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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

13.2.2 Reaction Mechanisms

Delving into the intricate world of organic chemistry, this section aims to equip A-level Chemistry students with a thorough understanding of reaction mechanisms, particularly focusing on the electron pair movements and the diverse types of reactions prevalent in organic chemistry.

Introduction to Reaction Mechanisms

Organic chemistry is a branch teeming with reactions, each with its unique pathway known as a reaction mechanism. These mechanisms provide a step-by-step account of the transformation of reactants into products, with a specific emphasis on the movement and interaction of electrons. This understanding is pivotal for mastering organic synthesis and predicting reaction outcomes.

Curly Arrows in Mechanisms

  • Curly Arrows: These are essential tools in illustrating the movement of electron pairs. They are not just symbolic but offer a deep insight into the electron flow during a chemical reaction.
  • Electron Flow: Curly arrows are drawn from the electron-rich area (nucleophile) towards the electron-deficient area (electrophile), signifying the direction of electron pair movement.
Curly electron pair arrow

Image courtesy of Oregon State University

Types of Organic Reaction Mechanisms

Free-Radical Substitution

  • Overview: This type of reaction involves the substitution of an atom or group in a molecule by a free radical.
  • Stages:
    • Initiation: The reaction starts with the formation of free radicals, typically through the homolytic cleavage of a bond under the influence of heat or light.
    • Propagation: This stage sees a chain reaction where the radical reacts with a stable molecule to form another radical, which continues the chain.
    • Termination: The reaction concludes when two free radicals combine to form a stable molecule.
  • Example: The classic example is the halogenation of alkanes, where a hydrogen atom is replaced by a halogen through radical substitution.
  • Significance: Understanding this mechanism is crucial for comprehending how complex organic molecules are constructed and decomposed.
Reaction stages of free radical substitution

Image courtesy of Lumen Learning

Electrophilic Addition

  • Definition: This reaction type involves the addition of an electrophile to a compound.
  • Mechanism: Common in unsaturated molecules like alkenes and alkynes, where the high electron density attracts electrophiles.
  • Characteristic Feature: The formation of a carbocation intermediate is a key step, which then reacts further with a nucleophile.
  • Example: A classic instance is the addition of hydrogen halides (like HBr) to alkenes, forming haloalkanes.
  • Relevance: This mechanism is pivotal in the industrial synthesis of many important compounds, including polymers.
Electrophilic addition reaction between Ethene and Bromine forming 1,2-dibromoethane

Image courtesy of Anonymouse197

Nucleophilic Substitution

  • Overview: Here, a nucleophile replaces a leaving group in a molecule.
  • Types:
    • SN1 (Unimolecular): Characterised by a two-step process involving the formation of a carbocation intermediate.
    • SN2 (Bimolecular): A concerted one-step process where the nucleophile attacks the substrate as the leaving group departs.
  • Factors: The reaction pathway depends on several factors, including the structure of the substrate, the strength of the nucleophile, the nature of the leaving group, and the solvent.
  • Applications: Widely used in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and other organic compounds.
Diagram showing a general form of a substitution reaction.

Image courtesy of FlyScienceGuy

Nucleophilic Addition

  • Definition: This mechanism involves the addition of a nucleophile to a carbon atom of a compound, often a carbonyl group.
  • Common in: Carbonyl compounds like aldehydes and ketones.
  • Mechanism: The nucleophile attacks the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group, leading to the opening of the double bond and formation of an adduct.
  • Importance: This reaction is fundamental in the formation of a wide array of organic compounds, including alcohols and acids.
Nucleophilic Addition reaction

Image courtesy of Unacademy

Deepening Understanding of Reaction Mechanisms

  • Electron Movement: A profound understanding of electron flow is essential for accurately predicting reaction outcomes.
  • Reaction Conditions: Variables like temperature, solvent, and catalysts play a crucial role in determining the course of a reaction.
  • Predictive Power: Knowledge of mechanisms allows chemists to not only understand but also design and manipulate reactions for specific purposes.

Application in Synthesis and Problem-Solving

  • Synthesis Design: The ability to design complex multi-step organic syntheses hinges on the understanding of these mechanisms.
  • Problem-Solving: These mechanisms are tools for solving complex reaction problems, aiding in the identification of products and intermediates.
  • Industrial Relevance: The principles of these mechanisms find applications in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and materials science.

In mastering the concept of reaction mechanisms, students gain a comprehensive understanding of how and why reactions occur in organic chemistry. This knowledge is not just academic; it forms the foundation for innovation and application in the real world, from drug development to the synthesis of new materials.


Transition states play a crucial role in understanding reaction mechanisms as they represent the highest energy states along the reaction pathway. A transition state is a fleeting, unstable arrangement of atoms that occurs at the point of highest potential energy between reactants and products. It cannot be isolated or directly observed, but its properties can be inferred from kinetic and spectroscopic studies. In reaction mechanisms, transition states are often identified by the use of theoretical calculations and experimental data, like activation energies derived from rate laws. These states are critical in understanding the kinetics of a reaction, as they provide insights into the energy barrier that must be overcome for a reaction to proceed. The structure of a transition state influences the rate of the reaction; reactions with lower energy transition states tend to occur faster. Moreover, the concept of the transition state helps in understanding the stereochemistry of the reaction, as the geometry of the transition state often determines the configuration of the reaction products.

