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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes Production Methods: Alkenes

In the realm of organic chemistry, alkenes hold a position of great importance due to their extensive applications and unique chemical properties. This section focuses on their production through the elimination reactions of halogenoalkanes, a process integral to understanding advanced organic synthesis.

Introduction to Alkenes

Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons distinguished by the presence of at least one carbon-carbon double bond (C=C). This double bond imparts unique chemical properties to alkenes, making them highly reactive and versatile in various chemical reactions.

Alkene structure, carbon-carbon double bond (C=C)

Image courtesy of Kanyaporn

Halogenoalkanes as Precursors to Alkenes

Halogenoalkanes, also known as haloalkanes or alkyl halides, are compounds where a halogen atom is bonded to an alkyl group. They are pivotal in organic synthesis, serving as starting materials for producing alkenes.

Structure and Properties

  • General Formula: R-CX, where R is an alkyl group and X is a halogen (Cl, Br, I, F).
  • Physical Properties: Vary depending on molecular size and halogen type. Generally, they are less dense than water and have boiling points higher than their parent alkanes.
General Structure of Halogenoalkanes, haloalkanes or alkyl halides

Image courtesy of MaChe

Classification of Halogenoalkanes

  • Primary (1°): Halogen atom attached to a carbon bonded to only one other carbon.
  • Secondary (2°): Halogen atom attached to a carbon bonded to two other carbons.
  • Tertiary (3°): Halogen atom attached to a carbon bonded to three other carbons.
Classification of Halogenoalkanes

Image courtesy of Doc Brown's Chemistry

The Production of Alkenes

The transformation of halogenoalkanes into alkenes is achieved through elimination reactions, specifically dehydrohalogenation.

Dehydrohalogenation: An Overview

This is a type of beta-elimination reaction where a hydrogen atom and a halogen atom are removed (eliminated) from adjacent carbon atoms, resulting in the formation of a double bond.

Role of Ethanolic Sodium Hydroxide

Ethanolic sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is crucial in this process. It acts as a strong base, facilitating the removal of a hydrogen atom (proton) from the halogenoalkane.

Mechanism of Reaction

1. Nucleophilic Attack: The hydroxide ion (OH⁻) from NaOH attacks the halogenoalkane, targeting the hydrogen atom adjacent to the halogen.

2. Transition State Formation: A temporary, unstable structure forms during the reaction, where the halogen starts detaching.

3. Elimination of Halogen: The halogen leaves the molecule, resulting in the formation of a double bond between the carbon atoms, thus creating the alkene.

Dehydrohalogenation of Halogenoalkanes, haloalkanes or alkyl halides

Image courtesy of Kwantlen Polytechnic University - Pressbooks

Influence of Heat in the Reaction

Heat is a critical factor in this reaction. It not only accelerates the reaction but also helps in overcoming the energy barrier required for the elimination process.

Factors Influencing the Reaction

  • Temperature: Elevated temperatures favour the elimination reaction, shifting the equilibrium towards alkene formation.
  • Nature of Halogenoalkane: The reaction rate varies with the type of halogenoalkane; tertiary halogenoalkanes react more readily than primary ones.

Specific Examples of Alkene Production

From Chloroethane to Ethene

  • Reactants: Chloroethane (C2H5Cl) and ethanolic NaOH.
  • Reaction Conditions: The mixture is heated, triggering the elimination of HCl, yielding ethene (C2H4) and sodium chloride (NaCl).

From 2-Bromopropane to Propene

  • Reactants: 2-Bromopropane (C3H7Br) and ethanolic NaOH.
  • Product Formation: The reaction produces propene (C3H6) and sodium bromide (NaBr), exemplifying a typical dehydrohalogenation.

Safety and Environmental Aspects

  • Handling of Reactants: Utmost care is necessary when dealing with halogenoalkanes and NaOH due to their hazardous nature.
  • Disposal of By-products: Responsible disposal is crucial to prevent environmental damage.

Applications of Alkenes in Industry

Produced alkenes find extensive use in the synthesis of plastics, pharmaceuticals, and other organic compounds. Their reactivity, particularly in polymerisation reactions, makes them invaluable in the chemical industry.

Key Points to Remember

  • The dehydrohalogenation of halogenoalkanes is a classic example of elimination reactions in organic chemistry.
  • Understanding the mechanism and conditions of this reaction is crucial for appreciating the broader scope of organic synthesis.
  • Alkenes produced through this method are foundational compounds in many industrial processes.

In summary, the production of alkenes from halogenoalkanes using ethanolic sodium hydroxide and heat not only illustrates a fundamental organic reaction mechanism but also highlights the practical applications of these compounds in various sectors. For A-level students, mastering this topic lays a solid foundation for further studies in organic chemistry and its real-world applications.


