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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

11.4.1 Chlorine and Disproportionation Reactions

In the fascinating world of chemistry, chlorine stands out due to its versatile nature and its involvement in disproportionation reactions. For A-Level Chemistry students, a deep understanding of these reactions is crucial, as they highlight fundamental concepts in redox chemistry and the practical applications of chlorine, especially in water purification.

Understanding Disproportionation Reactions

Defining Disproportionation

Disproportionation reactions are unique redox reactions where a single element undergoes both oxidation and reduction simultaneously. These reactions are essential for illustrating the dual behavior of certain elements, like chlorine, under different conditions.

Chlorine's Role in Disproportionation

Chlorine, being a highly reactive halogen, is an excellent candidate for disproportionation reactions. It exhibits the ability to accept and donate electrons, thus undergoing oxidation and reduction within the same reaction.

Chlorine and Sodium Hydroxide Reactions

Reaction with Cold Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide

When chlorine gas is introduced to cold aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH), it undergoes disproportionation, forming sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium chlorate(I) (NaClO), and water (H₂O). The chemical equation for this reaction is:

( Cl₂ (g) + 2NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + NaClO (aq) + H₂O (l) )

In this process, the chlorine molecule is both reduced to form chloride ions (Cl⁻) and oxidised to form chlorate(I) ions (ClO⁻). The oxidation states of chlorine in the products are -1 (in NaCl) and +1 (in NaClO), contrasting with its zero oxidation state in molecular chlorine.

Reaction of chlorine gas with Cold Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide

Image courtesy of AdiChemistry

Reaction with Hot Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide

When the reaction involves hot aqueous sodium hydroxide, the products differ. The disproportionation of chlorine in this condition results in the formation of sodium chloride, sodium chlorate(V) (NaClO₃), and water:

( 3Cl₂ (g) + 6NaOH (aq) → 5NaCl (aq) + NaClO₃ (aq) + 3H₂O (l) )

In this reaction, the chlorine is reduced to chloride ions and oxidised to chlorate(V) ions (ClO₃⁻). The oxidation states change from 0 in Cl₂ to -1 in NaCl and +5 in NaClO₃. This reaction is significant for its ability to produce a higher oxidation state of chlorine.

Reaction of chlorine gas with Hot Aqueous Sodium Hydroxide

Image courtesy of AdiChemistry

Chlorine in Water Purification

Chlorine's use in water purification is a prime example of its practical applications in everyday life, demonstrating chemistry's role in public health and safety.

Formation of Hypochlorous Acid and Hypochlorite Ions

When chlorine is added to water, it reacts to produce hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ions (ClO⁻). The reaction can be represented as:

( Cl₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → HOCl (aq) + H⁺ (aq) + Cl⁻ (aq) )

Subsequently, hypochlorous acid partially dissociates in water to form hypochlorite ions and hydrogen ions:

( HOCl (aq) ⇌ H⁺ (aq) + ClO⁻ (aq) )

Bactericidal Action

The bactericidal action of hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions is primarily due to their ability to disrupt the cellular processes of microorganisms. These compounds penetrate the cell walls of bacteria and interfere with vital cellular functions, leading to the inactivation or destruction of the bacteria. This mechanism is central to the effectiveness of chlorine in water purification.

Chlorine in Water Purification

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Safety Considerations in Chlorination

While chlorination is highly effective in making water safe for consumption, it's crucial to manage the concentration of chlorine carefully. Excessive chlorine can have adverse effects on human health and the environment. Therefore, regular monitoring and adherence to stringent safety guidelines are essential in the chlorination process.

Educational Importance of These Reactions

For A-Level Chemistry students, studying the disproportionation reactions of chlorine offers more than just an academic exercise. It provides a comprehensive understanding of:

  • Redox reactions: Demonstrating oxidation and reduction processes occurring simultaneously.
  • Chemical equilibrium: Understanding the dynamic nature of chemical reactions and the conditions that influence them.
  • Real-world applications: Appreciating how chemistry is applied in everyday processes, particularly in public health through water purification.

In-depth knowledge of these reactions not only reinforces the principles of chemistry but also connects theoretical concepts to practical applications. These reactions serve as a bridge between classroom learning and the real-world impact of chemical science.

In conclusion, the study of chlorine in disproportionation reactions, especially with sodium hydroxide, and its role in water purification, offers A-Level Chemistry students a thorough understanding of essential chemical principles. This knowledge is not only foundational for their academic growth but also crucial for appreciating the practical implications of chemistry in our daily lives.


