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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

3.2.2 Characteristics of Ionic Compounds

Understanding the characteristics of ionic compounds is essential for A-level Chemistry students. These compounds exhibit unique properties due to their specific chemical bonding and structure, playing a vital role in various chemical and physical phenomena.

Introduction to Ionic Compounds

Ionic compounds form through the electrostatic attraction between positively charged cations and negatively charged anions. This attraction leads to the formation of a compound with distinct physical and chemical properties.

A diagram showing the formation of ionic bonds.

Image courtesy of BruceBlaus

Lattice Structure of Ionic Compounds

The defining characteristic of ionic compounds is their crystalline lattice structure. This structure results from the arrangement of ions in a highly ordered, repeating pattern, which extends in all three dimensions.

Detailed Explanation of Lattice Structure

  • Ionic Bonds: These are strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions.
  • Geometry: The structure typically shows a regular geometric arrangement. For example, sodium chloride forms a cubic lattice where each sodium ion is surrounded by six chloride ions and vice versa.
  • Strength and Stability: The lattice structure imparts great strength and stability to the ionic compound, contributing to its distinct properties.
A diagram showing a three-dimensional lattice structure of NaCl.

Image courtesy of Vasilyev Dmitry

High Melting and Boiling Points

One of the most notable properties of ionic compounds is their high melting and boiling points.

Factors Influencing Melting and Boiling Points

  • Strength of Ionic Bonds: The stronger the ionic bond, the higher the energy required to break it, leading to higher melting and boiling points.
  • Ionic Charge and Size: Ions with higher charges and smaller sizes have stronger attractions, resulting in higher melting and boiling points.

Implications and Examples

  • Comparison: Ionic compounds have higher melting and boiling points compared to covalent compounds due to the strong ionic bonds. For instance, sodium chloride melts at 801°C, which is significantly higher than water, a covalent compound that boils at 100°C.

Properties of Ionic Compounds

Ionic compounds exhibit a range of physical and chemical properties that distinguish them from other types of compounds.

Physical Properties

  • Hardness and Brittleness: Ionic compounds are generally hard because of the strong attraction between ions. However, they are also brittle. When a force is applied, ions of the same charge can be forced together, repelling each other and causing the structure to shatter.
  • Solubility: Many ionic compounds are soluble in water due to the ability of water molecules to hydrate and surround the ions, overcoming the lattice energy.
Solubility of ionic compounds (NaCl) in water

Image courtesy of hakan

  • Electrical Conductivity: In solid form, ionic compounds do not conduct electricity. However, when melted or dissolved in water, they conduct electricity due to the mobility of ions.
Diagram showing solid and molten forms of ionic compounds and electrical conductivity.

Image courtesy of IGCSE Chemistry 2017

Chemical Properties

  • Reactivity: The reactivity of ionic compounds varies widely and depends on the particular ions involved. For example, compounds containing alkali metals are generally more reactive.
  • Formation of Solutions and Precipitates: In aqueous solutions, ionic compounds can undergo reactions that result in the formation of precipitates.

Examples of Ionic Compounds

Exploring specific examples helps in understanding the theoretical aspects of ionic compounds.

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

  • Structure and Properties: Sodium chloride forms a face-centred cubic lattice. It has a high melting point and is soluble in water. Its aqueous solutions conduct electricity.
  • Uses: Commonly known as table salt, it is used in food and as a de-icing agent.

Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

  • Structure and Properties: Magnesium oxide has a rock salt structure. It has an extremely high melting point and is a poor conductor of electricity.
  • Uses: It is used in refractory materials, electrical insulation, and as a basic refractory material for crucibles.

Calcium Fluoride (CaF₂)

  • Structure and Properties: Calcium fluoride forms a fluorite structure. It has a high melting point and exhibits low solubility in water.
  • Uses: Used in the manufacture of optical components and as a flux in metallurgy.

In conclusion, the study of ionic compounds, their structures, properties, and examples, is crucial for A-level Chemistry students. This knowledge not only builds a strong foundation in chemistry but also aids in understanding the applications of these compounds in various fields.


Pressure can have a significant impact on the melting point of ionic compounds, although the effect varies depending on the specific compound and its structure. Generally, increasing pressure tends to increase the melting point of ionic compounds. This is because applying pressure reduces the volume of the compound, making the ions more closely packed. The closer proximity of ions enhances the electrostatic attractions between them, thereby requiring more energy (in the form of heat) to overcome these attractions and melt the compound. However, the extent of the effect of pressure on melting point is influenced by the compound's compressibility and the nature of its lattice structure. Some ionic compounds with more compressible structures may show a more pronounced increase in melting point with increased pressure. It's also worth noting that extreme pressures can lead to phase transitions in some ionic compounds, where the compound changes to a different crystalline structure with different properties.

