02.4.1 Mole Calculations in Reactions2.4.2 Application in Real-world Scenarios3. Chemical Bonding (AS)Premium3.1 Electronegativity and Bonding0/03.1.1 Understanding Electronegativity3.1.2 Electronegativity Trends in Chemistry3.1.3 Predicting Bond Types Using Pauling Electronegativity Values3.2 Ionic Bonding0/03.2.1 Defining Ionic Bonding3.2.2 Characteristics of Ionic Compounds3.3 Metallic Bonding0/03.3.1 Nature of Metallic Bonding3.4 Covalent and Coordinate Bonding0/03.4.1 Introduction to Covalent Bonding3.4.2 Coordinate Bonding3.5 Shapes of Molecules0/03.5.1 VSEPR Theory: Understanding Molecular Shapes and Bond Angles3.5.2 Predicting Shapes and Bond Angles in Molecules3.6 Intermolecular Forces and Bond Properties0/03.6.1 Intermolecular Forces: An In-Depth Study3.6.2 Effects of Electronegativity3.6.3 Bonding vs. Intermolecular Forces: A Detailed Comparison3.7 Dot-and-Cross Diagrams0/03.7.1 Illustrating Bonding3. Chemical Bonding (AS)Premium3.1 Electronegativity and Bonding0/03.1.1 Understanding Electronegativity3.1.2 Electronegativity Trends in Chemistry3.1.3 Predicting Bond Types Using Pauling Electronegativity Values3.2 Ionic Bonding0/03.2.1 Defining Ionic Bonding3.2.2 Characteristics of Ionic Compounds3.3 Metallic Bonding0/03.3.1 Nature of Metallic Bonding3.4 Covalent and Coordinate Bonding0/03.4.1 Introduction to Covalent Bonding3.4.2 Coordinate Bonding3.5 Shapes of Molecules0/03.5.1 VSEPR Theory: Understanding Molecular Shapes and Bond Angles3.5.2 Predicting Shapes and Bond Angles in Molecules3.6 Intermolecular Forces and Bond Properties0/03.6.1 Intermolecular Forces: An In-Depth Study3.6.2 Effects of Electronegativity3.6.3 Bonding vs. Intermolecular Forces: A Detailed Comparison3.7 Dot-and-Cross Diagrams0/03.7.1 Illustrating Bonding4. States of Matter4.1 The Gaseous State0/04.1.1 Gas Pressure and Particle Collisions4.1.2 Ideal Gas Characteristics4.1.3 Ideal Gas Law Applications4.2 Bonding and Structure in Solids0/04.2.1 Lattice Structures4.2.2 Physical Properties and Bonding in Solid Structures4.2.3 Deduction of Bonding Types4. States of Matter4.1 The Gaseous State0/04.1.1 Gas Pressure and Particle Collisions4.1.2 Ideal Gas Characteristics4.1.3 Ideal Gas Law Applications4.2 Bonding and Structure in Solids0/04.2.1 Lattice Structures4.2.2 Physical Properties and Bonding in Solid Structures4.2.3 Deduction of Bonding Types5. Chemical Energetics5.1 Enthalpy Changes (ΔH)0/05.1.1 Nature of Enthalpy Changes in Chemical Reactions5.1.2 Reaction Pathway Diagrams5.1.3 Standard Conditions and Enthalpy Terms5.1.4 Bond Energies and Reaction Energy Transfers5.1.5 Calculating Enthalpy Changes from Experiments5.2 Hess's Law and Energy Cycles0/05.2.1 Application of Hess’s Law5.2.2 Calculations Using Energy Cycles5. Chemical Energetics5.1 Enthalpy Changes (ΔH)0/05.1.1 Nature of Enthalpy Changes in Chemical Reactions5.1.2 Reaction Pathway Diagrams5.1.3 Standard Conditions and Enthalpy Terms5.1.4 Bond Energies and Reaction Energy Transfers5.1.5 Calculating Enthalpy Changes from Experiments5.2 Hess's Law and Energy Cycles0/05.2.1 Application of Hess’s Law5.2.2 Calculations Using Energy Cycles6. Electrochemistry6.1 Redox Processes: Electron Transfer and Oxidation States0/06.1.1 Oxidation Numbers and Balancing Equations6.1.2 Understanding Redox Terminology6.1.3 Agents in Redox Reactions6. Electrochemistry6.1 Redox Processes: Electron Transfer and Oxidation States0/06.1.1 Oxidation Numbers and Balancing Equations6.1.2 Understanding Redox Terminology6.1.3 