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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

21.1.2 Predicting Properties and Reactions in Organic Chemistry

Understanding and predicting the behaviour of organic molecules based on their functional groups is a fundamental aspect of organic chemistry. This knowledge is crucial for A-level students as it lays the foundation for advanced studies and practical applications in various scientific fields.

Introduction to Functional Groups in Organic Molecules

Functional groups are specific clusters of atoms within organic molecules that largely determine their chemical behaviour. Recognising and understanding these groups is essential for predicting the properties and reactions of organic compounds.

Key Functional Groups

  • Alcohols (R-OH): Characterised by the hydroxyl (-OH) group, alcohols are known for their ability to form hydrogen bonds, influencing their boiling points and solubility.
  • Carboxylic Acids (R-COOH): These acidic compounds, containing the carboxyl (-COOH) group, are prominent in organic synthesis, participating in numerous reactions such as esterification.
  • Amines (R-NH₂): With an amino (-NH₂) group, amines are basic and react in ways characteristic of nitrogen-containing compounds, like forming amides.
Functional groups in organic chemistry

Image courtesy of Anna Marín

Identifying Functional Groups

  • Infrared Spectroscopy: This technique is instrumental in identifying functional groups by analyzing the absorption of infrared light, which causes molecular vibrations.
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: NMR helps in determining the structure of organic compounds, including functional groups, by observing the behaviour of nuclei in a magnetic field.

Physical Properties Influenced by Functional Groups

The physical properties of organic molecules, such as boiling points, melting points, and solubility, are significantly influenced by their functional groups.

Boiling and Melting Points

  • Hydrogen Bonding: Molecules with hydrogen bonding, like alcohols, typically have higher boiling points than those without, like ethers.
  • Molecular Weight and Structure: Larger molecules and those with more complex structures generally have higher boiling and melting points.


  • Polarity: Polar functional groups (like -OH in alcohols) increase solubility in water, while nonpolar groups (like -CH₃) enhance solubility in nonpolar solvents.

Chemical Properties and Reactions

Each functional group imparts specific chemical reactivities to organic molecules, influencing the types of chemical reactions they can undergo.

Common Types of Organic Reactions

  • Addition Reactions: Common in alkenes and alkynes, where pi bonds are broken to add new atoms or groups.
  • Substitution Reactions: Typical in aromatic compounds and alkyl halides, involving the replacement of an atom or group by another.
  • Elimination Reactions: Seen in alkyl halides and alcohols, leading to the formation of double or triple bonds by removing atoms or groups.
Types of organic reactions, Addition Reactions, Substitution Reactions, Elimination Reactions and rearrangement

Image courtesy of Gopal

Reaction Mechanisms

  • Nucleophilic Substitution (SN1 and SN2): These reactions are common in alkyl halides, where a nucleophile replaces a leaving group. The choice between SN1 and SN2 mechanisms depends on the structure of the substrate, the strength of the nucleophile, and the reaction conditions.
General Reaction of Nucleophilic Substitution

Image courtesy of MAtheDA

  • Electrophilic Addition to Alkenes: Involves the addition of electrophiles to the carbon-carbon double bond of alkenes, forming new sigma bonds.
General Reaction of Electrophilic Addition to Alkenes

Image courtesy of Calvero

Predicting Reaction Pathways

Being able to predict how an organic molecule will react under different conditions is a vital skill. This includes understanding the influence of various factors like the structure of the molecule, the type of functional groups present, and the reaction conditions.

Factors Affecting Reaction Pathways

  • Steric Effects: The size and shape of molecules can influence their reactivity. For example, bulky groups can hinder certain reactions.
  • Electronic Effects: The distribution of electrons within a molecule can affect its reactivity. Electron-withdrawing groups can make a molecule more susceptible to nucleophilic attacks.
  • Reaction Conditions: Temperature, solvent, and catalyst presence can significantly alter the course of a reaction.

Synthesising Complex Molecules

  • Multi-step Synthesis: Often, preparing complex organic molecules requires multiple steps, each involving different reactions and conditions. Predicting the outcome at each stage is crucial for successful synthesis.

Case Study: Synthesising Aspirin

As an illustrative example, consider the synthesis of aspirin:

1. Starting Materials: Begins with salicylic acid (a carboxylic acid) and acetic anhydride.

2. Reaction Type: This is an esterification reaction, where the -OH group of salicylic acid reacts with acetic anhydride.

3. Products and Properties: The product, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), combines properties of both reactants, including mild acidity and pain-relieving effects.

Chemical synthesis of aspirin

Image courtesy of Socratic


In summary, predicting the properties and reactions of organic molecules is an intricate and critical skill in organic chemistry. It involves a thorough understanding of functional groups, physical and chemical properties, and the various factors that influence organic reactions. This knowledge not only bolsters a student’s analytical abilities but also lays a solid foundation for future scientific endeavours.


