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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

9.2.3 Reactions of Oxides with Water and pH

In A-level Chemistry, a profound understanding of how oxides react with water and the resultant pH of these solutions is essential. This section is dedicated to exploring these reactions in detail, particularly focusing on the formation of hydroxides or acids from oxides and the prediction of pH in the resulting solutions.

Introduction to Oxide Reactions with Water

Oxides are compounds where an oxygen atom is bonded to another element. The reaction of these oxides with water is a key aspect of Period 3 chemistry, showcasing how elements behave differently based on their position in the Periodic Table. The nature of these reactions informs us whether a solution will be acidic or basic, crucial for understanding the chemical properties of elements.

Classification of Oxides

It's pivotal to understand the types of oxides to anticipate their reactions with water:

  • Basic Oxides: Typically formed by metallic elements, these oxides react with water to yield metal hydroxides.
  • Acidic Oxides: Commonly derived from non-metals, reacting with water to form acids.
  • Amphoteric Oxides: Exhibiting both acidic and basic characteristics, like those of aluminium and zinc.
Diagram showing types of oxides and their examples.

Image courtesy of Teachoo

Detailed Reaction Mechanisms

Basic Oxides

Basic oxides react with water to form alkaline solutions of metal hydroxides. The general reaction is represented as: (Metal oxide+H2OMetal hydroxide)( \text{Metal oxide} + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow \text{Metal hydroxide} )

Specific Reactions and Equations

  • Sodium Oxide (Na2O)( \text{Na}_2\text{O} ): (Na2O+H2O2NaOH)( \text{Na}_2\text{O} + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow 2\text{NaOH} )
  • Magnesium Oxide (MgO)( \text{MgO} ): (MgO+H2OMg(OH)2)( \text{MgO} + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow \text{Mg(OH)}_2 )

These reactions are exothermic, releasing heat and forming strongly alkaline solutions.

Acidic Oxides

Acidic oxides form acids when reacting with water, contributing to acidic solutions. The general form of these reactions is: (Non-metal oxide+H2OAcid)( \text{Non-metal oxide} + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow \text{Acid} )

Specific Examples

  • Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)(\text{SO}_2): (SO2+H2OH2SO3)( \text{SO}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow \text{H}_2\text{SO}_3 ) (Sulfurous Acid)
  • Phosphorus Pentoxide (P4O10)(\text{P}4\text{O}{10}): (P4O10+6H2O4H3PO4)( \text{P}4\text{O}{10} + 6\text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow 4\text{H}_3\text{PO}_4 ) (Phosphoric Acid)

Amphoteric Oxides

Amphoteric oxides can react with both acids and bases. Aluminium oxide (Al2O3)(\text{Al}_2\text{O}_3) is a prime example. With acids, it forms aluminium salts, while with bases, it forms aluminate ions.

pH of Resulting Solutions

Basic Solutions from Basic Oxides

Solutions formed from the reaction of basic oxides with water have a pH greater than 7, indicating their basic nature. The strength of the base formed depends on the oxide. For instance, sodium hydroxide (\text{NaOH}) is a strong base, significantly increasing the pH of the solution.

Acidic Solutions from Acidic Oxides

Conversely, the acids formed from acidic oxides result in solutions with pH values lower than 7. These solutions can vary in acidity, with some acids like sulfuric acid (\text{H}_2\text{SO}_4) being strong acids, significantly lowering the pH.

Predicting pH

By understanding the nature of the oxide, it's possible to predict the pH of the resulting solution. Oxides of metallic elements tend to form basic solutions, while oxides of non-metallic elements tend to form acidic solutions.

Diagram showing Period 3 oxides and their properties.

Image courtesy of SlideServe(briar)

Transition from Basic to Acidic

There's a noticeable trend in the nature of oxides across Period 3:

  • From Sodium to Aluminium: Oxides become progressively less basic. Sodium oxide is a strong base, while aluminium oxide is amphoteric.
  • Silicon Dioxide: Acts as a transition point, being essentially neutral but leaning towards acidic.
  • From Phosphorus to Chlorine: The oxides increasingly become acidic.
    Sulfur dioxide and chlorine dioxide are examples of acidic oxides.

This trend is a reflection of the changing nature of elements across the period, from metallic to non-metallic.

Practical Applications and Implications

Environmental Implications

Acidic oxides like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are major contributors to acid rain, a significant environmental issue.

A diagram showing the process of acid rain.

Image courtesy of Climate & Weather

Industrial Relevance

The understanding of these reactions is critical in industries, especially in the production of fertilisers, where phosphoric acid is a key ingredient.


The study of oxides and their reactions with water not only enhances our understanding of chemical reactivity and periodic trends but also has significant real-world implications. It's a fundamental aspect of A-level Chemistry that bridges theoretical knowledge with practical applications.

(Note: This overview, while comprehensive, simplifies complex chemical concepts for educational purposes. Students are encouraged to explore further with experiments and additional resources.)


