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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

12.1.3 Oxides of Nitrogen

Nitrogen oxides are crucial in understanding atmospheric chemistry and their impact on the environment. This detailed exploration covers their formation, catalytic removal, and environmental effects.

1. Formation and Occurrence

1.1 Natural Formation

  • Lightning and Atmospheric Reactions: Nitrogen oxides (NOx), mainly nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), form naturally during lightning strikes. The high energy from lightning breaks the N₂ triple bond, allowing it to react with O₂ to produce NO. This NO is further oxidised to NO₂.
  • Chemical Equations: The key reactions are N₂ + O₂ → 2NO, and subsequently, 2NO + O₂ → 2NO₂, occurring under the extreme conditions of a lightning strike.

1.2 Anthropogenic Sources

  • Internal Combustion Engines and Industrial Processes: Human activities, particularly fossil fuel combustion in vehicles and industries, significantly contribute to NOx emissions. Nitrogen and oxygen from air react under high temperatures in engines to form NO, which is further oxidised to NO₂.
  • Impact on Urban and Industrial Areas: These activities lead to higher concentrations of NOx, contributing to air pollution and associated health and environmental issues.
Nitric oxide, Nitrogen dioxide and Nitrous oxide

Image courtesy of Peter Hermes Furian

2. Catalytic Removal in Exhaust Gases

2.1 Catalytic Converters

  • Function and Mechanism: Catalytic converters in vehicles reduce NOx emissions by converting NOx back to nitrogen gas (N₂) and oxygen. These converters use platinum, palladium, or rhodium as catalysts, facilitating efficient reaction surfaces.
  • Key Reactions: Notable reactions include 2NO₂ + 4CO → N₂ + 4CO₂ and 2NO + 2CO → N₂ + 2CO₂, transforming harmful NOx and carbon monoxide (CO) into less harmful substances.

2.2 Importance in Reducing Pollution

  • Reducing Urban Air Pollution: Catalytic converters play a vital role in decreasing NOx emissions, thus mitigating urban air pollution and protecting public health.
NOx emissions by cars

Image courtesy of storyset

3. Environmental Impact

3.1 Photochemical Smog

  • Formation Process: NO and NO₂ are primary precursors in photochemical smog formation. They react with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in sunlight, producing secondary pollutants including ozone (O₃).
  • Health and Environmental Risks: Photochemical smog is linked to respiratory problems and can damage vegetation and materials.
Photochemical Smog formation

Image courtesy of Liweichao.vivian

3.2 Acid Rain

  • Chemical Formation: NOx contributes to acid rain formation. NO₂ reacts with water to form nitric acid (HNO₃), a component of acid rain. The reactions include 4NO₂ + 2H₂O + O₂ → 4HNO₃ and 2NO₂ + H₂O → HNO₃ + HNO₂.
  • Ecosystem and Material Damage: Acid rain harms aquatic ecosystems, soil, vegetation, and corrodes buildings and monuments, particularly those made of limestone and marble.
Acid rain formation

Image courtesy of brgfx

3.3 Role in Climate Change

  • Greenhouse Gas Effects: NO₂ is a potent greenhouse gas, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming.
  • Global Warming Consequences: The enhanced greenhouse effect leads to significant changes in climate patterns, weather extremes, and rising sea levels.

4. Summary of Reactions

4.1 Natural Reactions

  • Formation of NO and NO₂ in lightning: N₂ + O₂ → 2NO; 2NO + O₂ → 2NO₂.
  • Oxidation of NO to NO₂ in the atmosphere.

4.2 Catalytic Conversion

  • Reduction of NOx in catalytic converters: 2NO₂ + 4CO → N₂ + 4CO₂; 2NO + 2CO → N₂ + 2CO₂.

4.3 Environmental Reactions

  • Formation of nitric acid in acid rain: 4NO₂ + 2H₂O + O₂ → 4HNO₃.
  • Role in photochemical smog formation.

5. Key Terms and Concepts

  • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO₂): A reddish-brown gas contributing to smog and acid rain.
  • Nitric Oxide (NO): A colourless gas, initially produced in combustion, leading to environmental issues when transformed into NO₂.
  • Catalytic Converter: A device in vehicle exhaust systems that reduces NOx, CO, and hydrocarbon emissions.
  • Photochemical Smog: Air pollution formed by sunlight-driven reactions between atmospheric pollutants, including NOx.
  • Acid Rain: Precipitation made acidic due to atmospheric pollutants, causing ecological and material damage.

This comprehensive understanding of nitrogen oxides' chemistry, their environmental impacts, and control methods provides essential knowledge for addressing air pollution and climate change challenges.


