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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

20.1.2 Deduction of Repeat Units in Addition Polymerisation

This section provides an in-depth analysis of how to deduce the repeat unit structure of an addition polymer from its monomer and identify the monomer(s) used in creating a section of the polymer. This knowledge is essential for A-level Chemistry students to understand the intricacies of polymer chemistry.


Addition polymerisation represents a critical mechanism in the world of organic chemistry. This process involves the conversion of monomers, small molecules with specific reactive bonds, into larger and more complex structures known as polymers. The focus here is on understanding and identifying the structure of these polymers through their monomer units.

Fundamentals of Monomers and Polymers

Monomers are the building blocks of polymers. In addition polymerisation, these monomers are typically unsaturated compounds, possessing double or triple bonds, allowing them to react and form polymer chains.

  • Essential Feature: The presence of a reactive double bond (C=C) in monomers is the key to addition polymerisation.
  • Example: Ethene (C₂H₄), a simple monomer, when polymerised, forms polyethene, a common polymer.
Monomers and polymers using ethene and polyethene as an example

Image courtesy of Gcsescience.com

The Mechanism of Addition Polymerisation

Addition polymerisation is a multi-step process. While the focus for deducing repeat units is on the overall transformation, understanding the entire process provides valuable context.

Initiation Stage

The initiation stage involves the activation of the monomer's double bond, often through a catalyst or an initiator, which facilitates the opening of this bond to create reactive sites for polymer chain formation.

Propagation Stage

This stage sees the growth of the polymer chain. The reactive monomer units begin to link together, forming a long chain. The nature of the double bond opening and the formation of new single bonds between monomers are what allow us to deduce the repeat unit structure.

Termination Stage

The polymerisation concludes when the chain growth ends, typically due to the consumption of monomer units or the action of a terminating agent. The end product is a stable polymer with a specific repeat unit structure.

Mechanism of Addition Polymerisation

Image courtesy of preparatorychemistry.com

Methodology for Deduction of Repeat Units

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Examine the Monomer: Start by looking at the chemical structure of the monomer, focusing on the carbon atoms involved in the double bond.

2. Visualise the Transformation: Imagine how the double bond opens up, allowing each carbon atom to bond with other similar monomers.

3. Identify the Repeat Unit: The structure that emerges from this linkage, repeating throughout the polymer, is the repeat unit.

Practical Example: Polyethene

  • Monomer Structure: Ethene (C₂H₄) consists of two carbon atoms connected by a double bond, each bonded to two hydrogen atoms.
  • Repeat Unit Deduction: When the C=C bond in ethene opens, it forms a long chain with each carbon now bonded to two hydrogen atoms and two other carbon atoms, creating the repeat unit –(CH₂–CH₂)–.
A chemical structural unit of polyethene- repeating -CH₂-CH₂- units.

Image courtesy of Chem Sim 2001

Application Exercise

  • Task: Deduce the repeat unit for poly(propene), where the monomer is propene (C₃H₆).
  • Approach: Identify how the double bond in propene transforms during polymerisation.

Advanced Considerations in Polymer Structures

Complex Monomers

In cases involving more complex monomers, the focus should be on identifying the part of the monomer that is involved in the polymerisation process.

  • Technique: Trace the changes in the double bond and how they influence the overall polymer structure.
  • Application: Use this technique for monomers like styrene to understand their polymerisation into polystyrene.

Functional Groups in Monomers

Some monomers may contain functional groups that do not participate directly in the polymerisation process but influence the properties of the resulting polymer.

  • Consideration: Identify any functional groups and understand their role in the final polymer properties.
  • Example: Acrylonitrile, when polymerised, forms polyacrylonitrile, a polymer with distinct properties due to the nitrile group.

Environmental and Sustainability Aspects

The environmental impact of polymers, especially those derived from non-renewable sources, is a topic of increasing relevance. Understanding the structure and nature of these polymers is crucial for developing sustainable alternatives and disposal methods.

  • Implication: Comprehending the non-biodegradable nature of many synthetic polymers and their potential environmental hazards.
  • Responsibility: Encouraging a mindset of sustainability and environmental responsibility in future chemists.
Polythene pollution or plastic pollution

Image courtesy of rawpixel.com

Comprehensive Exercise

  • Objective: Given a section of a polymer, identify the possible monomer(s). This exercise enhances understanding of polymer structures and their synthesis from monomers.

This extensive exploration into the deduction of repeat units in addition polymers equips A-level Chemistry students with a thorough understanding of how monomers form polymers. This knowledge is crucial not only for academic success in chemistry but also for a deeper appreciation of the materials that surround us and their impact on our environment.


The flexibility of addition polymers depends on several factors related to their molecular structure. Firstly, the length of the polymer chains plays a significant role. Longer chains can slide past each other more easily, imparting more flexibility to the polymer. Secondly, the presence of side groups affects flexibility. Bulky or rigid side groups can hinder the movement of the polymer chains, making the material stiffer. In contrast, small and flexible side groups allow for easier chain movement, resulting in a more flexible polymer. The third factor is the type of intermolecular forces present in the polymer. Polymers with strong intermolecular forces, like hydrogen bonding or polar interactions, tend to be less flexible due to the tight hold these forces have on the chains. Conversely, polymers with weaker van der Waals forces exhibit greater flexibility. The arrangement of the polymer chains also influences flexibility; highly ordered, crystalline regions in a polymer reduce flexibility, while amorphous regions (where chains are arranged randomly) increase it. Finally, cross-linking within the polymer can drastically reduce flexibility. Cross-linked polymers, where the chains are chemically bonded to each other at various points, have a rigid, networked structure, limiting the movement of the chains and thus reducing flexibility.

