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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

10.1.2 Reactions of Group 2 Compounds

Group 2 elements, also known as the alkaline earth metals, include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. These elements form various compounds, notably oxides, hydroxides, and carbonates. These compounds exhibit significant reactions with water and dilute acids, showcasing unique chemical properties. Understanding these reactions enhances our knowledge of the basic nature of these compounds and their solubility trends.

Group 2 elements, Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba), and Radium (Ra)

Image courtesy of Serfus

Group 2 Oxides

General Characteristics

  • Group 2 oxides are ionic compounds.
  • They are generally white solids and have high melting points.

Reaction with Water

  • Group 2 oxides react with water to form hydroxides, which are more alkaline with increasing atomic number.
  • The general equation for this reaction is: ( \text{MO} + \text{H}_2\text{O} \rightarrow \text{M(OH)}_2 ) (M represents a Group 2 element).
  • These reactions are typically exothermic. The vigour of the reaction increases as one moves down the group due to the decreasing ionization energy.
Group 2 oxide, magnesium oxide reaction with water

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Reaction with Dilute Acids

  • Upon reacting with dilute acids, Group 2 oxides form the corresponding salt and water.
  • For instance, with hydrochloric acid, the reaction is: ( \text{MgO} + 2\text{HCl} \rightarrow \text{MgCl}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{O} )
  • This reaction illustrates the basic nature of Group 2 oxides.
Metal oxide reaction with Dilute Acids

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Basic Nature

  • Group 2 oxides are strong bases.
  • They neutralise acids in a typical acid-base reaction, producing salt and water.
  • The basic strength increases down the group, attributable to the larger atomic size and lower ionization energy.

Group 2 Hydroxides


  • Hydroxides form when Group 2 oxides react with water.
  • The solubility and alkalinity of these hydroxides increase down the group.

Solubility and Alkalinity

  • Solubility in water increases from beryllium hydroxide to barium hydroxide.
  • Consequently, the solutions of these hydroxides become more strongly alkaline, meaning they are better at neutralising acids.

Reaction with Acids

  • Similar to oxides, Group 2 hydroxides react with acids to form a salt and water.
  • For example, the reaction with sulfuric acid is: ( \text{Mg(OH)}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \rightarrow \text{MgSO}_4 + 2\text{H}_2\text{O} )
  • This reaction further demonstrates the basic properties of Group 2 hydroxides.
Group 2 Hydroxides solubility down the group

Image courtesy of MME Revise

Group 2 Carbonates

General Properties

  • Group 2 carbonates are ionic and typically white.
  • They are less soluble in water than their corresponding hydroxides.

Reaction with Acids

  • These carbonates react with dilute acids to produce a corresponding salt, carbon dioxide, and water.
  • The general equation with hydrochloric acid is: ( \text{MCO}_3 + 2\text{HCl} \rightarrow \text{MCl}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{O} + \text{CO}_2 )

Thermal Decomposition

  • Group 2 carbonates decompose upon heating to form the oxide and carbon dioxide.
  • The equation for calcium carbonate is: ( \text{CaCO}_3 \rightarrow \text{CaO} + \text{CO}_2 )
  • This decomposition becomes more facile down the group due to decreasing lattice energy.


  • The solubility of hydroxides in water increases from magnesium hydroxide to barium hydroxide.
  • This leads to an increase in the alkalinity of the solution, indicating a stronger base.


  • The solubility of Group 2 sulfates decreases down the group.
  • Calcium sulfate is moderately soluble, whereas barium sulfate is virtually insoluble.
  • This trend is important for the formation of insoluble precipitates in reactions, especially in qualitative analysis.
Group 2 sulfates solubility down the group

Image courtesy of MME Revise

Summary of Reactions

With Water

  • Oxides react with water to form hydroxides, which become more soluble and alkaline down the group.

With Dilute Acids

  • Both oxides and hydroxides react with dilute acids to form salts and water.
  • Carbonates react with acids to form a salt, water, and carbon dioxide.

Thermal Decomposition

  • Carbonates decompose into oxides and carbon dioxide, a reaction that becomes easier as one moves down the group.

These reactions and properties of Group 2 compounds are integral to understanding the chemistry of these alkaline earth metals. The increasing reactivity and solubility of these compounds down the group can be attributed to factors like atomic size, ionization energy, and lattice energy. This knowledge forms a foundational understanding for A-level Chemistry students and is crucial for further exploration into inorganic chemistry. The patterns observed in these reactions are not only fascinating but also serve as a tool for predicting the behavior of these compounds in various chemical reactions.


Group 2 elements can react with various atmospheric gases besides oxygen, such as nitrogen and the halogens. For instance, when exposed to nitrogen, some Group 2 elements can form nitrides. An example of this is magnesium nitride, formed through the reaction: ( 3\text{Mg} + \text{N}_2 \rightarrow \text{Mg}_3\text{N}_2 ). This reaction typically occurs at high temperatures. Additionally, Group 2 elements react with halogens to form halides. For example, when magnesium reacts with chlorine, magnesium chloride is formed: ( \text{Mg} + \text{Cl}_2 \rightarrow \text{MgCl}_2 ). These reactions are generally exothermic and more vigorous down the group, reflecting the increasing reactivity of Group 2 elements. Such reactions with atmospheric gases are important in understanding the chemistry of Group 2 elements and their potential for forming various compounds.

