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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

11.3.2 Reactions with Silver Ions and Sulfuric Acid

Halide ions exhibit distinctive reactions when they encounter silver ions and sulfuric acid. These interactions are pivotal in understanding the diverse chemistry of halides.


The chemical behaviour of halide ions in reactions with silver ions and sulfuric acid is essential for understanding their properties. These reactions form the foundation of various analytical techniques and theoretical concepts in chemistry.

Reactions of Halide Ions with Aqueous Silver Ions

Overview of Reaction Mechanism

Halide ions, specifically chloride (Cl⁻), bromide (Br⁻), and iodide (I⁻), interact with aqueous silver ions (Ag⁺) to form insoluble silver halides. This reaction is typical in the study of inorganic chemistry, demonstrating a straightforward precipitation reaction.

Experimental Observations and Theoretical Explanation

  • Silver Chloride (AgCl): Formed when chloride ions react with silver ions, resulting in a white precipitate. This occurs due to the insolubility of AgCl in water.
  • Silver Bromide (AgBr): This cream-coloured precipitate is produced when bromide ions interact with silver ions. AgBr's solubility in water is even lower than that of AgCl.
  • Silver Iodide (AgI): Iodide ions reacting with silver ions form a yellow precipitate. AgI has the lowest solubility among the three, which can be attributed to the increasing polarizability of the halide ions down the group.
Silver chloride, silver bromide and silver iodide precipitate colour

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Solubility in Aqueous Ammonia

  • Silver Chloride: Soluble in dilute aqueous ammonia due to the formation of a complex ion, enhancing its solubility.
  • Silver Bromide: Requires concentrated ammonia for solubility, indicating its greater lattice energy compared to AgCl.
  • Silver Iodide: Its insolubility in aqueous ammonia is a testament to its strong ionic lattice, which ammonia cannot disrupt.

Reactions of Halide Ions with Concentrated Sulfuric Acid

The Nature of Reactions

When halide ions interact with concentrated sulfuric acid, the reactions are more complex, involving redox and acid-base interactions. These reactions are crucial for understanding the reactivity and properties of halide ions.

Reaction Outcomes

  • Reaction with Chloride Ions (Cl⁻):
    • Initial reaction: ( \text{NaCl} + \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \rightarrow \text{NaHSO}_4 + \text{HCl} ). Chloride ions do not reduce sulfuric acid significantly, hence the production of HCl gas.
  • Reaction with Bromide Ions (Br⁻):
    • Initial reaction: ( \text{NaBr} + \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \rightarrow \text{NaHSO}_4 + \text{HBr} ). Bromide ions reduce sulfuric acid partially, resulting in sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and bromine (Br₂) gas.
    • Secondary reaction: ( 2\text{HBr} + \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \rightarrow \text{Br}_2 + \text{SO}_2 + 2\text{H}_2\text{O} ), illustrating the reduction of sulfuric acid.
  • Reaction with Iodide Ions (I⁻):
    • Initial reaction: ( \text{NaI} + \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \rightarrow \text{NaHSO}_4 + \text{HI} ). Iodide ions are the most reactive, reducing sulfuric acid more significantly.
    • Secondary reactions:
      • ( 6\text{HI} + \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \rightarrow 3\text{I}_2 + \text{SO}_2 + 4\text{H}_2\text{O} ).
      • ( 8\text{HI} + \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \rightarrow 4\text{I}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{S} + 4\text{H}_2\text{O} ), showing the comprehensive reduction of sulfuric acid to sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.

Understanding the Reaction Trends

The reactivity of halide ions with sulfuric acid increases down the group. This trend can be explained by the increasing atomic size and the decreasing bond energy, facilitating the reduction of sulfuric acid. Chloride ions are the least reactive, while iodide ions are the most reactive.

Significance in Analytical Chemistry

These reactions are not only academically interesting but also have practical applications in analytical chemistry. The precipitation reactions with

silver ions are used in qualitative analysis to identify the presence of specific halide ions. The different solubilities of the precipitates in ammonia further aid in this identification. Similarly, the reactions with sulfuric acid can be used to differentiate between halide ions based on the products formed.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

  • Handling Concentrated Sulfuric Acid: Due to its highly corrosive nature, handling sulfuric acid requires safety precautions like wearing protective gloves and goggles.
  • Disposal of Halide Compounds: Proper disposal methods should be followed, particularly for compounds containing bromide and iodide ions, to prevent environmental damage.
Chemistry Laboratory Practices and Safety

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These detailed insights into the reactions of halide ions with silver ions and sulfuric acid not only provide a deep understanding of their chemical properties but also highlight the importance of experimental observations in the field of chemistry. Such knowledge is vital for students who aspire to delve deeper into the realms of inorganic and analytical chemistry.

These detailed insights into the reactions of halide ions with silver ions and sulfuric acid not only provide a deep understanding of their chemical properties but also highlight the importance of experimental observations in the field of chemistry. Such knowledge is vital for students who aspire to delve deeper into the realms of inorganic and analytical chemistry.

These detailed insights into the reactions of halide ions with silver ions and sulfuric acid not only provide a deep understanding of their chemical properties but also highlight the importance of experimental observations in the field of chemistry. Such knowledge is vital for students who aspire to delve deeper into the realms of inorganic and analytical chemistry.


