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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

6.1.1 Oxidation Numbers and Balancing Equations

Understanding oxidation numbers and balancing redox equations is essential in A-level Chemistry. This guide delves into calculating oxidation numbers and techniques for balancing redox equations, ensuring a comprehensive grasp of these concepts.

Introduction to Oxidation Numbers

Oxidation numbers, also known as oxidation states, are theoretical charges that an atom would have if the compound was composed of ions. They are crucial for understanding redox processes and are used to track how electrons are transferred in chemical reactions.

Calculating Oxidation Numbers

  • Rules and Conventions: The calculation of oxidation numbers follows a set of rules. The most fundamental rule is that the sum of oxidation numbers in a neutral compound must be zero, and in an ion, it must equal the ion's charge.
  • Elements in Compounds and Ions: Each element has a typical oxidation state in compounds or ions. For example, oxygen is usually -2 (except in peroxides where it is -1), and hydrogen is +1 (except when bonded to metals in hydrides where it is -1).
  • Use of Oxidation Numbers: To determine the oxidation number, start with known oxidation states and use the rules to deduce the unknowns. For complex molecules, break them down into simpler structures if necessary.
Periodic table showing different oxidation states of elements.

Image courtesy of andriano_cz

Balancing Redox Equations

Balancing redox equations involves ensuring the number of electrons lost in oxidation equals the number of electrons gained in reduction. This ensures the conservation of charge and mass.

Techniques for Balancing Redox Equations

  • Half-Reaction Method: This method involves separating the oxidation and reduction half-reactions, balancing each for mass and charge, and then combining them.
    • Balance for Mass: Ensure all atoms other than oxygen and hydrogen are balanced.
    • Balance for Oxygen: Add H₂O molecules to balance oxygen atoms.
    • Balance for Hydrogen: Use H⁺ ions to balance hydrogen atoms.
    • Balance for Charge: Add electrons (e⁻) to balance the charges on both sides of the half-reaction.
  • Combining Half-Reactions: After balancing the half-reactions, multiply each by appropriate coefficients to equalize the electrons' number in both half-reactions. Then combine them, cancelling out identical species on both sides.
Diagram showing writing of balanced redox equations using half equations under acidic conditions- using the reaction between sulphur (II) oxide and acidified potassium chromate (VI) as an example.

Image courtesy of CRUNCH CHEMISTRY

Balancing redox equations using half equations under acidic conditions. Using the reaction between sulphur (II) oxide and acidified potassium chromate (VI) as an example.

Image courtesy of CRUNCH CHEMISTRY

Ensuring Conservation of Charge and Mass

  • Verification: After balancing, check to ensure the number of atoms of each element and the overall charge is the same on both sides of the equation.
  • Practice Examples: Regular practice with various redox equations enhances understanding and proficiency in balancing them.

Applying Oxidation Numbers and Redox Balancing

Real-World Applications

  • Understanding these concepts is not just academically significant but also has practical applications in fields like environmental chemistry, electrochemistry, and industrial processes.

Tips for Mastery

  • Practice Regularly: Regular practice with different types of compounds and equations is essential.
  • Use Visual Aids: Diagrams and tables can be helpful in visualising changes in oxidation states.
  • Collaborate and Discuss: Discussing problems with peers or teachers can provide new insights and understanding.

This comprehensive guide to understanding and applying oxidation numbers and balancing redox equations should provide a solid foundation for A-level Chemistry students. Regular practice and application of these principles are key to mastering this essential aspect of chemistry.


Roman numerals are used in the nomenclature of compounds to indicate the specific oxidation state of an element, particularly when the element can exist in multiple oxidation states. This practice is crucial for clarity and precision in chemical communication. For instance, iron can exist in the +2 (ferrous) and +3 (ferric) oxidation states. The compounds FeCl₂ and FeCl₃ are both iron chlorides, but they differ in the oxidation state of iron. Using Roman numerals, these compounds are named iron(II) chloride and iron(III) chloride, respectively, clearly indicating the oxidation state of the iron. This naming convention is particularly important in transition metals and is essential for accurately describing the composition and chemical behaviour of compounds. It helps in predicting the properties of the compound, its reactivity, and the types of reactions it can undergo.

