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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

14.2.3 Test for Unsaturation in Alkenes

Alkenes, as a significant class of hydrocarbons, possess unique properties due to the presence of carbon-carbon double bonds. These unsaturated compounds are pivotal in both academic studies and industrial applications. The test for unsaturation in alkenes, particularly using bromine water, is a fundamental experiment in the field of organic chemistry.

Introduction to Alkenes and Unsaturation

Alkenes are hydrocarbons containing at least one double bond between carbon atoms, denoted as C=C. This double bond is not only a defining characteristic but also imparts unique chemical properties to alkenes. Compared to saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes), alkenes exhibit greater reactivity, primarily due to the electron-rich nature of the double bond. This reactivity underpins many of the tests used to identify alkenes, including the bromine water test.

Alkene structure, carbon-carbon double bond (C=C)

Image courtesy of Kanyaporn

Understanding the Bromine Water Test

Principle of the Test

The bromine water test is based on the principle of electrophilic addition reactions characteristic of alkenes. Bromine water, a solution of elemental bromine in water, serves as an electrophilic reagent. When it reacts with an alkene, the bromine is consumed, and the solution changes colour, which is a direct indication of the presence of a double bond.

Detailed Procedure

1. Sample Preparation: Place a small sample of the alkene in a clean test tube.

2. Addition of Bromine Water: Add a few drops of bromine water to the alkene.

3. Observation: Look for a change in the colour of the solution.

Observations and Interpretations

  • Initial Colour: Bromine water appears orange-brown due to the presence of elemental bromine.
  • Reaction with Alkenes: Upon reacting with an alkene, the bromine is added across the double bond, leading to the disappearance of the brown colour.
  • End Result: The solution becomes colourless, indicating the consumption of bromine and confirming the presence of an alkene.

Chemical Reaction

(Alkene (RCH=CHR)+Br2Dibromoalkane (RCHBr-CHRBr))( \text{Alkene (RCH=CHR)} + \text{Br}_2 \rightarrow \text{Dibromoalkane (RCHBr-CHRBr)} )

This reaction is a typical example of an addition reaction where bromine atoms add across the double bond.

Safety Considerations

Bromine is a hazardous substance. It is important to handle it in a well-ventilated area and to wear appropriate protective gear, including gloves and safety glasses.

Diagram showing the change in bromine water colour after the addition of alkenes.

Image courtesy of Science Ready

The Mechanism of the Bromine Water Test

Detailed Mechanism

1. Electrophilic Attack: The electron-rich double bond in the alkene attacks the bromine molecule.

2. Formation of Bromonium Ion: A bromonium ion, a positively charged intermediate, is formed transiently.

3. Nucleophilic Attack: The negatively charged bromide ion attacks the more substituted carbon of the bromonium ion, leading to the formation of the dibromo product.

Mechanism of the Bromine Water Test- Ethene (alkene) reaction with bromine

Image courtesy of Anonymouse197

Visualising the Mechanism

It is beneficial for students to visualise this mechanism through diagrams, showing the step-by-step process and the formation of the intermediate bromonium ion.

Applications and Relevance

Industrial Applications

The bromine water test is not just an academic exercise but also has practical applications in industrial settings, especially in the quality control of chemical products and raw materials.

Research and Development

In research laboratories, this test is commonly used to identify the presence of alkenes in unknown samples or in the products of chemical reactions.

Precautions and Limitations

Potential Sources of Error

  • False Positives: Substances other than alkenes, like phenols, can also react with bromine water.
  • Sensitivity: The test is less reliable for substances with very low concentrations of alkenes.

Environmental and Safety Concerns

Bromine's toxic and corrosive nature necessitates careful handling and disposal. This highlights the importance of environmental considerations in chemical testing.

Comparative Experiments

Experimenting with Different Alkenes

Students are encouraged to test various alkenes to observe the differences in reaction speed and the amount of bromine water required for decolourisation. Such comparative experiments enhance understanding of the reactivity of different alkenes.

Teaching and Learning Context

Role in the Curriculum

This test forms a crucial part of the A-Level Chemistry curriculum, providing a tangible example of the concepts of unsaturation and electrophilic addition reactions.

Pedagogical Approaches

Interactive laboratory sessions, supplemented with visual aids and theoretical explanations, can significantly enhance students' comprehension of the test and its underlying principles.


The bromine water test for unsaturation in alkenes is a quintessential experiment in organic chemistry. It not only reinforces the theoretical concepts related to alkene reactivity but also equips students with practical skills and an understanding of the importance of safety and precision in chemical testing. The simplicity and demonstrative nature of this test make it an invaluable tool in both educational and professional chemistry settings.


