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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

10.1.1 Reactions of Group 2 Elements

In A-level Chemistry, a comprehensive understanding of the reactions of Group 2 elements is essential. These elements, part of the alkaline earth metals, exhibit unique and predictable chemical behaviors when reacting with substances like oxygen, water, and acids. This section delves into these reactions, offering detailed explanations and highlighting exceptions.

General Properties of Group 2 Elements

Group 2 elements, comprising Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba), and Radium (Ra), are characterized by their shiny, metallic appearance and relatively low densities compared to transition metals. These elements have two electrons in their outer shell, making them highly reactive as they tend to lose these electrons to achieve a stable electronic configuration.

Group 2 elements, Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba), and Radium (Ra)

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Trends in Reactivity

  • Reactivity Increase Down the Group: As we move down Group 2, the atomic radius increases, and the ionization energy decreases. This trend makes it easier for these elements to lose their valence electrons, thereby increasing their reactivity.
  • Electronegativity and Ionization Energy: The electronegativity decreases down the group, while the first ionization energy also decreases. This trend is due to the increased distance of the valence electrons from the nucleus and the shielding effect of the inner electrons.
Trends in reactivity of group 2 elements

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Reactions with Oxygen

General Trend

  • Formation of Oxides: When Group 2 elements react with oxygen, they form metal oxides. These oxides are ionic in nature, consisting of the metal cation and the oxide anion.

Specific Examples and Observations

Magnesium: When magnesium burns in air, it produces a bright white flame, resulting in white magnesium oxide (( MgO )). This reaction is highly exothermic.

Calcium and Below: Calcium, strontium, and barium react more readily with oxygen, forming their respective oxides (( CaO, SrO, BaO )).

Group 2 elements react with oxygen to form metal oxide

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Reactions with Water

General Equation

  • ( M + 2H_2O \rightarrow M(OH)_2 + H_2 )

This reaction results in the formation of metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas.

Exceptions and Detailed Observations

  • Beryllium: Exceptionally, beryllium does not react with water, owing to its relatively small atomic size and high ionization energy.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium reacts very slowly with cold water, forming magnesium hydroxide and releasing hydrogen gas. However, with steam, the reaction is vigorous, producing magnesium oxide and hydrogen.
Group 2 elements react with water to produce metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas

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Reactions with Dilute Acids

Hydrochloric Acid

General Trend

  • Group 2 metals react with dilute hydrochloric acid to form the corresponding metal chloride and hydrogen gas.

Detailed Equations and Observations( M + 2HCl \rightarrow MCl_2 + H_2 )

  • Beryllium's reaction is significantly slower compared to other Group 2 elements, due to its protective oxide layer and lower reactivity.
Group 2 elements react with HCl to produce metal chloride and hydrogen gas

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Sulfuric Acid

General Trend

  • The reaction with dilute sulfuric acid forms metal sulfates and hydrogen gas.

Specific Cases

  • ( M + H_2SO_4 \rightarrow MSO_4 + H_2 )
  • Notably, calcium, strontium, and barium form insoluble sulfates. This results in a coating on the metal, which slows the reaction. Barium sulfate, for instance, is used in medical imaging due to its insolubility.

Special Considerations and Implications

Unique Behaviours

  • Beryllium: It behaves differently due to its small atomic radius and high ionization energy, often not following the general trends of Group 2.
  • Reactivity Patterns: Understanding these reactivity patterns is crucial in predicting and explaining the behavior of these metals in various chemical environments.
Beryllium element and its properties

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Practical Applications

  • These reactions have numerous applications. For instance, the reaction of calcium with water is employed in the preparation of lime water, a common reagent in laboratory settings.

Safety Considerations

  • Handling these elements, especially when reacting with water and acids, requires strict safety measures due to the exothermic nature of these reactions and the production of hydrogen gas.

In conclusion, the reactions of Group 2 elements with oxygen, water, and dilute acids are fundamental topics in A-level Chemistry. These reactions not only demonstrate the basic principles of chemical reactivity but also have practical applications in various fields. Understanding the nuances, trends, and exceptions in these reactions is key to mastering this area of the subject.


The thermal stability of Group 2 carbonates increases down the group, from beryllium carbonate to barium carbonate. This change in stability is influenced by several factors, primarily the size of the metal cation and the polarizing effect it has on the carbonate ion. Smaller cations, like beryllium, have a higher charge density and thus exert a stronger polarizing effect on the carbonate ion. This polarization destabilizes the carbonate ion, making it easier to decompose and release carbon dioxide upon heating. As we move down the group, the metal cations become larger with lower charge density, thereby reducing the polarizing effect on the carbonate ion. Consequently, the carbonates of heavier Group 2 elements, like strontium and barium, are more thermally stable and require higher temperatures to decompose. This trend is crucial in understanding the reactivity and decomposition patterns of these compounds, which are relevant in various industrial processes like the production of lime and cement.