Understanding the solubility trends of silver halides in aqueous ammonia is vital for A-level Chemistry students for several reasons. Firstly, it illustrates fundamental chemical concepts such as lattice energy, ion polarizability, and the formation of complex ions. The solubility trend of silver halides – AgCl being soluble in dilute ammonia, AgBr requiring concentrated ammonia, and AgI being insoluble – exemplifies these concepts in action. Secondly, this knowledge is crucial in qualitative analysis, a key skill in chemistry where identifying unknown substances based on their chemical properties is essential. Students learn to use these solubility trends as a diagnostic tool to identify and differentiate between chloride, bromide, and iodide ions in mixtures. Finally, this understanding reinforces the broader theme of periodic trends across the halogen group, linking observable laboratory phenomena with theoretical chemistry principles.

The different products formed when halide ions react with concentrated sulfuric acid have significant implications. These reactions illustrate the varying reducing power of halide ions and the ability of sulfuric acid to act as an oxidising agent. For instance, the production of hydrogen chloride (HCl) from chloride ions highlights their limited reducing power. In contrast, bromide ions' ability to reduce sulfuric acid to sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and produce bromine (Br₂) indicates a greater reducing power. The most pronounced reaction is with iodide ions, where the production of iodine (I₂), sulfur dioxide (SO₂), and potentially hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) demonstrates their strong reducing capability. These reactions are fundamental in understanding redox chemistry and the chemical behaviour of halogens. They also serve as a practical tool in the laboratory for identifying and differentiating between various halide ions based on the products formed.

In a laboratory setting, the reactions of halide ions with silver ions are crucial for the qualitative analysis of halides. When a solution containing halide ions is treated with a solution of silver nitrate (AgNO₃), a precipitate forms if halide ions are present. The colour and solubility of these precipitates in ammonia help identify the specific halide ion. Silver chloride (AgCl) forms a white precipitate that readily dissolves in dilute ammonia, indicating the presence of chloride ions. Silver bromide (AgBr) produces a cream precipitate that dissolves in concentrated ammonia, suggesting bromide ions. Silver iodide (AgI), forming a yellow precipitate, is insoluble in ammonia, pointing to iodide ions. This method is highly effective due to the distinct solubility and colour differences of the silver halide precipitates, allowing for the straightforward identification of chloride, bromide, and iodide ions.

The colour variation in silver halides like silver bromide (AgBr), silver chloride (AgCl), and silver iodide (AgI) is primarily due to differences in their electronic structures, which influence how they absorb and reflect light. AgBr appears cream-coloured because it absorbs some light in the violet region of the visible spectrum, reflecting a mixture of wavelengths that give it a cream hue. On the other hand, AgCl appears white because it does not absorb significant amounts of visible light, reflecting most of it, thus appearing white. AgI is yellow because it absorbs light in the violet and some part of the blue region, reflecting a yellow hue. This absorption is related to the excitation of electrons. In AgBr and AgI, the gap between the valence band and the conduction band is small enough to allow the excitation of electrons by visible light, whereas in AgCl, this gap is larger, preventing such excitation by visible light wavelengths.

The increasing polarizability of halide ions down the group significantly affects their reactions with silver ions and sulfuric acid. Polarizability refers to the ease with which the electron cloud around an atom or ion can be distorted by an electric field, such as that created by a nearby ion or molecule. In halide ions, polarizability increases from fluoride to iodide due to the increasing size and decreasing effective nuclear charge experienced by the outermost electrons. This increased polarizability results in weaker ionic bonds in silver halides, influencing their solubility and the nature of the precipitates formed. For example, silver iodide (AgI) is less soluble than silver chloride (AgCl) due to its higher polarizability, leading to stronger interactions within the lattice. Similarly, in reactions with sulfuric acid, the greater polarizability of heavier halides like iodide allows them to act as stronger reducing agents, resulting in more vigorous and varied reaction products, such as the production of iodine and sulfur dioxide. This trend is a key aspect of understanding the chemical behaviour and reactivity of halide ions in different contexts.

Practice Questions

Describe the sequence of reactions and identify the products formed when potassium iodide (KI) is added to concentrated sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄). Explain the chemical principles underlying these reactions.

When potassium iodide (KI) reacts with concentrated sulfuric acid (H₂SO₄), a series of reactions occur. Initially, potassium sulfate (KHSO₄) and hydrogen iodide (HI) are formed: KI + H₂SO₄ → KHSO₄ + HI. The HI then reduces the sulfuric acid, resulting in the production of iodine (I₂), sulfur dioxide (SO₂), and water: 6HI + H₂SO₄ → 3I₂ + SO₂ + 4H₂O. In another possible reaction, hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) may also form: 8HI + H₂SO₄ → 4I₂ + H₂S + 4H₂O. These reactions exemplify redox processes where iodide ions serve as reducing agents, reducing sulfuric acid to sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, and are oxidised to iodine. The progression from HI to I₂, SO₂, and possibly H₂S demonstrates the strong reducing power of iodide ions.

Explain the variation in the solubility of silver halides (AgCl, AgBr, AgI) in aqueous ammonia. Discuss the factors that influence their solubility and the underlying chemical concepts.

The solubility of silver halides in aqueous ammonia varies due to differences in lattice energies and the polarizability of halide ions. Silver chloride (AgCl) is soluble in dilute ammonia because its lower lattice energy allows the formation of the complex ion [Ag(NH₃)₂]⁺, which is soluble in water. Silver bromide (AgBr) requires concentrated ammonia for dissolution due to its higher lattice energy, which makes its ionisation less favourable. Silver iodide (AgI) remains insoluble in aqueous ammonia, attributed to its even higher lattice energy and greater polarizability of the iodide ion, which strengthens the Ag-I ionic bond, making it resistant to solvation by ammonia. This variation in solubility reflects the periodic trend of increasing ionic size and polarizability down the group in halide ions.

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