Agents in Redox Reactions7. Equilibria7.1 Chemical Equilibria0/07.1.1 Reversible Reactions and Dynamic Equilibrium7.1.2 Le Chatelier’s Principle7.2 Acids, Bases, and Salts0/07.2.1 Brønsted–Lowry Theory in Acids, Bases, and Salts7.2.2 Understanding pH and Neutralisation7.2.3 Titration and Indicators7. Equilibria7.1 Chemical Equilibria0/07.1.1 Reversible Reactions and Dynamic Equilibrium7.1.2 Le Chatelier’s Principle7.2 Acids, Bases, and Salts0/07.2.1 Brønsted–Lowry Theory in Acids, Bases, and Salts7.2.2 Understanding pH and Neutralisation7.2.3 Titration and Indicators8. Reaction Kinetics8.1 Rate of Reaction0/08.1.1 Understanding Rate of Reaction8.1.2 Factors Affecting Reaction Rate8.2 Temperature and Activation Energy0/0 8.2.1 Activation Energy: The Gateway to Chemical Reactions8.2.2 Temperature Effects on Reaction Rates8.3 Catalysts in Reactions0/08.3.1 Understanding Catalysts8. Reaction Kinetics8.1 Rate of Reaction0/08.1.1 Understanding Rate of Reaction8.1.2 Factors Affecting Reaction Rate8.2 Temperature and Activation Energy0/0 8.2.1 Activation Energy: The Gateway to Chemical Reactions8.2.2 Temperature Effects on Reaction Rates8.3 Catalysts in Reactions0/08.3.1 Understanding Catalysts9. The Periodic Table: Chemical PeriodicityPremium9.1 Periodicity of Physical Properties in Period 30/09.1.1 Atomic and Ionic Radii in Period 39.1.2 Melting Points and Electrical Conductivity9.2 Periodicity of Chemical Properties in Period 30/09.2.1 Reactions with Oxygen, Chlorine, and Water9.2.2 Oxidation States of Oxides and Chlorides in Period 3 Elements9.2.3 Reactions of Oxides with Water and pH9.2.4 Acid/Base Behaviour of Oxides and Hydroxides in Period 39.2.5 Reactions of Chlorides with Water and pH9.2.6 Trends in Bonding and Electronegativity in Period 3 Elements9.3 Chemical Periodicity Beyond Period 30/09.3.1 Predicting Properties of Other Elements Beyond Period 39. The Periodic Table: Chemical PeriodicityPremium9.1 Periodicity of Physical Properties in Period 30/09.1.1 Atomic and Ionic Radii in Period 39.1.2 Melting Points and Electrical Conductivity9.2 Periodicity of Chemical Properties in Period 30/09.2.1 Reactions with Oxygen, Chlorine, and Water9.2.2 Oxidation States of Oxides and Chlorides in Period 3 Elements9.2.3 Reactions of Oxides with Water and pH9.2.4 Acid/Base Behaviour of Oxides and Hydroxides in Period 39.2.5 Reactions of Chlorides with Water and pH9.2.6 Trends in Bonding and Electronegativity in Period 3 Elements9.3 Chemical Periodicity Beyond Period 30/09.3.1 Predicting Properties of Other Elements Beyond Period 310. Group 2Premium10.1 Properties and Trends0/010.1.1 Reactions of Group 2 Elements10.1.2 Reactions of Group 2 Compounds10.1.3 Thermal Decomposition of Group 2 Nitrates and Carbonates10.1.4 Physical and Chemical Trends in Group 2 Elements10. Group 2Premium10.1 Properties and Trends0/010.1.1 Reactions of Group 2 Elements10.1.2 Reactions of Group 2 Compounds10.1.3 Thermal Decomposition of Group 2 Nitrates and Carbonates10.1.4 Physical and Chemical Trends in Group 2 Elements11. Group 17Premium11.1 Physical Properties of Group 17 Elements0/011.1.1 Colors and Volatility of Group 17 Elements11.1.2 Bond Strength Trends in Halogen Molecules11.2 Chemical Properties of Group 17 Elements0/011.2.1 Reactivity as Oxidizing Agents in Group 17 Elements11.2.2 Reactions of Halogens with Hydrogen11.2.3 Thermal Stability of Hydrogen Halides11.3 Reactions of Halide Ions0/011.3.1 Reducing Power of Halide Ions11.3.2 Reactions with