Polar aprotic solvents are often preferred in SN2 reactions because they enhance the reactivity of the nucleophile without stabilising the leaving group. These solvents, such as acetone or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), have a polar character that helps dissolve ionic compounds, including the nucleophile and the substrate. However, unlike polar protic solvents, they lack hydrogen atoms that can form hydrogen bonds with the nucleophile. This lack of hydrogen bonding allows the nucleophile to remain free and more reactive. In polar protic solvents, nucleophiles often become solvated and thus less nucleophilic, which can significantly reduce the rate of an SN2 reaction. Additionally, polar aprotic solvents do not stabilise the leaving group as effectively as polar protic solvents, which is beneficial for SN2 reactions where a fast departure of the leaving group is favourable. The choice of solvent is a critical factor in the optimisation of SN2 reactions, influencing both the rate and the yield of the desired product.

Steric hindrance plays a significant role in SN2 reactions, primarily affecting the rate and, to some extent, the feasibility of these reactions. In an SN2 mechanism, the nucleophile must approach and bond to the central carbon atom from the side opposite the leaving group. This backside attack is hindered if the central carbon is surrounded by bulky groups. The presence of large substituents near the reactive site can create spatial constraints, making it difficult for the nucleophile to access the electrophilic carbon atom effectively. Consequently, molecules with high steric hindrance (like tertiary halides) often do not undergo SN2 reactions or do so very slowly compared to primary or secondary halides. In contrast, primary halides, where the central carbon is less hindered, are more reactive in SN2 reactions. This concept is crucial in predicting the likelihood and the rate of an SN2 reaction. Understanding the influence of steric factors helps chemists in designing syntheses and choosing appropriate reaction conditions.

In electrophilic addition reactions, the presence of electron-donating or electron-withdrawing groups attached to the reactant molecule significantly influences the reactivity and the regioselectivity of the reaction. Electron-donating groups (EDGs), such as alkyl or hydroxyl groups, increase the electron density of the double bond, making the molecule more reactive towards electrophiles. These groups also direct the electrophile to the more substituted carbon atom (ortho- or para- position in aromatic compounds), leading to Markovnikov's product in unsymmetrical alkenes. On the other hand, electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs), like nitro or carbonyl groups, decrease the electron density of the double bond, making the molecule less reactive towards electrophiles. EWGs also influence the regioselectivity, often leading to the electrophile attacking the less substituted carbon atom, resulting in anti-Markovnikov's product. Understanding the effects of these substituents is crucial for predicting the outcome of electrophilic addition reactions and is a key aspect of strategic planning in organic synthesis.

Reaction intermediates are transient species that form during the course of a chemical reaction but do not appear in the final reaction products. They play a pivotal role in organic reaction mechanisms, as they provide a stepwise breakdown of how reactants are converted into products. Common intermediates in organic reactions include carbocations, carbanions, free radicals, and carbenes.

  • Carbocations: Positively charged, electron-deficient carbon atoms. Their stability is greatly influenced by the presence of electron-donating groups and the degree of alkyl substitution (tertiary carbocations are more stable than secondary, which are more stable than primary).
  • Carbanions: Negatively charged carbon atoms. Stability is enhanced by electron-withdrawing groups and is also influenced by the hybridisation of the carbon atom (sp-hybridised carbons form more stable carbanions than sp² or sp³).
  • Free Radicals: Neutral species with an unpaired electron. Stability is increased by the presence of groups that can delocalise the unpaired electron (e.g., resonance stabilisation).
  • Carbenes: Highly reactive species with a divalent carbon atom and two non-bonded electrons.

The stability of these intermediates is crucial as it influences the rate and direction of the reaction. More stable intermediates lead to more favourable reaction pathways. Understanding the nature and stability of reaction intermediates is essential for predicting reaction outcomes and designing efficient synthetic routes.

Practice Questions

Explain the mechanism of the nucleophilic addition reaction of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to ethanal. Include a diagram to illustrate the mechanism.

The mechanism for the nucleophilic addition of hydrogen cyanide to ethanal begins with the attack of the cyanide ion (CN⁻), the nucleophile, on the electrophilic carbonyl carbon in ethanal. This attack is facilitated by the partial positive charge on the carbonyl carbon, making it susceptible to nucleophilic attack. The cyanide ion donates a pair of electrons to form a new C-C bond, resulting in the formation of a negatively charged intermediate. This intermediate is then protonated by a hydrogen ion from HCN, leading to the formation of hydroxynitrile. Throughout this process, the cyanide ion attacks from the side opposite to the carbonyl oxygen due to steric factors, leading to the addition of the CN group in a planar arrangement.

Describe the SN2 mechanism for the reaction between bromoethane and hydroxide ions. Explain the stereochemistry of the products formed.

In the SN2 mechanism of bromoethane reacting with hydroxide ions, the hydroxide ion, being a strong nucleophile, attacks the electrophilic carbon atom of bromoethane from the side opposite to the leaving group (bromide ion). This backside attack is crucial as it allows the hydroxide ion to push out the bromide ion, forming a transition state where the carbon atom is bonded to both the hydroxide and bromide ions. As the reaction progresses, the bromide ion leaves, and the hydroxide ion takes its place, leading to the formation of ethanol. This reaction is a single-step process and occurs with inversion of configuration at the carbon atom, meaning that if the bromoethane was chiral, the configuration (R or S) of the product would be opposite to that of the reactant. This inversion is due to the backside attack by the hydroxide ion.

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