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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

20.1.3 Environmental Considerations in Addition Polymerisation

Poly(alkene)s, common products of addition polymerisation, have significantly impacted our daily lives with their diverse applications. However, their disposal and environmental impact raise critical concerns. This section explores these issues, focusing on the non-biodegradable nature of poly(alkene)s, the environmental risks of their disposal, particularly through combustion, and strategies for mitigation.

The Non-Biodegradable Nature of Poly(alkene)s

Poly(alkene)s like poly(ethene) and poly(chloroethene) are renowned for their durability, but this strength becomes a significant environmental issue post-consumption.

Understanding Non-Biodegradability

  • Non-biodegradable materials resist natural decomposition processes.
  • Poly(alkene)s, due to their synthetic polymer structure, do not break down easily in biological or environmental settings.
  • The strong carbon-carbon bonds in their molecular structure contribute to their resilience against natural degradation.

Environmental Accumulation and Impact

  • The accumulation of these polymers in the environment is a growing concern.
  • Found extensively in landfills and water bodies, they contribute to soil and water pollution.
  • Their presence poses threats to wildlife, particularly in marine environments, where ingestion and entanglement in plastic debris can be fatal to sea creatures.
  • Over time, these materials can fragment into microplastics, further contaminating ecosystems and entering the food chain.
Land and water pollution due to polymers

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Disposal Through Combustion and Its Risks

While combustion is a common disposal method for poly(alkene)s, it is not without significant environmental repercussions.

Process of Combustion

  • Poly(alkene)s, when incinerated, undergo a chemical process where they react with oxygen, resulting in the release of various gases and residues.
  • The efficiency and safety of this process depend on the conditions under which combustion occurs, including temperature and oxygen availability.

Environmental and Health Hazards of Combustion By-products

  • The combustion of poly(alkene)s releases carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas contributing to global warming.
  • Other emissions can include toxic fumes, such as dioxins, furans, and particulate matter, depending on the specific polymer and combustion conditions.
  • These by-products have dire consequences for air quality and public health, contributing to respiratory problems and other health issues.

Strategies for Mitigating Environmental Impact

Addressing the environmental impact of poly(alkene)s involves several approaches, from improving disposal methods to developing sustainable alternatives.

Recycling and Reuse Initiatives

  • Recycling is a crucial step in reducing the environmental footprint of these polymers.
  • Effective recycling not only diminishes the volume of waste in landfills and natural habitats but also conserves resources and energy by reducing the need for virgin material production.
  • Reuse and repurposing of plastic products can also play a significant role in reducing environmental impact.
Plastic recycling and reuse

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Development of Biodegradable Polymers

  • The research and development of biodegradable polymers are seen as a long-term solution.
  • These materials are designed to decompose naturally, minimising environmental accumulation.
  • Biodegradable alternatives aim to replicate the useful properties of traditional poly(alkene)s, such as strength and flexibility, while ensuring environmental safety.

Public Education and Policy Measures

  • Public awareness campaigns about the environmental impact of plastic waste and the importance of recycling are vital.
  • Implementing policies that encourage recycling and responsible disposal can significantly reduce the environmental burden.
  • Educating consumers about the environmental consequences of their choices can lead to more sustainable consumption patterns.


In conclusion, the environmental considerations in the disposal of poly(alkene)s produced through addition polymerisation are crucial for sustainable development. Understanding their non-biodegradable nature, the consequences of their accumulation in the environment, and the risks associated with their combustion is essential for both chemists and the general public. Mitigation strategies, including recycling, the development of biodegradable alternatives, and public education, are key to addressing these challenges. As the field of chemistry advances, incorporating environmental considerations into the development and use of polymers is imperative for a sustainable future.