Silver Ions and Sulfuric Acid11.4 Chlorine Reactions0/011.4.1 Chlorine and Disproportionation Reactions11. Group 17Premium11.1 Physical Properties of Group 17 Elements0/011.1.1 Colors and Volatility of Group 17 Elements11.1.2 Bond Strength Trends in Halogen Molecules11.2 Chemical Properties of Group 17 Elements0/011.2.1 Reactivity as Oxidizing Agents in Group 17 Elements11.2.2 Reactions of Halogens with Hydrogen11.2.3 Thermal Stability of Hydrogen Halides11.3 Reactions of Halide Ions0/011.3.1 Reducing Power of Halide Ions11.3.2 Reactions with Silver Ions and Sulfuric Acid11.4 Chlorine Reactions0/011.4.1 Chlorine and Disproportionation Reactions12. Nitrogen and SulfurPremium12.1 Nitrogen0/012.1.1 Nitrogen's Reactivity and Its Triple Bond12.1.2 Ammonia and Ammonium12.1.3 Oxides of Nitrogen12.2 Sulfur0/012.2.1 Oxides of Sulfur and Acid Rain12. Nitrogen and SulfurPremium12.1 Nitrogen0/012.1.1 Nitrogen's Reactivity and Its Triple Bond12.1.2 Ammonia and Ammonium12.1.3 Oxides of Nitrogen12.2 Sulfur0/012.2.1 Oxides of Sulfur and Acid Rain13. Organic ChemistryPremium13.1 Formulas, Functional Groups, and Naming0/013.1.1 Hydrocarbons and Functional Groups13.1.2 Organic Formulas and Nomenclature13.2 Characteristic Organic Reactions0/013.2.1 Introduction to Reaction Terminology in Organic Chemistry13.2.2 Reaction Mechanisms13.3 Shapes of Organic Molecules0/013.3.1 Molecular Structure and Bonding13.4 Isomerism0/013.4.1 Introduction to Structural Isomerism13.4.2 Introduction to Stereoisomerism in Organic Chemistry13.4.3 Isomer Deduction in Organic Chemistry13. Organic ChemistryPremium13.1 Formulas, Functional Groups, and Naming0/013.1.1 Hydrocarbons and Functional Groups13.1.2 Organic Formulas and Nomenclature13.2 Characteristic Organic Reactions0/013.2.1 Introduction to Reaction Terminology in Organic Chemistry13.2.2 Reaction Mechanisms13.3 Shapes of Organic Molecules0/013.3.1 Molecular Structure and Bonding13.4 Isomerism0/013.4.1 Introduction to Structural Isomerism13.4.2 Introduction to Stereoisomerism in Organic Chemistry13.4.3 Isomer Deduction in Organic Chemistry14. HydrocarbonsPremium14.1 Alkanes0/014.1.1 Production Methods of Alkanes14.1.2 Combustion Reactions of Alkanes14.1.3 Free Radical Substitution in Alkanes14.1.4 Reaction Mechanisms14.1.5 Cracking and Environmental Impact14.1.6 Chemical Reactivity of Alkanes14.2 Alkenes0/ Production Methods: Alkenes14.2.1.2 Dehydration Reactions in Alkenes14.2.1.3 From Cracking14.2.2 Electrophilic Addition Reactions14.2.3 Test for Unsaturation in Alkenes14.2.4 Mechanism and Stability in Alkenes14. HydrocarbonsPremium14.1 Alkanes0/014.1.1 Production Methods of Alkanes14.1.2 Combustion Reactions of Alkanes14.1.3 Free Radical Substitution in Alkanes14.1.4 Reaction Mechanisms14.1.5 Cracking and Environmental Impact14.1.6 Chemical Reactivity of Alkanes14.2 Alkenes0/ Production Methods: Alkenes14.2.1.2 Dehydration Reactions in Alkenes14.2.1.3 From Cracking14.2.2 Electrophilic Addition Reactions14.2.3 Test for Unsaturation in Alkenes14.2.4 Mechanism and Stability in Alkenes15. Halogen CompoundsPremium15.1 Halogenoalkanes0/015.1.1 Synthesis of Halogenoalkanes15.1.2 Classification and Nucleophilic Substitution15.1.3 Elimination and Reaction Mechanisms in Halogenoalkanes 15.1.4 Reactivity and Bond Strengths in Halogenoalkanes15.1.5 Environmental Impact of Halogenoalkane Emissions15. Halogen CompoundsPremium15.1 Halogenoalkanes0/015.1.1 Synthesis of Halogenoalkanes15.1.2 Classification and Nucleophilic