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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

14.1.4 Reaction Mechanisms

Free-radical substitution in alkanes is an essential reaction mechanism for A-level Chemistry students. This complex process, involving the breaking and forming of chemical bonds through free radicals, plays a significant role in organic chemistry. Here, we explore the detailed mechanism of this reaction, divided into initiation, propagation, and termination steps, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Introduction to Free-Radical Substitution in Alkanes

Free-radical substitution is a fundamental reaction mechanism in organic chemistry, especially concerning alkanes. It involves the substitution of hydrogen atoms in alkanes with halogens, facilitated by free radicals. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms that have an unpaired electron, making them highly reactive.

Key Features

  • Reactive species: Free radicals are notable for their reactivity, which stems from the presence of an unpaired electron.
  • Energy requirement: The reaction typically requires an external energy source, such as heat or ultraviolet light, to generate free radicals.
  • Applications: This mechanism is crucial in organic synthesis, forming the basis for creating many complex organic compounds.
Free Radical Substitution reaction

Image courtesy of Master Organic Chemistry

Initiation Step of Free-Radical Substitution

The initiation step is where the reaction starts, marked by the generation of free radicals. This stage is crucial as it sets the stage for the entire reaction mechanism.

Formation of Free Radicals

  • Homolytic fission: It involves the homolytic fission of a diatomic halogen molecule, such as chlorine (Cl_2) or bromine (Br_2), into two halogen atoms, each with an unpaired electron.
  • Role of energy: Ultraviolet light or heat provides the energy required to break the halogen bond, initiating the reaction.
Mechanism of Homolytic Fission of Chlorine

Image courtesy of V8rik

Chemical Equations

  • Chlorine example: ( Cl_2 → 2Cl· ) (under UV light)
  • Bromine example: ( Br_2 → 2Br· ) (under UV light)

Propagation Steps in Free-Radical Substitution

The propagation phase is where the bulk of the reaction occurs, involving a series of steps that continue the chain reaction.

Hydrogen Abstraction

  • First step: A halogen radical (e.g., Cl·) reacts with an alkane (e.g., methane, CH_4), removing a hydrogen atom and forming hydrohalic acid (HCl).
  • Resulting alkyl radical: This step also generates an alkyl radical, which is highly reactive and pivotal for the next step.


  • Second step: The alkyl radical (e.g., ·CH_3) then reacts with another halogen molecule, forming the halogenated alkane (e.g., chloromethane, CH_3Cl) and another halogen radical.
  • Continuation: This newly formed halogen radical can then react with another alkane molecule, perpetuating the chain reaction.

Chemical Equations

  • Hydrogen abstraction: ( Cl· + CH_4 → HCl + ·CH_3 )
  • Halogenation: ( ·CH_3 + Cl_2 → CH_3Cl + Cl· )

Termination Steps in Free-Radical Substitution

The termination step concludes the reaction by neutralising the free radicals. This phase is crucial in halting the chain reaction.

Radical Combination

  • Possible combinations: Free radicals can combine in various ways, such as two alkyl radicals forming an alkane or an alkyl and a halogen radical forming a halogenated alkane.
  • Example reactions:
    • ( ·CH_3 + ·CH_3 → C_2H_6 ) (formation of ethane)
    • ( ·CH_3 + Cl· → CH_3Cl ) (formation of chloromethane)

Stopping the Chain Reaction

  • Reduction in free radicals: As free radicals are used up in these termination steps, the chain reaction slows down and eventually stops.
  • Stability of products: The reaction tends toward the formation of stable products, marking the end of the free-radical substitution process.
Stages of Free Radical Substitution Reaction

Image courtesy of BJFincas

Factors Influencing Free-Radical Substitution

The rate and outcome of free-radical substitution reactions depend on several factors:

Halogen Reactivity

  • Order of reactivity: The reactivity of halogens decreases down the group, with fluorine being the most reactive and iodine the least.
  • Impact on reaction: More reactive halogens like chlorine initiate the reaction more readily compared to less reactive ones like iodine.
Reactivity of halogens

Image courtesy of the science hive

External Conditions

  • Temperature: Higher temperatures can increase the rate of the initiation step.
  • Light: UV light is often necessary to initiate the reaction, especially for halogens like chlorine and bromine.

Alkane Structure

  • Chain length and branching: The structure
    of the alkane can influence the stability of the formed radicals, affecting the reaction pathway and rate.

Environmental and Industrial Implications

The free-radical substitution mechanism has significant practical applications and environmental considerations.

Synthesis Applications

  • Industrial chemicals: This mechanism is used in producing various halogenated compounds, essential in many industrial processes.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Many pharmaceuticals are synthesised using reactions involving free-radical substitution.

Environmental Considerations

  • Halogenated organic compounds: Understanding the formation of these compounds is vital for assessing their environmental impact.
  • Pollution and control: Insights into this mechanism are crucial for developing methods to control pollution from halogenated compounds.


The detailed exploration of the free-radical substitution mechanism in alkanes provides A-level Chemistry students with a deep understanding of this fundamental organic reaction. From the initiation to the termination steps, this mechanism illustrates the intricate interplay of chemical forces, crucial for advanced studies in chemistry. Understanding these concepts is key to grasping the broader applications and implications of organic reactions in both industrial and environmental contexts.


