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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

15.1.3 Elimination and Reaction Mechanisms in Halogenoalkanes

Halogenoalkanes are pivotal in organic chemistry, known for their diverse reactivity patterns. This section explores the elimination reactions typical to halogenoalkanes, along with an in-depth analysis of the SN1 and SN2 reaction mechanisms. We will also examine how the inductive effect of alkyl groups influences these reaction pathways.

Elimination Reactions with Halogenoalkanes

Overview of Elimination Reactions

In elimination reactions, halogenoalkanes lose atoms or groups of atoms, leading to the formation of alkenes. This type of reaction is characterized by the removal of a halogen atom and a hydrogen atom from adjacent carbon atoms in the halogenoalkane, resulting in the formation of a carbon-carbon double bond.

  • Typical Conditions: The reaction typically occurs with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) dissolved in ethanol.
  • Reaction Pathway: In this process, a base (like NaOH) abstracts a proton, facilitating the departure of the halogen as a leaving group and forming a double bond.
General equation of elimination reaction

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Case Study: Conversion of Bromoethane to Ethene

The transformation of bromoethane to ethene is a classic example of an elimination reaction.

  • Step-by-Step Mechanism:
    • Bromoethane reacts with the ethanolic NaOH solution.
    • The base (NaOH) abstracts a hydrogen atom from the carbon adjacent to the carbon-bromine bond.
    • Concurrently, the electrons from the C-H bond help in the expulsion of the bromide ion, leading to the formation of ethene.
  • Factors Affecting the Reaction:
    • Temperature: Higher temperatures favor elimination over substitution.
    • Base Strength: Stronger bases increase the rate of elimination.
Elimination Reaction with Halogenoalkanes- The transformation of bromoethane to ethene

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SN1 and SN2 Reaction Mechanisms

SN1 Reactions: Unimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution

The SN1 mechanism is a two-step process involving the formation of a carbocation intermediate.

  • Key Features:
    • Predominant in tertiary halogenoalkanes due to stable carbocation formation.
    • First-order kinetics: The rate is proportional to the concentration of the halogenoalkane.
    • Favoured in polar solvents, which stabilize the carbocation.
  • Mechanism Details:
    • The halogen atom leaves, forming a carbocation intermediate.
    • The nucleophile then attacks the carbocation, leading to the product.
Diagram showing a general example of SN1 (Substitution Nucleophilic Unimolecular) Reaction.

Image courtesy of Roland1952

SN2 Reactions: Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution

In contrast, SN2 reactions involve a one-step mechanism where the nucleophile attacks the carbon atom as the halogen departs.

  • Key Features:
    • Common in primary halogenoalkanes.
    • Second-order kinetics: The rate depends on the concentration of both the halogenoalkane and the nucleophile.
    • Occurs in less polar solvents, which do not stabilize the transition state.
  • Mechanism Details:
    • The nucleophile attacks the carbon atom at the opposite side of the leaving halogen.
    • This simultaneous attack and departure lead to the inversion of configuration at the carbon center.
Diagram showing a general example of SN2 (Substitution Nucleophilic Bimolecular) Reaction.

Image courtesy of Saco

Inductive Effect and Reaction Pathway

The Inductive Effect Explained

The inductive effect involves the electron-donating or withdrawing tendencies of substituents attached to the carbon-halogen bond. This electronic influence significantly sways the reaction mechanism of halogenoalkanes.

  • Alkyl Groups' Role: Alkyl groups are electron-donating, which stabilizes carbocations in SN1 reactions through hyperconjugation and inductive effects.
  • Impact on SN1 Mechanisms: Tertiary halogenoalkanes, with more alkyl groups, stabilize the carbocation intermediate, making SN1 more favourable.
  • Impact on SN2 Mechanisms: In primary halogenoalkanes, the less hindered carbon atom is more accessible for nucleophiles, leading to a preference for SN2 reactions.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Mechanism

Determining whether an SN1 or SN2 mechanism will predominate depends on several factors:

  • Structure of the Halogenoalkane: Tertiary halogenoalkanes often undergo SN1 reactions, while primary ones are more likely to undergo SN2 reactions.
  • Strength and Size of the Nucleophile: Strong, small nucleophiles are more likely to participate in SN2 reactions.
  • Solvent Type: Polar protic solvents support SN1 mechanisms, while polar aprotic solvents are more conducive to SN2 reactions.


Understanding the elimination reactions and the SN1 and SN2 reaction mechanisms in halogenoalkanes is essential in organic chemistry, especially at the A-level. The inductive effect of alkyl groups and the structure of the halogenoalkane play crucial roles in determining the reaction mechanism. This knowledge not only provides a deeper insight into the behavior of halogenoalkanes but also serves as a fundamental concept in the study of organic reactions and synthesis.


SN2 reactions are stereospecific due to the mechanism of the nucleophilic attack. In an SN2 reaction, the nucleophile attacks the electrophilic carbon atom from the opposite side to the leaving group. This backside attack is necessary because it provides the least steric hindrance and allows for the best overlap of the nucleophile's orbital with the carbon's sp³ orbital. This attack results in an inversion of configuration at the carbon centre, akin to an umbrella turning inside out in a strong wind. This is known as the Walden inversion. For example, if the substrate is chiral and initially has an R-configuration, after an SN2 reaction, it will have an S-configuration, and vice versa. This stereospecificity is crucial in synthetic chemistry, especially in the synthesis of chiral molecules, as it allows for the prediction and control of the product's stereochemistry, essential in pharmaceuticals and other applications where the 3D arrangement of atoms is critical.