Despite their environmental drawbacks, poly(alkene)s do offer certain benefits. Their durability and resistance to degradation mean that products made from these materials can have a long lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacement and thereby potentially reducing overall resource consumption and waste generation. Poly(alkene)s are also lightweight, which can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions during transportation. In terms of manufacturing, these polymers often require less energy to produce compared to some alternative materials. However, these benefits must be weighed against the long-term environmental impacts of their disposal. The challenge is to balance these benefits with sustainable practices, such as effective recycling and the development of more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Incineration and landfilling of poly(alkene)s each have distinct environmental impacts. Incineration, while effective in reducing the volume of waste, releases greenhouse gases (like CO₂) and potentially toxic by-products, depending on the combustion conditions. These emissions can contribute to air pollution and climate change. However, modern incineration facilities equipped with energy recovery systems can harness the energy released during combustion, providing a source of renewable energy.

In contrast, landfilling results in the long-term accumulation of these polymers in the environment. While this avoids the immediate release of harmful gases, it leads to other issues, such as soil and water contamination, and the potential release of microplastics. Furthermore, in a landfill, poly(alkene)s occupy significant space and do not contribute any beneficial use post-disposal.

Both methods have drawbacks, and the choice between them often depends on available facilities, environmental regulations, and long-term sustainability goals. Ideally, reducing the production and consumption of poly(alkene)s and enhancing recycling efforts are more sustainable alternatives.

Legislation plays a crucial role in managing the environmental impact of poly(alkene)s. Governments can implement laws and regulations that mandate the responsible production, use, and disposal of these materials. For instance, regulations can be put in place to limit the production of certain types of polymers, especially those known to cause significant environmental harm. Legislation can also promote recycling and waste management practices, such as requiring manufacturers to take back and recycle products at the end of their life cycle. Furthermore, laws can incentivise the development and use of biodegradable alternatives. By imposing strict regulations and offering incentives for sustainable practices, legislation can significantly mitigate the environmental footprint of poly(alkene)s.

Microplastics are tiny plastic particles, typically smaller than 5 mm in size, that arise from the fragmentation of larger plastic debris, including poly(alkene)s. These small particles are a significant environmental concern because of their widespread distribution and persistence. As poly(alkene)s degrade physically (not chemically), they break down into smaller and smaller pieces, eventually becoming microplastics. These particles are easily ingested by wildlife and can accumulate in the food chain, leading to potential health risks for both animals and humans. Microplastics are found in various environments, from oceans to freshwater systems, and their small size makes them difficult to remove or manage. Their presence in the environment is a testament to the long-lasting impact of synthetic polymers like poly(alkene)s.

Poly(alkene)s, such as poly(ethene), are characterised by long chains of carbon atoms with strong carbon-carbon (C-C) bonds. These chains are saturated, meaning each carbon atom is bonded to other atoms by single bonds, making the overall structure highly stable and resistant to breaking down. This structural stability is a key factor in their non-biodegradability. In nature, breaking these strong C-C bonds requires significant energy or specific conditions, which are not commonly found in biological or environmental settings. This resistance to degradation leads to their accumulation in the environment, as they do not break down easily through natural processes like microbial digestion. As a result, they persist in landfills and ecosystems for extended periods, contributing to pollution and ecological harm.

Practice Questions

Discuss the environmental impact of disposing of poly(alkene)s through combustion, detailing the by-products formed and their effects.

The combustion of poly(alkene)s like poly(ethene) results in the release of various gases, notably carbon dioxide, which is a significant greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. This process also produces water vapour and, depending on the specific conditions and polymers involved, potentially toxic compounds such as dioxins and furans. These toxic by-products can adversely affect air quality and public health, contributing to respiratory problems and other health issues. The release of these emissions into the atmosphere exacerbates environmental issues like pollution and climate change, illustrating the need for more sustainable disposal methods for these polymers.

Explain how the non-biodegradable nature of poly(alkene)s contributes to environmental problems, and suggest one strategy to mitigate this impact.

Poly(alkene)s are non-biodegradable due to their stable carbon-carbon bonds, making them resistant to natural degradation processes. This leads to their accumulation in landfills and natural environments, causing soil and water pollution. In marine environments, they pose threats to wildlife through ingestion or entanglement. Additionally, these polymers can fragment into microplastics, contaminating ecosystems and entering the food chain. To mitigate these environmental impacts, recycling is a vital strategy. Recycling reduces the volume of waste in landfills, conserves resources, and diminishes the need for new production, thereby lessening the environmental footprint of these polymers.

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