The thermal stability of Group 2 carbonates increases down the group, a trend primarily attributed to the polarising power of the metal cation. The polarising power refers to the ability of the cation to distort the electron cloud of the anion. In Group 2 carbonates, as we move down the group, the cations increase in size (from Be to Ba). Larger cations have lower charge density and, consequently, lower polarising power. This reduced polarisation results in a more stable carbonate ion, making it less likely to decompose upon heating. In contrast, smaller cations like beryllium have a high charge density, leading to stronger polarisation of the carbonate ion and making the compound less thermally stable. Furthermore, the lattice energy of the carbonates also plays a role; the lattice energy decreases down the group, making it easier for larger cations to form stable compounds that require more energy to decompose.

Group 2 compounds find a variety of applications in both industrial and everyday settings, reflecting their diverse chemical properties. For example, magnesium oxide is used as a refractory material in furnaces due to its high melting point and ability to withstand high temperatures. Calcium carbonate, another Group 2 compound, is extensively used in the construction industry as a building material (limestone) and in the manufacture of cement. It is also used as an antacid in medicine. Barium sulfate is employed in medical imaging as a radiocontrast agent for X-ray imaging and other diagnostic procedures, owing to its insolubility and opacity to X-rays. Additionally, magnesium hydroxide is used in antacids and as a laxative. These applications demonstrate the practical importance of Group 2 compounds in various fields, ranging from construction and medicine to manufacturing and environmental management.

The solubility trends of Group 2 hydroxides and sulfates are influenced by different factors. For hydroxides, the increase in solubility down the group is primarily due to the decreasing lattice energy and increasing atomic size of the Group 2 metals. As the atomic radius increases, the attraction between the positive metal ion and the negative hydroxide ion in the lattice weakens, making it easier for the hydroxide to dissolve in water. Conversely, the solubility of Group 2 sulfates decreases down the group due to the increasing size of the Group 2 cations. Larger cations polarise the sulfate ion less effectively, reducing the interaction between the ions and making the lattice more stable and less soluble. Additionally, the hydration energy decreases down the group, which is not sufficient to overcome the lattice energy of the sulfates, particularly for larger cations like barium. This results in a decrease in solubility of sulfates from beryllium to barium.

Group 2 hydroxides are generally less basic compared to Group 1 hydroxides. This difference in basicity can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, Group 2 hydroxides (such as ( \text{Mg(OH)}_2 )) are less soluble in water than Group 1 hydroxides (like ( \text{NaOH} )). The solubility of a hydroxide in water is directly related to its ability to dissociate into ions, which in turn influences its basic strength. Group 1 hydroxides dissociate completely in aqueous solutions to form ( \text{OH}^- ) ions, making them strong bases. In contrast, Group 2 hydroxides are only slightly soluble, releasing fewer hydroxide ions into the solution, thus exhibiting weaker basic properties. Furthermore, the ionic character and lattice energy of these hydroxides also play a significant role. Group 2 hydroxides have higher lattice energies due to the smaller ionic radii of Group 2 metals compared to Group 1 metals. This higher lattice energy makes the hydroxides less likely to dissociate in water, further contributing to their weaker basic nature.

Practice Questions

Explain, with equations, what happens when magnesium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid. Include an explanation of why this reaction is typical of the basic nature of Group 2 oxides.

Magnesium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form magnesium chloride and water, as shown in the equation: ( \text{MgO} + 2\text{HCl} \rightarrow \text{MgCl}_2 + \text{H}_2\text{O} ). This reaction is typical of Group 2 oxides due to their basic nature. Being a strong base, magnesium oxide readily reacts with the hydrochloric acid, a strong acid, neutralising it and forming a salt and water. This reaction exemplifies the characteristic property of Group 2 oxides to neutralise acids, a fundamental aspect of bases. The reaction also reflects the trend in Group 2 elements where the basic strength of oxides increases down the group, attributed to the larger atomic radii and lower ionisation energies.

Describe the trend in the solubility of Group 2 hydroxides in water and explain how this affects their alkalinity.

The solubility of Group 2 hydroxides in water increases down the group, from beryllium hydroxide to barium hydroxide. This trend is due to the decreasing lattice energy and increasing atomic size of the elements down the group, which makes the hydroxides more soluble. As a consequence, the alkalinity of the solutions of these hydroxides also increases. Alkalinity is a measure of the ability of a solution to neutralise acids. Therefore, as the solubility of the hydroxides increases, the concentration of hydroxide ions (( \text{OH}^- )) in the solution also increases, making the solution more alkaline. This reflects the increasing basic strength of Group 2 hydroxides down the group, which is an important trend in the chemistry of alkaline earth metals.

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