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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

21.1.1 Functional Group Identification in Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is a rich and diverse field of study, focusing on the myriad of compounds that contain carbon. At the heart of understanding organic chemistry is recognising and identifying functional groups. These groups are central to understanding the chemical behavior and properties of organic molecules. This guide is tailored for A-level Chemistry students to gain a comprehensive understanding of these functional groups.

Introduction to Functional Groups

Definition and Roles

  • Functional groups are specific clusters of atoms within molecules that largely determine the chemical reactions of those molecules.
  • The presence and positioning of functional groups impact a molecule's reactivity, physical properties, and solubility.
  • Accurate identification of these groups is crucial for predicting the behavior of organic compounds in various chemical reactions.

Classification of Functional Groups

Hydrocarbon Groups

  • Alkanes (C-C): Characterised by single carbon-carbon bonds. These are the least reactive hydrocarbon group, used as a benchmark for comparison.
  • Alkenes (C=C) and Alkynes (C≡C): Feature double and triple bonds, respectively. These groups are more reactive due to the presence of unsaturated bonds, making them crucial in many organic reactions.
Alkane, alkene, and alkyne

Image courtesy of Kanyaporn

Oxygen-containing Groups

  • Alcohols (R-OH): Identified by their hydroxyl group. These are polarmolecules capable of forming hydrogen bonds, influencing their boiling points and solubility.
  • Aldehydes (R-CHO) and Ketones (R-CO-R'): Both contain the carbonyl group (C=O). Aldehydes have this group at the end of the carbon chain, while in ketones, it's within the chain.
  • Carboxylic Acids (R-COOH): Contain both hydroxyl and carbonyl groups. They are acidic and participate in a variety of chemical reactions.
  • Esters (R-COO-R') and Ethers (R-O-R'): Esters feature a carbonyl group adjacent to an oxygen atom, while ethers consist of an oxygen atom between two carbons.
Oxygen-containing functional Groups

Image courtesy of Western Oregon University

Nitrogen-containing Groups

  • Amines (R-NH2, R2-NH, R3-N): These are derivatives of ammonia, where one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by alkyl groups. They can act as bases and nucleophiles in reactions.
  • Amides (R-CONH2): A combination of a carbonyl group and a nitrogen-containing amine group. They are typically less reactive but important in biochemistry.
Nitrogen-containing functional Groups

Image courtesy of Difference 101

Halogen-containing Groups

  • Haloalkanes (R-X): These are alkanes in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by halogen atoms (F, Cl, Br, I). Their reactivity varies with the type of halogen present.
Halogen-containing Groups or haloalkanes

Image courtesy of MaChe

Techniques for Identifying Functional Groups

Chemical Tests

  • Test for Alkenes: Bromine water test - the solution turns from brown to colourless upon reaction, indicating the presence of a carbon-carbon double bond.
  • Test for Alcohols: Lucas test distinguishes between primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols based on their reactivity with hydrochloric acid and zinc chloride.
  • Test for Aldehydes and Ketones: Fehling’s solution and Tollens’ reagent tests differentiate them based on the oxidation of the aldehyde group.
  • Test for Carboxylic Acids: Reaction with sodium carbonate or bicarbonate produces carbon dioxide gas, a key indicator of acidic properties.
Chemical Tests for Identifying Functional Groups

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Spectroscopic Methods

Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy

  • IR spectroscopy identifies functional groups based on their characteristic absorption of infrared radiation. Each functional group has a unique IR absorption pattern.
  • Example: The O-H bond in alcohols shows a broad absorption around 3200-3600 cm⁻¹.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

  • 1H NMR: Provides detailed information about the hydrogen environment in molecules. The chemical shift values indicate the presence of specific functional groups.
  • 13C NMR: Useful for mapping the carbon framework of organic molecules. Each type of carbon atom in a different functional group has a distinct chemical shift.


  • Gas Chromatography (GC) and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): These techniques separate the components of a mixture, allowing for the analysis of individual functional groups. They are often combined with mass spectrometry for more precise identification.

Practical Applications in Chemistry

  • The identification of functional groups is fundamental in pharmaceutical chemistry, where modifying these groups can alter the medicinal properties of a drug.
  • In polymer chemistry, the nature of functional groups in monomers determines the properties of the resulting polymers, such as plasticity, durability, and solubility.

Understanding and identifying functional groups is a cornerstone in organic chemistry, especially at the A-level. This knowledge is not only essential for mastering organic synthesis and reaction mechanisms but also serves as a foundation for future studies in chemistry and related fields. As students progress, they will discover the vast implications of these functional groups in more complex chemical systems and real-world applications.


