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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

23.4.1 Gibbs Free Energy Change, ΔG

Gibbs Free Energy, symbolized as ΔG, is an essential concept in A-level Chemistry, offering insights into the spontaneity of chemical reactions. This comprehensive guide explains the Gibbs equation (ΔG⦵ = ΔH⦵ – TΔS⦵) in detail, tailored for educational purposes.

Introduction to Gibbs Free Energy

Understanding Gibbs Free Energy is crucial in predicting whether a chemical reaction will occur spontaneously under constant temperature and pressure. It combines thermodynamic quantities: enthalpy (ΔH), entropy (ΔS), and temperature (T), to give a clear picture of a reaction's feasibility.

Understanding the Gibbs Equation

The Gibbs Equation, expressed as ΔG⦵ = ΔH⦵ – TΔS⦵, is central to thermodynamics in chemistry. It links the free energy change of a reaction (ΔG) to its enthalpy change (ΔH), temperature (T), and entropy change (ΔS). Let's break down these terms:

  • ΔG⦵: This is the standard free energy change of a reaction. It indicates the maximum amount of energy available to do work during a chemical process at constant temperature and pressure. A negative ΔG signifies a spontaneous reaction, while a positive ΔG indicates non-spontaneity.
  • ΔH⦵: This represents the standard enthalpy change of a reaction. It is a measure of the heat absorbed or released during a reaction. A negative ΔH suggests an exothermic process (releasing heat), whereas a positive ΔH indicates an endothermic process (absorbing heat).
  • T: This is the absolute temperature measured in Kelvin (K). Temperature influences the direction and extent of a chemical reaction.
  • ΔS⦵: This stands for the standard entropy change of a reaction. Entropy is a measure of disorder or randomness in a system. An increase in entropy (positive ΔS) implies a more disordered system.
Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG) formula

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Significance of Each Term in the Equation

Each component of the Gibbs Equation plays a critical role:

  • ΔG⦵: Guides us in predicting the spontaneity of a reaction.
  • ΔH⦵: Helps in understanding the energy dynamics of the reaction, whether it absorbs or releases energy.
  • T: Influences the extent to which temperature can affect the spontaneity of a reaction.
  • ΔS⦵: Offers insights into the disorder or randomness changes occurring in the reaction.

Application of the Gibbs Equation

The practical use of the Gibbs Equation lies in calculating ΔG⦵, which helps ascertain a reaction's spontaneity.

Steps in Calculating ΔG⦵

1. Determine ΔH⦵ and ΔS⦵: Use standard enthalpies and entropies from data tables.

2. Set the Temperature: Ensure it’s in Kelvin for accuracy.

3. Apply the Equation: Substitute the values into ΔG⦵ = ΔH⦵ – TΔS⦵ to find ΔG⦵.

Detailed Example Calculations

1. Example 1: For a reaction with ΔH⦵ = -100 kJ/mol and ΔS⦵ = 50 J/mol.K at 298 K:

  • Convert ΔS⦵ to kJ (50 J/mol.K = 0.050 kJ/mol.K).
  • Calculate ΔG⦵ = -100 kJ/mol – (298 K × 0.050 kJ/mol.K) = -115 kJ/mol.
  • A negative ΔG indicates the reaction is spontaneous.

2. Example 2: With ΔH⦵ = 80 kJ/mol and ΔS⦵ = -100 J/mol.K at 298 K:

  • Convert ΔS⦵ to kJ (-100 J/mol.K = -0.100 kJ/mol.K).
  • Calculate ΔG⦵ = 80 kJ/mol – (298 K × -0.100 kJ/mol.K) = 110 kJ/mol.
  • A positive ΔG suggests the reaction is non-spontaneous.

