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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

10.1.3 Thermal Decomposition of Group 2 Nitrates and Carbonates

Exploring the thermal decomposition of Group 2 elements' nitrates and carbonates is a critical aspect of A-level Chemistry. This process sheds light on the unique chemical behaviour of these compounds under heat, which is crucial for various scientific and industrial applications.

Introduction to Thermal Decomposition

Thermal decomposition is a type of chemical reaction where a compound breaks down into two or more substances when heated. This process is especially pertinent for Group 2 elements, which include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. Here, we focus on the decomposition of their nitrates and carbonates, which are common compounds of these elements used in several industrial processes and laboratory settings.

Diagram showing the experimental setup of Thermal decomposition

Experimental setup of Thermal decomposition

Image courtesy of Vedantu

Group 2 Nitrates Decomposition

General Reaction and Products

  • The general reaction for the decomposition of Group 2 nitrates can be represented as:
    [ M(NO_3)_2 \rightarrow MO + 2NO_2 + O_2 ]
    Here, M represents a Group 2 element. The products of this decomposition are the metal oxide (MO), nitrogen dioxide (NO_2), and oxygen (O_2).

Detailed Process

  • The decomposition of nitrates begins with the breaking of the nitrate ion bonds. This process is influenced by the heat provided and the nature of the Group 2 cation involved.

Factors Influencing Decomposition

  • Cation Size: The size of the cation plays a crucial role. Larger cations, such as Ba²⁺, have lower charge density, which reduces their ability to polarise the nitrate ion. This means they need more heat to decompose.
  • Polarisation of Anions: Conversely, smaller cations, like Be²⁺, have a higher charge density and can more effectively polarise the nitrate ion, leading to easier and quicker decomposition at lower temperatures.

Group 2 Carbonates Decomposition

General Reaction and Products

  • Decomposition of Group 2 carbonates typically results in the formation of the corresponding metal oxide and carbon dioxide:
    [ MCO_3 \rightarrow MO + CO_2 ]
    In this reaction, M represents a Group 2 element.
Decomposition of Group 2 calcium carbonate

Image courtesy of founder-square.com

Detailed Process

  • In this decomposition, the key step is the breaking of the carbonate ion (CO_3²⁻) into oxide (O²⁻) and carbon dioxide (CO_2). The process is influenced by the thermal stability of the carbonate compound, which varies across Group 2 elements.

Factors Influencing Decomposition

  • Cation Size and Polarisation: Similar to nitrates, smaller Group 2 cations lead to more efficient polarisation of the carbonate ion, causing easier decomposition.
  • Thermal Stability: The stability of carbonates increases down the group. Beryllium carbonate is the least stable and decomposes more easily, while barium carbonate requires significantly higher temperatures for decomposition.


  • The thermal stability of nitrates generally decreases from beryllium to barium. This means beryllium nitrate decomposes at a lower temperature compared to barium nitrate.


  • In contrast to nitrates, the thermal stability of carbonates increases as you move down the group. Calcium carbonate is less stable and decomposes more readily than barium carbonate.

Influence of Polarisation on Decomposition

Anion Polarisation

  • Polarisation refers to the phenomenon where the positive charge of the cation attracts and distorts the electron cloud of the anion. This distortion weakens the bonds within the anion, facilitating decomposition.

Role of Cation Size

  • Smaller cations, such as Be²⁺, have a higher charge density, which leads to a stronger polarisation effect. This results in lower decomposition temperatures for their compounds.
Phenomenon of Anion Polarisation

Image courtesy of KAKALI GHOSH , Teacher,blog

Understanding the Ease of Decomposition

Relation to Cation Size

  • The ease of decomposition of Group 2 compounds is inversely proportional to the size of the cation. Thus, compounds of beryllium and magnesium decompose more readily than those of barium and radium.

Practical Implications

  • Knowledge of the decomposition temperatures is crucial in industries like ceramics, where the formation of specific metal oxides at certain temperatures is essential. Similarly, in glass-making, controlling the decomposition of carbonates is vital for obtaining clear and defect-free glass.

Summary of Key Points

  • Group 2 Nitrates: Decompose into metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and oxygen. The smaller the cation, the lower the decomposition temperature.
  • Group 2 Carbonates: Decompose into metal oxide and carbon dioxide. Larger cations result in higher decomposition temperatures.
  • Trends: Nitrates show a decrease in thermal stability down the group, while carbonates show an increase.
  • Polarisation Effect: Strong polarisation of anions by smaller cations leads to easier decomposition.

This comprehensive exploration of thermal decomposition in Group 2 elements provides A-level Chemistry students with an in-depth understanding of the complex interplay between chemical structure, reactivity, and the effects of thermal energy. Such knowledge is foundational for grasping advanced chemical concepts and their practical applications.


