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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

37.2.2 Chromatogram Analysis in Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC)

Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC) stands as a fundamental technique in analytical chemistry, vital for separating and analysing compounds in mixtures. Mastery in interpreting chromatograms is key to determining mixture compositions and understanding chemical behaviors.

Introduction to Chromatogram Analysis

Chromatograms serve as the graphical output of the GLC process, illustrating how compounds in a mixture separate over time. Proficiency in reading these graphs is essential for accurately determining the percentage composition of mixtures and interpreting the retention times of various compounds.

Chromatograms analysis- Chromatograms on screen

Image courtesy of Stella

Understanding Chromatograms

The Structure of Chromatograms

  • Layout: A GLC chromatogram presents the detector response over time. Each peak corresponds to a different component of the mixture.
  • Baseline: This horizontal line appears when no compound is eluting from the column.
  • Peaks: These indicate the presence of compounds. The height and area of each peak are proportional to the compound's concentration in the mixture.

Peak Identification and Interpretation

  • Retention Time: Defined as the duration a compound takes to travel through the column and reach the detector, this time is unique for each compound under consistent conditions.
  • Comparing with Standards: By matching the retention times with those of known standards, the identities of the compounds in the mixture can be determined.
Chromatograms Peak Identification and Interpretation

Image courtesy of Anthias Consulting

Analysing Percentage Composition

Calculating Composition from Peak Areas

  • Peak Area and Concentration: The area under a peak reflects the quantity of the corresponding compound.
  • Quantitative Analysis Method: To find the percentage composition, compare each peak's area with the total area of all peaks.

Detailed Steps for Composition Calculation

1. Measuring Peak Areas: This can be done using integration software or manual methods.

2. Total Area Calculation: Add up the areas of all detected peaks.

3. Determining Percentage Composition: Calculate the percentage of each compound by dividing its peak area by the total peak area, then multiply by 100.

Detailed Interpretation of Retention Times

Factors Influencing Retention Times

  • Chemical Interactions: The level of interaction between the compound and the stationary phase, often dependent on polarity, dictates the retention time. Greater interactions lead to longer retention times.
  • Physical Properties: The boiling point of compounds is a key factor; compounds with higher boiling points usually have longer retention times.
  • Operational Conditions: Variations in column temperature or carrier gas flow rate can significantly alter retention times.

Practical Application in Analytical Chemistry

  • Comparative Analysis: Retention times are invaluable for comparing unknown samples against known standards, facilitating compound identification.
  • Sensitivity to Conditions: It's crucial to note that retention times can shift with changes in laboratory conditions.

Troubleshooting Common Issues in Chromatogram Analysis

Addressing Irregular Peak Shapes

  • Potential Causes: These can arise from impurities in the sample or from incorrect operational settings of the GLC apparatus.
  • Solutions: Ensuring the purity of reagents and adhering to the correct operational settings for the GLC system can rectify these issues.

Dealing with Shifting Retention Times

  • Possible Causes: These shifts often result from variations in column temperature or inconsistencies in carrier gas flow rate.
  • Resolving the Issue: Standardising operational conditions and recalibrating the system using known standards can help maintain consistent retention times.

Safety Considerations in Chromatogram Analysis

Chemical Handling Protocols

  • Protective Measures: Utilise appropriate safety gear and handle all chemicals in a controlled, well-ventilated environment to minimise risks.

Safe Operation of GLC Equipment

  • Standard Procedures: Adhering strictly to the established operating procedures for GLC ensures both safety and accuracy in chromatogram analysis.

In conclusion, chromatogram analysis within the realm of GLC is an indispensable skill set for A-level Chemistry students. It involves the intricate interpretation of chromatograms to accurately deduce the composition of chemical mixtures and offers insights into the compounds' physical and chemical properties. This knowledge lays the groundwork for advanced analytical techniques in chemistry and is crucial for a deeper understanding of chemical analysis.


Common problems in GLC chromatogram analysis include issues like peak tailing, peak broadening, and unexpected peaks. Peak tailing, where peaks have a longer trailing edge, can be caused by interactions of the sample with active sites in the column or by overloading the column with too much sample. To resolve this, one can deactivate the column's active sites or reduce the sample size. Peak broadening, where peaks appear wider and less defined, can result from factors like inefficient column packing, inadequate temperature control, or too slow a flow rate of the carrier gas. Addressing these operational issues can help sharpen the peaks. Unexpected peaks might arise due to impurities in the sample or contamination in the system. Ensuring sample purity and regular maintenance and cleaning of the GLC system can mitigate these issues. Understanding and addressing these common problems is essential for accurate and reliable GLC analysis.

