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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

14.1.2 Combustion Reactions of Alkanes

Alkanes, forming the most basic class of hydrocarbons, are crucial in the study of organic chemistry, particularly in their combustion reactions. These reactions not only have immense industrial relevance but also bear significant environmental implications. This section comprehensively explores the combustion reactions of alkanes, focusing on their complete and incomplete forms.

Complete Combustion

Overview and Chemical Process

In complete combustion, alkanes react fully with an ample supply of oxygen. This reaction yields carbon dioxide and water as products and is characterised by a high energy release.

General Reaction Formula

The general formula for the complete combustion of an alkane can be represented as:

[CnH2n+2+3n+12O2nCO2+(n+1)H2O][ \text{C}n\text{H}{2n+2} + \frac{3n+1}{2}\text{O}_2 \rightarrow n\text{CO}_2 + (n+1)\text{H}_2\text{O} ]

Combustion reaction of alkanes

Image courtesy of ChemistryStudent

Energy Aspects

Complete combustion is an exothermic reaction, meaning it releases energy. The amount of energy released is significant, making alkanes valuable as fuels in domestic and industrial settings.

Calculation of Energy Release

The calculation of the energy released can be done using calorimetry or thermochemical equations.

Real-World Examples

A practical example is the combustion of methane:

(CH4+2O2CO2+2H2O)( \text{CH}_4 + 2\text{O}_2 \rightarrow \text{CO}_2 + 2\text{H}_2\text{O} )

Methane combustion is a staple reaction in household heating and cooking appliances.

Combustion reaction of methane

Image courtesy of Jynto, Robert A. Rohde, Jacek FH, Jynto

Incomplete Combustion

Definition and Occurrence

Incomplete combustion occurs when oxygen supply is insufficient. This results in the production of carbon monoxide (CO), soot (carbon particles), and water. The incomplete oxidation of the alkane leads to these less oxidised products.

Formation of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas, and its formation during incomplete combustion poses a significant health hazard due to its toxicity.

Environmental and Health Concerns

Soot contributes to air pollution and respiratory health issues. Carbon monoxide, being a toxic gas, poses severe health risks and is a leading cause of accidental poisoning deaths.

Incomplete combustion reaction of alkanes

Image courtesy of Ali

Example Reactions

An example of incomplete combustion is seen in the burning of ethane with limited oxygen:

(C2H6+32O22CO+3H2O)( \text{C}_2\text{H}_6 + \frac{3}{2}\text{O}_2 \rightarrow 2\text{CO} + 3\text{H}_2\text{O} )

Comparing Complete and Incomplete Combustion

Oxygen Requirement and Availability

  • Complete Combustion: Requires a surplus of oxygen.
  • Incomplete Combustion: Occurs under oxygen-deficient conditions.

Products and By-products

  • Complete Combustion: Yields carbon dioxide and water.
  • Incomplete Combustion: Results in carbon monoxide, soot, and water.

Energy Release and Efficiency

  • Complete Combustion: Maximises energy release, more efficient.
  • Incomplete Combustion: Lower energy efficiency, with the potential loss of usable fuel.

Environmental and Health Impact

  • Complete Combustion: Lower environmental risks, minimal harmful emissions.
  • Incomplete Combustion: Higher environmental and health risks due to emissions of carbon monoxide and particulate matter.

Practical Applications and Environmental Implications

Fuel and Energy

Alkanes are primary constituents of natural gas and petroleum. Their combustion properties determine their efficiency as fuel sources. Complete combustion is preferred for maximum energy extraction.

Pollution and Emission Control

Understanding these reactions aids in designing better emission control systems, such as catalytic converters in automobiles, which promote more complete combustion, thereby reducing harmful emissions.

Safety and Health Precautions

Awareness of the dangers of incomplete combustion, especially carbon monoxide poisoning, is crucial. Proper ventilation and the use of carbon monoxide detectors in homes and industries are important safety measures.

Environmental Regulations

Regulations and standards governing emissions from vehicles and industrial processes aim to minimise the environmental impact of alkane combustion.

Diagram showing common symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Image courtesy of Verywell Health

Detailed Mechanisms

Mechanism of Complete Combustion

The complete combustion of alkanes involves a series of steps beginning with the breaking of the C-H bonds, followed by the formation of carbon dioxide and water. This process involves various intermediate species and requires a continuous supply of energy to maintain the reaction.

Mechanism of Incomplete Combustion

In incomplete combustion, the limited oxygen supply leads to partial oxidation. The formation of intermediates like carbon monoxide and free carbon (soot) is indicative of the incomplete oxidation process.

Role of Temperature and Pressure

Temperature and pressure conditions significantly influence the extent of combustion. Higher temperatures generally promote more complete combustion.

This comprehensive overview of alkane combustion reactions provides A-level Chemistry students with a foundational understanding of these critical chemical processes. Emphasising both the theoretical aspects and practical implications, these notes encapsulate the essential elements of alkane combustion, catering to the academic requirements and fostering an awareness of the broader environmental and health perspectives.


