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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

23.3.2 Calculating Entropy Change, ΔS

Entropy change, symbolized as ΔS, is a critical concept in the study of thermodynamics and chemistry, especially at the A-level. It represents the measure of disorder or randomness in a system and is a key factor in predicting the spontaneity and feasibility of chemical reactions. This section aims to elucidate the methodology for calculating the entropy change for a reaction, using the standard entropies of reactants and products.

Introduction to Entropy

Entropy (S) is a thermodynamic quantity that represents the number of ways in which a system can be arranged, considering the positions and energies of its particles. It is a measure of the randomness or disorder within a system. A higher entropy value indicates a greater degree of disorder.

Standard Entropy (S⦵)

Standard entropy, S⦵, is the entropy of a substance measured under standard conditions, typically 1 bar pressure and a specified temperature (usually 298 K). These standard entropy values are crucial for calculating the entropy change in chemical reactions and are found in standard data tables.

Calculating ΔS for Chemical Reactions

The entropy change of a reaction (ΔS) is the difference in the sum of the entropies of the products and the reactants, under standard conditions. The formula is expressed as:

[(ΔS=ΣS(products)ΣS(reactants))[(ΔS = ΣS⦵(products) - ΣS⦵(reactants) )

Calculating ΔS for Chemical Reactions

Image courtesy of ChemistryStudent

Detailed Methodology

1. List Reactants and Products: Begin by clearly identifying all reactants and products in the chemical reaction.

2. Find Standard Entropies: Look up the standard entropy values (S⦵) for each reactant and product in a reliable data book or chemistry database.

3. Sum Entropies of Reactants and Products: Calculate the total entropy for the reactants and products separately by adding their respective S⦵ values.

4. Apply the Entropy Change Formula: Subtract the sum of the reactants’ entropies from the sum of the products’ entropies to find ΔS.


Let’s consider the reaction:

$( \text{N}_2(g) + 3\text{H}_2(g) \rightarrow 2\text{NH}_3(g) ) $

Assuming the standard entropies (in J/K·mol) are:

  • S⦵(N₂(g)) = 191.5
  • S⦵(H₂(g)) = 130.6
  • S⦵(NH₃(g)) = 192.8

The calculation of ΔS is:

( ΔS = (2 × 192.8) - (1 × 191.5 + 3 × 130.6) )

Factors Affecting Entropy Change

Phase Transitions

  • Solid to Liquid to Gas: As a substance transitions from solid to liquid to gas, its entropy increases. This is because the particles in a gas are much more disordered than in a liquid or solid.

Temperature Changes

  • Increased Temperature: Generally, an increase in temperature corresponds to an increase in entropy. Higher temperatures provide energy to the particles, increasing their movement and the number of possible arrangements.

Chemical Reactions

  • Change in Number of Gaseous Molecules: Reactions that result in an increase in the number of gaseous molecules typically have a positive ΔS, indicating an increase in disorder.
Diagram showing Entropy in Different States of Matter.

Image courtesy of Chemistry LibreTexts

Significance of ΔS in Chemistry

  • Reaction Spontaneity: Entropy change is a critical factor in determining whether a chemical reaction will occur spontaneously. A positive ΔS is one indicator of a potentially spontaneous reaction, though this must be analyzed in conjunction with enthalpy (ΔH) and Gibbs free energy change (ΔG).
  • Molecular-Level Understanding: Analyzing entropy changes provides insights into the molecular-level events occurring during a reaction, such as bond breaking and formation.

Practical Applications

  • Environmental Implications: Understanding the entropy changes in chemical reactions is essential in assessing their environmental impact. Processes that increase the disorder in the environment can have significant ecological consequences.
  • Industrial Process Optimization: In industrial chemistry, processes are often designed to maximize efficiency and yield. Understanding and manipulating entropy changes can be key to achieving these goals.

Advanced Considerations

Gibbs Free Energy

  • Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG): ΔG is a thermodynamic property that combines enthalpy and entropy changes to predict the spontaneity of a reaction. It is defined as ΔG = ΔH - TΔS, where ΔH is the enthalpy change, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and ΔS is the entropy change.
Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG) formula

Image courtesy of SAMYA

Entropy and Equilibrium

  • Entropy and Reaction Direction: The direction of a chemical reaction towards equilibrium can be influenced by entropy considerations. Reactions tend to proceed in a direction that increases
    the total entropy of the system and its surroundings.


Mastering the calculation of entropy change is essential for A-level Chemistry students. It not only aids in academic success but also lays the groundwork for further studies and practical applications in chemistry. Regular practice with various types of reactions enhances understanding and proficiency in this area.


Yes, a reaction can have a negative entropy change (ΔS) and still be spontaneous. The spontaneity of a chemical reaction is not determined solely by the entropy change but by the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG), which considers both entropy (ΔS) and enthalpy (ΔH) changes. The relationship is given by the equation ΔG = ΔH - TΔS. A reaction is spontaneous if ΔG is negative. There are scenarios where a reaction might have a negative ΔS (indicating a decrease in disorder), but if the enthalpy change ΔH is sufficiently negative (exothermic reaction), it can compensate for the decrease in entropy, leading to a negative ΔG. An example is the formation of ionic compounds from gaseous ions. Although the system becomes more ordered (negative ΔS), the reaction releases a lot of heat (negative ΔH), making the overall process spontaneous at a certain temperature range.

