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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes Dehydration Reactions in Alkenes

Dehydration reactions are a fundamental aspect of organic chemistry, particularly in the transformation of alcohols into alkenes. This reaction type is crucial for students studying A-level Chemistry, as it demonstrates the practical application of chemical principles in synthesizing important organic compounds.

Introduction to Dehydration Reactions

Dehydration reactions involve the removal of a water molecule from an organic compound. In the context of alkenes, these reactions are primarily concerned with the conversion of alcohols into alkenes through the loss of water.

Catalysts in Dehydration

  • Aluminium Oxide (Al2O3): A widely used solid-state catalyst that provides a surface area for the reaction.
  • Concentrated Acids: Sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid are the most common choices. These acids not only catalyse the reaction but also facilitate the removal of water.

Reaction Mechanism

1. Protonation: The alcohol's hydroxyl group is protonated, increasing its ability to leave as water.

2. Formation of Carbocation: The departure of the water molecule results in a carbocation, a key intermediate in this reaction.

3. Formation of Alkene: A double bond is formed as a result of the carbocation rearranging or losing a proton, leading to the formation of an alkene.

Detailed Reaction Conditions

  • Temperature: The reaction typically requires elevated temperatures, often between 140°C and 180°C, to proceed efficiently.
  • Alcohol Type: Primary alcohols tend to form primary carbocations, which are less stable and thus react slower than secondary and tertiary carbocations formed from secondary and tertiary alcohols.
Dehydration Reaction in Alkenes- dehydration of ethanol into ethylene and water

Image courtesy of Shiken.ai

Alkene Formation Explained

The specific alkene produced depends on the structure of the starting alcohol and the reaction conditions.

Regioselectivity in Alkene Formation

  • Zaitsev's Rule: This rule predicts that the more substituted alkene (with a greater number of alkyl groups attached to the double bond) will generally be the major product.
  • Mechanism: The formation of the more substituted alkene is favoured due to its greater stability compared to less substituted alkenes.

Stereochemistry in Alkene Formation

  • Cis-Trans Isomerism: Depending on the groups attached to the carbon atoms of the double bond, different geometric isomers (cis and trans) of the alkene can be formed.
Stereochemistry in Alkene -Structure of cis- and trans-2-butene

Image courtesy of NEUROtiker

Safety and Environmental Concerns

  • Handling of Acids: Concentrated acids are corrosive and must be handled with care to prevent burns and injuries.
  • Temperature Control: High temperatures require careful monitoring to prevent accidents.
  • Waste Disposal: Proper disposal of chemical waste is essential to minimize environmental impact.

Applications in Industry and Research

  • Synthetic Organic Chemistry: Dehydration reactions are used to synthesize a wide range of organic compounds.
  • Petrochemical Industry: Alkenes produced by dehydration reactions are key intermediates in the manufacture of polymers, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals.

Experimental Procedures and Techniques

  • Distillation: Used to purify the alkene product by separating it from the reaction mixture based on boiling points.
  • Chromatography: Useful in analysing the products to confirm the presence and purity of the alkene.

Key Terms and Definitions

  • Alkene: A hydrocarbon containing at least one carbon-carbon double bond.
  • Carbocation: A positively charged carbon ion, an important intermediate in many organic reactions.
  • Regioselectivity: The preference of one direction of chemical bond making or breaking over all other possible directions.

Overcoming Challenges in Dehydration Reactions

  • Selectivity Issues: Adjusting reaction conditions to favour the formation of the desired alkene, especially in complex molecules.
  • Optimising Yields: Fine-tuning the temperature, catalyst concentration, and reaction time to maximise alkene yield.


Understanding dehydration reactions is crucial for students studying A-level Chemistry. These reactions not only provide insight into organic synthesis but also demonstrate the practical application of chemical principles in real-world scenarios. Mastery of this topic will equip students with knowledge applicable in both academic and industrial chemistry settings.


The molecular structure of the alcohol plays a crucial role in determining the selectivity of the dehydration reaction. The structure affects both the stability of the intermediate carbocation and the possible locations for the formation of the double bond in the resulting alkene. Alcohols with more complex structures can form multiple carbocation intermediates, each leading to different alkenes. The stability of these intermediates is influenced by factors such as the degree of substitution (primary, secondary, or tertiary) and the presence of electron-donating or electron-withdrawing groups. Additionally, the structure of the alcohol determines the regioselectivity of the reaction, which is the preference for forming one alkene over another. For example, in alcohols that can form more than one carbocation, the most stable carbocation typically leads to the major product, as predicted by Zaitsev's Rule. This rule states that the more substituted alkene (the one with the greater number of alkyl groups attached to the double bond) tends to be the major product. Therefore, the specific molecular structure of the starting alcohol is a key factor in predicting and controlling the outcome of the dehydration reaction.

