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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

9.2.4 Acid/Base Behaviour of Oxides and Hydroxides in Period 3

Exploring the acid/base behaviour of oxides and hydroxides in Period 3 is essential for grasping key concepts in A-level Chemistry. This section provides an in-depth look at the transitioning properties of these compounds and examines the unique amphoteric nature of certain oxides and hydroxides.

1. Acidic and Basic Oxides: A Transition Across Period 3

Period 3 oxides exhibit a marked shift from basic to acidic properties, a phenomenon intricately linked to the elements' atomic structure and electronegativity.

Basic Oxides at the Start of the Period

  • Sodium Oxide (Na₂O) and Magnesium Oxide (MgO) are quintessential examples of basic oxides found at the beginning of Period 3.
    • Reactions with Acids: These oxides react with acids to form salts and water, a classic indicator of basicity. For instance, the reaction of Na₂O with hydrochloric acid (HCl) produces sodium chloride (NaCl) and water.
    • Electron Configuration and Bonding: The lower electronegativity of sodium and magnesium facilitates the donation of electrons, leading to the formation of strong ionic bonds in their oxides. This electron donation is key to the basic character of these oxides.

Transition to Amphoteric Oxides

  • Aluminium Oxide (Al₂O₃) is a prime example of an amphoteric oxide found midway in Period 3.
    • Reactions with Both Acids and Bases: Al₂O₃ can react with acids (like HCl, forming AlCl₃) and bases (such as NaOH, forming sodium aluminate) alike, showcasing its amphoteric nature.
    • Electron Configuration and Bond Character: The intermediate electronegativity of aluminium allows Al₂O₃ to display both ionic and covalent characteristics, leading to its ability to act as either an acid or a base.

Acidic Oxides Towards the End of the Period

  • Oxides like Silicon Dioxide (SiO₂) and Phosphorus Pentoxide (P₄O₁₀), found towards the end of Period 3, are predominantly acidic.
    • Reactions with Bases: These oxides typically react with bases, forming salts and water. An example is the reaction of SiO₂ with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to produce sodium silicate.
    • Electron Configuration and Electronegativity: The higher electronegativity of elements like silicon and phosphorus enhances their oxides' ability to accept electrons, thus contributing to their acidic nature.
Acidic and Basic Oxides Transition Across Period 3

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2. Amphoteric Properties of Al₂O₃ and NaOH

Amphoteric compounds, like Aluminium Oxide (Al₂O₃) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH), exhibit the unique capability to behave as either acids or bases depending on their chemical environment.

Aluminium Oxide (Al₂O₃)

  • Reactions Demonstrating Amphoteric Nature:
    • When in contact with hydrochloric acid, Al₂O₃ reacts to form aluminium chloride (AlCl₃) and water, behaving as a base.
    • In the presence of sodium hydroxide, it forms sodium aluminate (NaAlO₂) and water, acting as an acid.
  • Structural Basis for Amphoteric Behaviour: The blend of ionic and covalent bonds in Al₂O₃ contributes to its dual acid-base nature, allowing it to react with a wide range of chemical species.
Amphoteric nature of Aluminium Oxide (Al₂O₃)

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Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

  • Predominantly a Base: NaOH is known for its strong basic properties, efficiently reacting with acids to form salts and water.
  • Less Common Amphoteric Character: While primarily a strong base, NaOH can exhibit amphoteric properties in complex chemical reactions, though this is less frequent compared to Al₂O₃.
Acid-base reaction- NaOH reaction with HCl to produce salt and water

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The transition from basic to acidic oxide behaviour across Period 3 is influenced by atomic size, electronegativity, and bonding type.

  • Influence of Atomic Size: As we move from left to right across the period, atomic size decreases. This decrease leads to a stronger attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons, impacting the acid/base behaviour of the oxides.
  • Role of Electronegativity: Electronegativity increases across Period 3. Elements with higher electronegativity, like sulfur and chlorine, have a greater tendency to attract electrons, contributing to the acidic nature of their oxides.
  • Changes in Bonding Type: The bonding in oxides shifts from predominantly ionic in elements like sodium and magnesium to more covalent in elements such as sulfur and chlorine. This transition affects the acid/base character of the oxides, with covalent oxides tending to be more acidic.
Electronegativity trends across period 3

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4. Examples and Reactions

Exploring specific examples and reactions helps in understanding the trends in acid/base behaviour across Period 3.

  • Sodium Oxide (Na₂O): Exhibits strong basic properties, reacting vigorously with acids to form salts and water.
  • Magnesium Oxide (MgO): Less basic than Na₂O, but still reacts with acids to form corresponding salts.
  • Aluminium Oxide (Al₂O₃): Shows amphoteric behaviour, reacting with both acids (to form salts like AlCl₃) and bases (to form compounds like sodium aluminate).
  • Silicon Dioxide (SiO₂): Acts as a weak acid, not reacting as vigorously as the basic oxides with bases.
  • Phosphorus Pentoxide (P₄O₁₀): A strong acid, reacting with bases to form phosphates.

5. Conclusion

The study of acid/base behaviour of oxides and hydroxides in Period 3 is a cornerstone in understanding chemical reactivity and the underlying atomic and molecular structures. This knowledge forms a critical part of the A-level Chemistry curriculum, laying the foundation for further exploration in inorganic chemistry and its various applications.


