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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

3.1.3 Predicting Bond Types Using Pauling Electronegativity Values

Chemical bonding is an essential concept in chemistry, significantly influencing molecular structure and properties. The concept of electronegativity, particularly the use of Pauling electronegativity values, is a pivotal tool in predicting whether a bond will be ionic or covalent. This detailed study provides insight into using these values to understand chemical bonding.

Introduction to Electronegativity in Bonding

Electronegativity, initially introduced by Linus Pauling, is the measure of an atom's ability to attract and retain electrons when forming bonds. The difference in electronegativity between bonding atoms is a key factor in determining the type of bond - ionic or covalent - that will form. This section delves into the intricacies of using Pauling's scale for predicting bond types.

Electronegativity, an atom's tendency to attract and bind with electrons

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Understanding Pauling's Electronegativity Scale

The Scale Explained

  • Pauling's Scale: This scale, developed by Linus Pauling, assigns dimensionless values to elements based on their relative electronegativity. It is a qualitative scale derived from measurements of bond energies.
  • Relative Values: The scale compares an atom's electronegativity with others on a relative basis. For instance, fluorine, the most electronegative element, is assigned a value of 3.98.
A diagram of the periodic table of electronegativity using the Pauling scale.

Periodic table of electronegativity using the Pauling scale. It increases as you move from left to right across a period.

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Significance of Electronegativity Values

  • High Electronegativity: Atoms with higher values, such as oxygen and fluorine, have a stronger tendency to attract electrons.
  • Low Electronegativity: Atoms with lower values, such as alkali metals, have a weaker pull on electrons.

Predicting Bond Types

Ionic Bonds

  • Formation Criteria: Ionic bonds typically form when the difference in electronegativity between two atoms is greater than 1.7. This results in one atom (usually a metal) losing electrons and the other (usually a non-metal) gaining electrons.
  • Characteristics: These bonds are characterized by the complete transfer of electrons, resulting in the formation of ions. The resultant compound often has a high melting point and is typically soluble in water.
  • Example: In sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium (with a low electronegativity of 0.93) loses an electron to chlorine (with a high electronegativity of 3.16).
In sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium (with a low electronegativity of 0.93) loses an electron to chlorine (with a high electronegativity of 3.16).

Image courtesy of Lisawerner9

Covalent Bonds

  • Formation Criteria: Covalent bonds form when the difference in electronegativity is less than 1.7, with shared electrons.
    • Nonpolar Covalent Bonds: These occur when the electronegativity difference is less than 0.4.
    • Polar Covalent Bonds: These occur when the electronegativity difference is between 0.4 and 1.7.
  • Characteristics: In these bonds, electrons are shared between atoms, but not always equally. In polar covalent bonds, one atom has a stronger pull on the shared electrons, leading to partial charges within the molecule.
  • Examples:
    • Nonpolar: Methane (CH₄) has nonpolar covalent bonds where carbon and hydrogen share electrons relatively equally.
    • Polar: In water (H₂O), the oxygen atom attracts electrons more than the hydrogen atoms, creating a molecule with a positive and a negative pole.
Polar covalent bonds vs non polar covalent bonds

Image courtesy of Chemistry Learner

Using Electronegativity to Predict Bond Types

Practical Application

  • Determining Bond Type: By comparing the electronegativity values of the atoms involved in a bond, one can predict whether the bond is likely to be ionic, polar covalent, or nonpolar covalent.
  • Predicting Molecular Properties: The nature of the bond greatly affects the properties of the molecule, such as its state at room temperature, melting point, boiling point, and solubility in different solvents.


  • Overlap with Other Types: It's important to note that some bonds may exhibit characteristics of both ionic and covalent bonds, known as polar covalent bonds.
  • Other Influencing Factors: While electronegativity is a primary guide, other factors, such as molecular geometry and the environment in which the bond forms, can also influence the nature of a bond.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

  • Sodium’s Electronegativity: 0.93
  • Chlorine’s Electronegativity: 3.16
  • Electronegativity Difference: 2.23, indicating an ionic bond.
  • Analysis: This significant difference leads to sodium donating its outer electron to chlorine, resulting in the formation of Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions.

Case Study 2: Water (H₂O)

  • Oxygen’s Electronegativity: 3.44
  • Hydrogen’s Electronegativity: 2.20
  • Electronegativity Difference: 1.24, indicating a polar covalent bond.
  • Analysis: Oxygen's higher electronegativity leads to a greater attraction for the shared electrons, resulting in a molecule with a partial negative charge near the oxygen atom and a partial positive charge near the hydrogen atoms.

Key Takeaways

  • Electronegativity Values: A critical tool in predicting the nature of chemical bonds.
  • Ionic Bonds: Characterized by high electronegativity differences and electron transfer.
  • Covalent Bonds: Involving shared electrons, with variations in polarity depending on the electronegativity difference.
  • Pauling’s Scale: A fundamental tool in chemistry for understanding the relative electronegativity of elements.

In conclusion, the understanding of electronegativity and its application in predicting bond types using Pauling's scale is an indispensable part of A-level Chemistry. It lays the foundation for understanding complex chemical interactions and the properties of substances, equipping students with essential knowledge for advanced studies in chemistry.