Tertiary alcohols are dehydrated more readily than primary or secondary alcohols primarily due to the stability of the carbocation intermediate formed during the reaction. In a tertiary alcohol, the carbon atom bearing the hydroxyl group is connected to three alkyl groups, which stabilise the positively charged carbocation through inductive and hyperconjugation effects. These effects spread out the positive charge over a larger area, reducing the energy of the carbocation and making it more stable. In contrast, primary and secondary carbocations, formed from primary and secondary alcohols respectively, are less stable due to having fewer alkyl groups to stabilise the positive charge. Consequently, the rate-determining step of the reaction, which is the formation of the carbocation, occurs more readily with tertiary alcohols. This increased stability in tertiary carbocations leads to a faster reaction rate, making tertiary alcohols more prone to dehydration.

Dehydration reactions, in principle, are reversible. The reverse process involves the addition of water (hydration) to an alkene to form an alcohol. This reversal is not simply the direct opposite of dehydration but requires specific conditions and catalysts. For example, the hydration of alkenes is typically facilitated by acidic conditions and often involves catalysts like sulfuric acid or phosphoric acid. The reaction mechanism involves the initial formation of a carbocation intermediate through the electrophilic addition of a proton (from the acid) to the alkene. This carbocation then reacts with water, which acts as a nucleophile, leading to the formation of an alcohol. The reaction conditions, such as temperature, catalyst concentration, and the nature of the alkene, influence the rate and outcome of the hydration reaction. It is also worth noting that the hydration of alkenes is often more complex than the dehydration of alcohols due to issues such as regioselectivity and the formation of multiple products.

The concentration of the acid catalyst significantly influences the rate of dehydration of alcohols to alkenes. Higher concentrations of acid increase the availability of protons, which are essential for the protonation of the alcohol's hydroxyl group. This protonation step is critical as it facilitates the conversion of the hydroxyl group into a good leaving group, enabling the subsequent formation of a carbocation intermediate. A higher concentration of acid effectively speeds up this initial step, leading to a faster overall reaction rate. Additionally, concentrated acid helps to remove the water produced in the reaction, driving the equilibrium towards the formation of the alkene. However, it is important to balance the acid concentration, as excessively high concentrations can lead to side reactions or over-dehydration, potentially forming undesired by-products or more substituted alkenes than intended. Therefore, the choice of acid concentration is a crucial factor in optimising the yield and selectivity of the desired alkene product.

Environmental and safety concerns associated with the by-products of dehydration reactions are significant. One of the primary concerns is the handling and disposal of acidic catalysts used in the reaction, such as sulfuric or phosphoric acid. These acids are corrosive and pose risks like burns and respiratory hazards. Proper handling, storage, and neutralisation procedures are essential to minimise these risks. Additionally, the dehydration of alcohols can sometimes produce more than just the desired alkene, leading to a mixture of products that may include other alkenes, dienes, or even aromatic compounds, depending on the reaction conditions and the structure of the starting alcohol. Some of these by-products can be volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or have toxic properties, necessitating careful handling and disposal. The environmental impact of these by-products, especially in terms of air and water pollution, is also a concern. Therefore, it's crucial to design the reaction conditions to maximise the yield of the desired product and minimise the formation of harmful by-products. Additionally, implementing effective waste management and treatment strategies is essential to address these environmental and safety concerns.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of the dehydration of ethanol to ethene using concentrated sulfuric acid as a catalyst. Include each step and explain the role of the sulfuric acid in the reaction.

In the dehydration of ethanol to ethene using concentrated sulfuric acid, the mechanism starts with the protonation of the hydroxyl group of ethanol by the sulfuric acid, making it a better leaving group. This step is critical as it facilitates the next part of the reaction. The protonated ethanol then loses a water molecule, forming a carbocation intermediate. This carbocation is a key intermediate and represents the rate-determining step of the mechanism. The final step involves the loss of a proton from the carbocation to form ethene. Throughout this process, sulfuric acid acts not only as a catalyst but also as a dehydrating agent, helping to remove water and drive the reaction towards the formation of ethene.

Explain the concept of Zaitsev's Rule and how it applies to the dehydration of butan-2-ol to butenes. Which butene is expected to be the major product and why?

Zaitsev's Rule states that in elimination reactions, such as dehydration, the more substituted alkene (with more alkyl groups attached to the double bond) tends to be the major product due to its higher stability. When butan-2-ol undergoes dehydration, two possible alkenes can form: but-1-ene and but-2-ene. According to Zaitsev's Rule, but-2-ene is expected to be the major product because it is more substituted than but-1-ene. But-2-ene has two methyl groups on the double-bonded carbons, providing greater alkyl substitution and thus increased stability compared to but-1-ene, which only has one methyl group on the double-bonded carbons. This higher stability arises from hyperconjugation and the inductive effect of the alkyl groups, making but-2-ene the predominant product in this dehydration reaction.

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