The choice of ethanolic sodium hydroxide over aqueous sodium hydroxide is crucial in the dehydrohalogenation reaction to produce alkenes. Ethanolic sodium hydroxide provides a non-aqueous, alcoholic environment that favours elimination reactions over substitution reactions. In an aqueous environment, the prevalent hydroxide ions and water molecules might lead to nucleophilic substitution reactions instead, where the halogen atom is simply replaced by a hydroxide ion, forming an alcohol. However, in the alcoholic medium, the reaction conditions are tailored to facilitate the removal of a hydrogen atom and a halogen atom from adjacent carbon atoms, leading to the formation of a double bond and thus an alkene. Additionally, the ethanolic environment helps to dissolve the organic halogenoalkane, ensuring better contact between the reactants and leading to a more efficient reaction.

Dehydrohalogenation can indeed be used to produce alkenes with specific configurations, including cis or trans isomers. The configuration of the resulting alkene is influenced by the stereochemistry of the starting halogenoalkane and the mechanism of the reaction. In elimination reactions, the most stable alkene is usually the major product, following Zaitsev's rule. This rule states that the alkene with the more highly substituted double bond is favoured. In terms of stereochemistry, if the leaving group and the hydrogen atom removed during dehydrohalogenation are on the same side of the molecule (cis), the resulting alkene is more likely to have a trans configuration. Conversely, if they are on opposite sides (trans), a cis alkene may be formed. However, the actual outcome can vary depending on the specific structure of the halogenoalkane and the reaction conditions, making it a complex and fascinating aspect of organic synthesis.

In the dehydrohalogenation of halogenoalkanes to produce alkenes, several side reactions or by-products can occur, depending on the reactants and conditions. One common side reaction is the formation of alcohols through nucleophilic substitution, particularly if aqueous sodium hydroxide is used instead of ethanolic sodium hydroxide. Another potential side reaction is the formation of alkynes, especially when excess base is used or the reaction is conducted at higher temperatures. To minimise these side reactions, it is essential to carefully control the reaction conditions. Using an appropriate concentration of ethanolic sodium hydroxide, maintaining the correct temperature, and avoiding excessive reaction times are key strategies. Additionally, using the correct halogenoalkane and ensuring it is pure can help reduce the likelihood of unwanted reactions. By optimising these factors, chemists can maximise the yield of the desired alkene and minimise the formation of side products.

Heat plays a critical role in the dehydrohalogenation of halogenoalkanes. The reaction involves the breaking of a carbon-halogen bond and a carbon-hydrogen bond, both of which require energy. Applying heat supplies this energy, facilitating the bond-breaking process. Moreover, the reaction is endothermic, meaning it absorbs energy. By providing heat, the reaction mixture attains the activation energy needed for the reaction to proceed. This energy input not only accelerates the reaction but also helps shift the equilibrium towards the formation of the desired alkene product. In absence of sufficient heat, the reaction would proceed very slowly or not at all, leading to lower yields of the alkene. Thus, controlled heating is essential for effective and efficient conversion of halogenoalkanes to alkenes.

The type of halogen in the halogenoalkane significantly influences the rate of dehydrohalogenation. This effect can be explained by two primary factors: the bond strength between the carbon and the halogen, and the size and electronegativity of the halogen atom. Generally, C-I bonds are weaker than C-Br, C-Cl, and C-F bonds due to iodine's larger size and lower electronegativity. Therefore, iodides typically undergo dehydrohalogenation more readily than bromides, chlorides, and fluorides. Moreover, the weaker bond strength in iodides facilitates the departure of the halogen atom during the reaction, speeding up the process. Conversely, fluorides rarely undergo this reaction because of the exceptionally strong C-F bond. Additionally, the inductive effect caused by the halogen atom affects the stability of the transition state during the reaction, with more electronegative halogens stabilising the transition state less effectively.

Practice Questions

Explain the mechanism of the reaction between chloroethane and ethanolic sodium hydroxide to produce ethene. Include the role of the hydroxide ion and the conditions required for the reaction.

The mechanism involves a nucleophilic attack by the hydroxide ion (OH⁻) from ethanolic sodium hydroxide on chloroethane. The hydroxide ion abstracts a hydrogen atom from a carbon atom adjacent to the one bearing the chlorine atom. This step is crucial as it leads to the formation of a transition state, where the chlorine atom begins to detach. Concurrently, electrons from the C-H bond are re-distributed to form a C=C double bond, thus creating ethene. This elimination reaction is favoured by heating, which helps overcome the energy barrier, promoting the formation of the alkene. The reaction illustrates a typical beta-elimination mechanism, with the product being ethene and sodium chloride.

Describe the safety and environmental considerations that must be taken into account when performing the dehydrohalogenation of halogenoalkanes to produce alkenes.

When conducting the dehydrohalogenation of halogenoalkanes, safety is paramount due to the reactivity of the chemicals involved. Halogenoalkanes and ethanolic sodium hydroxide can be corrosive and harmful upon direct contact with skin or inhalation. Therefore, it is essential to use appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and safety goggles, and work in a well-ventilated area. Additionally, the disposal of by-products like sodium halides must be handled responsibly to prevent environmental contamination. Care should be taken to neutralise any residual sodium hydroxide before disposal. These precautions are vital for maintaining a safe laboratory environment and minimising ecological impact.

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