Aside from the production of carbon monoxide and soot, burning alkanes has several other environmental consequences. One of the major concerns is the emission of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, which contributes to global warming and climate change. The combustion of alkanes, like all fossil fuels, is a significant source of carbon dioxide emissions. Additionally, nitrogen oxides (NOx) can also be produced, especially in high-temperature combustion processes. These nitrogen oxides are pollutants that contribute to smog and acid rain and can have adverse effects on respiratory health. Furthermore, the release of particulate matter (PM), which includes a range of tiny particles and droplets, can also occur. These particles can penetrate deep into the lungs and are linked to health problems like heart and lung diseases. Moreover, the extraction, processing, and transportation of alkanes as fuels also pose environmental risks, including oil spills, habitat destruction, and water pollution. These broader impacts highlight the need for sustainable and cleaner energy sources to mitigate the environmental footprint of alkane combustion.

Alkanes predominantly undergo combustion reactions due to their chemical structure and properties. Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons with single bonds between carbon atoms, making them relatively stable and unreactive compared to other organic compounds like alkenes or alkynes. However, they have significant potential energy stored in the C-H and C-C bonds. When exposed to heat and an oxidiser (typically oxygen in air), this potential energy can be released as heat and light, leading to combustion. The simplicity of alkanes means they lack functional groups that would typically facilitate other types of chemical reactions. As such, combustion, which involves the breaking of C-H and C-C bonds and the formation of new bonds with oxygen, becomes the primary reaction pathway for alkanes, especially under conditions where heat and oxygen are present. This characteristic makes alkanes ideal as fuels, where the primary goal is the release of energy through combustion.

Temperature plays a critical role in the combustion of alkanes. It affects both the rate of reaction and the type of combustion (complete or incomplete) that occurs. For combustion to initiate, the alkane must reach its ignition temperature, the minimum temperature required to start combustion. Once the reaction starts, if the temperature is sufficiently high and oxygen is abundant, complete combustion is more likely to occur, leading to the formation of carbon dioxide and water. Conversely, at lower temperatures, especially when oxygen supply is limited, incomplete combustion becomes more probable, resulting in the production of carbon monoxide and soot. The higher the temperature, the faster the combustion reaction proceeds, as increased temperature provides the reactant molecules with more kinetic energy. This heightened energy leads to more frequent and effective collisions among reactant molecules, thereby increasing the rate of reaction. In industrial applications, controlling the temperature is crucial for achieving efficient and safe combustion of alkanes.

The presence of impurities in alkanes can significantly affect their combustion process, primarily influencing the efficiency and cleanliness of the reaction. Common impurities in alkanes include sulfur compounds, nitrogen compounds, and trace metals. Sulfur impurities, when combusted, produce sulfur dioxide (SO2), a toxic gas that contributes to acid rain and respiratory problems. Similarly, nitrogen impurities can form nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are harmful pollutants. Trace metals present in alkanes can lead to the formation of metal oxides, which may cause problems in combustion engines and industrial burners by fouling equipment. Additionally, impurities can lower the fuel's calorific value, meaning more fuel is required to produce the same amount of energy, leading to increased emissions. Therefore, the purification of alkanes, typically through refining processes, is crucial to ensure efficient, clean, and safe combustion. This purification process removes most of the impurities, improving the quality of the fuel and reducing the environmental impact of its combustion.

The structure of an alkane significantly influences its combustion reaction, particularly in terms of the ease of ignition and the amount of energy released. Straight-chain alkanes tend to have higher boiling points and are less volatile compared to their branched counterparts. This means that straight-chain alkanes require more energy to initiate combustion. However, once ignited, they typically burn more steadily. Branched alkanes, on the other hand, have lower boiling points and are more volatile, making them easier to ignite. The combustion of alkanes also varies with the length of the carbon chain. Shorter alkanes combust more readily than longer ones due to the lower activation energy required for the combustion reaction. Longer alkanes, although they burn less readily, release more energy upon combustion because they contain more carbon and hydrogen atoms to oxidise. Therefore, the structure – both in terms of branching and chain length – is a crucial factor in determining the combustion characteristics of alkanes.

Practice Questions

Describe the chemical and environmental differences between complete and incomplete combustion of alkanes. Explain how these differences impact the use of alkanes as fuels.

The complete combustion of alkanes occurs in the presence of excess oxygen, producing carbon dioxide and water. This reaction is highly exothermic, releasing substantial energy, making alkanes efficient fuels for domestic and industrial purposes. In contrast, incomplete combustion happens due to insufficient oxygen, leading to the formation of carbon monoxide, soot, and water. This not only reduces the energy efficiency but also poses significant environmental and health risks. Carbon monoxide is a toxic gas, and soot contributes to air pollution and respiratory issues. The preference for complete combustion in fuel applications is due to its higher energy output and lower environmental impact, illustrating the necessity of efficient combustion management to maximise energy extraction from alkanes while minimising adverse environmental effects.

Explain why incomplete combustion of alkanes is considered a safety hazard, particularly in enclosed spaces. Include the chemical reasoning in your answer.

Incomplete combustion of alkanes in enclosed spaces is a significant safety hazard primarily due to the production of carbon monoxide (CO). CO is a colourless, odourless gas formed from insufficient oxygen supply during combustion, preventing complete oxidation of the alkane. Being odourless, it is not easily detectable, making it particularly dangerous in enclosed areas where it can accumulate unnoticed. Carbon monoxide binds with haemoglobin in the blood more effectively than oxygen, reducing the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity and leading to potentially fatal carbon monoxide poisoning. This underscores the importance of proper ventilation and the use of carbon monoxide detectors in enclosed spaces where alkanes are burnt.

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