Substitution15.1.3 Elimination and Reaction Mechanisms in Halogenoalkanes 15.1.4 Reactivity and Bond Strengths in Halogenoalkanes15.1.5 Environmental Impact of Halogenoalkane Emissions16. Hydroxy CompoundsPremium16.1 Alcohols0/016.1.3 Classification and Identification of Alcohols16.1.1 Synthesis of Alcohols16.1.2 Reactions Involving Alcohols16.1.4 Acidity of Alcohols16. Hydroxy CompoundsPremium16.1 Alcohols0/016.1.3 Classification and Identification of Alcohols16.1.1 Synthesis of Alcohols16.1.2 Reactions Involving Alcohols16.1.4 Acidity of Alcohols17. Carbonyl CompoundsPremium17.1 Aldehydes and Ketones0/017.1.1 Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones17.1.2 Reduction and Nucleophilic Addition17.1.3 Mechanism of Cyanohydrin Formation17.1.4 Detection of Carbonyl Compounds with 2,4-DNPH (Brady's Reagent)17.1.5 Discrimination Tests for Carbonyl Compounds17.1.6 Iodoform Test for Methyl Carbonyls17. Carbonyl CompoundsPremium17.1 Aldehydes and Ketones0/017.1.1 Synthesis of Aldehydes and Ketones17.1.2 Reduction and Nucleophilic Addition17.1.3 Mechanism of Cyanohydrin Formation17.1.4 Detection of Carbonyl Compounds with 2,4-DNPH (Brady's Reagent)17.1.5 Discrimination Tests for Carbonyl Compounds17.1.6 Iodoform Test for Methyl Carbonyls18. Carboxylic Acids and DerivativesPremium18.1 Carboxylic Acids0/018.1.1 Synthesis of Carboxylic Acids18.1.2 Reactions of Carboxylic Acids18.2 Esters0/018.2.1 Formation of Esters18.2.2 Hydrolysis of Esters18. Carboxylic Acids and DerivativesPremium18.1 Carboxylic Acids0/018.1.1 Synthesis of Carboxylic Acids18.1.2 Reactions of Carboxylic Acids18.2 Esters0/018.2.1 Formation of Esters18.2.2 Hydrolysis of Esters19. Nitrogen CompoundsPremium19.1 Primary Amines0/019.1.1 Synthesis of Primary Amines19.2 Nitriles and Hydroxynitriles0/019.2.1 Formation of Nitriles19.2.3 Hydrolysis of Nitriles to Carboxylic Acids19.2.2 Formation of Hydroxynitriles19. Nitrogen CompoundsPremium19.1 Primary Amines0/019.1.1 Synthesis of Primary Amines19.2 Nitriles and Hydroxynitriles0/019.2.1 Formation of Nitriles19.2.3 Hydrolysis of Nitriles to Carboxylic Acids19.2.2 Formation of Hydroxynitriles20. PolymerisationPremium20.1 Addition Polymerisation0/020.1.1 Addition Polymerisation: Description and Process20.1.2 Deduction of Repeat Units in Addition Polymerisation20.1.3 Environmental Considerations in Addition Polymerisation20. PolymerisationPremium20.1 Addition Polymerisation0/020.1.1 Addition Polymerisation: Description and Process20.1.2 Deduction of Repeat Units in Addition Polymerisation20.1.3 Environmental Considerations in Addition Polymerisation21. Organic SynthesisPremium21.1 Organic Synthesis Strategies0/021.1.1 Functional Group Identification in Organic Chemistry21.1.2 Predicting Properties and Reactions in Organic Chemistry21.1.3 Devising Synthetic Routes in Organic Synthesis21.1.4 Analyzing Synthetic Routes in Organic Chemistry21. Organic SynthesisPremium21.1 Organic Synthesis Strategies0/021.1.1 Functional Group Identification in Organic Chemistry21.1.2 Predicting Properties and Reactions in Organic Chemistry21.1.3 Devising Synthetic Routes in Organic Synthesis21.1.4 Analyzing Synthetic Routes in Organic Chemistry22. Analytical TechniquesPremium22.1 Infrared Spectroscopy0/022.1.1 Analysis of IR Spectra22.2 Mass Spectrometry0/022.2.1 Analysis of Mass Spectra22.2.2 Fragmentation Patterns in Mass Spectrometry22. Analytical TechniquesPremium22.1 Infrared Spectroscopy0/022.1.1 Analysis of IR Spectra22.2 Mass