The use of chlorine for water purification, while effective in disinfecting and making water safe for consumption, has several environmental implications. When chlorine reacts with organic matter in water, it can form disinfection by-products (DBPs) like trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs), which are potentially harmful to human health and the environment. These compounds have been linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer and reproductive issues. Additionally, residual chlorine discharged into natural water bodies can be toxic to aquatic life, affecting biodiversity and ecosystem health. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully manage chlorine levels in treated water and to explore alternative or supplementary disinfection methods that minimise the formation of harmful by-products. This highlights the importance of balancing the need for effective water purification with environmental protection and sustainability.

The formation of chlorate(I) and chlorate(V) in chlorine disproportionation reactions is an excellent demonstration of oxidation states and their changes during a chemical reaction. In the disproportionation reaction with cold aqueous sodium hydroxide, chlorine (initially at an oxidation state of 0 in Cl₂) is both reduced to form chloride ions (Cl⁻, oxidation state of -1) and oxidised to form chlorate(I) ions (ClO⁻, oxidation state of +1). In the reaction with hot sodium hydroxide, chlorine is again reduced to chloride ions and oxidised to chlorate(V) ions (ClO₃⁻, oxidation state of +5). These reactions exemplify how a single element can simultaneously undergo oxidation and reduction, changing its oxidation state in the process. Understanding these changes in oxidation states is key to grasping the fundamentals of redox reactions, a central concept in chemistry.

Chlorine disproportionation reactions have applications beyond water purification, playing a significant role in various industrial processes. One notable application is in the production of bleach and disinfectants. Sodium hypochlorite (NaClO), a product of chlorine's disproportionation with cold aqueous sodium hydroxide, is a key ingredient in bleach and is widely used for disinfection and as a bleaching agent. Furthermore, sodium chlorate (NaClO₃), produced from the reaction with hot sodium hydroxide, is used in the paper and pulp industry for bleaching wood pulp. It's also used in the manufacture of herbicides. These reactions exemplify how understanding chemical processes can lead to diverse and practical applications in different industries, showcasing the versatility of chlorine and its compounds in commercial and industrial contexts.

Controlling the pH level in chlorinated water is crucial for water purification because it directly affects the efficacy and stability of the chlorine disinfectants. Chlorine, when added to water, primarily forms hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ions (ClO⁻). The balance between these two species is pH-dependent. At lower pH levels, more hypochlorous acid is present, which is a more effective disinfectant than hypochlorite ions. Conversely, at higher pH values, the concentration of hypochlorite ions increases, reducing the disinfecting efficiency. Additionally, extreme pH levels can lead to the formation of harmful by-products or degrade the disinfectants. Maintaining an optimal pH (typically around 7.0 to 8.0) ensures the maximum effectiveness of chlorine as a bactericidal agent while minimizing potential negative impacts. This balance is crucial for ensuring that the water is safe for consumption and free from harmful pathogens.

The outcome of the disproportionation reaction between chlorine and sodium hydroxide is influenced by several factors, most notably the temperature of the sodium hydroxide solution. When chlorine gas reacts with cold aqueous sodium hydroxide, the products are sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium chlorate(I) (NaClO). However, if the sodium hydroxide solution is hot, the reaction produces sodium chloride and sodium chlorate(V) (NaClO₃). This difference in products is due to the varying reactivity of chlorine at different temperatures. Additionally, the concentration of sodium hydroxide can also impact the reaction. Higher concentrations may lead to more complete reactions, yielding distinct products in different proportions. Furthermore, the reaction's kinetics, influenced by factors such as the mixing rate and the surface area of the reactants, can affect the reaction rate and thus the yield of the products. This reaction demonstrates the importance of reaction conditions in determining the outcome in chemical processes.

Practice Questions

Explain the disproportionation reaction of chlorine with cold aqueous sodium hydroxide, including the chemical equation, products formed, and the change in oxidation states of chlorine.

Chlorine gas reacts with cold aqueous sodium hydroxide to form sodium chloride, sodium chlorate(I), and water. The balanced chemical equation is: Cl₂ (g) + 2NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + NaClO (aq) + H₂O (l). In this disproportionation reaction, chlorine is both oxidised and reduced. It is oxidised from an oxidation state of 0 in Cl₂ to +1 in NaClO and reduced to -1 in NaCl. This reaction demonstrates the unique ability of chlorine to undergo simultaneous oxidation and reduction, forming different products with varied oxidation states.

Describe the role of chlorine in water purification, including the chemical species formed and their bactericidal action.

In water purification, chlorine is added to water to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms. When chlorine is introduced to water, it forms hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite ions (ClO⁻) through the reaction: Cl₂ (g) + H₂O (l) → HOCl (aq) + H⁺ (aq) + Cl⁻ (aq). Both hypochlorous acid and hypochlorite ions act as potent bactericidal agents. They achieve this by penetrating the cell walls of bacteria, disrupting their metabolic processes, and thereby inactivating or killing them. This makes chlorine an effective and widely used disinfectant in water treatment processes, ensuring the water is safe for consumption.

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