The silver mirror test, also known as the Tollens’ test, is significant in identifying aldehydes due to its specificity and visual result. In this test, Tollens’ reagent, a solution of silver nitrate in ammonia, is used. When an aldehyde is present, it is oxidised to a carboxylic acid, concurrently reducing the Ag⁺ ions in the reagent to metallic silver. This reduction deposits a silvery film on the inside of the test tube, often referred to as the "silver mirror." The test is particularly useful because ketones do not generally react with Tollens’ reagent, making it an effective method to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones. This specificity arises from the fact that aldehydes have a hydrogen atom attached to the carbonyl group, making them more easily oxidized than ketones. The silver mirror test is thus a classic, straightforward, and visually striking way to identify aldehydes in a sample.

The presence and type of a functional group significantly affect the boiling point of an organic compound. This is primarily due to the differences in polarity and the ability to form hydrogen bonds. For instance, compounds with strong hydrogen bonding capabilities, such as alcohols and carboxylic acids, typically have higher boiling points than nonpolar compounds like alkanes or compounds with weaker dipole-dipole interactions like ethers. Hydrogen bonds are strong intermolecular forces, requiring more energy (in the form of heat) to break. Similarly, polar functional groups like carbonyl groups in aldehydes and ketones lead to higher boiling points compared to hydrocarbons of similar molecular weight due to dipole-dipole interactions. The functional group's influence on boiling points is a fundamental concept in organic chemistry, as it helps predict and explain the physical properties of organic compounds.

Amines are basic due to the presence of a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom, which can readily accept a proton (H⁺). This makes them act as Lewis bases. The basicity of amines can be tested in the laboratory using acid-base titrations or by their reaction with acids. A simple qualitative test involves using litmus paper; amines will turn red litmus paper blue, indicating their basic nature. Additionally, when an amine is dissolved in water, it will react with the water to form hydroxide ions (OH⁻), increasing the pH of the solution. This can be measured using a pH meter or pH paper. A more specific test involves reacting amines with strong acids like hydrochloric acid; primary and secondary amines form water-soluble salts, while tertiary amines may only form an oily layer or no reaction due to steric hindrance. These tests collectively demonstrate the basic character of amines and are crucial for their identification in organic compounds.

The bromine water test is significant in organic chemistry as it is a simple yet powerful tool for identifying unsaturated compounds, specifically alkenes and alkynes. Bromine water is an orange solution of bromine in water. In the presence of an alkene or alkyne, the bromine reacts with the carbon-carbon double or triple bond to form a dibromo compound, which is colourless. This reaction results in the decolourisation of the bromine water, which is a positive test for unsaturation. The test is conducted by adding a few drops of the organic compound to the bromine water. If the solution remains orange, the compound is likely saturated (like an alkane). If it turns colourless, it indicates the presence of an unsaturated compound. This test is particularly useful because it is both rapid and visually distinct, providing immediate feedback about the nature of the compound being tested.

Distinguishing between primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols involves a series of chemical tests, primarily the Lucas test. The Lucas reagent, a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and zinc chloride, is used. When mixed with a primary alcohol, there is little to no reaction at room temperature, but the solution may become turbid upon heating, indicating the formation of an alkyl chloride. With a secondary alcohol, the reaction is moderately rapid and results in a cloudy solution within a few minutes at room temperature. For a tertiary alcohol, the reaction is immediate, turning the solution turbid almost instantly. This test relies on the differing rates of substitution reactions (Sn1 mechanism) of the alcohols with the Lucas reagent. Primary alcohols react slowly due to the high energy barrier to forming a carbocation intermediate, while tertiary alcohols react quickly due to the stability of the tertiary carbocation formed. This test, therefore, provides a clear method to categorize alcohols based on their molecular structure.``

Practice Questions

Identify the functional group(s) present in the following organic compound: CH₃COOH. Explain how you would confirm their presence using a chemical test.

Acetic acid, CH₃COOH, contains two functional groups: a methyl group (-CH₃) and a carboxyl group (-COOH). The carboxyl group is the most reactive and characteristic in this molecule. To confirm its presence, a simple test can be conducted using sodium carbonate (Na₂CO₃). When acetic acid reacts with sodium carbonate, it produces carbon dioxide gas, which can be observed as effervescence. This reaction is indicative of the acidic nature of the carboxyl group, confirming its presence in the compound. This test is both simple and effective for identifying carboxylic acids like acetic acid.

Explain how Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy can be used to distinguish between an alcohol and a ketone, providing specific details of the IR spectra you would expect for each.

Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy is a powerful technique for distinguishing between functional groups based on their characteristic absorption frequencies. In the case of alcohols, the O-H stretching vibration typically appears as a broad peak around 3200-3600 cm⁻¹ due to hydrogen bonding. In contrast, ketones are identified by the C=O stretching vibration, which manifests as a sharp, strong peak near 1710 cm⁻¹. For instance, if we examine ethanol (an alcohol) and acetone (a ketone) using IR Spectroscopy, ethanol would show a broad peak in the 3200-3600 cm⁻¹ region, while acetone would exhibit a sharp peak around 1710 cm⁻¹. These distinct peaks are key to identifying and differentiating alcohols and ketones using IR Spectroscopy.

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