The rate of an SN1 reaction can be increased by several factors that influence either the stability of the carbocation intermediate or the ease of the leaving group's departure. Firstly, using a more stable carbocation can accelerate the reaction. This can be achieved by using tertiary halogenoalkanes, as tertiary carbocations are more stable due to greater alkyl group stabilisation through hyperconjugation and inductive effects. Secondly, the choice of solvent is critical; polar protic solvents like water or alcohols can stabilise the carbocation intermediate through solvation, thereby increasing the reaction rate. Thirdly, improving the leaving group's ability also speeds up the reaction. Better leaving groups, like bromide or iodide ions, depart more readily, facilitating the carbocation formation. Lastly, increasing the reaction temperature can also enhance the reaction rate, as SN1 is a unimolecular, entropy-driven process where higher temperatures favour the formation of the carbocation intermediate.

Several factors make a halogenoalkane more susceptible to SN2 reactions. First and foremost is the structure of the halogenoalkane. Primary halogenoalkanes, where the carbon bonded to the halogen is only attached to one other carbon, are most susceptible to SN2 reactions due to minimal steric hindrance, allowing easier access for the nucleophile. Secondary halogenoalkanes are less reactive, and tertiary halogenoalkanes are usually unreactive in SN2 due to significant steric hindrance. Secondly, the strength and size of the nucleophile are crucial. Strong, small nucleophiles like iodide ions or thiolates are more efficient in SN2 reactions. Thirdly, the nature of the solvent plays a significant role. Polar aprotic solvents, which do not solvate the nucleophile as effectively as polar protic solvents, are preferred because they keep the nucleophile more reactive. Finally, the leaving group's ability influences the reaction rate. Halogenoalkanes with better leaving groups, such as iodides or bromides, are more prone to SN2 reactions because these leaving groups can easily depart, facilitating the nucleophilic attack.

The leaving group's ability in halogenoalkanes significantly influences the rate of SN1 and SN2 reactions. A good leaving group can depart easily with its electron pair, facilitating the reaction. In general, the better the leaving group, the faster the reaction, for both SN1 and SN2 mechanisms. The halide ions (Cl⁻, Br⁻, I⁻) are typically good leaving groups because they are relatively stable once they leave the molecule. In contrast, F⁻ is a poor leaving group due to its high electronegativity and small size, leading to strong bond formation with carbon. For SN1 reactions, the ease with which the leaving group departs is crucial since the first step (formation of the carbocation) is the rate-determining step. In SN2 reactions, the strength of the carbon-leaving group bond inversely affects the reaction rate; weaker bonds make the nucleophilic attack easier. Therefore, the nature and stability of the leaving group are key factors determining the rate and feasibility of nucleophilic substitution reactions in halogenoalkanes.

The solvent plays a crucial role in determining the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions (SN1 and SN2). In SN1 reactions, polar protic solvents like water or alcohols are preferred. These solvents stabilise the carbocation intermediate through solvation, essentially through hydrogen bonding. This stabilisation is pivotal because the carbocation is the rate-determining step in SN1 mechanisms. For SN2 reactions, polar aprotic solvents such as acetone or DMF (dimethylformamide) are ideal. These solvents do not solvate the nucleophile as effectively as polar protic solvents, which means the nucleophile remains more reactive. Moreover, polar aprotic solvents do not stabilise the transition state in SN2 as much as polar protic solvents, thus favouring the direct, bimolecular attack characteristic of SN2 mechanisms. The choice of solvent, therefore, significantly influences the rate and feasibility of these reactions by affecting the stability of intermediates and the reactivity of the nucleophile.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of the SN1 reaction, using tertiary butyl bromide as an example. Explain the factors affecting the rate of this reaction.

In the SN1 mechanism of tertiary butyl bromide, the reaction proceeds in two steps. Initially, the bromide ion leaves, forming a carbocation - a step that is the rate-determining. This carbocation, being tertiary, is stabilised by the surrounding alkyl groups through hyperconjugation and inductive effects. The second step involves a nucleophile attacking the carbocation to form the product. The rate of this reaction depends primarily on the concentration of tertiary butyl bromide, as it undergoes a unimolecular mechanism. Solvent polarity also plays a significant role, as polar solvents stabilise the carbocation, facilitating the reaction.

Explain how the inductive effect influences the choice between an SN1 and an SN2 reaction mechanism in halogenoalkanes, using ethyl chloride and tert-butyl chloride as examples.

The inductive effect significantly influences whether a halogenoalkane undergoes an SN1 or SN2 reaction. Ethyl chloride, being a primary halogenoalkane, is more susceptible to SN2 reactions. This is because primary carbocations are less stable, and the lesser steric hindrance allows for the direct attack of the nucleophile. On the other hand, tert-butyl chloride, a tertiary halogenoalkane, favours the SN1 mechanism. Here, the inductive effect of the three alkyl groups stabilises the carbocation intermediate formed during the reaction. Hence, the structural nature and the inductive effect of the alkyl groups determine the preferred reaction pathway in halogenoalkanes.

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