Changes in temperature can significantly affect the standard entropy (S⦵) of a substance. As temperature increases, the entropy generally increases. This is because higher temperatures provide more thermal energy to the particles of the substance, increasing their kinetic energy. For solids and liquids, this increased kinetic energy leads to more vigorous vibrations and movements of atoms or molecules within the structure, resulting in a greater number of accessible microstates and, consequently, higher entropy. In gases, higher temperatures lead to faster-moving molecules, which increases the randomness of their distribution and velocities, further raising the entropy. However, it’s important to note that the rate at which entropy increases with temperature may vary between substances depending on their specific heat capacities and phase transition points. For instance, during a phase transition (like melting or boiling), the temperature remains constant while the system absorbs heat, leading to a significant increase in entropy without a change in temperature.

Gases have higher standard entropies (S⦵) than solids or liquids due to the greater freedom of movement and more extensive range of available energy states for their particles. In a gaseous state, molecules are far apart and move randomly at high speeds. This random motion allows a vast number of possible arrangements and energy distributions (microstates), contributing to a high degree of disorder or randomness. In contrast, particles in solids are closely packed in a fixed, orderly arrangement, greatly limiting their movement and the number of microstates. Liquids have more disorder than solids but less than gases, as their particles are closer than in gases but still able to move past each other. This hierarchical increase in entropy from solid to liquid to gas is a fundamental concept in thermodynamics and crucial for understanding entropy changes in phase transitions and chemical reactions.

The complexity of a molecule significantly impacts its standard entropy (S⦵). In general, more complex molecules have higher standard entropies. This is because a complex molecule, with its greater number of atoms and possibly more varied structural arrangements, has more ways in which its atoms can be arranged without changing its identity. These arrangements include different rotational, vibrational, and translational states. For instance, a large organic molecule with various functional groups and a complex structure will have a higher standard entropy compared to a simple diatomic molecule like O₂. This difference arises from the increased number of microstates (ways of distributing energy among the molecule's various degrees of freedom) in the complex molecule. Therefore, when calculating the entropy change for reactions involving complex molecules, it's important to consider these higher S⦵ values, as they can significantly influence the ΔS of the reaction.

The concept of entropy extends far beyond the realm of chemistry and is a fundamental principle in various fields. In physics, entropy is a key element in the second law of thermodynamics, governing the direction of heat transfer and the efficiency of heat engines. In information theory, entropy measures the amount of uncertainty or randomness in a set of data, influencing areas like data compression and cryptography. In cosmology, entropy is used to understand the evolution of the universe, particularly in theories regarding the universe's ultimate fate. In biology, entropy plays a role in understanding the order and complexity of biological systems, including the energetics of metabolic processes and the functioning of enzymes. Additionally, the concept of entropy has philosophical and ecological implications, providing insight into the nature of order, disorder, and the progression of natural systems. This wide applicability of entropy underscores its importance as a fundamental concept not just in chemistry, but across numerous scientific disciplines.

Practice Questions

Calculate the entropy change, ΔS, for the following reaction at 298 K: ( \text{C}(s) + \text{O}_2(g) \rightarrow \text{CO}_2(g) ) Given standard entropies (S⦵) in J/K·mol: S⦵(C(s)) = 5.7, S⦵(O₂(g)) = 205.2, S⦵(CO₂(g)) = 213.7. Show your full working.

To calculate ΔS, we use the formula ΔS = ΣS⦵(products) - ΣS⦵(reactants). For the given reaction, the standard entropies are S⦵(C(s)) = 5.7 J/K·mol, S⦵(O₂(g)) = 205.2 J/K·mol, and S⦵(CO₂(g)) = 213.7 J/K·mol. Therefore, ΔS = (S⦵(CO₂(g))) - (S⦵(C(s)) + S⦵(O₂(g))) = (213.7) - (5.7 + 205.2) = 213.7 - 210.9 = 2.8 J/K·mol. This positive ΔS indicates an increase in disorder as the reaction proceeds from solid carbon and gaseous oxygen to gaseous carbon dioxide.

Explain how the entropy change, ΔS, influences the spontaneity of a reaction. Use a specific example in your explanation.

Entropy change, ΔS, is crucial in determining the spontaneity of a chemical reaction. A positive ΔS, indicating an increase in disorder or randomness, often suggests that a reaction could be spontaneous. For example, consider the reaction where solid ice melts to form liquid water. In this process, the entropy increases as the structured, rigid arrangement of water molecules in the ice gives way to a more disordered liquid state. This increase in entropy (positive ΔS) contributes to the spontaneity of the melting process. However, it's important to note that ΔS is not the sole determinant of spontaneity; enthalpy change (ΔH) and overall Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) must also be considered.

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