Oxides of sodium (Na₂O) and magnesium (MgO) are considered basic despite their metallic nature due to their ionic bonding and the resulting chemical properties. In these oxides, the metal atoms lose electrons to form cations, while oxygen gains electrons to form anions. This electron transfer leads to the formation of ionic bonds, creating a crystal lattice structure. When Na₂O and MgO react with water, they produce hydroxide ions (OH⁻), indicative of basic properties. For instance, Na₂O reacts with water to form sodium hydroxide (NaOH), a strong base. The ability of these oxides to generate hydroxide ions in aqueous solutions is a key characteristic of basic oxides, contrasting with the acidic oxides later in the period, which tend to accept electrons and form acidic solutions

Phosphorus Pentoxide (P₄O₁₀) is a stronger acid than Sulphur Dioxide (SO₂) due to its molecular structure and the nature of bonding. P₄O₁₀ has a complex molecular structure, forming a network of P=O and P-O-P bonds. This structure facilitates the formation of strong hydrogen bonds when P₄O₁₀ reacts with water to form phosphoric acid (H₃PO₄), a strong acid. In contrast, SO₂ is a simpler molecule and reacts with water to form sulfurous acid (H₂SO₃), which is relatively weaker. The difference in acid strength is also influenced by the oxidation state of the central atom; phosphorus in P₄O₁₀ has a higher oxidation state compared to sulfur in SO₂, leading to the formation of a stronger acid. Additionally, the electronegativity of phosphorus and sulfur plays a role, with phosphorus being slightly less electronegative, allowing for stronger acid formation upon hydrolysis.

The bonding in Aluminium Oxide (Al₂O₃) significantly contributes to its amphoteric nature. Al₂O₃ has both ionic and covalent character due to the intermediate electronegativity of aluminium. The aluminium atoms form ionic bonds with oxygen atoms, but these bonds also have a significant covalent character because of the relatively small difference in electronegativity between aluminium and oxygen. This mixed bonding nature enables Al₂O₃ to behave both as an acid and a base. As an acid, it can donate its oxygen atoms to react with bases like sodium hydroxide (NaOH), forming salts like sodium aluminate. Conversely, as a base, it can accept protons or react with acids like hydrochloric acid (HCl), forming aluminium chloride (AlCl₃). The ability of Al₂O₃ to form these diverse types of chemical bonds with both acids and bases is a hallmark of amphoteric substances and is directly related to its unique bonding characteristics.

The electronegativity of elements in Period 3 plays a crucial role in determining the acid/base character of their oxides. Electronegativity refers to the tendency of an atom to attract shared electrons in a chemical bond. Elements with lower electronegativity, such as sodium and magnesium, have a weaker pull on shared electrons. As a result, their oxides, like Na₂O and MgO, donate electrons easily and exhibit basic properties. In contrast, elements with higher electronegativity, like phosphorus and sulfur, attract shared electrons more strongly. This results in their oxides, such as P₄O₁₀ and SO₃, having a greater tendency to accept electrons, thus exhibiting acidic properties. This trend is consistent with the general chemical principle that elements with higher electronegativity tend to form acidic compounds, while those with lower electronegativity form basic compounds.

Silicon Dioxide (SiO₂) does not react with water due to its molecular structure and the nature of silicon-oxygen bonds. SiO₂ exists as a giant covalent structure, where each silicon atom is covalently bonded to four oxygen atoms, forming a rigid three-dimensional lattice. This strong, tetrahedral lattice imparts high stability and low reactivity to SiO₂, making it insoluble in water. Additionally, the silicon-oxygen bond is partly ionic and partly covalent in nature, which further reduces its ability to react with water. Unlike other acidic oxides, which can dissociate or react with water to form acids or hydroxides, the immense stability of the SiO₂ lattice prevents such interactions. Consequently, SiO₂ remains unreactive with water, a unique property among the acidic oxides of Period 3.

Practice Questions

Describe the reaction of Aluminium Oxide (Al₂O₃) with a strong acid and a strong base, explaining its amphoteric nature. Include balanced chemical equations in your answer.

Aluminium Oxide (Al₂O₃) demonstrates its amphoteric nature by reacting with both strong acids and strong bases. When reacting with a strong acid like hydrochloric acid (HCl), Al₂O₃ acts as a base to form aluminium chloride (AlCl₃) and water, as shown in the equation: Al₂O₃ + 6HCl → 2AlCl₃ + 3H₂O. Conversely, when it reacts with a strong base such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), it behaves as an acid. The reaction produces sodium aluminate (NaAlO₂) and water: Al₂O₃ + 2NaOH + 3H₂O → 2NaAl(OH)₄. These reactions exemplify the unique ability of Al₂O₃ to act as either an acid or a base, depending on the reactants it encounters, which is the essence of amphoteric behaviour.

Explain how the acid/base character of oxides changes across Period 3 from Sodium Oxide (Na₂O) to Sulphur Trioxide (SO₃), and provide reasons for this trend.

The acid/base character of oxides changes significantly across Period 3, starting with Sodium Oxide (Na₂O), a strong base, and moving towards Sulphur Trioxide (SO₃), a strong acid. This transition is primarily due to changes in electronegativity and bonding nature. At the beginning of the period, elements like sodium have low electronegativity and form ionic bonds in their oxides, leading to basic properties. As we move across the period, the electronegativity of elements increases, and the bonding in oxides becomes more covalent, contributing to acidic properties. For example, SO₃, with high electronegativity and covalent bonding, is a strong acid. This trend reflects the increasing ability of elements to attract electrons and form covalent bonds as we move across Period 3.

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