Spectrometry0/022.2.1 Analysis of Mass Spectra22.2.2 Fragmentation Patterns in Mass Spectrometry23. Chemical Energetics (A Level)23.1 Lattice Energy and Born-Haber Cycles0/023.1.1 Enthalpy Change of Atomisation (ΔHₐₜₒₘᵢₛₐₜᵢₒₙ)23.1.2 Lattice Energy: Understanding ΔH_lattice in Ionic Compounds23.1.3 Electron Affinity in Chemistry23.1.4 Born-Haber Cycles in Lattice Energy Calculations23.1.5 Factors Affecting Lattice Energy23.2 Enthalpies of Solution and Hydration0/023.2.1 Enthalpy Changes in Chemistry: Exploring Hydration and Solution Processes23.2.2 Energy Cycles in Chemistry23.2.3 Effects of Ionic Charge and Radius on Enthalpy Change of Hydration23.3 Entropy Change, ΔS0/023.3.1 Entropy: The Measure of Disorder in Systems23.3.2 Calculating Entropy Change, ΔS23.4 Gibbs Free Energy Change, ΔG0/023.4.1 Gibbs Free Energy Change, ΔG23.4.2 Predicting Reaction Feasibility: Understanding ΔG23. Chemical Energetics (A Level)23.1 Lattice Energy and Born-Haber Cycles0/023.1.1 Enthalpy Change of Atomisation (ΔHₐₜₒₘᵢₛₐₜᵢₒₙ)23.1.2 Lattice Energy: Understanding ΔH_lattice in Ionic Compounds23.1.3 Electron Affinity in Chemistry23.1.4 Born-Haber Cycles in Lattice Energy Calculations23.1.5 Factors Affecting Lattice Energy23.2 Enthalpies of Solution and Hydration0/023.2.1 Enthalpy Changes in Chemistry: Exploring Hydration and Solution Processes23.2.2 Energy Cycles in Chemistry23.2.3 Effects of Ionic Charge and Radius on Enthalpy Change of Hydration23.3 Entropy Change, ΔS0/023.3.1 Entropy: The Measure of Disorder in Systems23.3.2 Calculating Entropy Change, ΔS23.4 Gibbs Free Energy Change, ΔG0/023.4.1 Gibbs Free Energy Change, ΔG23.4.2 Predicting Reaction Feasibility: Understanding ΔG24.Electrochemistry (A Level)24.1 Electrolysis0/024.1.1 Principles of Electrolysis24.1.2 Calculations in Electrolysis24.1.3 Avogadro Constant Determination through Electrolysis24.2 Standard Electrode Potentials and Cell Potentials0/024.2.1 Introduction to Electrode Potentials24.2.2 Measurement Techniques in Electrochemistry24.2.3 Cell Potential Calculations24.2.4 Electrode Potentials and Reactivity24.2.5 Nernst Equation and Applications24.Electrochemistry (A Level)24.1 Electrolysis0/024.1.1 Principles of Electrolysis24.1.2 Calculations in Electrolysis24.1.3 Avogadro Constant Determination through Electrolysis24.2 Standard Electrode Potentials and Cell Potentials0/024.2.1 Introduction to Electrode Potentials24.2.2 Measurement Techniques in Electrochemistry24.2.3 Cell Potential Calculations24.2.4 Electrode Potentials and Reactivity24.2.5 Nernst Equation and Applications25. Equilibria (A Level)25.1 Acids and Bases0/025.1.1 Acid-Base Conjugates25.1.2 pH and Acidity Constants25.1.3 Buffer Solutions25.1.4 Buffer Solution pH Calculations25.1.5 Understanding Solubility Product (Ksp) and Common Ion Effect in Chemistry25.2 Partition Coefficients0/025.2.1 Partition Coefficient Fundamentals25.2.2 Calculations and Applications of Partition Coefficients25.2.3 Factors Affecting the Partition Coefficient (Kpc)25. Equilibria (A Level)25.1 Acids and Bases0/025.1.1 Acid-Base Conjugates25.1.2 pH and Acidity Constants25.1.3 Buffer Solutions25.1.4 Buffer Solution pH Calculations25.1.5 Understanding Solubility Product (Ksp) and Common Ion Effect in Chemistry25.2 Partition Coefficients0/025.2.1 Partition Coefficient Fundamentals25.2.2 Calculations and Applications of Partition Coefficients25.2.3 Factors Affecting the Partition Coefficient (Kpc)26. Reaction Kinetics (A Level)26.1 Simple Rate Equations, Orders