Amphoteric oxides are significant in chemical reactions due to their ability to react both as acids and bases. This dual reactivity makes them versatile in various chemical processes. Aluminium oxide ((\text{Al}_2\text{O}_3)) is a classic example of an amphoteric oxide. In the presence of a base, (\text{Al}_2\text{O}_3) can act as an acid, reacting to form aluminate salts. Conversely, when an acid is present, it behaves as a base, forming aluminium salts. This amphoteric nature is linked to the intermediate electronegativity of aluminium, allowing it to either donate or accept electrons in chemical reactions. The importance of amphoteric oxides lies in their application in various industrial processes, such as in water purification, where they can neutralize either acidic or basic impurities, and in the Bayer process for extracting aluminium from its ore.

Some oxides do not react with water due to their molecular structure and chemical stability. A prime example is silicon dioxide ((\text{SiO}_2)). Silicon dioxide is a giant covalent structure where each silicon atom is covalently bonded to four oxygen atoms in a tetrahedral lattice. This structure makes (\text{SiO}_2) very stable and unreactive towards water. The strong Si-O bonds in the lattice are not easily broken, and the molecule does not have the proper geometry or electronic structure to facilitate a reaction with water. Therefore, (\text{SiO}_2) remains unreactive in the presence of water, unlike other Period 3 oxides that readily form acids or bases. This lack of reactivity is a key characteristic of silicon dioxide and is a factor in its widespread use in industries, such as in glass-making and as a semiconductor material.

The reaction of certain oxides with water is directly linked to environmental issues like acid rain. Acid rain primarily results from the reaction of acidic oxides, such as sulphur dioxide ((\text{SO}_2)) and nitrogen oxides ((\text{NO}_x)), with water in the atmosphere. These oxides are mainly emitted from industrial processes and vehicle exhausts. When they react with atmospheric moisture, they form weak acids like sulphurous acid ((\text{H}_2\text{SO}3)) and nitric acid ((\text{HNO}3)). These acids then precipitate as acid rain, which can have harmful effects on ecosystems, including damage to vegetation, aquatic life, and soil chemistry. Understanding the chemical basis of these reactions is essential in addressing and mitigating the impact of acid rain. It underscores the importance of controlling industrial emissions and developing cleaner technologies to reduce the release of acidic oxides into the atmosphere.

The electronic configurations of Period 3 elements significantly influence the acidity or basicity of their oxides. At the start of the period, elements like sodium and magnesium have a lower nuclear charge and fewer electrons, leading to a weaker attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons. This makes it easier for these elements to lose electrons and form basic oxides. As we move across the period, the nuclear charge increases, and the number of electrons also increases. Elements like phosphorus, sulphur, and chlorine have a higher nuclear charge and more electrons, which strengthens the attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons. This increased attraction makes it harder for these elements to lose electrons, leading them to gain electrons instead. As a result, these elements form acidic oxides. The change from basic to acidic oxides across Period 3 reflects the increasing nuclear charge and the corresponding changes in the ease of electron loss or gain.

Acidic oxides form acids when reacting with water due to their inherent chemical nature and structure. These oxides are typically non-metal oxides and have a high affinity for hydrogen ions ((\text{H}^+)). When introduced to water ((\text{H}_2\text{O})), they readily react with the water molecules to form an acid. This reaction is essentially a transfer of hydrogen ions from the water to the oxide, resulting in the formation of an acid. For instance, carbon dioxide ((\text{CO}_2)) reacts with water to form carbonic acid ((\text{H}_2\text{CO}_3)). The oxide molecule effectively attracts the hydrogen ions from water, leaving hydroxide ions ((\text{OH}^-)) in the solution, which then combine with the oxide ion to form the acid. This chemical behaviour is rooted in the electronic structure of the non-metal atoms in these oxides, which have a high electronegativity and thus a strong tendency to attract hydrogen ions.

Practice Questions

Describe the reaction of sulphur dioxide with water. Include the chemical equation in your answer and explain the nature of the solution formed.

Sulphur dioxide reacts with water to form sulphurous acid, following the equation: (\text{SO}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow \text{H}_2\text{SO}_3). This reaction illustrates the acidic nature of sulphur dioxide, an acidic oxide. When dissolved in water, it forms an acidic solution due to the production of sulphurous acid. The solution's acidity is a result of sulphurous acid being a weak acid, which partially dissociates in water, releasing hydrogen ions ((\text{H}^+)). This release of hydrogen ions is responsible for the acidic nature of the solution, leading to a pH lower than 7. The understanding of such reactions is crucial in environmental chemistry, especially concerning acid rain formation.

Explain the trend in the nature of oxides across Period 3 of the Periodic Table, particularly focusing on their reactions with water.

As we move across Period 3, there is a distinct trend in the nature of oxides from basic to acidic. Starting with sodium, the early elements form basic oxides, like sodium oxide ((\text{Na}_2\text{O})), which react with water to form strong bases such as sodium hydroxide ((\text{NaOH})). As we progress towards the middle of the period, elements like aluminium form amphoteric oxides ((\text{Al}_2\text{O}_3)) that can react with both acids and bases. Moving further right, elements such as sulphur and chlorine form acidic oxides, like sulphur dioxide ((\text{SO}_2)), which react with water to produce acids like sulphurous acid ((\text{H}_2\text{SO}_3)). This trend reflects the change in element characteristics across the period, from metallic to non-metallic, influencing their oxide's nature and reaction with water.

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