The presence of different functional groups in monomers significantly influences the properties of the resulting polymers. Functional groups are specific groups of atoms within molecules that have characteristic chemical behaviours. In polymers, these groups can affect properties like solubility, melting point, chemical reactivity, and mechanical strength. For example, a polymer derived from a monomer with polar functional groups, such as -OH or -COOH, tends to be more hydrophilic and may exhibit higher solubility in water. These polymers can also form hydrogen bonds, which can increase their strength and melting point. On the other hand, nonpolar groups like -CH₃ or -C₆H₅ (methyl and phenyl groups, respectively) can make the polymer more hydrophobic and soluble in nonpolar solvents. Additionally, certain functional groups can introduce cross-linking opportunities within the polymer, leading to a three-dimensional network structure that greatly enhances the polymer's strength and heat resistance. For instance, monomers with multiple reactive sites can form cross-linked polymers, as seen in vulcanized rubber, which is much tougher and more durable than its non-cross-linked counterpart. In essence, the functional groups in monomers are key determinants of the final polymer's physical and chemical characteristics.

The degree of polymerisation, which refers to the number of repeating units in a polymer chain, has a profound impact on the properties of the polymer. Generally, as the degree of polymerisation increases, the molecular weight of the polymer also increases, which in turn affects its mechanical properties. For instance, polymers with a high degree of polymerisation typically exhibit greater tensile strength and toughness. This is because longer chains have more entanglements, providing better load distribution and resistance to breakage under stress. Additionally, the melting point and thermal stability of the polymer tend to increase with higher molecular weight. However, solubility tends to decrease with increasing molecular weight, as the polymer becomes too large to dissolve easily in solvents. The degree of polymerisation also influences the polymer's viscosity in its molten state – higher molecular weight polymers are more viscous, which can affect processing techniques like injection moulding or extrusion. It's also noteworthy that polymers with very high degrees of polymerisation can become difficult to process due to their high viscosity and melting points. Therefore, controlling the degree of polymerisation is crucial in tailoring the properties of a polymer for specific applications.

Addition polymers can be recycled, but the process presents several challenges. The primary challenge is the sorting of polymers, as different types of plastics need to be separated due to their varying properties and melting points. Contamination is another significant issue; even small amounts of different polymers or other materials can degrade the quality of the recycled plastic. Additionally, the recycling process often leads to some degree of polymer degradation, which can affect the mechanical properties of the recycled material. For example, during thermal processing, polymers may undergo chain scission, leading to shorter polymer chains and resulting in a less durable material. To mitigate this, additives and stabilisers are often used during recycling. However, repeated recycling can progressively diminish the quality of the plastic. Despite these challenges, recycling of addition polymers remains a crucial endeavour for environmental sustainability, as it reduces waste and conserves resources. Advances in chemical recycling methods, where polymers are broken down to their monomers and repolymerised, hold promise for more efficient recycling with less degradation of material properties.

The structure of the monomer plays a crucial role in determining the physical and chemical properties of the resulting polymer. The size, shape, and functional groups present in the monomer can greatly influence the polymer's characteristics. For example, if the monomer contains bulky side groups, the resulting polymer will have a more irregular structure, potentially leading to lower density and higher flexibility. The presence of polar functional groups in the monomer can increase the polymer's polarity, affecting its solubility and interaction with other substances. Furthermore, the type of bonding (single, double, or triple bonds) and the arrangement of atoms within the monomer can determine the strength, elasticity, and thermal stability of the polymer. For instance, monomers with double bonds undergoing addition polymerisation usually result in saturated polymers, which tend to be more rigid and have higher melting points compared to those derived from single-bonded monomers. In summary, the monomer's structure dictates the polymer's molecular architecture, which in turn influences its physical and chemical behavior.

Practice Questions

Identify the monomer used to create the polymer polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and deduce the repeat unit of PVC. Explain the process of how the monomer is transformed into the repeat unit in this polymerisation reaction.

The monomer used to create polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is chloroethene (C₂H₃Cl). During the polymerisation process, the carbon-carbon double bond in chloroethene opens up, allowing the monomers to link together to form a long chain. Each chloroethene molecule transforms into a repeat unit in the polymer chain with the structure –(CH₂–CHCl)–. The double bond becomes a single bond in the process, with each carbon atom in the repeat unit forming single bonds with adjacent carbon atoms in the polymer chain. This transformation is characteristic of addition polymerisation, where monomers with a double bond react to form polymers.

Given a polymer segment –(CH₂–C(CH₃)₂–)ₙ–, deduce the structure of the monomer. Describe the steps in the process of polymerisation that would lead to the formation of this polymer.

The polymer segment –(CH₂–C(CH₃)₂–)ₙ– is formed from the monomer propene (C₃H₆). Propene has the structure CH₂=CH–CH₃, where the double bond is between the first two carbon atoms. During polymerisation, the double bond in propene opens, allowing the molecules to connect in a head-to-tail fashion. The carbon atom, which was part of the double bond, now forms a single bond with the next propene molecule, resulting in the repeat unit –(CH₂–C(CH₃)₂)– in the polymer chain. This process is typical of addition polymerisation, where the opening of double bonds in monomers leads to the formation of polymers.

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