Bond polarity and molecular polarity are related but distinct concepts, both influenced by electronegativity. Bond polarity refers to the distribution of electrical charge between two atoms in a bond. It arises from the difference in electronegativity between the atoms. A larger difference leads to greater bond polarity, with electrons being more attracted to the atom with higher electronegativity. In contrast, molecular polarity is determined not just by bond polarity but also by the shape and symmetry of the molecule. A molecule is polar if it has polar bonds and an asymmetrical structure, resulting in an uneven distribution of charge. For example, water (H₂O) is a polar molecule because it has polar O-H bonds and a bent shape, leading to an uneven charge distribution. Conversely, carbon dioxide (CO₂) is non-polar despite having polar C=O bonds, as its linear symmetrical shape allows the bond polarities to cancel out. Thus, while bond polarity is a direct result of electronegativity differences, molecular polarity also depends on the molecular geometry.

Electronegativity is central to understanding hydrogen bonding, a special type of dipole-dipole interaction. Hydrogen bonding occurs when a hydrogen atom bonded to a highly electronegative atom (like nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine) is attracted to another electronegative atom in a nearby molecule. The high electronegativity of these atoms causes a significant polarity in their bonds with hydrogen, leading to the partial positive charge on hydrogen being strongly attracted to the partial negative charges on electronegative atoms in other molecules. This interaction is particularly significant in substances like water, where hydrogen bonding contributes to its unusually high boiling and melting points, high surface tension, and the expansion of water upon freezing. In biological molecules like DNA and proteins, hydrogen bonding is crucial for maintaining structure and function. The strength and directionality of hydrogen bonds, influenced by the electronegativity of the involved atoms, play a vital role in the three-dimensional structure and properties of these complex molecules. Therefore, electronegativity not only helps in predicting the existence of hydrogen bonds but also in understanding their profound effects on the physical and chemical properties of substances.

Electronegativity plays a subtle but important role in the interpretation of Lewis structures, which are diagrams that show the bonding between atoms and the lone pairs of electrons in molecules. While Lewis structures primarily focus on illustrating how atoms are bonded, electronegativity helps in understanding the nature of these bonds and the distribution of electron density. In molecules with atoms of different electronegativities, Lewis structures can be used to predict areas of higher electron density around the more electronegative atoms. This can lead to an understanding of the molecular polarity. For instance, in a water molecule (H₂O), the Lewis structure shows two lone pairs on the oxygen atom, and the higher electronegativity of oxygen compared to hydrogen indicates that the electron density is more concentrated around oxygen, leading to a polar molecule. Additionally, electronegativity differences can suggest the likelihood of multiple bonding and the presence of polar bonds, which are key considerations in predicting molecular shapes and reactivities.

Electronegativity can provide insights into the reactivity of elements, particularly in their ability to form chemical bonds. Elements with high electronegativity, such as fluorine and oxygen, are often more reactive because they have a strong tendency to attract electrons from other atoms. This makes them excellent oxidizing agents. In contrast, elements with low electronegativity, such as alkali metals, are more likely to donate electrons, making them highly reactive as reducing agents. However, it's important to note that while electronegativity is a useful guide, reactivity is also influenced by other factors like atomic size, ionization energy, and electron affinity. For example, noble gases have high electronegativities but are generally unreactive due to their stable electronic configurations. Therefore, while electronegativity is a helpful indicator, it should be considered alongside other atomic properties for a comprehensive understanding of an element’s reactivity.

Electronegativity significantly influences the physical properties of compounds, such as melting point, boiling point, and solubility. In ionic compounds, where electronegativity differences are high (e.g., sodium chloride), there is a strong electrostatic attraction between the ions, resulting in high melting and boiling points. Such compounds are often soluble in polar solvents like water but insoluble in non-polar solvents. Conversely, in covalent compounds, where electronegativity differences are lower, the intermolecular forces are weaker, typically resulting in lower melting and boiling points. Nonpolar covalent compounds (e.g., methane) are generally insoluble in water but soluble in non-polar solvents. Polar covalent compounds (e.g., water) can have varying solubilities depending on the polarity and hydrogen bonding, often exhibiting higher solubilities in polar solvents. Thus, the difference in electronegativity between atoms in a molecule directly impacts the strength of the bonds and, consequently, the physical properties of the compound.

Practice Questions

Explain why the bond in sodium chloride (NaCl) is ionic, while the bond in chlorine gas (Cl₂) is covalent. Use the concept of electronegativity in your explanation.

Sodium chloride (NaCl) forms an ionic bond due to the significant difference in electronegativity between sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl). Sodium has a low electronegativity of 0.93, indicating a weak attraction for electrons, while chlorine has a high electronegativity of 3.16, showing a strong tendency to attract electrons. This substantial difference (>1.7) leads to the transfer of an electron from sodium to chlorine, resulting in the formation of Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions, characteristic of ionic bonding. In contrast, chlorine gas (Cl₂) forms a covalent bond. As both chlorine atoms have the same electronegativity (3.16), they share the electrons equally, exhibiting no significant difference in electronegativity, which is a hallmark of a covalent bond.

Given the electronegativity values of hydrogen (2.20) and carbon (2.55), predict the type of bond in methane (CH₄) and explain your reasoning.

Methane (CH₄) consists of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The electronegativity of carbon is 2.55 and that of hydrogen is 2.20. The difference in electronegativity between carbon and hydrogen is 0.35, which is less than 0.4. This minimal difference indicates that the electrons in the CH₄ molecule are shared relatively equally between carbon and hydrogen atoms, leading to the formation of nonpolar covalent bonds. In such bonds, no significant charge separation occurs, and the molecule does not have distinct poles. Therefore, methane’s chemical bonding character is defined by these nonpolar covalent bonds, reflecting an equal sharing of electrons among the atoms.

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