An alkene might not react with bromine water under certain conditions, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, if the alkene is sterically hindered, the bulky groups surrounding the double bond may prevent the bromine molecule from approaching and reacting with the double bond. In such cases, using a more reactive halogen, like iodine monochloride (ICl), might overcome this steric hindrance. Secondly, the presence of electron-withdrawing groups near the double bond can lower the electron density of the bond, making it less reactive towards electrophiles like bromine. To resolve this, a more polar solvent or a more reactive electrophile might be used to facilitate the reaction. Thirdly, if the bromine water is old or has been exposed to light and air, it may have lost its effectiveness due to the evaporation of bromine. In such cases, freshly prepared bromine water should be used. Lastly, impurities or inhibitors in the reaction mixture can also prevent the reaction. Ensuring the purity of the reactants and using an inert atmosphere can help overcome these issues.

Apart from the bromine water test, there are several other methods to test for unsaturation in organic compounds. One common alternative is the potassium permanganate (KMnO4) test. In this test, a solution of potassium permanganate in water, which is purple, is added to the organic compound. If unsaturation is present, the purple colour of KMnO4 will disappear, and in some cases, a brown precipitate of manganese dioxide (MnO2) will form. This reaction occurs because the unsaturated bonds in the organic compound reduce the KMnO4. Another method is the Baeyer test, which also uses KMnO4 and works on a similar principle. The Baeyer test is particularly useful for detecting unsaturation in a wider range of compounds, including alkynes and cyclic compounds. Additionally, infrared spectroscopy can be used to detect C=C bonds by identifying characteristic absorption peaks. These methods provide alternatives to the bromine water test and can be used to confirm the presence of unsaturation in organic compounds.

Adapting the bromine water test for quantitative analysis of unsaturation in a compound involves converting it into a titration procedure. In this adapted method, a known concentration of bromine water is titrated against a solution of the alkene until the bromine is completely reacted, indicated by the persistence of the bromine water's colour. By measuring the volume of bromine water used, the degree of unsaturation in the alkene can be quantified. This is because each mole of alkene will consume a stoichiometric amount of bromine. The procedure requires precise measurement and careful control of conditions to ensure accurate results. It's also important to use an indicator, such as a small amount of potassium iodide-starch solution, to better visualise the end point of the titration. This quantitative approach allows for the determination of the exact amount of unsaturated bonds in a given sample and is particularly useful in analytical and industrial chemistry for assessing the purity or composition of alkenes and other unsaturated compounds.

The concentration of bromine in water significantly affects the sensitivity and outcome of the bromine water test for unsaturation in alkenes. A higher concentration of bromine will lead to a more sensitive and faster reaction. This means even small amounts of unsaturated compounds can be detected as the high concentration of bromine ensures a rapid and complete reaction. However, a highly concentrated bromine solution might pose increased safety risks due to the hazardous nature of bromine. On the other hand, a very dilute bromine solution might not react completely with the alkene, leading to a less noticeable colour change. This could result in false negatives, especially when testing compounds with low concentrations of alkenes. Therefore, it's essential to strike a balance in the concentration of bromine water used for the test. Typically, a moderate concentration is preferred, offering adequate sensitivity while maintaining safety and reducing the risk of false negatives.

Yes, the bromine water test can differentiate between an alkene and an alkyne, but it requires careful observation of the reaction's nuances. Both alkenes and alkynes can decolourise bromine water due to their unsaturated nature. However, alkynes typically react more slowly with bromine water than alkenes. The reason lies in the electronic structure of these compounds. Alkynes have a triple bond (a sigma and two pi bonds), making them less reactive towards electrophiles like bromine compared to alkenes, which have a single pi bond. When testing an unknown hydrocarbon, a rapid decolourisation suggests an alkene, while a slower reaction indicates an alkyne. Moreover, alkynes often produce a transient colour change (yellow or brownish) before becoming colourless, due to the formation of a dibromoalkene intermediate. This intermediate step is absent in alkene reactions. Hence, by paying attention to the reaction speed and intermediate colour changes, the bromine water test can provide clues about whether the compound is an alkene or an alkyne.

Practice Questions

Describe the process and chemical principle behind the bromine water test for detecting unsaturation in alkenes. Explain what observations would indicate a positive test and why this reaction occurs.

The bromine water test for unsaturation in alkenes involves adding bromine water to an alkene and observing the colour change. This test is based on the principle of electrophilic addition, where the electron-rich double bond in alkenes reacts with bromine, an electrophile. A positive test is indicated by the decolourisation of bromine water, changing from orange-brown to colourless. This occurs because the alkene forms a dibromo compound, consuming the bromine in the process. This reaction demonstrates the reactivity of alkenes and their ability to undergo addition reactions due to the presence of a carbon-carbon double bond.

Why is it important to take safety precautions when performing the bromine water test? Discuss the potential risks and the measures that should be taken to mitigate these risks.

Safety precautions are essential when performing the bromine water test due to the hazardous nature of bromine. Bromine is toxic, corrosive, and can cause severe irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. To mitigate these risks, the test should be conducted in a well-ventilated area, and personal protective equipment like gloves and safety goggles should be worn. Additionally, careful handling and proper disposal of bromine and the reaction products are crucial to avoid any chemical spills and exposure. These measures ensure the safety of the experimenter and the environment.

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