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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

14.2.4 Mechanism and Stability in Alkenes

In the study of organic chemistry, particularly at A-level, understanding the behaviour of alkenes is fundamental. Alkenes are hydrocarbons containing at least one carbon-carbon double bond, a feature that imparts distinctive chemical properties. This section focuses on the electrophilic addition mechanism, primarily using bromine and hydrogen bromide as examples. It also explains the inductive effects on carbocation stability during these reactions, incorporating Markovnikov's rule.

Electrophilic Addition Mechanism

Electrophilic addition is a key reaction type for alkenes, driven by their electron-rich double bonds, which are appealing to electrophiles.

Reaction with Bromine

  • Initial Interaction: The alkene's double bond, rich in electrons, interacts with bromine (Br2), an electrophile. The π electrons of the double bond are attracted to one of the bromine atoms.
  • Formation of Bromonium Ion: As the electrons from the alkene form a bond with the bromine atom, a positively charged bromonium ion is created. This ion is a cyclic, three-membered ring, with a positive charge on the bromine.
  • Nucleophilic Attack: The bromonium ion intermediate is highly reactive and is quickly attacked by a bromide ion (Br-), which was formed in the initial step when the bromine molecule became polarized. This attack happens from the side opposite the bromonium ion, leading to vicinal dibromide.
Bromination of an alkene

Image courtesy of Benjah-bmm27

Reaction with Hydrogen Bromide

  • Protonation of the Alkene: Initially, the alkene undergoes protonation, where the π electrons are attracted to the hydrogen atom in HBr. This step results in the formation of a carbocation - a positively charged carbon atom - and a bromide ion.
  • Nucleophilic Attack by Bromide: The positively charged carbocation is then attacked by the bromide ion. The product of this step is the addition compound, where both the hydrogen and bromide are added across the double bond.
Ethene (alkene) reaction with hydrogen halide

Image courtesy of Anonymouse197

Inductive Effects and Carbocation Stability

The stability of the carbocation intermediate is a key aspect of the electrophilic addition mechanism.

Factors Influencing Stability

  • Electron Donating Groups: Alkyl groups attached to the carbocation act as electron-donating groups. They help stabilize the positive charge through inductive effects, spreading the charge over a larger area.
  • Electron Withdrawing Groups: Conversely, electron-withdrawing groups can destabilize carbocations. They pull electron density away from the positively charged carbon, exacerbating the positive charge.

Markovnikov's Rule

  • Definition and Application: Markovnikov's rule is crucial in predicting the major product in the addition of HX to unsymmetrical alkenes. According to this rule, the hydrogen atom bonds to the less substituted carbon (the carbon with fewer alkyl groups), while the halogen (X) bonds to the more substituted carbon.
  • Underlying Reason: This orientation is due to the relative stability of the potential carbocations that could form. A carbocation attached to more alkyl groups (more substituted) is more stable due to the electron-donating effect of these groups, thereby favoring the formation of such carbocations.
Markovnikov's Rule

Image courtesy of V8rik

Electrophilic Addition Mechanism: Detailed View

Step-by-Step Mechanism with Bromine

1. Initiation of Reaction: The double bond electrons act as a nucleophile, attacking one of the bromine atoms in Br2. The electron-rich area of the alkene is attracted to the electron-deficient bromine.

2. Formation of Bromonium Ion: The interaction leads to the formation of a transient bromonium ion, a three-membered ring structure with a positively charged bromine atom.

3. Nucleophilic Attack: The negatively charged bromide ion, formed in the initial step, attacks the more substituted carbon of the bromonium ion. This results in the formation of 1,2-dibromoalkane, where the bromine atoms are added on opposite sides of the original double bond (anti-addition).

Step-by-Step Mechanism with Hydrogen Bromide

1. Protonation: The reaction commences with the alkene's double bond attacking a hydrogen atom from HBr. This step results in the creation of a carbocation and a bromide ion.

2. Attack by Bromide Ion: The bromide ion then attacks the carbocation. Depending on the alkene's structure, Markovnikov's rule helps predict which carbon atom the bromide will attach to, leading to the formation of the final addition product.


This detailed exploration of the electrophilic addition mechanism in alkenes, particularly with bromine and hydrogen bromide, provides a comprehensive understanding of this fundamental chemical process. The factors influencing carbocation stability, such as the inductive effects of substituents and the principles of Markovnikov's rule, are critical in predicting the outcome of these reactions. Mastery of these concepts is essential for students at the A-level, as it lays the groundwork for more advanced studies in organic chemistry and is pivotal in various applications, including synthesis and the development of new materials.


The solvent plays a crucial role in the electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes, influencing both the reaction mechanism and the rate. In the case of non-polar alkenes reacting with non-polar reagents like bromine, the solvent must be able to dissolve both reactants, typically requiring a non-polar or weakly polar solvent. Solvents can influence the stability of intermediates, such as carbocations, and can also affect the nucleophilicity of the attacking species. Polar solvents, for example, can stabilize carbocations through solvation, potentially altering the rate and outcome of the reaction. Furthermore, the choice of solvent can impact the stereochemistry of the reaction. For instance, in reactions where carbocations are intermediates, polar solvents can lead to more substitution on the carbocation due to better solvation and stabilization of the intermediate. In contrast, non-polar solvents might favor less substituted carbocations due to lesser solvation effects. Therefore, the selection of an appropriate solvent is essential for achieving the desired reaction pathway and yield in electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes.

