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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

15.1.1 Synthesis of Halogenoalkanes

Halogenoalkanes, also known as haloalkanes, are a group of chemical compounds where one or more hydrogen atoms in an alkane are replaced by halogen atoms. Understanding their synthesis is essential for A-level Chemistry students, as it forms a foundation for advanced organic chemistry concepts.

Introduction to Halogenoalkanes

Halogenoalkanes are characterised by the presence of a halogen atom (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine) attached to an alkyl group. They are significant due to their versatility in organic synthesis and their role in many industrial applications.

Halogenoalkanes, also known as haloalkanes or alkyl halides

R represents the alkyl group and X represents the halogen atom (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine)

Image courtesy of MaChe

Free-radical Substitution of Alkanes

One of the primary methods for producing halogenoalkanes is through the free-radical substitution of alkanes. This process involves a chain reaction mechanism occurring in three stages: initiation, propagation, and termination.

  • Initiation: The reaction begins with the homolytic fission of a halogen molecule (Cl₂ or Br₂) under the influence of ultraviolet light. This step generates highly reactive halogen radicals.
  • Propagation: These halogen radicals then react with alkane molecules. The alkane's hydrogen atom is abstracted, forming an alkyl radical and a hydrogen halide. The newly formed alkyl radical reacts with another halogen molecule, producing a halogenoalkane and another halogen radical, perpetuating the chain reaction.
  • Termination: The reaction concludes when two radicals combine, forming a stable molecule. This can occur in various combinations, such as two alkyl radicals, two halogen radicals, or an alkyl and a halogen radical.

The reaction is sensitive to light and requires control of temperature and an inert atmosphere to prevent unwanted side reactions.

Stages of Free Radical Substitution Reaction

Image courtesy of Master Organic Chemistry

Electrophilic Addition of Alkenes

Electrophilic addition to alkenes offers another pathway to halogenoalkanes, typically involving halogens or hydrogen halides.

  • Reaction with Halogens: Alkenes readily react with halogens like chlorine or bromine. The halogen molecules are polarised upon approaching the electron-rich double bond of the alkene, leading to the addition across the double bond and forming a vicinal dihaloalkane. This reaction is exothermic and typically occurs at room temperature.
Ethene (alkene) reaction with halogens

Image courtesy of Anonymouse197

  • Reaction with Hydrogen Halides: When alkenes are treated with hydrogen halides (HCl, HBr, or HI), halogenoalkanes are formed. The reaction follows Markovnikov's rule, where the hydrogen atom bonds with the carbon with more hydrogen atoms, and the halogen bonds with the carbon with fewer hydrogen atoms..
Ethene (alkene) reaction with hydrogen halide

Image courtesy of Anonymouse197

Substitution Reactions of Alcohols

Alcohols can be converted into halogenoalkanes through substitution reactions, which involve replacing the hydroxyl group with a halogen.

  • Reaction with Hydrogen Halides (HX): The reaction of alcohols with hydrogen halides, particularly in the gaseous state, leads to the formation of halogenoalkanes. The mechanism can vary (SN1 or SN2) depending on the alcohol's structure.
  • Reaction with KCl and Concentrated H₂SO₄: In this method, alcohols react with potassium chloride in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. The acid acts as a dehydrating agent, facilitating the formation of chloroalkanes.
  • Use of Phosphorus Halides (PCl₃, PCl₅): Phosphorus trichloride and phosphorus pentachloride are effective for converting alcohols into chloroalkanes. The reaction with PCl₃ typically yields a mixture of products, whereas PCl₅ provides a more straightforward pathway to chloroalkanes.
  • Use of Thionyl Chloride (SOCl₂): Thionyl chloride is particularly advantageous for converting alcohols to chloroalkanes, as it produces gaseous by-products (SO₂ and HCl), which are easy to remove, simplifying the purification process.
Substitution Reaction of Alcohols

Image courtesy of Master Organic Chemistry

Reaction Conditions and Mechanisms

The specific conditions under which these reactions occur are critical for the successful synthesis of halogenoalkanes.

  • Temperature Control: While many of these reactions occur at room temperature, some require specific temperature controls to ensure optimal yields and prevent side reactions.
  • Catalysts and Solvents: Certain reactions may necessitate the use of catalysts or specific solvents to proceed efficiently.
  • Light and Radiation: The free-radical substitution reaction, in particular, requires ultraviolet light to initiate the reaction.

Understanding these conditions is crucial for students, as it not only aids in practical applications but also in grasping the theoretical aspects of reaction mechanisms.

Importance in Organic Chemistry

The synthesis of halogenoalkanes is a critical component of organic chemistry. Their production methods illustrate various types of chemical reactions, including free-radical mechanisms, electrophilic additions, and nucleophilic substitutions. These compounds serve as intermediates in many organic syntheses, making their study essential for students aiming to pursue chemistry at advanced levels.

In summary, the synthesis of halogenoalkanes encompasses a range of chemical reactions, each with specific conditions and mechanisms. A comprehensive understanding of these processes is crucial for A-level Chemistry students, laying a solid foundation for further studies in organic chemistry and related fields.


