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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

3.1.2 Electronegativity Trends in Chemistry

Electronegativity is a pivotal concept in the realm of chemistry, particularly in understanding the behaviour of atoms within various elements and compounds. It is instrumental in determining the nature of chemical bonds and the properties of molecules. In this section, we delve into the trends of electronegativity across periods and down groups in the periodic table, equipping A-level Chemistry students with comprehensive insights into this essential topic.

Understanding Electronegativity

Electronegativity refers to the ability of an atom to attract a shared pair of electrons towards itself when it forms a covalent bond. This property is not just a mere numerical value; it underpins the very nature of how atoms interact with each other in a molecule. Electronegativity is key in predicting the type of bond that will form between two atoms and in determining the polarity of molecules.

Electronegativity, the ability of an atom to attract a shared pair of electrons towards itself

Image courtesy of Bsc Books

Factors Influencing Electronegativity

Several factors come into play when considering an atom's electronegativity:

  • Nuclear Charge: Simply put, the more protons in the nucleus, the stronger the pull on shared electrons. A high nuclear charge means a strong attraction to electrons.
  • Atomic Radius: Atoms with a smaller radius have their valence electrons closer to the nucleus. This proximity allows for a stronger attraction.
  • Shielding Effect: Inner shell electrons can shield the valence electrons from the nucleus’s pull. The more inner shells an atom has, the less effective the nuclear charge on the valence electrons, thus affecting electronegativity.

Electronegativity tends to increase as one moves across a period in the periodic table. This increase is mainly due to two factors:

  • Increasing Nuclear Charge: Across a period, the number of protons in the nucleus of atoms increases. This increase results in a stronger pull on the shared electrons.
  • Relatively Constant Shielding: As we move across a period, the addition of electrons occurs in the same principal energy level. This means that while the nuclear charge increases, the shielding effect remains relatively constant. The increase in nuclear charge without a significant increase in shielding leads to higher electronegativity.

Practical Examples Across Periods

  • In the second period of the periodic table, the electronegativity increases from lithium (Li) to fluorine (F). Fluorine, with more protons and a compact structure, exhibits a stronger pull on shared electrons compared to lithium.
  • Similarly, in the third period, sodium (Na) has a lower electronegativity compared to chlorine (Cl), following the same logic of increased protons and effective nuclear charge.

Contrary to the trend across periods, electronegativity decreases when moving down a group. This decrease is due to two key factors:

  • Increasing Atomic Radius: Descending a group adds new electron shells, thereby increasing the atomic radius. The increased distance between the nucleus and the valence electrons weakens the attractive force.
  • Enhanced Shielding: The addition of inner electron shells provides more shielding. This increased shielding reduces the effective nuclear charge experienced by the valence electrons, resulting in a decrease in electronegativity.
Electronegativity trends in the periodic table

Image courtesy of Britannica

Real-World Examples Down Groups

  • In Group 1 of the periodic table, potassium (K) has a lower electronegativity than lithium (Li), due to its larger size and more pronounced shielding effect.
  • For Group 17, iodine (I) exhibits lower electronegativity than fluorine (F), following the same reasoning of increased atomic size and shielding.

The trends in electronegativity are not just academic; they have practical implications in predicting and understanding chemical behaviour:

  • Bond Type Prediction: The difference in electronegativity between bonding atoms is a guide to predict if a bond will be ionic (large difference) or covalent (small difference).
  • Molecule Polarity: The polarity of a molecule, which significantly influences its physical and chemical properties, is determined by the electronegativity differences between its constituent atoms.
A diagram of electronegativity difference and nature of the bond.

Image courtesy of Western Oregon University

Practical Applications

Understanding these trends is crucial in fields such as pharmaceuticals, where the polarity and bonding of molecules can dictate the effectiveness of a drug. Similarly, in materials science, the electronegativity of elements can influence the design of compounds with specific properties, like conductivity or reactivity.

In summary, the study of electronegativity trends across periods and down groups provides vital insights into the bonding and reactivity of elements in the periodic table. These trends, governed by factors like nuclear charge, atomic radius, and the shielding effect, are foundational in understanding and predicting the behavior of atoms in various chemical contexts. The knowledge of electronegativity is not just a theoretical concept but a practical tool in the hands of chemists and scientists across various disciplines.