Nitrogen oxides have several detrimental effects on ecosystems. One of the primary impacts is through the formation of acid rain. NO₂ reacts with water, oxygen, and other chemicals in the atmosphere to form nitric acid, contributing to acid rain. This acid rain can lead to soil acidification, negatively affecting plant growth and soil microbial activity. It also causes the leaching of important minerals from the soil and releases toxic metals, further harming plant life. In aquatic ecosystems, acid rain leads to the acidification of lakes and streams, harming fish and other aquatic organisms. Nitrogen oxides also contribute to nutrient pollution in coastal waters, leading to eutrophication, which can result in harmful algal blooms and dead zones, severely disrupting aquatic life. These ecological impacts highlight the need for effective regulation and reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions.

Exposure to nitrogen oxides, particularly NO and NO₂, poses significant health risks. Inhalation of these gases can cause respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and other lung diseases. NO₂, in particular, irritates the airways and can reduce lung function, leading to increased susceptibility to respiratory infections. Long-term exposure to high levels of NO₂ is associated with chronic lung diseases and can exacerbate the symptoms of existing heart conditions. Children, the elderly, and individuals with pre-existing respiratory conditions are most at risk. Additionally, nitrogen oxides contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter, which are also harmful to respiratory health. The overall impact of nitrogen oxides on health underscores the need for effective air quality management and pollution control measures.

Nitrogen oxides play a crucial role in the formation of ground-level ozone, a key component of photochemical smog. In the lower atmosphere, nitrogen oxides (NO and NO₂) react with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight to produce ozone (O₃). The reaction begins with NO₂ absorbing sunlight and breaking down into NO and a free oxygen atom. This free oxygen atom then reacts with molecular oxygen (O₂) to form ozone. Meanwhile, NO reacts with ozone to regenerate NO₂, thus sustaining the cycle. This series of reactions is known as the photochemical smog cycle. Ground-level ozone is a harmful pollutant, causing respiratory problems and damaging vegetation. Understanding the role of nitrogen oxides in ozone formation is crucial for developing strategies to reduce ozone levels and improve air quality.

Nitrogen oxides, particularly nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), contribute to the greenhouse effect, albeit indirectly. While they are not as potent as carbon dioxide (CO₂) or methane (CH₄) in terms of greenhouse gas effects, their presence in the atmosphere plays a role in the formation and lifetime of other greenhouse gases. NO₂ participates in atmospheric reactions that lead to the formation of ozone (O₃) in the troposphere, a potent greenhouse gas. Furthermore, nitrogen oxides can influence the concentrations of methane by affecting the chemicals that break down methane in the atmosphere. This indirect contribution to the greenhouse effect makes nitrogen oxides significant, albeit lesser-known, players in global warming and climate change dynamics.

Nitrogen oxides, such as nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), are classified as primary pollutants because they are emitted directly into the atmosphere from identifiable sources. The main anthropogenic source of nitrogen oxides is the combustion of fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants, and industrial processes. During combustion, the high temperatures facilitate the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen, both found in the air, to form NO. This NO can then react with oxygen to form NO₂. These gases are emitted directly into the atmosphere, contributing to various forms of air pollution. In addition to anthropogenic sources, natural processes like lightning also produce nitrogen oxides. Their direct emission and involvement in the formation of secondary pollutants, like ozone in photochemical smog, underline their classification as primary pollutants and their significant environmental impact.

Practice Questions

Describe the process by which nitrogen oxides are formed in the atmosphere during a lightning strike. Include the chemical reactions involved.

During a lightning strike, the immense energy and high temperature break the strong triple bond in nitrogen gas (N₂), present in the atmosphere. This allows nitrogen to react with oxygen (O₂) to form nitric oxide (NO). The reaction is N₂ + O₂ → 2NO. This newly formed NO is unstable and readily reacts with more oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide (NO₂), as shown in the reaction 2NO + O₂ → 2NO₂. These reactions highlight the formation of nitrogen oxides in natural conditions, illustrating the interaction between high energy, temperature, and atmospheric gases.

Explain the environmental impact of nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) and outline the role of catalytic converters in mitigating this impact.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) is a significant air pollutant with detrimental effects on human health and the environment. It contributes to the formation of acid rain and photochemical smog, leading to respiratory problems, ecosystem damage, and material corrosion. Catalytic converters in vehicles play a pivotal role in reducing NO₂ emissions. These converters facilitate the reduction of NO₂ back to nitrogen gas (N₂) and oxygen, using catalysts like platinum or rhodium. For example, the reaction 2NO₂ + 4CO → N₂ + 4CO₂ in catalytic converters converts harmful NO₂ and carbon monoxide (CO) into less harmful nitrogen and carbon dioxide (CO₂), thereby mitigating the environmental impact of NO₂.

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