Balancing a redox reaction in a basic solution involves an additional step compared to balancing in an acidic solution. After separating the reaction into half-reactions and balancing them for mass and charge, you must also neutralize the H⁺ ions added during the balancing process. This is done by adding an equal number of OH⁻ ions to both sides of each half-reaction. The H⁺ and OH⁻ ions on the same side react to form H₂O. Any additional water molecules on the product side are then moved to the reactant side to balance for hydrogen and oxygen atoms. The final step is to combine the half-reactions, ensuring that the electrons are balanced. This method maintains the conservation of mass and charge in a basic medium. It's crucial to adjust the coefficients and add the necessary ions and water molecules carefully to achieve a balanced equation.

Disproportionation reactions are a type of redox reaction where a single species undergoes both oxidation and reduction, forming two different products. Understanding these reactions is important because they highlight the dual nature of certain elements or compounds in redox processes. In disproportionation, the same species acts as both the reducing and the oxidising agent. For example, in the reaction 2H₂O₂ → 2H₂O + O₂, hydrogen peroxide acts as both the reducing and the oxidising agent, undergoing reduction to form water and oxidation to form oxygen. These reactions are significant in various chemical and biological processes. They often occur in enzymatic reactions and in industrial processes like the synthesis of certain chemicals. Mastering disproportionation reactions requires a solid understanding of oxidation states and the ability to balance complex redox equations, making them a crucial concept in advanced chemistry studies.

Yes, an element can have multiple oxidation states, especially transition metals and some main group elements. This variability can significantly affect the balancing of redox reactions. In redox reactions involving elements with multiple oxidation states, it's crucial to identify the specific oxidation states involved in the reaction. For instance, manganese can have oxidation states ranging from +2 to +7. In KMnO₄, manganese is in the +7 state, while in MnO₂, it's in the +4 state. When balancing redox reactions with such elements, each half-reaction must be balanced according to the specific oxidation states. This involves adjusting the coefficients and adding H⁺, OH⁻, or H₂O molecules, as well as electrons, to ensure that both mass and charge are conserved. The complexity of these reactions makes it essential to have a clear understanding of the specific oxidation states involved in the reaction.

To determine the oxidation number of an atom in a polyatomic ion, follow the general rules for assigning oxidation states, keeping in mind the overall charge of the ion. Start with elements that have a common oxidation state in most compounds, like oxygen (-2) and hydrogen (+1), and then calculate the oxidation states of other atoms. For example, in the sulfate ion (SO₄²⁻), oxygen has an oxidation number of -2. With four oxygen atoms, the total oxidation contribution is -8. Since the charge of the ion is -2, the sulfur atom must have an oxidation number of +6 to balance the charge. This method relies on the principle that the sum of the oxidation numbers of all atoms in the ion must equal the ion's charge. It requires a systematic approach, considering the known oxidation states and the algebraic sum of these values to deduce the unknown oxidation states.

Practice Questions

Determine the oxidation states of all elements in the compound KMnO₄ and explain the reasoning behind your calculations.

In KMnO₄, potassium (K) has an oxidation state of +1, as it is an alkali metal. Oxygen (O) typically has an oxidation state of -2. The compound is neutral, so the sum of oxidation states must equal zero. With four oxygen atoms, the total oxidation contribution is -8. To balance this, manganese (Mn) must have an oxidation state of +7. Therefore, the oxidation states in KMnO₄ are +1 for potassium, +7 for manganese, and -2 for each oxygen atom.

Balance the redox reaction in acidic solution: Cr₂O₇²⁻ + Fe²⁺ → Cr³⁺ + Fe³⁺.

To balance the redox reaction, first split it into two half-reactions: Cr₂O₇²⁻ → Cr³⁺ and Fe²⁺ → Fe³⁺. Balance the chromium half-reaction for atoms and charge: Cr₂O₇²⁻ + 14H⁺ + 6e⁻ → 2Cr³⁺ + 7H₂O. Next, balance the iron half-reaction: Fe²⁺ → Fe³⁺ + e⁻. Now, to balance electrons, multiply the iron half-reaction by 6: 6Fe²⁺ → 6Fe³⁺ + 6e⁻. Combine the half-reactions: Cr₂O₇²⁻ + 14H⁺ + 6Fe²⁺ → 2Cr³⁺ + 7H₂O + 6Fe³⁺. This balanced equation maintains conservation of mass and charge in an acidic solution.

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