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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

15.1.2 Classification and Nucleophilic Substitution

Halogenoalkanes, a pivotal group in organic chemistry, encompass compounds where halogens are bonded to alkane structures. Their intricate reactions and varied applications make them an essential topic in A-level Chemistry.

Classification of Halogenoalkanes

Halogenoalkanes are categorized based on the nature of the carbon-halogen bond. This classification is crucial for understanding their chemical behavior and predicting reactivity.

Primary Halogenoalkanes

  • Definition: A primary halogenoalkane has the halogen atom bonded to a primary carbon, which is connected to only one other carbon atom or none.
  • Characteristics: These exhibit higher reactivity in nucleophilic substitution due to minimal steric hindrance and a relatively less stable carbon-halogen bond.
  • Examples: Examples include chloromethane and bromoethane, where the halogen is attached to a carbon that is either terminal or bonded to only one other carbon.
The structural formula of chloromethane


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Secondary Halogenoalkanes

  • Definition: In secondary halogenoalkanes, the halogen is attached to a secondary carbon, which is connected to two other carbon atoms.
  • Characteristics: These have moderate reactivity in nucleophilic substitution, balancing between steric hindrance and the inductive effect of the alkyl groups.
  • Examples: Compounds like 2-chloropropane and 2-bromobutane are typical secondary halogenoalkanes.
The structural formula of 2-chloropropane


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Tertiary Halogenoalkanes

  • Definition: Here, the halogen is attached to a tertiary carbon, which is connected to three other carbon atoms.
  • Characteristics: They are the least reactive in nucleophilic substitutions due to significant steric hindrance but are more susceptible to elimination reactions.
  • Examples: Tertiary butyl chloride is a classic example, where the chlorine is bonded to a carbon attached to three other carbons.
The structural formula of Tertiary butyl chloride

Tertiary butyl chloride

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Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions

These reactions are central to organic chemistry and involve the replacement of a halogen atom in a halogenoalkane by a nucleophile.

Reaction with NaOH(aq) to Form Alcohols

  • Mechanism: This reaction, where halogenoalkanes are converted to alcohols, typically follows an SN2 mechanism for primary and secondary halogenoalkanes.
  • Pathway: In this mechanism, the nucleophile (OH⁻) attacks the carbon from the opposite side of the halogen, leading to the inversion of configuration.
  • Factors Affecting the Reaction: The reaction rate is influenced by the nature of the halogen (reactivity order: I > Br > Cl) and the solvent used.
Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions to form alcohol

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Reaction with KCN to Produce Nitriles

  • Mechanism: In this transformation, the nucleophilic cyanide ion (CN⁻) substitutes the halogen atom to form nitriles.
  • Significance: This reaction is important for carbon-chain lengthening in organic synthesis and usually follows the SN2 mechanism.
  • Considerations: The nature of the halogenoalkane and the strength of the C-X bond play crucial roles in the reaction's efficiency.
Haloalkanes Reaction with KCN to Produce Nitriles

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Reaction with NH3 to Yield Amines

  • Mechanism: Ammonia reacts with halogenoalkanes to produce amines, involving the substitution of the halogen by an amino group.
  • Process: The reaction typically undergoes multiple steps, forming primary, secondary, and sometimes tertiary amines, depending on the reaction conditions and the structure of the halogenoalkane.
Haloalkanes Reaction with NH3 to Yield Amines

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Identification of Halogens with Aqueous Silver Nitrate

  • Procedure: The halogenoalkane is treated with aqueous silver nitrate, resulting in the formation of a silver halide precipitate.
  • Identification: Chloride forms a white precipitate, bromide a cream one, and iodide a yellow precipitate. The precipitate's solubility in ammonia solution varies, aiding further identification.

Key Concepts in Nucleophilic Substitution

The nucleophilic substitution in halogenoalkanes involves several key concepts crucial for understanding the reaction mechanisms.

Steric Hindrance

  • Impact: Steric hindrance significantly affects the rate of nucleophilic substitution. Tertiary halogenoalkanes, with bulky groups around the reactive site, are less susceptible to SN2 reactions but may undergo SN1 reactions.
  • Example: In tertiary butyl chloride, the bulky tert-butyl group hinders the approach of nucleophiles, making SN2 reactions less favorable.
Steric hindrance

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Electronic Effects

  • Influence: Electron-donating groups increase the electron density around the reaction center, enhancing the reactivity towards nucleophiles.
  • Example: In isopropyl chloride, the methyl groups donate electrons through hyperconjugation, increasing its reactivity compared to chloromethane.

Nature of the Leaving Group

  • Role: A good leaving group stabilizes the transition state and the resulting anion. Halogens, being electronegative, serve as good leaving groups.
  • Example: In bromoethane, bromine, being a better leaving group than chlorine, facilitates the substitution reaction more efficiently.

Solvent Effects

  • Influence: The choice of solvent can impact the mechanism and rate of the reaction. Polar aprotic solvents favor SN2 mechanisms by stabilizing the transition state and the nucleophile.
  • Example: In the reaction of n-butyl chloride with NaOH, using a polar aprotic solvent like acetone can enhance the rate of the SN2 reaction.
Common Polar aprotic solvents

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Understanding these concepts is essential for grasping the intricacies of nucleophilic substitution in halogenoalkanes, a topic fundamental to advanced organic chemistry. The study of these reactions provides a foundation for understanding more complex synthetic processes and reaction mechanisms.