In-depth Analysis of Reaction Spontaneity

The spontaneity of a reaction is a critical aspect in chemistry, directly influenced by the sign of ΔG⦵:

  • Negative ΔG⦵: Indicates a spontaneous reaction, one that proceeds without external influence.
  • Positive ΔG⦵: Suggests a non-spontaneous reaction, which requires external energy to proceed.
  • ΔG⦵ = 0: Implies the reaction is at equilibrium, with no net change occurring.
The effect of enthalpy change (ΔH), temperature (T), and entropy change (ΔS) on the spontaneity of a reaction

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Factors Influencing Spontaneity

Several factors affect the spontaneity of a reaction:

  • Temperature: A key factor that can tip the balance of ΔG. For instance, an endothermic reaction (positive ΔH) might become spontaneous at higher temperatures due to an increase in entropy outweighing the enthalpy change.
  • Enthalpy and Entropy Interplay: The relationship between ΔH and ΔS is crucial. For example, a reaction with a negative ΔH and a positive ΔS is spontaneously favourable at any temperature.
The relationship between ΔH and ΔS and the spontaneity of a reaction

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Advanced Applications and Considerations

Beyond basic calculations, the Gibbs Equation finds use in:

  • Predicting Reaction Direction: Understanding how changing conditions like temperature affect ΔG and, consequently, the reaction direction.
  • Chemical Equilibrium: Analysing how shifts in equilibrium positions relate to changes in enthalpy, entropy, and temperature.
  • Biochemical Reactions: Assessing the energy requirements and feasibility of metabolic pathways and biochemical reactions.


The Gibbs Free Energy concept, encapsulated in the equation ΔG⦵ = ΔH⦵ – TΔS⦵, is pivotal in understanding and predicting the spontaneity of chemical reactions. This comprehensive exploration, complete with theoretical background, practical calculations, and examples, provides A-level Chemistry students with the necessary tools to grasp this crucial aspect of chemistry thoroughly. Understanding this concept is not just about memorising the formula, but also about comprehending the intricate interplay of enthalpy, entropy, and temperature in the realm of chemical thermodynamics.


In chemical reactions, the concept of free energy is closely tied to the state of equilibrium. At equilibrium, the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction, and there is no net change in the concentrations of reactants and products. At this point, the Gibbs Free Energy change, ΔG, for the reaction is zero. This is because, at equilibrium, the system has reached a state of maximum stability and minimum free energy. If ΔG were not zero, the system would still have some energy available to do work, implying that the reaction could proceed further towards the products or reactants. The relationship between ΔG and equilibrium is also evident in the equation ΔG = ΔG⦵ + RT ln(Q), where Q is the reaction quotient. At equilibrium, Q equals the equilibrium constant, K, and ΔG becomes zero, signifying that the system has no tendency to change, thus reflecting a state of dynamic equilibrium.

The Gibbs Equation, while widely applicable, does have limitations and special cases where its effectiveness is reduced. One such limitation is in non-standard conditions where concentrations, pressures, and temperatures deviate significantly from standard states. Under these conditions, the calculated ΔG⦵ might not accurately represent the true free energy change of the reaction. Also, the equation assumes a constant temperature, which might not hold in reactions where significant heat is absorbed or released, affecting the reaction temperature. Additionally, the Gibbs Equation does not apply to non-chemical changes, such as nuclear reactions or physical changes like melting or boiling. In complex reactions, particularly those involving multiple steps or in heterogeneous systems, the application of ΔG can become less straightforward. Finally, it's important to note that ΔG provides no information on the reaction mechanism or rate, as it solely focuses on thermodynamic feasibility.

The change in the number of moles of gaseous reactants and products can significantly affect the Gibbs Free Energy change, ΔG, of a reaction. This impact is mainly due to the entropy term (ΔS) in the Gibbs Equation. When a reaction involves an increase in the number of moles of gas, there is usually an increase in entropy (ΔS is positive) because the system becomes more disordered. A larger ΔS can lead to a more negative ΔG, indicating a greater likelihood of spontaneity, especially under higher temperatures (since ΔG = ΔH - TΔS). Conversely, if the number of moles of gas decreases during a reaction, this often results in a decrease in entropy (negative ΔS), which could make ΔG less negative or even positive, thereby reducing the spontaneity of the reaction. This interplay between ΔH, ΔS, and T is crucial in predicting the direction and extent of chemical reactions, particularly in cases involving significant changes in the gaseous state.

