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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

12.1.2 Ammonia and Ammonium

Exploring the chemistry of ammonia and ammonium provides insight into basic acid-base reactions and molecular structures, fundamental to A-level Chemistry studies.

Basicity of Ammonia

Brønsted–Lowry Theory

  • Ammonia (NH₃), known for its sharp, distinct odour, is a significant example of a Brønsted–Lowry base.
  • According to Brønsted–Lowry theory, a base is defined as a proton acceptor. Ammonia exemplifies this by accepting a proton (H⁺) and forming an ammonium ion (NH₄⁺).
  • The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom in ammonia makes it an effective proton acceptor, leading to the formation of the ammonium ion.
A diagram showing Brønsted-Lowry Acid and Brønsted-Lowry Base.

Image courtesy of SAMYA

Reaction with Water

  • Chemical Equation: NH₃(g) + H₂O(l) ⇌ NH₄⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq).
  • In this reaction, ammonia reacts with water, a process in which it accepts a proton from a water molecule, resulting in the formation of ammonium ions and hydroxide ions.
  • This reaction is an excellent demonstration of the dual role of water, which acts as an acid (proton donor) in this context.
  • The equilibrium of this reaction lies to the left under standard conditions, indicating that ammonia does not completely react with water, a characteristic of weak bases.
Ammonia reaction with water

Image courtesy of ..TTT..

Structure of the Ammonium Ion

  • The ammonium ion, NH₄⁺, adopts a tetrahedral geometry.
  • This structure consists of a central nitrogen atom surrounded symmetrically by four hydrogen atoms.
  • The tetrahedral shape is due to the sp³ hybridisation of the nitrogen atom’s orbitals. This hybridisation occurs when one s and three p orbitals combine to form four equivalent sp³ hybrid orbitals.
  • The positive charge of the ammonium ion is distributed evenly across the molecule, contributing to its stability.
Structure of the Ammonium Ion

Image courtesy of Lukáš Mižoch

Ammonia as a Weak Base

  • In aqueous solution, ammonia behaves as a weak base.
  • The term 'weak base' implies that ammonia does not fully ionise in solution. This partial ionisation results in a relatively low concentration of hydroxide ions (OH⁻) in the solution.
  • The pH of an ammonia solution is typically around 11, which is less alkaline compared to strong bases like sodium hydroxide.
  • Ammonia’s basicity can be quantified by its Kb value (base dissociation constant), which is a measure of the base’s strength in water.

Displacement of Ammonia from Ammonium Salts

Acid-Base Reactions

  • Ammonium salts are ionic compounds that can react with strong bases to release ammonia gas.
  • For example, when ammonium chloride (NH₄Cl) is treated with a strong base like sodium hydroxide (NaOH), ammonia is liberated.
  • Reaction Equation: NH₄Cl(s) + NaOH(aq) → NH₃(g) + H₂O(l) + NaCl(aq).
  • This reaction is an acid-base neutralisation, where the acidic ammonium ion reacts with the basic hydroxide ion, resulting in the formation of water and displacement of ammonia.

Reaction Mechanism

  • The reaction involves the transfer of a proton from the ammonium ion to the hydroxide ion, a process typical of Brønsted–Lowry acid-base reactions.
  • The formation of water in this reaction further drives the equilibrium towards the production of ammonia gas.
  • This reaction is a good example of the practical application of acid-base theories in predicting the outcomes of chemical reactions.
Reaction mechanism of ammonium ion and hydroxide ion

Image courtesy of Nagwa

Properties of Ammonia in Reactions

  • The displacement of ammonia in these reactions underscores its properties as a weak base and volatile substance.
  • The ease with which ammonia is released as a gas from its salts highlights its volatility.
  • These reactions also illustrate the concept of chemical equilibrium and reversibility in the formation and decomposition of ammonia.

In summary, the study of ammonia and ammonium ions in the context of A-level Chemistry encompasses an understanding of basic acid-base reactions, molecular structures, and chemical equilibria. These concepts are not only pivotal in explaining numerous natural and industrial processes but also serve as a foundation for more advanced chemical studies. The properties and reactions of ammonia and ammonium are integral to understanding broader topics in environmental science, biochemistry, and industrial applications, making them essential for comprehensive chemical education at the A-level.


The bond angle in an ammonia molecule (NH₃) is approximately 107°, which is slightly less than the ideal tetrahedral angle of 109.5°. This deviation is primarily due to the presence of the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom. In terms of molecular geometry, ammonia has a trigonal pyramidal shape. The lone pair occupies more space than a bonding pair, as it is less constrained by two atomic nuclei. Therefore, it exerts greater repulsion on the bonding pairs, compressing them slightly and reducing the bond angle. This bond angle and molecular geometry are significant in determining the dipole moment and polarity of the molecule. The asymmetrical distribution of electron density gives ammonia a net dipole moment, making it a polar molecule. This polarity affects its solubility, boiling point, and interactions with other molecules. Additionally, the spatial arrangement of atoms in ammonia influences its ability to form hydrogen bonds, impacting its physical properties and reactivity, particularly in solutions and when acting as a base.

