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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

23.3.1 Entropy: The Measure of Disorder in Systems

Entropy is a key concept in A-level Chemistry, essential for understanding the behaviour of particles in various states and during chemical reactions. It provides a quantitative measure of the randomness or disorder in a system.

Introduction to Entropy

Entropy, symbolised as (S), is a thermodynamic property that represents the degree of disorder or randomness in a system. The concept of entropy is crucial in determining the spontaneity and direction of chemical reactions and physical changes.

  • Significance of Entropy: Entropy helps explain the direction in which processes naturally proceed. It is crucial for predicting the feasibility of chemical reactions and understanding the energy requirements of physical changes.
  • Units of Entropy: Entropy is measured in joules per kelvin (J/K) in the International System of Units (SI).
Diagram showing Entropy Changes- low and high entropy.

Image courtesy of PH-HY

Entropy in Different States of Matter

The entropy of a system varies significantly based on its state—solid, liquid, or gas.

Phase Transitions

  • Solid to Liquid to Gas: When a substance transitions from a solid to a liquid and then to a gas, its entropy increases. This increase in entropy is due to the higher degree of freedom and randomness in the molecular arrangement in liquids and gases compared to solids.
  • Freezing and Condensation: Conversely, processes like freezing (liquid to solid) and condensation (gas to liquid) lead to a decrease in entropy. The structured arrangement in solids and the lesser freedom of movement in liquids result in lower entropy.

Temperature and Entropy

  • Temperature Influence: As temperature increases, so does entropy. At higher temperatures, particles have more kinetic energy, leading to increased movement and disorder.
A diagram showing the change in entropy when a substance changes from solid to liquid.

Image courtesy of CNX OpenStax

Entropy in Chemical Reactions

Entropy changes are central to understanding chemical reactions, especially those involving gases.

Predicting Entropy Changes

Predicting whether entropy will increase or decrease during a reaction is vital for understanding reaction dynamics.

  • Positive Entropy Change (ΔS > 0): An increase in entropy (positive ΔS) is observed in reactions where there is a transition to a more disordered state. For instance, melting, vaporization, and reactions producing more gaseous molecules from fewer or solid reactants.
  • Negative Entropy Change (ΔS < 0): A decrease in entropy (negative ΔS) is seen in reactions that result in a more ordered state. Examples include freezing, condensation, and reactions where gaseous reactants yield fewer or solid products.
Diagram showing Entropy in Different States of Matter

Image courtesy of Chemistry LibreTexts

Factors Influencing Entropy in Reactions

Several factors affect the entropy change in chemical reactions:

1. Temperature: High temperatures generally lead to increased entropy.

2. Physical State: Gases have higher entropy than liquids and solids.

3. Molecular Complexity: Larger, more complex molecules tend to have higher entropy due to a greater number of possible internal configurations and movements.

4. Number of Particles: Reactions that produce more particles, especially gases, generally result in higher entropy.

Calculating Entropy Changes

Calculating the entropy change (ΔS) in reactions is a critical skill. It involves comparing the total entropy of the products with the total entropy of the reactants.

Standard Entropy Values

  • Standard Entropies (S°): Every substance has a standard entropy value, representing its entropy at a standard state (1 bar pressure and a specified temperature, usually 25°C).
  • Entropy Calculation: ΔS for a reaction is calculated using the formula: ΔS = ΣS°(products) - ΣS°(reactants). This equation involves summing the standard entropies of all products and subtracting the sum of the standard entropies of all reactants.

Entropy in Real-World Applications

Understanding entropy is not just academic; it has practical applications in various fields:

  • Chemical Engineering: Entropy considerations are essential in process design, optimising energy usage and reaction conditions.
  • Environmental Science: Entropy principles help understand atmospheric phenomena, pollution dispersion, and climate change dynamics.

In summary, entropy is a cornerstone concept in A-level Chemistry, providing a framework for understanding the disorder and randomness in systems. Its applications span from microscopic molecular interactions to large-scale environmental processes. For students, grasping the principles of entropy is essential for a comprehensive understanding of both physical and chemical processes.