of Reaction, and Rate Constants0/026.1.1 Rate Equations and Reaction Orders26.1.2 Kinetics of Multi-Step Reactions26.2 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysts0/026.2.1 Mechanisms of Catalysis26. Reaction Kinetics (A Level)26.1 Simple Rate Equations, Orders of Reaction, and Rate Constants0/026.1.1 Rate Equations and Reaction Orders26.1.2 Kinetics of Multi-Step Reactions26.2 Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysts0/026.2.1 Mechanisms of Catalysis27. Group 2 (A Level)Premium27.1 Group 2 Elements and Compounds0/027.1.1 Thermal Stability of Group 2 Compounds27.1.2 Group 2 Elements: Solubility and Enthalpy Changes27. Group 2 (A Level)Premium27.1 Group 2 Elements and Compounds0/027.1.1 Thermal Stability of Group 2 Compounds27.1.2 Group 2 Elements: Solubility and Enthalpy Changes28. Chemistry of Transition Elements (A Level)Premium28.1 General Properties of Transition Elements0/028.1.1 Characteristics of Transition Elements28.1.2 Catalytic Properties and Complex Formation of Transition Elements28.2 Chemical Properties and Reactions0/028.2.1 Complexes and Ligands Element28.3 Colour of Complexes0/028.3.1 Introduction to Orbital Splitting and Colour in Complexes28.4 Stereoisomerism in Complexes0/028.4.1 Stereoisomerism in Complexes28.5 Stability Constants0/028.5.1 Defining and Calculating Stability Constants28. Chemistry of Transition Elements (A Level)Premium28.1 General Properties of Transition Elements0/028.1.1 Characteristics of Transition Elements28.1.2 Catalytic Properties and Complex Formation of Transition Elements28.2 Chemical Properties and Reactions0/028.2.1 Complexes and Ligands Element28.3 Colour of Complexes0/028.3.1 Introduction to Orbital Splitting and Colour in Complexes28.4 Stereoisomerism in Complexes0/028.4.1 Stereoisomerism in Complexes28.5 Stability Constants0/028.5.1 Defining and Calculating Stability Constants29. An Introduction to A Level Organic Chemistry (A Level)Premium29.4 Isomerism: Optical0/029.4.1 Optical Isomerism and Biological Activity29.4.2 Racemic Mixtures and Chiral Synthesis29.1 Formulas, Functional Groups, and Naming0/029.1.1 Understanding Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry29.1.2 Mastery of Organic Formulas29.1.3 Systematic Nomenclature of Organic Compounds29.2 Characteristic Organic Reactions0/029.2.1 Understanding Organic Reaction Mechanisms29.3 Shapes of Aromatic Molecules0/029.3.1 Introduction to Benzene Structure and Aromaticity29. An Introduction to A Level Organic Chemistry (A Level)Premium29.4 Isomerism: Optical0/029.4.1 Optical Isomerism and Biological Activity29.4.2 Racemic Mixtures and Chiral Synthesis29.1 Formulas, Functional Groups, and Naming0/029.1.1 Understanding Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry29.1.2 Mastery of Organic Formulas29.1.3 Systematic Nomenclature of Organic Compounds29.2 Characteristic Organic Reactions0/029.2.1 Understanding Organic Reaction Mechanisms29.3 Shapes of Aromatic Molecules0/029.3.1 Introduction to Benzene Structure and Aromaticity30. Hydrocarbons (A Level)Premium30.1 Arenes0/030.1.1 Chemistry and Reactions of Arenes 30.1.2 Mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution in Arenes30.1.3 Positional Selectivity in Halogenation30.1.4 Substituent Directing Effects in Electrophilic Substitution30. Hydrocarbons (A Level)Premium30.1 Arenes0/030.1.1 Chemistry and Reactions of Arenes 30.1.2 Mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution in Arenes30.1.3 Positional