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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

3.1.1 Understanding Electronegativity

Electronegativity is a cornerstone concept in chemistry, especially pertinent for A-level students. It describes an atom's ability to attract and hold onto electrons within a molecule. This characteristic significantly influences the chemical bonding and molecular structure, making it essential for understanding the nature of different substances. This detailed exploration focuses on the definition of electronegativity, its role in molecular formation, and the factors affecting it such as nuclear charge, atomic radius, and electron shielding.

What is Electronegativity?

Electronegativity, a term first coined by Linus Pauling, is a qualitative measure of an atom's tendency to attract and bind with electrons when forming chemical bonds. Unlike measurable quantities like mass or volume, electronegativity is a relative scale without a standard unit. On this scale, fluorine (F) is assigned the highest value of 4.0, making it the most electronegative element. This scale helps chemists compare and predict the behaviour of atoms in bonding.

Electronegativity, an atom's tendency to attract and bind with electrons

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Role in Molecule Formation

  • Electronegativity is pivotal in determining how atoms bond together:
  • Electron Attraction: Atoms with high electronegativity exert a stronger pull on bonding electrons. This trait influences how electrons are distributed in a molecule, affecting its structure and properties.
  • Bond Character: The difference in electronegativity values between two atoms can indicate the type of bond they will form. A significant difference often leads to the formation of ionic bonds, where electrons are transferred from one atom to another. A smaller difference typically results in covalent bonds, where electrons are shared.
A diagram of electronegativity difference and nature of the bond.

Image courtesy of Western Oregon University

Factors Influencing Electronegativity

The electronegativity of an atom is not a fixed property but can vary depending on several factors. Understanding these factors provides insight into the behaviour of atoms in different chemical scenarios.

Nuclear Charge

  • Definition: Nuclear charge is the total positive charge of an atom's nucleus, equivalent to the number of protons in it.
  • Influence on Electronegativity: An atom with a higher nuclear charge will have a stronger pull on electrons. This increased attraction boosts the atom's electronegativity.
  • Effective Nuclear Charge: In multi-electron atoms, not all electrons feel the full nuclear charge due to the shielding effect. The effective nuclear charge is the net positive charge experienced by an electron, influencing its attraction to the nucleus and consequently, the electronegativity.
Effective Nuclear Charge, inner electrons shielding outer electrons

Image courtesy of Chemistry Learner

Atomic Radius

  • Definition and Impact: The atomic radius is the distance from an atom's nucleus to its valence electrons. Generally, a smaller atomic radius means electrons are closer to the nucleus and more strongly attracted, resulting in higher electronegativity.
  • Trends in the Periodic Table: Across a period, the atomic radius decreases due to increased nuclear charge pulling electrons closer, thus increasing electronegativity. Down a group, the atomic radius increases, and electronegativity decreases.
Diagram showing the atomic radius of H2.

Image courtesy of CK-12 Foundation

Shielding by Inner Shells

  • Concept of Shielding: Inner shell electrons can shield outer electrons from the full positive charge of the nucleus.
  • Effect on Electronegativity: More shielding means outer electrons feel a reduced effective nuclear charge, decreasing electronegativity. This effect is more pronounced in atoms with many electron shells.

Practical Implications of Electronegativity

Understanding electronegativity is not just academic; it has real-world applications in various fields of chemistry:

  • Molecular Structure Prediction: Knowing electronegativity values helps predict the polarity of molecules and the type of bonding (ionic or covalent) likely to occur between different atoms.
  • Chemical Reactivity: The reactivity of elements, especially as observed in periodic trends, is often explained by differences in electronegativity. Elements with high electronegativity, such as halogens, are typically more reactive due to their strong electron-attracting ability.

In-Depth Exploration of Factors Affecting Electronegativity

Nuclear Charge Revisited

  • Zeff (Effective Nuclear Charge): Zeff is a critical concept when discussing nuclear charge. It's the net positive charge an electron experiences after accounting for shielding. This concept helps explain why elements across a period have increasing electronegativity – as electrons are added to the same shell, they slightly shield each other, but the increase in nuclear charge has a more significant effect, pulling the electrons closer and increasing electronegativity.

Atomic Radius: A Closer Look

  • Coulomb's Law: Coulomb's Law helps explain the relationship between atomic radius and electronegativity. It states that the force between two charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Thus, as the atomic radius decreases (distance between nucleus and valence electron decreases), the force of attraction increases, raising the electronegativity.
Coulomb's law formula

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Inner Shell Shielding

  • Quantifying Shielding: The extent of shielding can be estimated by the number of inner shell electrons. For instance, in transition metals, the d-electrons provide significant shielding, impacting the atom's electronegativity.
  • Periodic Trends: This concept explains why, within a group in the periodic table, electronegativity decreases as we move down. The addition of each new electron shell increases the shielding effect more significantly than the increase in nuclear charge, leading to a decrease in electronegativity.
A diagram of the periodic table of electronegativity using the Pauling scale.

Periodic table of electronegativity using the Pauling scale. It decreases as we move down the group and increases up the group.