The increasing thermal stability of Group 2 carbonates down the group is primarily due to the decreasing polarising power of the cations. As we move down Group 2, the cations increase in size (from beryllium to barium), and their charge density decreases. This reduced charge density means that the larger cations exert a weaker polarising effect on the carbonate ion. Consequently, the bonds within the carbonate ion are less distorted and remain stronger, making the carbonate more resistant to decomposition. This trend is a classic example of how changes in ionic size and charge distribution can significantly impact the chemical properties of a compound, in this case, affecting its thermal stability.

The thermal decomposition of Group 2 nitrates and carbonates differs in both the products formed and the conditions required for decomposition. For nitrates, the decomposition produces metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and oxygen, whereas for carbonates, it results in metal oxide and carbon dioxide. The decomposition of nitrates is influenced by the polarisation of the nitrate ion by the Group 2 cation, with smaller cations leading to easier and quicker decomposition at lower temperatures. In contrast, the decomposition of carbonates is more influenced by the thermal stability of the carbonate compound itself. The stability increases down the group, meaning carbonates of heavier Group 2 elements require higher temperatures to decompose. This difference in decomposition behavior reflects the different bond strengths and structures of the nitrate and carbonate ions.

The polarising power of cations is a key factor in the thermal decomposition of Group 2 compounds. Polarisation refers to the ability of a cation to distort the electron cloud of an adjacent anion. In Group 2 compounds, the cation's polarising power influences how easily the compound decomposes upon heating. Smaller cations with higher charge densities, such as beryllium and magnesium, have a strong polarising effect. This effect weakens the bonds within the nitrate or carbonate ions, facilitating their breakdown at lower temperatures. Conversely, larger cations like barium, with lower charge density, exert less polarising power, resulting in stronger bonds within the anion and higher thermal stability. Thus, the polarising power of cations directly correlates with the ease of thermal decomposition in Group 2 compounds.

The thermal decomposition of Group 2 carbonates has several industrial applications, particularly in the production of cement and lime. For instance, in the manufacture of cement, calcium carbonate (limestone) is heated in kilns to produce calcium oxide (quicklime) and carbon dioxide. This calcium oxide is a key ingredient in cement. In the production of lime, a similar process is employed, where calcium carbonate is decomposed to form calcium oxide, which is then used in various applications such as soil conditioning, water treatment, and as a neutralising agent in industrial processes. The decomposition temperatures and the stability of different carbonates are crucial in these industries, as they dictate the energy requirements and the efficiency of the process. Understanding the factors that influence the thermal decomposition of these carbonates, such as the size and charge density of the cations, is vital for optimising these industrial processes.

The production of nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) and oxygen (O₂) during the thermal decomposition of Group 2 nitrates is a result of the breakdown of the nitrate ion (NO₃⁻). When heated, the nitrate ion undergoes a complex series of reactions. Initially, it decomposes into nitrogen dioxide and a nitrite ion (NO₂⁻). The nitrite ion can further decompose to release more nitrogen dioxide and an oxygen atom. The oxygen atoms from different nitrite ions can then pair up to form O₂. This entire process is influenced by the heat provided and the nature of the Group 2 cation, which affects the stability of the nitrate ion. The ease of breaking the nitrate ion into NO₂ and O₂ is also linked to the polarisation effect exerted by the Group 2 cations. Smaller cations with higher charge density can polarise the nitrate ion more effectively, leading to an easier and faster decomposition process.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of thermal decomposition for a Group 2 carbonate, such as calcium carbonate. Include in your answer the products formed and the factors that influence the ease of decomposition.

Thermal decomposition of a Group 2 carbonate, like calcium carbonate (CaCO₃), involves heating the compound until it breaks down into calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO₂). This process is represented by the equation CaCO₃ → CaO + CO₂. The decomposition is influenced by the size and charge density of the calcium ion. Smaller Group 2 ions, with higher charge densities, more effectively polarise the carbonate ion, leading to a lower decomposition temperature. However, as calcium is a larger ion with lower charge density compared to elements like beryllium or magnesium, calcium carbonate requires more heat to decompose. This reflects the trend where thermal stability of carbonates increases down Group 2.

Explain how the size and charge density of Group 2 cations affect the thermal decomposition of their nitrates.

The size and charge density of Group 2 cations significantly impact the thermal decomposition of their nitrates. Smaller cations, such as beryllium, have a higher charge density and therefore a stronger polarising effect on the nitrate ion. This polarisation weakens the bonds within the nitrate, facilitating its decomposition at lower temperatures. In contrast, larger cations like barium have a lower charge density, resulting in a weaker polarisation effect and requiring higher temperatures for decomposition. Thus, nitrates of elements higher up in Group 2, with smaller cations, decompose more readily than those lower down the group. This demonstrates the inverse relationship between cation size and the ease of nitrate decomposition.

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