Conjugation in organic chemistry refers to the overlap of p-orbitals across adjacent single and double bonds or between a double bond and a lone pair. This overlapping leads to the delocalisation of pi electrons, which significantly affects the reactivity and stability of organic molecules. Conjugated systems are often more stable than their non-conjugated counterparts due to this delocalisation. In terms of reactivity, conjugation can lead to a molecule displaying different chemical properties. For example, conjugated dienes are more reactive in Diels-Alder reactions due to the enhanced stability of the resulting conjugated product. Additionally, conjugated compounds tend to have lower HOMO-LUMO energy gaps, making them more reactive towards electrophiles and more likely to participate in photochemical reactions.

Solvents play a critical role in the reaction mechanisms of organic molecules by influencing the speed and course of reactions. The choice of solvent can affect the solubility of reactants, the stability of intermediates, and the strength of nucleophiles and electrophiles. Polar solvents, like water or alcohols, are conducive for reactions involving charged species or polar reactants due to their ability to stabilise ionic intermediates and transition states. Nonpolar solvents, such as hexane or benzene, are suitable for reactions involving nonpolar reactants and intermediates. Additionally, solvents can also impact the rate of a reaction. For example, in SN1 reactions, polar protic solvents stabilise carbocations, favouring the reaction, whereas in SN2 reactions, polar aprotic solvents are preferred as they do not stabilise the nucleophile, allowing for a faster reaction rate.

The inductive effect is a phenomenon where the electron density in a molecule is shifted along the sigma bonds due to the electronegativity of different atoms or groups. This effect plays a significant role in determining the properties and reactivity of organic compounds. For example, electron-withdrawing groups, such as halogens or nitro groups, exert a negative inductive effect, pulling electron density away from other parts of the molecule. This can increase the acidity of a molecule, as seen in halogenated carboxylic acids, where the presence of a halogen near the carboxyl group enhances its acidity. Conversely, electron-donating groups, like alkyl chains, exert a positive inductive effect, pushing electron density towards other parts of the molecule and reducing acidity. The inductive effect also influences the reactivity in substitution reactions, where the presence of electron-withdrawing or donating groups can either facilitate or hinder the reaction depending on the nature of the reaction mechanism.

Stereoselectivity in organic reactions refers to the preference for the formation of one stereoisomer over another when multiple stereoisomers are possible. This concept is crucial in reactions involving functional groups that are attached to chiral centres or in reactions leading to the formation of chiral centres. Functional groups can influence stereoselectivity through steric hindrance or through electronic effects. For example, in a reaction involving a chiral aldehyde, the bulkiness of the substituent groups attached to the carbonyl carbon can influence the approach of the nucleophile, leading to preferential formation of one enantiomer. Additionally, in diastereoselective reactions, the existing stereochemistry of the molecule can dictate the spatial arrangement of the incoming groups, leading to the selective formation of certain diastereomers. Understanding stereoselectivity is essential for synthesising enantiomerically pure compounds, which is particularly important in pharmaceutical chemistry.

The presence of an electronegative atom in a functional group significantly influences the reactivity of an organic molecule. Electronegative atoms, such as oxygen or nitrogen, attract electron density towards themselves, creating regions of partial positive and negative charges within the molecule. This polarisation affects how the molecule interacts with other substances. For instance, a carbon atom bonded to a highly electronegative oxygen (as in aldehydes and ketones) carries a partial positive charge, making it more susceptible to nucleophilic attacks. Similarly, the partial negative charge on the oxygen atom can facilitate reactions with electrophiles. The influence of electronegativity is also evident in acid-base behaviour, where the presence of an electronegative atom can increase acidity by stabilising the conjugate base through electron delocalisation.

Practice Questions

Explain how the presence of a hydroxyl group in an alcohol affects its boiling point compared to a similar sized alkane, and why.

Alcohols have higher boiling points than alkanes of similar molecular size due to the presence of the hydroxyl (-OH) group, which enables the formation of hydrogen bonds between alcohol molecules. Hydrogen bonding is a strong type of intermolecular force that requires more energy to overcome compared to the van der Waals forces present in alkanes. For instance, ethanol, despite having a lower molecular weight, has a higher boiling point than propane. This difference in boiling points is primarily attributed to the hydrogen bonds in ethanol, which are absent in alkanes like propane.

Describe the reaction mechanism for the nucleophilic substitution of a primary alkyl halide with a strong nucleophile.

In the nucleophilic substitution of a primary alkyl halide by a strong nucleophile, the reaction follows an SN2 mechanism. This process involves a single, concerted step where the nucleophile attacks the carbon atom bearing the leaving group (usually a halogen) from the opposite side. The attack causes the inversion of the configuration at the carbon centre, akin to an umbrella turning inside out. The strength of the nucleophile is a critical factor, as a strong nucleophile can effectively displace the halide ion. The SN2 mechanism is characterised by its bimolecular nature, where both the substrate and nucleophile play a role in the rate-determining step.

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