Ionic compounds can exhibit magnetic properties, but this is less common and depends on the specific ions they contain. The magnetic properties in ionic compounds arise primarily from the presence of transition metal ions or rare earth metal ions. These ions have unpaired electrons in their d or f orbitals, which contribute to magnetic moments. For instance, compounds containing iron(II) or iron(III) ions can exhibit magnetic properties due to the unpaired electrons in these ions. The magnetic behavior of an ionic compound also depends on the arrangement of these magnetic ions within the lattice. In some cases, the magnetic moments of adjacent ions can align in the same direction (ferromagnetism), in opposite directions (antiferromagnetism), or in a more complex manner (ferrimagnetism). The temperature can also influence the magnetic properties of ionic compounds. For example, above a certain temperature known as the Curie temperature, ferromagnetic materials lose their permanent magnetic properties and behave as paramagnets.

The color of ionic compounds is primarily influenced by the presence of transition metal ions. These ions have partially filled d-orbitals, which allow for the absorption of certain wavelengths of light, resulting in the compound exhibiting color. The specific color observed depends on the electronic transitions that occur between different energy levels within the d-orbitals. These transitions are influenced by the crystal field - the arrangement of ions around the transition metal ion. The strength of the crystal field, determined by the nature of the surrounding ions and their distance from the transition metal ion, alters the energy gap between d-orbital levels. For example, copper(II) sulfate (CuSO₄) appears blue due to the specific electronic transitions in the copper ion. Additionally, the oxidation state of the transition metal ion also plays a role in determining the color of the compound. Changes in the oxidation state can alter the electronic structure of the ion, leading to different absorption spectra and hence different colors.

Ionic compounds generally exhibit higher densities than covalent compounds due to the close packing of ions in their lattice structures. In ionic compounds, ions are densely packed in a regular, repeating pattern, minimizing empty space and maximizing the number of ions per unit volume. This dense arrangement is a result of the strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions. For instance, in sodium chloride, each sodium ion is surrounded by six chloride ions in a cubic arrangement, leading to a high packing efficiency. In contrast, covalent compounds are composed of molecules that are not as tightly packed and often have lower mass per unit volume. The intermolecular forces in covalent compounds are generally weaker than the ionic bonds in ionic compounds, resulting in less dense structures. Furthermore, covalent compounds may have large molecules with complex structures that occupy more space, contributing to their lower density compared to the compact ionic structures.

The size of ions significantly influences the structure and properties of ionic compounds. Larger ions tend to form structures where each ion has a larger coordination number, meaning that it is surrounded by more oppositely charged ions. This is due to the larger ion's ability to accommodate more ions around it. For example, cesium chloride (CsCl) has a body-centred cubic structure due to the large size of Cs⁺ ions. Smaller ions, conversely, form structures with fewer coordination numbers. The size of ions also affects the melting and boiling points of ionic compounds. Larger ions have lower charge density, which leads to weaker electrostatic forces between ions. Consequently, compounds with larger ions generally have lower melting and boiling points compared to those with smaller ions. Additionally, the size of ions can influence the solubility of ionic compounds in water; smaller ions usually form more soluble compounds due to stronger hydration, which helps overcome the lattice energy more effectively.

Practice Questions

Describe the lattice structure of sodium chloride (NaCl) and explain how this structure contributes to its high melting point.

Sodium chloride (NaCl) crystallises in a face-centred cubic lattice structure, where each sodium ion (Na⁺) is surrounded by six chloride ions (Cl⁻) and vice versa, in a 3D arrangement. This geometrically regular pattern maximises the electrostatic forces of attraction between the oppositely charged ions, contributing to the compound's stability and strength. The high melting point of NaCl (801°C) is a direct result of these strong ionic bonds. A significant amount of energy is required to overcome these forces and change NaCl from a solid to a liquid, thus explaining its high melting point.

Explain why ionic compounds such as magnesium oxide (MgO) are poor conductors of electricity in solid form but conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water.

In solid form, ionic compounds like magnesium oxide (MgO) have ions fixed in place within their lattice structure, preventing the free movement of these charged particles. This immobilisation of ions inhibits the flow of electric current, rendering MgO a poor conductor in its solid state. However, when molten or dissolved in water, the rigid lattice breaks down, freeing the ions to move. In this state, the mobile ions can carry electric charge, allowing the compound to conduct electricity. The conductivity of ionic compounds in their molten or aqueous state is thus due to the mobility of ions which act as charge carriers.

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