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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

37.2.1 Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC) Technique Fundamentals

Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC), a cornerstone technique in analytical chemistry, is extensively used for separating and analysing compounds that can be vaporised without decomposition. Understanding the fundamentals of GLC is critical for A-Level Chemistry students, as it provides a foundation for numerous applications in both academic research and various industries.

Introduction to Gas/Liquid Chromatography

GLC is a sophisticated analytical method that combines the physical separation capabilities of gas chromatography with the chemical separation capabilities of liquid chromatography. This hybrid technique offers enhanced sensitivity and specificity in the analysis of complex mixtures.

Key Components of GLC

Stationary Phase

  • The stationary phase in GLC is typically a high boiling point non-polar liquid.
  • It is coated onto a solid support material, usually a finely divided inert substance like diatomaceous earth, packed into a column.
  • The choice of the stationary phase is critical, as it determines the separation characteristics based on the chemical interactions between the sample components and the phase.

Mobile Phase

  • The mobile phase in GLC is an unreactive gas like helium, nitrogen, or argon.
  • It serves as a carrier, moving the vaporised analyte through the column without interacting chemically with the sample components.
  • The choice of carrier gas can affect the efficiency and speed of the analysis.

Understanding Retention Time

  • Retention time, a key concept in GLC, is the time taken for a specific compound to pass through the column to the detector.
  • It is unique for each compound under a specific set of operational conditions.
  • Retention time assists in identifying compounds based on their interaction with the stationary phase.
Illustration of Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC) setup

Image courtesy of Offnfopt

GLC Technique Fundamentals

The Process of Separation in GLC

  • When the sample enters the column, it interacts with the stationary phase. Different compounds have different affinities for this phase, causing them to move at different speeds and thus separate.
  • The separation is influenced by the compound's polarity, boiling point, and molecular weight.

Factors Affecting Separation

  • Stationary Phase: The type and properties of the stationary phase play a pivotal role. Non-polar phases are suitable for non-polar analytes, whereas polar phases are chosen for polar compounds.
  • Column Temperature: Column temperature is crucial in controlling the interaction between the analytes and the stationary phase. It must be carefully controlled to balance separation efficiency and analysis time.
  • Mobile Phase Flow Rate: The speed of the carrier gas can significantly impact the resolution and time of analysis. A slower flow allows for better separation but at the cost of longer analysis time.

Detailed Analysis of GLC Components

The Role of the Stationary Phase

  • The stationary phase in GLC is selected based on the nature of the analytes.
  • Non-polar liquids, like silicone oils, are commonly used for their stability and inertness.
  • The thickness of the stationary phase coating can impact the separation efficiency, with thicker coatings generally increasing the resolution.

Understanding the Mobile Phase

  • The choice of carrier gas is influenced by factors like detector compatibility and efficiency.
  • Helium is often preferred for its optimal balance of efficiency and inertness.
  • The purity of the carrier gas is crucial to prevent contamination and ensure accurate results.

Practical Applications of GLC

Industrial and Environmental Applications

  • GLC is invaluable in pharmaceuticals for the analysis of drug purity and composition.
  • Environmental monitoring uses GLC to detect pollutants in air, water, and soil samples.
  • The food industry relies on GLC for flavour analysis and detecting food adulterants.

Research and Forensic Applications

  • In research laboratories, GLC aids in the identification and quantification of chemical compounds in various samples.
  • Forensic science uses GLC for toxicology tests and the analysis of substances in criminal investigations.

Challenges and Solutions in GLC

Temperature Management

  • Maintaining a consistent temperature is vital for reproducible results. Modern GLC systems use precise temperature controls to achieve this.
  • Temperature programming, where the column temperature is varied during the analysis, can enhance separation efficiency for complex mixtures.

Selection of Stationary Phase

  • The selection of the stationary phase is crucial. It should be based on the chemical properties of the analytes.
  • Advances in stationary phase technology have led to the development of phases specifically tailored for certain types of analyses.


Gas/Liquid Chromatography is an essential technique in the arsenal of analytical chemistry. Its ability to separate and analyse complex mixtures accurately makes it indispensable in a myriad of fields. For A-Level Chemistry students, a thorough understanding of GLC paves the way for deeper insights into analytical methods and their applications in real-world scenarios. The technique's versatility and adaptability ensure its continued relevance and utility in the evolving landscape of scientific research and industrial applications.