Environmental concerns associated with free-radical substitutions, especially concerning halogenated alkanes, primarily revolve around their stability and potential for bioaccumulation. Halogenated alkanes, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), were extensively used in refrigerants and aerosol propellants but were later found to be damaging to the ozone layer. Their high stability allows them to reach the upper atmosphere intact, where UV radiation breaks them down, releasing chlorine radicals that catalyse the destruction of ozone. Additionally, many halogenated organic compounds are persistent in the environment and can bioaccumulate in the food chain, posing risks to wildlife and humans. These compounds can be toxic and carcinogenic, raising significant health concerns. Therefore, understanding the formation and reactivity of these compounds is crucial for developing safer alternatives and implementing regulatory measures to mitigate their environmental impact.

Free-radical substitution can occur with compounds other than alkanes, such as alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons, but the mechanisms and outcomes differ. In alkenes, free-radical substitution often competes with addition reactions. Alkenes, having a double bond, are more reactive than alkanes and can add halogen atoms across the double bond, leading to halogenated alkenes. In aromatic hydrocarbons, like benzene, free-radical substitution is less common due to the stability of the aromatic ring. However, under certain conditions, such as the presence of a strong initiator or high temperatures, free radicals can substitute a hydrogen atom on the aromatic ring. This process, however, is less straightforward and requires specific conditions, as the delocalised electrons in aromatic rings confer a unique stability that resists free-radical attack. The product selectivity and reaction rates also differ significantly from those in alkanes due to the distinct electronic and structural properties of alkenes and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Light and heat play crucial roles in the initiation step of free-radical substitution by providing the energy required to break the halogen-halogen bond and form free radicals. In the case of light, particularly ultraviolet (UV) light, it supplies the energy needed to overcome the bond dissociation energy of the diatomic halogen molecules. This process is known as photodissociation, where UV light causes the homolytic fission of halogen molecules (like Cl₂, Br₂) into free radicals. Heat, on the other hand, can also supply the necessary energy for bond dissociation, especially when UV light is not sufficient or practical. The heat supplies kinetic energy to the halogen molecules, increasing their motion and the likelihood of bond breaking to form free radicals. This is particularly relevant for halogens like iodine, which require higher temperatures for effective initiation. Both light and heat are essential to start the chain reaction, with their use depending on the specific halogen and reaction conditions.

The choice of halogen significantly influences both the rate and selectivity of free-radical substitution in alkanes. Each halogen (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine) has a different reactivity and bond dissociation energy. Fluorine, being highly reactive, reacts too violently and uncontrollably, making it impractical for selective substitution. Chlorine is less reactive than fluorine, offering a balance between rate and control, and is commonly used in laboratory settings. Bromine is even less reactive and more selective, but its reactions are slower. Iodine, due to its low reactivity, requires a higher temperature to initiate the reaction and often leads to substitution at multiple positions. The bond strength of each halogen with carbon also plays a role; weaker bonds form more easily, affecting the selectivity and rate of the reaction. Therefore, chlorine and bromine are most commonly used in free-radical substitution due to their moderate reactivity, allowing for better control over the reaction.

Selectivity issues and over-halogenation are common challenges in free-radical substitution. Due to the indiscriminate nature of free radicals, they can react with any hydrogen atom in the alkane, leading to a mixture of products with different substitution patterns. For example, when reacting an alkane with chlorine, not only the desired monosubstituted product (e.g., chloromethane) but also di-, tri-, and higher substituted products can form. This lack of selectivity is problematic when a specific product is desired. Over-halogenation occurs when excess halogen is present, leading to multiple substitutions on the same alkane molecule.

Strategies to control these issues include:

  • Limiting the halogen concentration: Using a lower concentration of halogen reduces the chances of multiple substitutions.
  • Using selective halogens: Bromine, being less reactive than chlorine, offers greater control over the reaction, reducing over-halogenation.
  • Temperature control: Lower temperatures can slow the reaction, providing better control over the product distribution.
  • Reaction time: Shorter reaction times can limit the extent of the reaction, preventing over-halogenation.
  • Using inhibitors: Certain substances can be added to the reaction to inhibit the formation of undesired products or slow down the reaction rate.

By carefully controlling these factors, chemists can improve the selectivity of free-radical substitution reactions and minimise over-halogenation, yielding a more desirable product profile.

Practice Questions

Describe the process and chemical equations involved in the propagation step of free-radical substitution in alkanes.

In the propagation step of free-radical substitution, two key reactions occur. Firstly, a halogen radical (e.g., Cl·) abstracts a hydrogen atom from the alkane (e.g., CH₄), forming hydrohalic acid (HCl) and an alkyl radical (e.g., ·CH₃). The chemical equation is: Cl· + CH₄ → HCl + ·CH₃. Subsequently, the alkyl radical reacts with another halogen molecule (e.g., Cl₂), generating a halogenated alkane (e.g., CH₃Cl) and another halogen radical. The equation for this is: ·CH₃ + Cl₂ → CH₃Cl + Cl·. These steps constitute a chain reaction, with each step generating a radical that propels the next reaction.

Explain how the structure of alkanes affects the free-radical substitution reaction, specifically considering the aspect of chain length and branching.

The structure of alkanes, particularly chain length and branching, significantly affects the free-radical substitution reaction. In shorter-chain alkanes, the hydrogen atoms are more accessible, making the reaction more straightforward. However, as the chain length increases, the reactivity decreases due to steric hindrance, which makes it harder for the halogen radical to access hydrogen atoms. Moreover, branching in alkanes increases the stability of the formed carbocation intermediates. This stability can lead to more substituted products, as secondary and tertiary carbons form more stable carbocations than primary ones, influencing the reaction's direction and yield.

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