The solubility of Group 2 element oxides in water shows a noticeable trend down the group. Starting with beryllium oxide at the top, which is virtually insoluble in water, the solubility increases as we move down the group. Magnesium oxide has a slight solubility, which increases further with calcium oxide. Strontium and barium oxides are considerably more soluble. This trend in solubility can be explained by the decreasing lattice energy of the oxides down the group. As the ionic radius of the metal cations increases, the lattice energy of the oxide decreases, making it easier for the oxide to dissociate in water. This decreased lattice energy, coupled with the increasing hydration energy of the cations down the group, makes the latter oxides more soluble in water. The solubility of these oxides in water is an important factor in understanding their reactivity and the nature of the solutions they form, which tend to be alkaline due to the formation of metal hydroxides.

The reaction of Group 2 elements with dilute acids is distinctly different from their reaction with water in terms of products and reaction conditions. When reacting with water, Group 2 elements typically form hydroxides and hydrogen gas. For example, when calcium reacts with water, calcium hydroxide and hydrogen gas are produced. This reaction is generally less vigorous compared to the reaction with dilute acids. On the other hand, the reaction with dilute acids, such as hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, results in the formation of a salt (chloride or sulfate, respectively) and hydrogen gas. The reaction with dilute acids is usually more vigorous and exothermic, releasing a significant amount of heat. Additionally, the reaction with acids does not form a hydroxide layer on the metal's surface, which can be observed in reactions with water, especially for the heavier Group 2 elements. This difference is primarily due to the nature of the acid, which is a proton donor, leading to different chemical processes compared to the reaction with water, which involves the metal displacing hydrogen.

Beryllium's lack of reactivity with water can be attributed to its unique position in Group 2. Being the first element in the group, it has a significantly smaller atomic radius and higher ionisation energy compared to its counterparts. These properties result in a stronger attraction between the nucleus and the outer electrons, making it more difficult for beryllium to lose its valence electrons and react with water. Moreover, beryllium forms a very stable, impermeable oxide layer on its surface when exposed to air. This oxide layer acts as a protective barrier, preventing further reaction with water. Unlike magnesium, which reacts with steam (albeit more slowly with cold water), beryllium does not react with water in any state, owing to this protective oxide film and its inherently lower reactivity due to atomic structure considerations.

The increasing reactivity of Group 2 metals with oxygen as we move down the group is due to the decreasing ionisation energy and increasing atomic radius. The larger atomic radius in heavier Group 2 elements means that the valence electrons are further from the nucleus and are shielded by more inner electron shells. This reduced nuclear attraction makes it easier for the metal to lose its valence electrons, thereby increasing its reactivity. In practice, this trend manifests in the way these metals react with oxygen. For example, magnesium burns with a bright white flame to form magnesium oxide, while barium reacts more readily, forming barium oxide more vigorously. The reactivity with oxygen is also linked to the basic strength of the oxides formed; as we move down the group, the oxides become more basic, which is a direct consequence of the metal's increasing reactivity with oxygen. This increased reactivity and basicity of the oxides have significant implications in various applications, such as in the purification of metals and the manufacture of ceramics and refractories.

Practice Questions

Explain why the reactivity of Group 2 elements increases down the group and how this trend affects their reactions with water.

Reactivity in Group 2 elements increases down the group due to the atomic radius becoming larger and the ionisation energy decreasing. As the atomic number increases, additional electron shells are added, increasing the distance between the nucleus and the outermost electrons. This increased distance and the shielding effect of inner-shell electrons reduce the nuclear attraction experienced by the valence electrons, making them easier to remove. Consequently, the lower ionisation energy facilitates the loss of these electrons, enhancing the reactivity of the element. This trend is particularly evident in reactions with water. For instance, magnesium reacts only slowly with cold water, while barium reacts vigorously. This increased reactivity can be attributed to the ease with which these elements lose electrons to form their respective hydroxides and hydrogen gas, a process that becomes more feasible as we move down the group.

Describe the reaction of magnesium with dilute sulfuric acid, including the equation, observations, and safety precautions.

When magnesium reacts with dilute sulfuric acid, magnesium sulfate and hydrogen gas are produced, as represented by the equation ( Mg + H_2SO_4 \rightarrow MgSO_4 + H_2 ). In this reaction, one observes effervescence due to the release of hydrogen gas and the gradual dissolution of magnesium, forming a colourless solution of magnesium sulfate. Safety precautions are paramount due to the exothermic nature of the reaction and the production of hydrogen gas. It is crucial to conduct this reaction in a well-ventilated area and avoid ignition sources, as hydrogen is highly flammable. Additionally, wearing safety goggles and gloves is recommended to protect against acid splashes and heat generated during the reaction.

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