Electronegativity indeed plays a crucial role in determining the acidity or basicity of a molecule. The acidity of a molecule, particularly in organic compounds, is often influenced by the electronegativity of the atoms adjacent to the acidic hydrogen. For example, in carboxylic acids, the presence of electronegative oxygen atoms increases the acidity by stabilising the negative charge on the conjugate base through electron-withdrawing effects. Similarly, in inorganic chemistry, the strength of a hydrogen-containing acid like hydrochloric acid (HCl) can be attributed to the high electronegativity of chlorine, which facilitates the release of the hydrogen ion (H⁺). On the other hand, basicity is often associated with lower electronegativity, as less electronegative atoms can more readily donate an electron pair to form a bond. Thus, electronegativity is a key factor in understanding the acid-base properties of various substances.

The hybridisation of orbitals in an atom can significantly affect its electronegativity. Hybridisation involves the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals, which can influence electron distribution and, consequently, electronegativity. For instance, in carbon, the sp³ hybridisation seen in alkanes results in a different electronegativity compared to the sp² hybridisation in alkenes and the sp hybridisation in alkynes. The percentage of s-character in the hybrid orbitals affects the electron density around the nucleus; higher s-character (as in sp hybridisation) results in electrons being held closer to the nucleus, increasing the atom’s electronegativity. Therefore, the type of hybridisation can alter an atom's ability to attract shared electrons, playing a crucial role in determining the properties of molecules.

Absolute and relative electronegativity are two approaches to measuring an atom's ability to attract shared electrons. Absolute electronegativity, a less commonly used concept, is a theoretical value calculated based on the atom's ionisation energy and electron affinity. It attempts to provide a numerical value to an atom's electronegativity without reference to another element. On the other hand, relative electronegativity is the more commonly used approach, where the electronegativity of an element is measured in relation to a standard element, usually fluorine, which is assigned the highest value. The most famous scale for relative electronegativity is the Pauling scale, where values are assigned based on an atom's ability to attract electrons in a bond compared to other atoms. This scale is particularly useful in predicting bond types and molecular polarity in chemistry.

Yes, elements with similar electronegativities can form covalent bonds, and these bonds have distinct characteristics. When two atoms have similar electronegativities, they share electrons relatively equally in a covalent bond. This equal sharing results in a nonpolar covalent bond, as there is no significant difference in the pull on the shared electrons. Nonpolar covalent bonds are typically found in diatomic molecules like H₂, O₂, and N₂, where atoms of the same element share electrons equally. Moreover, molecules composed of atoms with similar electronegativities, such as CH₄ (methane), also exhibit nonpolar covalent bonding. These bonds contribute to the molecule's overall stability and influence its physical properties, like boiling and melting points, which tend to be lower compared to ionic compounds. The nonpolarity of these bonds also affects the solubility and chemical reactivity of the compounds formed.

Electronegativity, electron affinity, and ionisation energy are all related but distinct concepts in chemistry. Electronegativity, as discussed, is the tendency of an atom in a molecule to attract shared electrons. Electron affinity refers to the energy change when an electron is added to a neutral atom in the gaseous state to form a negative ion. High electron affinity indicates a strong attraction for electrons. Ionisation energy is the energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from a neutral gaseous atom. A high ionisation energy suggests a strong hold on its electrons. Together, these properties provide a comprehensive picture of an atom's electron interaction behaviour. Elements with high electronegativity generally have high electron affinities and ionisation energies, as they tend to attract and hold onto electrons more strongly. This trend is particularly noticeable across periods where increasing nuclear charge significantly affects all three properties.

Practice Questions

Explain why fluorine has a higher electronegativity than lithium. Your answer should include considerations of atomic structure and trends across a period.

Fluorine has a higher electronegativity than lithium due to its increased nuclear charge and smaller atomic radius. In fluorine, there are more protons in the nucleus compared to lithium, which results in a stronger attractive force exerted on the bonding electrons. This is a consequence of the trend across a period in the periodic table, where electronegativity increases from left to right. Additionally, fluorine's smaller atomic radius means the valence electrons are closer to the nucleus and more strongly attracted. In contrast, lithium, being on the left side of the period, has fewer protons and a larger atomic radius, leading to a weaker attraction for bonding electrons.

Describe the trend in electronegativity down Group 1 (Alkali Metals) and explain the reason for this trend.

Electronegativity decreases down Group 1 of the periodic table. This is because, as one moves down the group, atoms have an increasing number of electron shells. This increase in atomic radius results in the outermost electrons being further away from the nucleus, thus experiencing a weaker attraction. Additionally, the increase in inner electron shells contributes to the shielding effect, where these inner electrons repel the valence electrons, further reducing the effective nuclear charge felt by the outermost electrons. Therefore, elements lower in Group 1 have a diminished ability to attract bonding electrons compared to those higher up in the group.

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