Ultraviolet light is essential in the free-radical substitution of alkanes with halogens because it provides the energy necessary to break the halogen-halogen bond through homolytic fission, initiating the formation of reactive halogen radicals. This process is known as the initiation step in free-radical reactions. If ultraviolet light is absent, the energy required to break the halogen-halogen bond is not available, and the formation of halogen radicals does not occur. Consequently, the entire chain reaction mechanism, which depends on the presence of these radicals for propagation, fails to commence. This dependence on ultraviolet light highlights the importance of reaction conditions in chemical processes and the specificity of energy requirements for initiating certain types of chemical reactions, particularly those involving radical species.

The reactivity of halogenoalkanes in free-radical substitution reactions is significantly influenced by the nature of the halogen atom attached to the alkyl group. Generally, the bond strength between the carbon and the halogen atom decreases down the group in the periodic table. Therefore, halogenoalkanes with iodine (C-I bonds) are more reactive than those with bromine (C-Br bonds), chlorine (C-Cl bonds), or fluorine (C-F bonds), as the C-I bond is the weakest. This decreased bond strength facilitates the homolytic cleavage of the C-I bond, making iodine-containing halogenoalkanes more susceptible to free-radical reactions. Conversely, the strong C-F bond in fluorinated halogenoalkanes makes them less reactive in such reactions. Understanding these differences is crucial for predicting the reactivity and stability of different halogenoalkanes, and plays a key role in choosing appropriate halogenoalkanes for specific chemical syntheses or industrial applications.

The use of halogenated solvents, many of which are halogenoalkanes, raises significant environmental concerns. These solvents are often volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and can contribute to air pollution and smog formation. Furthermore, certain halogenoalkanes are known to be ozone-depleting substances. For example, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are halogenoalkanes, have played a major role in the depletion of the ozone layer. The study of halogenoalkanes in A-level Chemistry not only covers their synthesis and reactions but also imparts an understanding of their environmental impact. This knowledge is crucial for developing safer, more sustainable chemical practices. It also underscores the importance of regulations like the Montreal Protocol, which aims to phase out the use of harmful halogenated compounds. Therefore, the environmental implications of using halogenoalkanes extend beyond the lab, influencing global environmental policies and practices.

The choice of solvent in the substitution reactions of alcohols with halogenating agents is critical, as it can significantly influence the reaction rate, mechanism, and yield. For instance, when using hydrohalic acids like HCl or HBr for converting alcohols to halogenoalkanes, a polar protic solvent like water is often used. This type of solvent stabilises the intermediate carbocation in an SN1 mechanism, favouring the substitution reaction. On the other hand, when using reagents like thionyl chloride (SOCl₂), a non-polar or weakly polar solvent is preferred, as it promotes an SN2 mechanism. This is particularly important for primary and secondary alcohols where SN2 is the favoured mechanism. Additionally, solvents also play a role in controlling the temperature of the reaction, which is crucial for maintaining the stability of some sensitive reagents and avoiding unwanted side reactions. Therefore, the solvent choice is not merely a passive component but a strategic factor in driving the desired reaction pathway and outcome.

The study of halogenoalkane synthesis is pivotal in A-level Chemistry for enhancing students' understanding of various organic reaction mechanisms. Through the synthesis of halogenoalkanes, students explore different types of reactions such as free-radical substitutions, nucleophilic substitutions, and electrophilic additions. This broadens their knowledge of how different functional groups behave under various conditions. For instance, learning about the free-radical mechanism in halogenoalkane synthesis introduces the concept of radical stability and chain reactions. Similarly, understanding nucleophilic substitution reactions in the context of halogenoalkanes helps students grasp concepts like reaction kinetics, SN1 and SN2 mechanisms, and the effect of molecular structure on reactivity. Furthermore, these studies underscore the importance of reaction conditions (like light, temperature, and solvents) and their influence on reaction pathways. Overall, the synthesis of halogenoalkanes serves as a comprehensive module that integrates various principles of organic chemistry, making it a crucial component of the A-level syllabus.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of the free-radical substitution reaction in the formation of halogenoalkanes from alkanes and chlorine, focusing on the initiation, propagation, and termination stages.

The free-radical substitution mechanism involves three stages: initiation, propagation, and termination. In the initiation stage, chlorine molecules undergo homolytic fission under ultraviolet light, producing chlorine radicals. During propagation, these chlorine radicals abstract a hydrogen atom from the alkane, forming a hydrogen chloride molecule and an alkyl radical. The alkyl radical then reacts with another chlorine molecule to form a halogenoalkane and a new chlorine radical, continuing the chain reaction. Finally, the reaction terminates when two radicals combine, forming a stable molecule. This mechanism highlights the importance of radical stability and the influence of reaction conditions like light and temperature.

Explain how the conditions used in the synthesis of halogenoalkanes from alcohols with thionyl chloride (SOCl₂) differ from those used in the synthesis with phosphorus trichloride (PCl₃), and why thionyl chloride is often preferred.

The synthesis of halogenoalkanes from alcohols using thionyl chloride (SOCl₂) typically occurs at room temperature without the need for additional solvents. SOCl₂ is preferred because it produces gaseous by-products (SO₂ and HCl) that are easily removed, simplifying purification. In contrast, the reaction with phosphorus trichloride (PCl₃) often requires heating and can produce a mixture of products, complicating the purification process. Furthermore, SOCl₂ selectively reacts with the hydroxyl group, making it more suitable for synthesising chloroalkanes from complex alcohol molecules. These differences in reaction conditions and by-products make SOCl₂ a more efficient and cleaner reagent for synthesising halogenoalkanes from alcohols.

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