Selectivity in Halogenation30.1.4 Substituent Directing Effects in Electrophilic Substitution31. Halogen Compounds (A Level)Premium31.1 Halogen Compounds0/031.1.1 Production of Halogenoarenes31.1.2 Reactivity of Halogenoalkanes vs. Halogenoarenes31. Halogen Compounds (A Level)Premium31.1 Halogen Compounds0/031.1.1 Production of Halogenoarenes31.1.2 Reactivity of Halogenoalkanes vs. Halogenoarenes32. Hydroxy Compounds (A Level)Premium32.1 Alcohols0/032.1.1 Reaction of Alcohols with Acyl Chlorides32.2 Phenol0/032.2.1 Production of Phenol from Phenylamine32.2.2 Reactions Involving Phenol32.2.3 Acidic Nature of Phenol32.2.4 Comparative Reactivity in Nitration and Bromination of Phenol and Benzene32.2.5 Substituent Effects in Phenol32.2.6 Reactions of Other Phenolic Compounds32. Hydroxy Compounds (A Level)Premium32.1 Alcohols0/032.1.1 Reaction of Alcohols with Acyl Chlorides32.2 Phenol0/032.2.1 Production of Phenol from Phenylamine32.2.2 Reactions Involving Phenol32.2.3 Acidic Nature of Phenol32.2.4 Comparative Reactivity in Nitration and Bromination of Phenol and Benzene32.2.5 Substituent Effects in Phenol32.2.6 Reactions of Other Phenolic Compounds33. Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives (A Level)Premium33.1 Carboxylic Acids0/033.1.1 Synthesis of Benzoic Acid33.1.2 Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Acyl Chlorides33.1.3 Oxidation Reactions of Carboxylic Acids33.1.4 Comparative Acid Strengths in Carboxylic Acids33.2 Esters0/033.2.1 Esterification of Alcohols and Acyl Chlorides33.3 Acyl Chlorides0/033.3.1 Production of Acyl Chlorides33.3.2 Reactions Involving Acyl Chlorides33.3.3 Reaction Mechanisms of Acyl Chlorides33.3.4 Hydrolysis Comparison: Acyl Chlorides, Alkyl Chlorides, and Halogenoarenes33. Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives (A Level)Premium33.1 Carboxylic Acids0/033.1.1 Synthesis of Benzoic Acid33.1.2 Conversion of Carboxylic Acids to Acyl Chlorides33.1.3 Oxidation Reactions of Carboxylic Acids33.1.4 Comparative Acid Strengths in Carboxylic Acids33.2 Esters0/033.2.1 Esterification of Alcohols and Acyl Chlorides33.3 Acyl Chlorides0/033.3.1 Production of Acyl Chlorides33.3.2 Reactions Involving Acyl Chlorides33.3.3 Reaction Mechanisms of Acyl Chlorides33.3.4 Hydrolysis Comparison: Acyl Chlorides, Alkyl Chlorides, and Halogenoarenes34. Nitrogen Compounds (A Level)Premium34.1 Primary and Secondary Amines0/034.1.1 Synthesis of Amines34.1.2 Amine and Acyl Chloride Reactions34.1.3 Basicity of Amines in Aqueous Solutions34.2 Phenylamine and Azo Compounds0/034.2.1 Preparation of Phenylamine34.2.2 Reactions of Phenylamine34.2.3 Basicity of Phenylamine34.2.4 Azo Compounds and Dyes34.3 Amides0/034.3.1 Amide Formation34.3.2 Amide Reactions34.3.3 Amide Basicity34.4 Amino Acids0/034.4.1 Properties and Zwitterions34.4.2 Peptide Bonding in Amino Acids34.4.3 Amino Acid Electrophoresis34. Nitrogen Compounds (A Level)Premium34.1 Primary and Secondary Amines0/034.1.1 Synthesis of Amines34.1.2 Amine and Acyl Chloride Reactions34.1.3 Basicity of Amines in Aqueous Solutions34.2 Phenylamine and Azo Compounds0/034.2.1 Preparation of Phenylamine34.2.2 Reactions of Phenylamine34.2.3 Basicity of Phenylamine34.2.4 Azo Compounds and Dyes34.3 Amides0/034.3.1 Amide Formation34.3.2 Amide Reactions34.3.3 Amide Basicity34.4 Amino Acids0/034.4.1 Properties and Zwitterions34.4.2 Peptide Bonding in Amino Acids34.4.3 Amino Acid Electrophoresis35. Polymerisation (A Level)Premium35.1 Condensation