The electronic structure of nitrogen in ammonia (NH₃) is crucial in determining its basic properties. Nitrogen, with the electronic configuration 1s² 2s² 2p³, forms three covalent bonds with hydrogen atoms in ammonia, using three of its valence electrons. The fourth valence electron remains as a lone pair on the nitrogen atom. This lone pair is the key to ammonia's basic properties. In Brønsted–Lowry theory, a base is a proton acceptor, and the lone pair on nitrogen in ammonia provides the ability to accept a proton. The presence of this electron pair makes ammonia a Lewis base as well, capable of donating a pair of electrons. This lone pair is also responsible for the pyramidal shape of ammonia, as it repels the bonding pairs of electrons, creating a tetrahedral electron arrangement but a trigonal pyramidal molecular shape. The electron density associated with the lone pair increases the likelihood of proton acceptance, thereby enhancing the basic nature of ammonia.

Practice Questions

Can ammonia form hydrogen bonds, and what impact does this have on its physical properties?

Yes, ammonia can form hydrogen bonds, which significantly impact its physical properties. Hydrogen bonding occurs when a hydrogen atom, covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom like nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine, is attracted to another electronegative atom with a lone pair of electrons. In ammonia, the nitrogen atom is highly electronegative and possesses a lone pair of electrons, while the hydrogen atoms are partially positively charged. This enables the formation of hydrogen bonds between ammonia molecules. Hydrogen bonding in ammonia leads to higher boiling and melting points than would be expected for a molecule of its size and molecular mass. This is because hydrogen bonds are relatively strong intermolecular forces, requiring more energy to break compared to van der Waals forces that dominate in similar-sized molecules without hydrogen bonding capability. Consequently, ammonia exists as a gas at room temperature but liquefies at relatively low pressures compared to other gases. Hydrogen bonding also affects the solubility of ammonia in water. Since water molecules can form hydrogen bonds with ammonia, it is highly soluble in water, a property that is crucial for many of its industrial and biological applications.

Describe the process of ammonia being displaced from ammonium chloride by sodium hydroxide and explain why this reaction occurs. Include the chemical equation in your answer.

When ammonium chloride (NH₄Cl) reacts with sodium hydroxide (NaOH), ammonia is displaced in the form of a gas. The chemical equation for this reaction is NH₄Cl(s) + NaOH(aq) → NH₃(g) + H₂O(l) + NaCl(aq). In this acid-base reaction, the sodium hydroxide, a strong base, reacts with the ammonium ion in ammonium chloride, a salt. The hydroxide ions from NaOH accept a proton from the ammonium ions, forming water and displacing ammonia gas. This reaction occurs because the strong base effectively neutralizes the weakly acidic ammonium ion, demonstrating the principles of acid-base chemistry. The displacement of ammonia illustrates its volatility and the reversible nature of its formation from its salts.

Why is ammonia considered a weak base, and how does this affect its behavior in solution?

Ammonia is considered a weak base because it does not fully dissociate in water. When ammonia (NH₃) is dissolved in water, it reacts with water to form ammonium ions (NH₄⁺) and hydroxide ions (OH⁻), but this reaction is incomplete and reaches an equilibrium. The equilibrium lies significantly towards the reactants (ammonia and water), indicating that only a small fraction of the ammonia molecules react to form ammonium and hydroxide ions. As a result, the concentration of hydroxide ions in the solution is relatively low compared to strong bases like sodium hydroxide, which fully dissociate in solution. The weak basicity of ammonia is quantified by its base dissociation constant (Kb), which is lower than that of strong bases. This partial dissociation results in a moderate increase in the pH of the solution. In practical terms, this means ammonia solutions have a less alkaline pH and are less caustic than solutions of strong bases. It also means that ammonia is less likely to undergo complete neutralization in acid-base reactions and can be easily displaced from its salts, as demonstrated in its reactions with strong acids or bases.

How does the concept of hybridisation explain the structure of the ammonium ion (NH₄⁺)?

The concept of hybridisation is fundamental in explaining the structure of the ammonium ion (NH₄⁺). In the ammonium ion, the nitrogen atom undergoes sp³ hybridisation. This process involves the mixing of one s orbital and three p orbitals of the nitrogen atom to form four equivalent sp³ hybrid orbitals. Each of these hybrid orbitals forms a sigma bond with a hydrogen atom, resulting in the formation of NH₄⁺. The geometry of the sp³ hybrid orbitals is tetrahedral, which means that the hydrogen atoms in the ammonium ion are arranged in a tetrahedral shape around the central nitrogen atom. This tetrahedral geometry is crucial for the symmetry and stability of the ion. The positive charge in the ammonium ion is evenly distributed over the entire molecule, contributing to its stability. Understanding hybridisation provides insight into how atomic orbitals combine to form molecules with specific shapes and bond angles, which are key to predicting and explaining the chemical behavior and reactivity of molecules like the ammonium ion.

Explain how ammonia acts as a Brønsted-Lowry base when it reacts with water. Include the chemical equation in your explanation.

Ammonia acts as a Brønsted-Lowry base by accepting a proton (H⁺) from water. The chemical equation for this reaction is NH₃(g) + H₂O(l) ⇌ NH₄⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq). In this reaction, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom in the ammonia molecule allows it to accept a proton from a water molecule, forming an ammonium ion (NH₄⁺). The water molecule, after losing a proton, becomes a hydroxide ion (OH⁻). This process exemplifies the Brønsted-Lowry theory, where a base is defined as a proton acceptor. The reaction also demonstrates ammonia’s role as a weak base, as it does not completely dissociate in water.

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