Image courtesy of natros

Electronegativity is a fundamental concept in A-level Chemistry, underpinning many key topics in the subject. By understanding the factors that influence electronegativity and its effects on chemical bonding and reactivity, students can gain a deeper appreciation of the complex interactions between atoms and molecules. This knowledge forms a crucial part of the foundational understanding required for advanced study in chemistry.


Electronegativity and electron affinity are related but distinct concepts in chemistry. Electron affinity refers to the amount of energy released when an atom in the gas phase accepts an electron to form an anion. It is a measurable physical quantity, often expressed in units of energy per mole of atoms (kJ/mol). Electronegativity, on the other hand, is a relative measure of an atom's ability to attract and bind with electrons when it is part of a compound. While both properties are indicative of an atom's tendency to attract electrons, electron affinity is a specific quantitative measure, whereas electronegativity is a broader, comparative concept. Generally, elements with high electronegativity also have high electron affinity, as both properties reflect a strong attraction for electrons. However, the correlation is not always direct due to different measurement conditions and the intrinsic nature of electronegativity as a relative scale compared to the absolute values of electron affinity.

Within a transition metal series, electronegativity generally increases across the period, but the change is less pronounced compared to the main group elements. This is because as we move across a transition series, the electrons are being added to the d-orbitals. The d-electrons are less effective at shielding than s- or p-electrons, resulting in a higher effective nuclear charge experienced by the outer electrons. However, the increase in nuclear charge is somewhat offset by the added electron-electron repulsions in the closely packed d-orbitals, which slightly diminish the increase in electronegativity. This is why the increase in electronegativity across a transition series is more gradual. Additionally, the varying oxidation states that transition metals can exhibit also influence their electronegativity in different chemical environments, adding a layer of complexity to their chemical behaviour.

Noble gases have little to no electronegativity because of their unique electron configurations. They possess a complete valence shell, which makes them chemically inert and unlikely to attract additional electrons. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond, and since noble gases rarely form such bonds, their electronegativity is effectively negligible. In many electronegativity scales, noble gases are either assigned very low values or are simply left out. In cases where they are included, the values are often derived theoretically or extrapolated from the few compounds they form, such as xenon hexafluoroplatinate (XePtF₆). However, these values are not as reliable or meaningful as those for other elements because of the noble gases' general lack of reactivity and propensity to form stable compounds. Their unique electron configurations, providing maximum stability and minimal reactivity, are the primary reasons for their low or undefined electronegativity values.

Elements with high electronegativity can indeed form ionic bonds, but typically this occurs with another element that has a significantly lower electronegativity. Ionic bonds are formed when there is a complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another, leading to the formation of ions. High electronegativity indicates a strong tendency to attract electrons. When such an element encounters another with low electronegativity (which indicates a weak hold on its electrons), it can snatch an electron away from the less electronegative atom. For example, consider the formation of sodium chloride (NaCl). Chlorine, with a high electronegativity, pulls an electron away from sodium, which has a lower electronegativity. This electron transfer creates a positively charged sodium ion (Na⁺) and a negatively charged chloride ion (Cl⁻), which then attract each other to form an ionic bond. The key factor is the relative difference in electronegativity values, rather than the absolute values

Electronegativity is directly related to the polarity of a molecule. Polarity arises due to differences in electronegativity between atoms in a molecule, leading to an uneven distribution of electron density. When two atoms with different electronegativities form a bond, the more electronegative atom attracts the shared electrons more strongly. This creates a partial negative charge on the more electronegative atom and a partial positive charge on the less electronegative one. For instance, in a water molecule (H₂O), oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, resulting in a polar bond. The uneven electron distribution makes one end of the molecule slightly negative (near the oxygen atom) and the other end slightly positive (near the hydrogen atoms). The greater the difference in electronegativity, the more polar the bond is. This concept is crucial in understanding the physical properties of molecules, such as solubility, boiling and melting points, and interaction with other molecules.

Practice Questions

Explain how the atomic radius and nuclear charge of an atom influence its electronegativity. Use examples to support your explanation.

The atomic radius and nuclear charge play crucial roles in determining an atom's electronegativity. A smaller atomic radius means that the valence electrons are closer to the nucleus, enhancing the nucleus's ability to attract these electrons, thereby increasing the electronegativity. For example, in a period from left to right, the atomic radius decreases, thus increasing electronegativity. Conversely, the nuclear charge, which is the total positive charge of an atom's nucleus, directly influences electronegativity. A higher nuclear charge exerts a stronger pull on the bonding electrons, elevating the atom's electronegativity. This is evident in elements across a period where increasing protons in the nucleus result in a higher nuclear charge, thereby increasing electronegativity.

Describe the concept of shielding by inner shells and its effect on an atom's electronegativity. Provide an example to illustrate your point.

Shielding by inner shells refers to the phenomenon where electrons in an atom's inner shells repel the valence electrons, effectively reducing the net positive charge experienced by these outer electrons. This reduction in effective nuclear charge due to shielding results in a decrease in the atom's ability to attract bonding electrons, thereby lowering its electronegativity. For example, in the alkali metals group, as we move down the group, the number of inner electron shells increases. This additional shielding causes a decrease in electronegativity. Sodium (Na) has a lower electronegativity than Lithium (Li) due to the increased shielding effect from its additional electron shell.

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