When ammonia reacts with halogenoalkanes in nucleophilic substitution reactions, multiple products are often formed due to the nature of ammonia and the reaction conditions. Initially, ammonia acts as a nucleophile and replaces the halogen atom to form a primary amine. However, this primary amine can further react with more halogenoalkane to form secondary and tertiary amines, and even quaternary ammonium salts. This successive reaction occurs because the newly formed amines are also nucleophilic and can continue to react with halogenoalkanes. The tendency to form multiple products is influenced by factors such as the concentration of ammonia, the stoichiometry of the reactants, and the reaction temperature. Excess ammonia favors the formation of primary amines, while limiting ammonia can lead to higher proportions of secondary and tertiary amines. The formation of multiple products in this reaction is a significant challenge in synthetic chemistry, requiring careful control of reaction conditions to obtain the desired product selectively.

The inductive effect plays a significant role in the reactivity of halogenoalkanes in nucleophilic substitution reactions. This effect refers to the electron-withdrawing or electron-releasing properties of the substituents attached to the carbon chain. In halogenoalkanes, alkyl groups act as electron-donating through sigma bonds, which can stabilize the partial positive charge on the carbon atom bonded to the halogen. This stabilization makes the carbon more susceptible to attack by a nucleophile. For instance, in tertiary halogenoalkanes, the presence of three alkyl groups amplifies this electron-donating effect, increasing the electron density around the central carbon. However, this is counterbalanced by increased steric hindrance in tertiary halogenoalkanes, which impedes the approach of nucleophiles. In summary, the inductive effect of alkyl groups increases the susceptibility of the carbon-halogen bond to nucleophilic attack by stabilizing the positive charge, but its impact can be moderated by steric factors.

Tertiary halogenoalkanes are more prone to undergo elimination reactions rather than nucleophilic substitutions due to steric hindrance and the stability of the resulting alkene. In these compounds, the carbon atom bonded to the halogen is surrounded by three bulky alkyl groups. This steric congestion makes it difficult for nucleophiles to approach and attack the carbon effectively, hindering a substitution reaction. Instead, elimination reactions become favorable. In an elimination reaction, a base removes a hydrogen atom from a carbon adjacent to the carbon bearing the halogen, leading to the formation of a double bond and the expulsion of the halogen as a leaving group. The formation of the double bond (alkene) in tertiary halogenoalkanes is thermodynamically favorable due to the stability conferred by the alkyl groups through hyperconjugation and the inductive effect. Consequently, under appropriate conditions (like the presence of a strong base and high temperature), elimination reactions predominate over nucleophilic substitution in tertiary halogenoalkanes.

Polar aprotic solvents are preferred in SN2 reactions due to their unique ability to enhance the reactivity of nucleophiles without stabilizing the carbocation intermediate. These solvents, such as acetone, DMSO, and acetonitrile, have a polar character but lack hydrogen atoms capable of hydrogen bonding. This characteristic allows them to solvate cations effectively but not anions. As a result, nucleophiles remain relatively free and more reactive in these solvents. In the context of an SN2 reaction, this increased nucleophile reactivity is crucial as the rate of the reaction depends on the concentration of both the nucleophile and the substrate. Moreover, polar aprotic solvents do not stabilize the transition state of the reaction, ensuring that the mechanism remains a concerted, one-step process where the bond formation and bond breaking occur simultaneously. This contrasts with polar protic solvents, which can stabilize the transition state and sometimes lead to variations in the reaction mechanism.

The nature of the halogen in halogenoalkanes significantly influences the rate of nucleophilic substitution reactions. This effect is primarily due to the differences in bond strength and the leaving group ability of the halogen atoms. In general, the bond strength decreases in the order C-F > C-Cl > C-Br > C-I, meaning iodine-containing compounds typically react the fastest. This is because iodine, being larger and less electronegative than other halogens, forms a weaker bond with carbon and is a better leaving group. Fluorine, on the other hand, forms the strongest C-F bond and is a poor leaving group, leading to lower reactivity in nucleophilic substitutions. The leaving group ability is a critical factor: a good leaving group stabilizes the transition state and the resulting anion. Bromine and iodine, being more polarizable, are better at stabilizing the negative charge than chlorine or fluorine, facilitating the reaction.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of the reaction between 1-bromopropane and aqueous sodium hydroxide to form propanol. Include the type of mechanism, the steps involved, and the stereochemistry of the product.

The reaction between 1-bromopropane and aqueous sodium hydroxide follows an SN2 mechanism. In this process, the hydroxide ion, a strong nucleophile, attacks the carbon atom bonded to the bromine atom from the opposite side, leading to the inversion of configuration. This backside attack is a key characteristic of the SN2 mechanism. The carbon-bromine bond breaks as the carbon-hydroxide bond forms, resulting in the displacement of the bromide ion. The product, propanol, is formed with an inversion of stereochemistry compared to the starting material, indicating a classic SN2 reaction with a single step involving a transition state.

Explain how the reactivity of chloromethane, chloroethane, and 2-chloropropane differ in nucleophilic substitution reactions and why.

The reactivity in nucleophilic substitution reactions varies among chloromethane, chloroethane, and 2-chloropropane due to differences in steric hindrance and electronic effects. Chloromethane, being a primary halogenoalkane, reacts most readily due to minimal steric hindrance and a less hindered approach for the nucleophile. Chloroethane, also a primary halogenoalkane, shows similar reactivity but slightly less than chloromethane due to a slightly increased steric hindrance from the larger ethyl group. 2-Chloropropane, a secondary halogenoalkane, exhibits lower reactivity in comparison due to greater steric hindrance from the two alkyl groups adjacent to the reactive carbon. This increased hindrance impedes the nucleophile's approach, slowing the reaction.

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