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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

2.3.1 Writing Chemical Formulas

The ability to write chemical formulas accurately is a cornerstone of chemistry education at the A-level. This section delves into the methods for determining ionic charges from the periodic table and provides an in-depth understanding of various specific ions, their charges, and formulas. This knowledge is critical for composing the formulas of ionic compounds correctly.

Understanding Ionic Charges

Ionic Compounds Basics

  • Ions: Atoms or groups of atoms that have lost or gained electrons, resulting in a net electric charge.
  • Cations: Positively charged ions, usually metals, formed by losing electrons.
  • Anions: Negatively charged ions, typically non-metals, formed by gaining electrons.
  • In ionic compounds, the total positive charge must balance the total negative charge.
Difference between cation and anion.

Image courtesy of Ali

Using the Periodic Table to Determine Ionic Charges

  • The periodic table is instrumental in predicting the formation of certain ions.
  • Elements in the same group generally form ions with the same charge. For example, alkali metals (Group 1) form +1 ions.
  • Transition metals can form various cations with different charges, which are usually indicated in compound names (e.g., copper(I) oxide for Cu₂O and copper(II) oxide for CuO).

Specific Ions and Their Formulas

Nitrate Ion (NO₃⁻)

  • A polyatomic anion with a -1 charge.
  • Commonly found in nitrates like sodium nitrate (NaNO₃).
Chemical structure of Nitrate Ion (NO₃⁻)

Image courtesy of Roland.chem

Carbonate Ion (CO₃²⁻)

  • A -2 charged polyatomic anion.
  • Forms compounds like calcium carbonate (CaCO₃).
Chemical structure of Carbonate Ion (CO₃²⁻)

Image courtesy of Ben Mills

Sulfate Ion (SO₄²⁻)

  • Another -2 charged polyatomic anion.
  • Seen in compounds like magnesium sulfate (MgSO₄).
Chemical structure of Sulfate Ion (SO₄²⁻)

Image courtesy of Leyo

Hydroxide Ion (OH⁻)

  • A -1 charged basic ion.
  • Part of compounds like sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
Chemical structure of Hydroxide Ion (OH⁻)

Image courtesy of DoSiDo

Ammonium Ion (NH₄⁺)

  • A rare example of a positively charged polyatomic ion.
  • Forms ammonium compounds like ammonium chloride (NH₄Cl).
Chemical structure of Ammonium Ion (NH₄⁺)

Image courtesy of Lukáš Mižoch

Zinc Ion (Zn²⁺)

  • Typically forms a +2 cation.
  • Integral to compounds like zinc sulfate (ZnSO₄).

Silver Ion (Ag⁺)

  • Usually exists as a +1 cation.
  • Found in silver nitrate (AgNO₃).

Bicarbonate Ion (HCO₃⁻)

  • A -1 charged ion significant in biological and environmental chemistry.
  • Present in sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO₃).
Chemical structure of Bicarbonate Ion (HCO₃⁻)

Image courtesy of Hellbus

Phosphate Ion (PO₄³⁻)

  • A -3 charged polyatomic anion.
  • Part of compounds like potassium phosphate (K₃PO₴).
Chemical structure of Phosphate Ion (PO₄³⁻)

Image courtesy of NEUROtiker

Writing Formulas of Ionic Compounds

Balancing Charges

  • The key to writing correct formulas is ensuring the total positive and negative charges are equal.
  • This is often referred to as the rule of zero charge.

The Cross-Multiplication Method

  • One of the most common methods to write formulas is cross-multiplication.
  • The charge on one ion is used as the subscript for the other ion, and vice versa.
  • For polyatomic ions, parentheses are used when more than one of the ion is needed.

Practical Application

Example 1: Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

  • Sodium (Na) forms a +1 cation, and chlorine (Cl) forms a -1 anion.
  • As their charges are equal but opposite, they combine in a 1:1 ratio to form NaCl.

Example 2: Calcium Phosphate (Ca₃(PO₄)₂)

  • Calcium (Ca) forms a +2 cation, and phosphate (PO₄³⁻) is a -3 anion.
  • Cross-multiplication gives Ca₃(PO₄)₂.

Advanced Considerations

Transition Metals and Variable Oxidation States

  • Transition metals present a unique challenge due to their ability to form multiple ionic states.
  • For example, iron can form Fe²⁺ in iron(II) chloride (FeCl₂) and Fe³⁺ in iron(III) chloride (FeCl₃).
  • The oxidation state is often indicated in the compound’s name using Roman numerals.

Polyatomic Ions

  • These ions consist of multiple atoms bonded together, carrying a net charge.
  • Understanding their composition and charge is vital for writing correct formulas.
  • For example, the sulfate ion (SO₄²⁻) must be treated as a single unit when forming compounds like calcium sulfate (CaSO₄).


  • Some ionic compounds include water molecules in their structure, known as hydrates.
  • The formula of a hydrate includes the number of water molecules, represented after a dot. For instance, copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate is written as CuSO₄·5H₂O.

This comprehensive section aims to provide A-level Chemistry students with a thorough understanding of writing chemical formulas. By mastering these concepts, students will be well-equipped to tackle more complex chemical reactions and compounds, laying a solid foundation for their studies in chemistry.


