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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

13.2.1 Introduction to Reaction Terminology in Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry, a vital component of A-level chemistry, revolves around the study of carbon-based compounds and their reactions. Grasping the terminology used to describe these reactions is crucial for understanding and applying the principles of organic chemistry. This comprehensive guide covers essential concepts such as homologous series, saturated and unsaturated compounds, homolytic and heterolytic fission, radicals, and the stages of chemical reactions including initiation, propagation, and termination.

Homologous Series

A homologous series in organic chemistry is a sequence of compounds where each member differs from the next by a constant unit, typically CH2. These series are characterized by similar chemical properties due to the presence of the same functional group, and a gradation in physical properties, such as boiling point and melting point, as the molecular mass increases.

  • Characteristics:
    • Structural Similarity: Members differ by a CH2 unit.
    • Consistent Functional Group: Each member has the same functional group, influencing their chemical properties.
    • Gradual Physical Property Change: Systematic variation in physical properties like boiling and melting points.
  • Examples and Applications:
    • Alkanes (CnH2n+2): Used as fuels and solvents.
    • Alcohols (CnH2n+1OH): Used in disinfectants and beverages.
    • Carboxylic Acids (CnH2n+1COOH): Used in food preservatives and pharmaceuticals.
A homologous series in organic chemistry

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Saturated vs. Unsaturated Compounds

Saturated Compounds

Saturated organic compounds are those in which the carbon atoms are connected by single bonds only. These compounds are typically less reactive and have higher melting and boiling points compared to their unsaturated counterparts.

Unsaturated Compounds

Unsaturated compounds contain one or more double or triple bonds between carbon atoms. These compounds are more reactive due to the presence of these multiple bonds, which can participate in various chemical reactions.

  • Key Differences:
    • Bond Types: Single bonds in saturated; double or triple bonds in unsaturated.
    • Reactivity and Stability: Unsaturated compounds are generally more reactive and less stable.
    • Examples:
      • Saturated: Propane (C3H8), Butane (C4H10).
      • Unsaturated: Ethene (C2H4), Propyne (C3H4).
Saturated vs. Unsaturated Compounds

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Homolytic and Heterolytic Fission

Homolytic Fission

In homolytic fission, a covalent bond breaks evenly, with each atom retaining one electron from the bond, leading to the formation of two radicals. This type of fission is common in reactions involving nonpolar bonds and is often initiated by heat or light.

A general example of Homolytic Fission

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Heterolytic Fission

Heterolytic fission involves the uneven breaking of a covalent bond, with one atom taking both bonding electrons. This results in the formation of a positively charged cation and a negatively charged anion and is typical in reactions involving polar molecules.

A general example of Heterolytic Fission

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  • Differences:
    • Electron Distribution: Even in homolytic; uneven in heterolytic.
    • Resulting Species: Radicals in homolytic; ions in heterolytic.
    • Typical Conditions: Homolytic often requires energy input; heterolytic is influenced by the polarity of the molecule.


Radicals are highly reactive species with an unpaired electron. They play a significant role in many organic reactions, particularly in chain reactions. Radicals are usually formed during homolytic fission and are characterized by their high reactivity and instability.

  • Characteristics:
    • High Reactivity: Due to the presence of an unpaired electron.
    • Short Lifespan: Radicals react quickly and are short-lived.
    • Chain Reactions: Involved in chain reactions like polymerizations.
Free radical vs normal molecule

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Reaction Stages


The initiation stage involves the formation of radicals, typically through the breaking of a bond by energy input such as heat or ultraviolet light. This stage sets off the chain reaction.


In the propagation stage, the radicals formed during initiation react with stable molecules to produce new radicals, perpetuating the chain reaction. This stage is crucial as it defines the overall direction and products of the reaction.


The termination stage occurs when two radicals react with each other, forming a stable molecule and effectively ending the chain reaction. This stage is significant in determining the final quantity and nature of the reaction products.

Reaction stages of free radical substitution

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  • Importance in Organic Chemistry:
    • Understanding these stages is essential for predicting and controlling the outcomes of organic reactions. It aids in the synthesis and analysis of organic compounds, and in understanding the mechanisms behind their formation and decomposition.

By mastering these fundamental terminologies and concepts, A-level chemistry students can gain a solid foundation for exploring more complex topics in organic chemistry. The knowledge of reaction terminology is not just academic; it is essential for practical applications in fields ranging from pharmaceuticals to environmental science.