Polymerisation0/035.1.1 Introduction to Polyesters Formation35.1.2 Polyamides Formation35.1.3 Repeat Unit Deduction in Condensation Polymers35.1.4 Monomer Identification in Condensation Polymers35.2 Predicting the Type of Polymerisation0/035.2.1 Predicting the Type of Polymerisation35.2.2 Polymer Section Analysis35.3 Degradable Polymers0/035.3.1 Poly(alkenes) and Biodegradation35.3.2 Light-Degradable Polymers35.3.3 Biodegradation of Polyesters and Polyamides35. Polymerisation (A Level)Premium35.1 Condensation Polymerisation0/035.1.1 Introduction to Polyesters Formation35.1.2 Polyamides Formation35.1.3 Repeat Unit Deduction in Condensation Polymers35.1.4 Monomer Identification in Condensation Polymers35.2 Predicting the Type of Polymerisation0/035.2.1 Predicting the Type of Polymerisation35.2.2 Polymer Section Analysis35.3 Degradable Polymers0/035.3.1 Poly(alkenes) and Biodegradation35.3.2 Light-Degradable Polymers35.3.3 Biodegradation of Polyesters and Polyamides36. Organic Synthesis (A Level)Premium36.1 Organic Synthesis0/036.1.1 Functional Group Identification in Organic Synthesis36.1.2 Prediction of Properties and Reactions in Organic Molecules36.1.3 Multi-Step Synthesis Design in Organic Chemistry36. Organic Synthesis (A Level)Premium36.1 Organic Synthesis0/036.1.1 Functional Group Identification in Organic Synthesis36.1.2 Prediction of Properties and Reactions in Organic Molecules36.1.3 Multi-Step Synthesis Design in Organic Chemistry37. Analytical Techniques (A Level)Premium37.1 Thin-layer Chromatography (TLC)0/037.1.3 Understanding Rf Values and Molecular Interaction in Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC)37.1.1 Understanding TLC Components37.1.2 Rf Values Interpretation37.2 Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC)0/037.2.2 Chromatogram Analysis in Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC)37.2.1 Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC) Technique Fundamentals37.2.3 Retention Time Explanation in Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC)37.3 Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy0/037.3.1 Carbon-13 NMR Spectrum Analysis37.3.2 Peak Prediction in Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy37.4 Proton (1H) NMR Spectroscopy0/037.4.3 NMR Reference and Solvent Use37.4.2 Chemical Shifts and Splitting Patterns in Proton (1H) NMR Spectroscopy37.4.4 Identification with Proton Exchange in 1H NMR Spectroscopy37.4.1 Proton (1H) NMR Spectrum Analysis37. Analytical Techniques (A Level)Premium37.1 Thin-layer Chromatography (TLC)0/037.1.3 Understanding Rf Values and Molecular Interaction in Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC)37.1.1 Understanding TLC Components37.1.2 Rf Values Interpretation37.2 Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC)0/037.2.2 Chromatogram Analysis in Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC)37.2.1 Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC) Technique Fundamentals37.2.3 Retention Time Explanation in Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC)37.3 Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy0/037.3.1 Carbon-13 NMR Spectrum Analysis37.3.2 Peak Prediction in Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy37.4 Proton (1H) NMR Spectroscopy0/037.4.3 NMR Reference and Solvent Use37.4.2 Chemical Shifts and Splitting Patterns in Proton (1H) NMR Spectroscopy37.4.4 Identification with Proton Exchange in 1H NMR Spectroscopy37.4.1 Proton (1H) NMR Spectrum Analysis