Determining the formula of a compound that includes a metal ion with a variable charge and a polyatomic ion involves a few specific steps. First, identify the specific charge of the metal ion in the context of the compound. This can often be inferred from the compound's name or the chemical context. Once the charge of the metal ion is established, balance it with the charge of the polyatomic ion. For example, if the metal ion is iron(III) (Fe³⁺) and the polyatomic ion is sulfate (SO₄²⁻), balance the +3 charge of iron with two sulfate ions, leading to the formula Fe₂(SO₄)₃. It's important to remember that while balancing charges, the total positive charge should equal the total negative charge to ensure the compound is neutral. Additionally, if more than one polyatomic ion is needed, as in this example, parentheses are used to indicate that the polyatomic ion is a single, inseparable unit.

Common mistakes when writing chemical formulas for ionic compounds include not correctly balancing charges, misunderstanding polyatomic ions, and misinterpreting the oxidation states of transition metals. One of the most frequent errors is failing to ensure that the total positive charge equals the total negative charge, which is essential for the compound to be electrically neutral. Another error is improperly handling polyatomic ions; these should be treated as single units, and parentheses should be used when more than one polyatomic ion is present. Misidentifying the charge of a transition metal ion can also lead to incorrect formulas. For instance, assuming iron always forms Fe²⁺ ions can result in errors, as iron can also form Fe³⁺ ions. A careful and methodical approach, paying attention to these details, is key to correctly writing chemical formulas.

Polyatomic ions significantly influence the writing of chemical formulas for ionic compounds. These ions, composed of multiple atoms bonded together with an overall charge, must be treated as a single unit when forming compounds. When writing formulas involving polyatomic ions, it's essential to balance the overall charge just as with monatomic ions. However, if more than one polyatomic ion is needed to balance the charge, parentheses are used to enclose the polyatomic ion, and a subscript outside the parentheses indicates the number of these ions in the compound. For example, in calcium nitrate, the formula is Ca(NO₃)₂. Here, calcium has a +2 charge and nitrate has a -1 charge, so two nitrate ions are required to balance one calcium ion. The parentheses around NO₃ indicate that the nitrate ion is a polyatomic unit, and the subscript 2 shows there are two of these ions.

Determining the formula of an ionic compound from its percentage composition by mass involves several steps. First, convert the percentage composition into mass, assuming a convenient total mass like 100 g. This makes the percentage values directly equal to mass values in grams. Then, convert these masses into moles by dividing each by the respective atomic or molecular mass. This gives the mole ratio of the elements in the compound. The next step is to divide each mole number by the smallest of the mole numbers obtained to get the simplest whole number ratio. This ratio indicates the relative number of atoms of each element in the compound. For example, if a compound contains 40% calcium (Ca) and 60% chlorine (Cl) by mass, assuming a 100 g sample gives 40 g of Ca and 60 g of Cl. Converting these to moles and finding the simplest ratio will provide the empirical formula of the compound.

When writing the formula for an ionic compound involving a transition metal with multiple possible charges, it's crucial to first identify the specific charge of the metal in that compound. This information is often provided in the compound's name through Roman numerals. For instance, in copper(II) sulfate, the Roman numeral II indicates that copper has a +2 charge. Once the charge is known, the next step is to balance the charge with the other ion(s) in the compound. If copper(II) is combined with the sulfate ion (SO₄²⁻), a single sulfate ion is sufficient to balance the two positive charges of copper, leading to the formula CuSO₄. In cases where the charge of the transition metal is not specified, it may be necessary to use additional information or context to determine the correct oxidation state and subsequently, the correct formula.

Practice Questions

Given the ions: magnesium (Mg²⁺) and nitrate (NO₃⁻), write the formula for the compound formed between them. Explain the steps you took to determine the formula.

The compound formed between magnesium (Mg²⁺) and nitrate (NO₃⁻) is magnesium nitrate. To determine the formula, first, I identified the charges of the ions: Mg²⁺ has a +2 charge, and NO₃⁻ has a -1 charge. To balance these charges and achieve a neutral compound, two nitrate ions are needed for every magnesium ion. Therefore, the formula is written as Mg(NO₃)₂, where the subscript '2' indicates that there are two nitrate ions for each magnesium ion. This ensures the total positive and negative charges are balanced, adhering to the rule of zero charge.

Describe how you would determine the formula for a compound formed from iron (Fe) and chlorine (Cl), considering iron can have multiple oxidation states.

To determine the formula for a compound formed from iron (Fe) and chlorine (Cl), I first consider the possible oxidation states of iron. Iron can form Fe²⁺ or Fe³⁺ ions. Chlorine typically forms a Cl⁻ ion. For Fe²⁺, the compound would be iron(II) chloride, written as FeCl₂. This indicates two Cl⁻ ions are needed to balance the +2 charge of one Fe²⁺ ion. Alternatively, if iron is in the +3 oxidation state (Fe³⁺), the compound would be iron(III) chloride, FeCl₃, where three Cl⁻ ions balance the +3 charge of one Fe³⁺ ion. The choice of formula depends on the specific oxidation state of iron in the compound.

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