Anti-addition is observed in the reaction of alkenes with bromine due to the formation and subsequent reaction of the bromonium ion intermediate. When an alkene reacts with bromine, the initial attack of the π electrons on the bromine molecule leads to the formation of a bromonium ion, which is a three-membered cyclic structure. This intermediate is characterized by a positive charge on the bromine atom. The nucleophilic attack, which follows, occurs from the side opposite to the already bonded bromine due to steric hindrance and the nature of the cyclic bromonium ion. The bromide ion, being a nucleophile, attacks the more accessible carbon atom of the bromonium ion, which is on the side opposite to the bonded bromine. This attack mechanism results in the bromine atoms attaching to opposite sides of the former double bond, thus leading to anti-addition. This stereochemical outcome is a direct consequence of the cyclic nature of the bromonium ion intermediate and the spatial constraints it imposes on the subsequent nucleophilic attack.

Hyperconjugation is a significant concept in understanding the stability of carbocations in electrophilic addition reactions. It refers to the delocalization of electrons in σ (sigma) bonds of adjacent alkyl groups with the empty p-orbital of the carbocation. This delocalization allows for the dispersal of the positive charge over a larger area, thereby stabilizing the carbocation. In electrophilic addition reactions, when a carbocation is formed as an intermediate, its stability is crucial for the overall reaction rate and the product distribution. Carbocations adjacent to alkyl groups (such as secondary or tertiary carbocations) are more stable due to hyperconjugation. These alkyl groups effectively donate electron density through their σ bonds, reducing the electron deficiency of the carbocation. The greater the number of alkyl groups attached to the carbocation, the more pronounced the hyperconjugation effect, and thus, the greater the stability of the carbocation. This stability influences not only the rate at which the carbocation will react with the nucleophile but also the regioselectivity of the reaction, as explained by Markovnikov's rule.

The presence of substituents on the alkene significantly affects the electrophilic addition mechanism, primarily influencing the stability of the carbocation intermediate and the regioselectivity of the reaction. Substituents can be either electron-donating or electron-withdrawing, and their effects are explained through inductive and resonance effects. Electron-donating groups (EDGs), such as alkyl groups, stabilize the carbocation intermediate through the inductive effect by donating electron density towards the positively charged carbon. This stabilizing effect increases with the number of alkyl substituents, leading to a more stable carbocation and, consequently, influencing the site of nucleophilic attack in the reaction. On the other hand, electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) destabilize the carbocation by withdrawing electron density, making the carbocation less favorable at that position. This can lead to alternative reaction pathways or lower yields of the expected product. Additionally, the presence of substituents can influence the stereochemistry of the reaction, especially in the formation of intermediates like the bromonium ion, where steric factors can dictate the direction of nucleophilic attack.

The formation of a three-membered ring bromonium ion during the addition of bromine to alkenes is a consequence of the unique interaction between the electron-rich double bond of the alkene and the bromine molecule. When the π electrons of the alkene attack one of the bromine atoms, a cyclic structure is formed because this interaction induces a temporary shift in electron density that leads to the departure of the other bromine atom as a bromide ion. This departure leaves a positively charged bromine atom bonded to both carbons of the original double bond. The three-membered ring structure is favored due to its ability to stabilize the positive charge on the bromine atom through a phenomenon known as bridging. This bridging reduces the strain on the positive charge by spreading it over the entire ring structure, which includes the two carbon atoms and the bromine atom. It's this distribution of charge that stabilizes the bromonium ion, making the three-membered ring structure a key intermediate in the reaction.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of the electrophilic addition of bromine (Br₂) to ethene (C₂H₄), including the formation of the bromonium ion intermediate.

In the electrophilic addition of bromine to ethene, the π electrons of the ethene attack one of the bromine atoms, due to the high electron density of the double bond. This forms a bromonium ion intermediate, a three-membered ring with a positive charge on the bromine atom. The other bromine atom, now a bromide ion, acts as a nucleophile and attacks the more substituted carbon atom of the bromonium ion. This leads to the formation of 1,2-dibromoethane, with the bromine atoms added across the former double bond in an anti-addition fashion. This mechanism illustrates the typical behaviour of alkenes in electrophilic addition reactions, showcasing the reactivity of their double bonds.

Explain how Markovnikov's rule applies to the reaction of propene with hydrochloric acid (HCl), and predict the major product of this reaction.

Markovnikov's rule states that in the electrophilic addition of HX to an alkene, the hydrogen atom bonds to the carbon with fewer alkyl substituents. Applying this rule to the reaction of propene with HCl, the hydrogen atom from HCl will attach to the less substituted carbon atom of the double bond in propene. This leads to the formation of a carbocation on the more substituted carbon. The chloride ion then attacks this carbocation, resulting in the major product, 2-chloropropane. This rule is based on the stability of carbocations, where more substituted carbocations are more stable and thus more likely to form.

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