Common issues in GLC include peak tailing, poor resolution, and inconsistent retention times. Peak tailing, where peaks have an asymmetric shape extending towards longer retention times, can be caused by interactions between analytes and active sites on the column or overloading of the column. It is resolved by using a more inert column material, adjusting the column temperature, or diluting the sample. Poor resolution, where peaks overlap and are not distinctly separated, can be addressed by optimizing the column temperature, changing the stationary phase, adjusting the flow rate of the mobile phase, or using a column with a different length or diameter. Inconsistent retention times can result from fluctuations in column temperature, changes in flow rate, or column degradation. This issue is resolved by maintaining consistent operational conditions, regularly calibrating the system, and replacing worn columns.

The flow rate of the mobile phase in GLC has a significant impact on the separation process. A higher flow rate can decrease the analysis time by moving the analytes through the column more quickly. However, this can come at the expense of separation efficiency, as a faster flow rate reduces the interaction time between the analytes and the stationary phase, potentially leading to poorer resolution of peaks. On the other hand, a lower flow rate allows for extended interaction and better separation, but it increases the analysis time, which can be impractical for routine analyses. The optimal flow rate is therefore a balance between efficient separation and practical analysis time. It is determined based on the nature of the sample, the column dimensions, and the specific requirements of the analysis. Properly adjusting the flow rate is essential for achieving high-quality, reproducible chromatograms.

Using a high purity carrier gas in GLC is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the analysis. Impurities in the carrier gas can lead to noise and baseline instability in the chromatogram, which can obscure or distort the detection of analytes. Additionally, impurities can react with the sample or the stationary phase, leading to unexpected peaks or degradation of the column. The choice of carrier gas also affects the analysis; for instance, helium is often preferred due to its inertness and optimal balance of viscosity and thermal conductivity, which results in efficient separation and good peak shapes. However, helium's cost and limited availability have led to the use of alternative gases like hydrogen and nitrogen. Hydrogen has the advantage of faster analysis times due to its low viscosity, but it poses safety risks due to its flammability. Nitrogen, being less efficient than helium or hydrogen, results in longer analysis times and is typically used when sensitivity is not a primary concern. The choice of carrier gas is thus a balance between performance, safety, and cost considerations.

Column temperature in GLC is a critical factor that significantly influences the separation of compounds. It affects the volatility of the analytes and their interaction with the stationary phase. Higher temperatures generally increase the analytes' volatility, reducing their interaction with the stationary phase and resulting in shorter retention times. Conversely, lower temperatures enhance interactions between analytes and the stationary phase, prolonging retention times. Temperature control is crucial for achieving desired separation, especially when dealing with thermally labile or complex mixtures. In modern GLC systems, precise temperature control is achieved through electronically regulated ovens that can rapidly and accurately adjust the column temperature. Temperature programming, where the column temperature is varied during the analysis, is often employed to optimize the separation of compounds with a wide range of volatilities. This method improves peak shape and resolution, allowing for better identification and quantification of components in a mixture.

The solid support in the stationary phase of a GLC system plays a crucial role in the efficiency of separation. The support material, typically an inert solid like diatomaceous earth, provides a large surface area for the liquid stationary phase to coat. The key properties of the solid support include its particle size, surface area, and porosity. Smaller particle sizes and larger surface areas lead to better separation efficiency, as they offer more surface for interaction between the sample components and the stationary phase. However, smaller particles can also increase back pressure in the column, which necessitates a balance between efficiency and practical operational considerations. The porosity of the support material affects the flow of the mobile phase and the interaction time of analytes with the stationary phase. A well-chosen solid support material enhances the overall performance of the GLC system by facilitating effective separation and ensuring consistent, reproducible results.

Practice Questions

Describe how the choice of stationary phase can influence the separation of compounds in Gas/Liquid Chromatography (GLC). Give an example of a type of stationary phase used and explain why it is chosen for specific types of compounds.

The choice of stationary phase in GLC is crucial as it directly influences the separation of compounds based on their interactions with the phase. A commonly used stationary phase is a non-polar liquid like silicone oil, chosen for its inertness and stability. This type of phase is ideal for separating non-polar compounds due to the principle of "like dissolves like," where non-polar analytes have greater affinity for the non-polar stationary phase, leading to distinct separation. Polar compounds, conversely, interact less with this phase and elute faster. This selective interaction allows for efficient separation and analysis of components based on their polarity.

Explain the significance of retention time in GLC and how it can be used to identify compounds in a mixture.

Retention time in GLC is the duration a compound spends in the chromatography column before reaching the detector. It is significant as each compound under a specific set of operational conditions has a unique retention time, which can be used for its identification. By comparing the retention time of a compound in a mixture with the retention times of known substances, under identical conditions, the identity of the compound can be determined. Moreover, the retention time provides insights into the interactions of the compound with the stationary phase, aiding in understanding its chemical nature and behaviour in the chromatographic process.

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