In biological systems, the Gibbs Equation plays a crucial role in understanding the energetics of metabolic reactions, like cellular respiration and photosynthesis. These processes involve a series of chemical reactions, each with its own ΔG value, indicating whether the reaction is energetically favourable or not. For instance, in cellular respiration, glucose is broken down, releasing energy. This process involves several steps, each with a specific ΔG value. A negative ΔG in these steps signifies that energy is released, which is harnessed by the cell for various functions. Similarly, in photosynthesis, the synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide and water has a positive ΔG overall, indicating that it is not spontaneous. This means that external energy, provided by sunlight, is required for the process to occur. Understanding the ΔG of these reactions helps in comprehending how energy is stored, released, and utilized in living organisms, and it's a fundamental concept in biochemistry and molecular biology.

While Gibbs Free Energy, ΔG, is an excellent indicator of a reaction's spontaneity, it does not provide direct information about the reaction rate. ΔG gives insight into the thermodynamic favourability of a reaction, essentially telling us whether a reaction can occur spontaneously under certain conditions. However, the rate at which this reaction proceeds is determined by kinetics, not thermodynamics. Kinetics involves the study of reaction mechanisms, activation energy, and the influence of catalysts, none of which are directly related to Gibbs Free Energy. For example, a reaction can have a highly negative ΔG (highly spontaneous) but still proceed very slowly if it has a high activation energy barrier. Conversely, a reaction with a small negative ΔG might occur rapidly if the activation energy is low. Therefore, while ΔG is crucial for understanding the direction and feasibility of chemical reactions, additional kinetic analysis is necessary to predict how fast these reactions will take place.

Practice Questions

Given the reaction: N₂(g) + 3H₂(g) → 2NH₃(g), the standard enthalpy change, ΔH⦵, is -92 kJ/mol, and the standard entropy change, ΔS⦵, is -198 J/mol.K. Calculate the standard Gibbs free energy change, ΔG⦵, at 298 K and determine whether the reaction is spontaneous under these conditions.

The standard Gibbs free energy change, ΔG⦵, can be calculated using the equation ΔG⦵ = ΔH⦵ – TΔS⦵. First, convert ΔS⦵ to kJ/mol.K: -198 J/mol.K = -0.198 kJ/mol.K. Then, substitute the values into the equation: ΔG⦵ = -92 kJ/mol – (298 K × -0.198 kJ/mol.K) = -92 kJ/mol + 59.004 kJ/mol = -32.996 kJ/mol. Since the value of ΔG⦵ is negative, it indicates that the reaction is spontaneous under standard conditions at 298 K. This is typical of exothermic reactions with a decrease in entropy, where the enthalpy change is the dominant factor in determining spontaneity.

A chemical reaction has a standard enthalpy change, ΔH⦵, of 50 kJ/mol and a standard entropy change, ΔS⦵, of 120 J/mol.K. At what minimum temperature (in Kelvin) will the reaction become spontaneous?

To find the minimum temperature at which the reaction becomes spontaneous, we need to solve for T when ΔG⦵ is zero, as ΔG⦵ = ΔH⦵ – TΔS⦵. Setting ΔG⦵ to zero gives 0 = 50 kJ/mol – T × 120 J/mol.K. Convert ΔH⦵ to J/mol: 50 kJ/mol = 50000 J/mol. Now, solving for T: 0 = 50000 J/mol – T × 120 J/mol.K, which gives T = 50000 J/mol / 120 J/mol.K ≈ 417 K. Therefore, the reaction will become spontaneous at temperatures above approximately 417 K. This calculation demonstrates the critical role of temperature in influencing the spontaneity of a reaction, particularly for endothermic processes with an increase in entropy.

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