The concept of homologous series is pivotal in the synthesis of organic compounds in pharmaceuticals. It provides a systematic approach to modifying the structure of a compound to enhance its medicinal properties, such as efficacy, stability, and bioavailability. In a homologous series, a change in the carbon chain length or the substitution of a functional group can significantly alter the biological activity of a compound. For example, in the series of alcohols, increasing the chain length can affect the lipid solubility of the drug, influencing its absorption and distribution in the body. Similarly, the modification of functional groups can lead to changes in a drug's interaction with its target, potentially increasing its selectivity and reducing side effects. This systematic approach allows chemists to design and synthesise new drugs by making incremental changes to known compounds, thus streamlining the drug development process.

Radicals, particularly hydroxyl (OH) and nitrate (NO3) radicals, play a crucial role in atmospheric chemistry, acting as natural cleaners of the atmosphere. These radicals initiate the breakdown of pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), which are harmful to both the environment and human health. For example, the hydroxyl radical, often referred to as the 'detergent' of the atmosphere, reacts rapidly with pollutants, leading to their conversion into less harmful substances or making them more soluble in water, thus removing them from the atmosphere. These reactions are critical in controlling the concentration of greenhouse gases like methane. Moreover, radicals are involved in the formation and growth of atmospheric aerosols, which impact cloud formation and, consequently, the Earth's climate. Understanding the behaviour and reactions of radicals in the atmosphere is therefore essential in the study of environmental chemistry and climate science.

The principles of homolytic and heterolytic fission are indeed applicable in understanding various polymerization processes. In polymer chemistry, these fission types help explain the mechanisms by which monomers combine to form polymers. For instance, in free-radical polymerization, a type of chain-growth polymerization, the process begins with the homolytic fission of an initiator molecule, producing radicals. These radicals then attack the double bond of a monomer, leading to the formation of new radicals and the subsequent addition of more monomer units, resulting in polymer formation. On the other hand, in ionic polymerization, which includes both cationic and anionic types, heterolytic fission plays a role. Here, an initiator molecule undergoes heterolytic fission to produce ions that interact with monomers to start the polymerization process. Cationic polymerization involves the generation of a positively charged ion (carbocation), while anionic polymerization involves a negatively charged ion (carbanion). Understanding these fission processes is essential for controlling the molecular weight, structure, and properties of the resulting polymer.

Homolytic and heterolytic fission are fundamental to different types of organic reactions due to the nature of the products they form. In homolytic fission, the even splitting of a bond creates radicals, which are highly reactive species with an unpaired electron. These radicals are central to chain reactions such as polymerization and combustion. For example, the homolytic cleavage of chlorine molecules under UV light initiates the chain reaction of chlorination of hydrocarbons. On the other hand, heterolytic fission, where a bond breaks unevenly to produce ions, is crucial in reactions involving polar molecules. It leads to the formation of carbocations and carbanions, which are key intermediates in many organic reactions, such as nucleophilic substitution and electrophilic addition reactions. Understanding the type of fission that occurs in a reaction helps predict the reaction mechanism and the nature of the products formed.

The significance of a homologous series in understanding organic reactions lies in its ability to provide a systematic framework for studying organic compounds. Each series consists of compounds with a similar general formula and functional group, which means they exhibit predictable chemical properties. For example, the alkanes, forming a homologous series with the general formula CnH2n+2, show a gradual increase in boiling and melting points with increasing molecular mass. This predictability allows chemists to infer the properties and reactions of one member based on another. Additionally, the functional group present in a homologous series dictates the types of reactions the compounds can undergo. For instance, alcohols (R-OH) typically undergo dehydration and oxidation reactions. Understanding these series aids students in predicting reaction pathways, understanding reactivity trends, and designing synthesis processes for new compounds.

Practice Questions

Explain the difference between homolytic and heterolytic fission, giving an example of each.

Homolytic fission involves the equal breaking of a covalent bond, resulting in the formation of two radicals, each receiving one electron from the shared pair. An example of homolytic fission is the dissociation of chlorine gas (Cl2) into chlorine radicals under UV light. On the other hand, heterolytic fission occurs when a covalent bond breaks unevenly, with one atom retaining both electrons. This results in the formation of a cation and an anion. A typical example is the ionisation of hydrochloric acid (HCl), producing H+ and Cl- ions.

Describe the stages of a radical chain reaction and provide an example of a reaction that involves these stages.

A radical chain reaction consists of three stages: initiation, propagation, and termination. During initiation, radicals are formed, usually by the breaking of a bond due to energy input. An example is the cleavage of bromine molecules into bromine radicals under light. In the propagation stage, these radicals react with stable molecules to form new radicals, continuing the reaction. For example, a bromine radical reacts with ethane, forming ethyl radicals. Finally, in the termination stage, radicals combine to form a stable molecule, ending the reaction, like when two ethyl radicals combine to form butane. This sequence exemplifies a typical radical chain reaction in organic chemistry.

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