The choice of detector in GLC can significantly affect the interpretation of chromatograms, as different detectors have varying sensitivities and selectivities for different compounds. Common detectors include the Flame Ionization Detector (FID), which is highly sensitive to organic compounds, and the Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), which is universal but less sensitive. The FID produces a response based on the number of carbon atoms ionised in a flame, making it extremely sensitive to hydrocarbons but less responsive to compounds lacking carbon, such as water. The TCD measures changes in thermal conductivity as different compounds pass through the detector, offering a broad response but with lower sensitivity. Choosing the right detector depends on the nature of the compounds being analysed and the level of sensitivity required. For instance, FID would be preferred for detecting low concentrations of organic compounds, while TCD would be suitable for a broader range of compounds, including inorganic gases.

GLC chromatogram analysis finds numerous applications in real-world scenarios outside the laboratory, primarily due to its precision in separating and identifying compounds. In the pharmaceutical industry, GLC is used for the quality control of raw materials and finished products, ensuring the correct composition and detecting impurities. In environmental analysis, it's employed to monitor air and water quality, detecting pollutants and hazardous substances at trace levels. The food industry uses GLC for analysing food products, such as determining the fatty acid content in oils or detecting additives and contaminants. In forensic science, GLC can identify substances in drug analysis and toxicological investigations. These applications demonstrate the versatility and importance of GLC in various fields, offering critical insights into the composition of diverse samples.

The length and diameter of the GLC column have a significant impact on the efficiency of separation and analysis. A longer column typically provides better separation of compounds, as it allows more interaction between the sample and the stationary phase. This increased interaction time results in better resolution and clearer separation of closely related compounds. However, longer columns also mean longer analysis times and may require more carrier gas. The internal diameter of the column influences both the capacity and the speed of analysis. A wider diameter allows for larger sample sizes but can lead to reduced resolution. Conversely, a narrow diameter column provides better separation and efficiency but limits the amount of sample that can be loaded. The choice of column dimensions depends on the specific requirements of the analysis, balancing the need for resolution, analysis time, and sample size. In practice, this means selecting an appropriate column length and diameter to achieve optimal separation for the compounds of interest within a reasonable timeframe.

The choice of stationary phase in GLC plays a crucial role in the separation and identification of compounds. The stationary phase is typically a high boiling point non-polar liquid, and its properties directly influence how different compounds interact with it. The principle of 'like dissolves like' applies here; compounds that are more similar in polarity to the stationary phase will have stronger interactions and, therefore, longer retention times. For instance, non-polar compounds will interact more strongly and for longer periods with a non-polar stationary phase, resulting in distinct separation from polar compounds, which interact less and elute faster. The choice of stationary phase thus affects the resolution of the chromatogram – the ability to distinguish between different compounds. When selecting a stationary phase, one must consider the nature of the compounds to be separated, ensuring it provides optimal interaction for effective separation and clear identification on the chromatogram.

Practice Questions

Describe how you would use a chromatogram from a GLC analysis to determine the percentage composition of a three-component mixture. Include in your answer how you would identify each component and calculate their respective concentrations.

To determine the percentage composition of a three-component mixture using a GLC chromatogram, I would first identify each component by comparing their retention times with those of known standards. This comparison allows for the identification of each compound based on how long they take to elute from the column. Next, I would measure the area under each peak, either using integration software or manual methods. The area under each peak is directly proportional to the concentration of that compound in the mixture. To calculate the percentage composition, I would sum the areas of all the peaks to find the total area. Then, for each compound, I would divide its individual peak area by the total area and multiply by 100 to obtain the percentage composition. This method provides a quantitative analysis of the mixture, allowing for precise composition determination.

Explain how changes in the operational conditions of a GLC, such as the temperature of the column or the flow rate of the carrier gas, could affect the chromatogram, specifically the retention times of the components.

Changes in the operational conditions of GLC, like the column temperature or carrier gas flow rate, significantly impact the chromatogram, particularly the retention times of the components. An increase in column temperature generally leads to a decrease in retention times, as compounds will vaporise more readily and travel faster through the column. Conversely, a decrease in temperature can increase retention times due to slower vaporisation and movement of compounds. Similarly, changing the flow rate of the carrier gas affects how quickly compounds are carried through the column. A higher flow rate reduces retention times, as compounds are swept through the column more rapidly. In contrast, a slower flow rate results in longer retention times, as compounds take more time to traverse the column. These changes highlight the sensitivity of GLC to operational conditions and the necessity of maintaining consistent conditions for accurate, reproducible results.

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