Entropy plays a significant role in the formation of a solution, particularly when a solute dissolves in a solvent. When a solute dissolves, the order present in its solid structure is broken down, leading to an increase in the disorder of the solute particles. Simultaneously, the solvent molecules gain more disorder as they interact with the solute particles. This overall increase in disorder typically leads to an increase in the entropy of the system. However, it's important to note that the interaction between solute and solvent particles can sometimes lead to a decrease in the entropy of the solvent (due to structuring of solvent molecules around the solute), but the total entropy change for the process (solute plus solvent) is generally positive. This increase in entropy is one of the driving forces for the dissolution process, especially for endothermic solutions where the enthalpy change is positive (absorbs heat).

Entropy in biological systems is a fascinating aspect, as these systems are highly ordered yet operate within the principles of thermodynamics. In living organisms, processes that seem to decrease entropy locally (such as the formation of complex molecules from simpler ones) are coupled with processes that increase the overall entropy of the system and its surroundings. For example, the synthesis of proteins from amino acids in a cell appears to decrease entropy. However, this process is powered by metabolic reactions that release energy and increase the entropy of the surroundings, ensuring that the total entropy (of the system plus surroundings) does not decrease, in line with the second law of thermodynamics. This balance is crucial for life, allowing highly ordered structures and functions to exist while adhering to fundamental thermodynamic laws.

Entropy is considered a state function because its value depends only on the current state of the system, not on the path by which the system arrived at that state. This means that the change in entropy of a system between two states is the same, regardless of the process used to transition between those states. This characteristic is crucial in calculating entropy changes in chemical reactions, as it allows for the use of standard entropy values (S°) of reactants and products to determine the overall entropy change. When calculating the entropy change (ΔS) for a reaction, one simply subtracts the sum of the standard entropies of the reactants from the sum of the standard entropies of the products. This calculation provides a reliable measure of the entropy change, independent of the specific details of how the reaction occurs, making entropy a particularly useful and practical concept in thermodynamics and chemical kinetics.

Entropy is a key factor in predicting the spontaneity of a reaction, but it is not the only one. Spontaneity is determined by the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) of a reaction, which combines entropy change (ΔS) and enthalpy change (ΔH) according to the equation ΔG = ΔH - TΔS, where T is the temperature in kelvins. A reaction is spontaneous if ΔG is negative. While an increase in entropy (positive ΔS) tends to favour spontaneity, the enthalpy change and temperature also play crucial roles. For example, even if a reaction leads to an increase in entropy, it might not be spontaneous at a given temperature if the enthalpy change is sufficiently endothermic. Conversely, a reaction with a decrease in entropy could be spontaneous if it is exothermic enough. Thus, entropy is an important but not exclusive determinant of reaction spontaneity.

Entropy is intrinsically linked to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the total entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over time. This law implies that natural processes tend to move towards a state of maximum entropy or disorder. In practical terms, this means that energy spontaneously spreads and dissipates, and systems naturally progress from ordered to disordered states unless energy is applied to maintain or increase order. For instance, in a chemical reaction, the total entropy of the system and its surroundings always increases. This law helps explain why certain reactions are spontaneous – they increase the overall entropy of the universe. It also underlines the inevitability of energy dispersion in any process, reflecting a fundamental tendency towards disorder in nature.

Practice Questions

Describe how entropy changes during the melting of ice and explain why this change occurs.

During the melting of ice, entropy increases. This increase is because melting transforms ice (solid) into water (liquid), leading to a more disordered state. In a solid, water molecules are arranged in a fixed, crystalline structure with limited freedom of movement. However, in the liquid state, these molecules have greater freedom to move and occupy different positions, resulting in increased randomness or disorder. The increase in entropy reflects this transition from a more ordered (solid) to a less ordered (liquid) state, consistent with the general principle that entropy increases as a substance becomes less structured.

A reaction involves converting two gaseous reactants into three gaseous products. Predict the sign of the entropy change for this reaction and justify your answer.

The entropy change for this reaction would be positive (ΔS > 0). This prediction is based on the principle that entropy, a measure of disorder, tends to increase with an increase in the number of gas particles. In this reaction, the number of gaseous molecules increases from two to three, leading to a greater number of possible arrangements and positions for the molecules. This increased molecular freedom results in higher disorder or randomness, thereby increasing the entropy. Hence, the transition from fewer to more gaseous molecules would result in a positive entropy change.

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