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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

13.1.1 Hydrocarbons and Functional Groups

Organic chemistry, a significant branch of chemistry, largely revolves around the study of carbon-based compounds. Among these, hydrocarbons and functional groups are pivotal concepts, forming the backbone of countless organic substances and influencing their chemical behaviours.

Defining Hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbons are the simplest form of organic compounds, consisting only of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms. Their vast array and diversity arise from the ability of carbon to form long chains and rings, as well as single, double, or triple bonds. These compounds are mainly classified into:

Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

These are divided into three categories based on the types of carbon-carbon bonds they possess:

1. Alkanes:

  • Structure: Contain only single bonds (C-C).
  • Saturated Hydrocarbons: They have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms attached to each carbon.
  • Properties: Typically non-polar, with low reactivity. Their physical properties like boiling points increase with molecular weight.

2. Alkenes:

  • Structure: Have one or more carbon-carbon double bonds (C=C).
  • Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Less hydrogen compared to alkanes.
  • Properties: The double bonds make them more reactive than alkanes, particularly in addition reactions.

3. Alkynes:

  • Structure: Characterised by one or more carbon-carbon triple bonds (C≡C).
  • Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Similar to alkenes but with even fewer hydrogen atoms.
  • Properties: Extremely reactive due to the triple bond, engaging in reactions such as hydrohalogenation and hydration.
Alkane, alkene, and alkyne

Image courtesy of Kanyaporn

Aromatic Hydrocarbons

  • Structure: Typically consist of ring structures with delocalised pi electrons.
  • Example: Benzene, with a six-carbon ring and alternating double bonds.
  • Properties: Aromaticity gives these compounds unique stability. They tend to undergo substitution reactions rather than addition, preserving their ring structure.
Structure of benzene

Image courtesy of Mrgreen71

Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry

Functional groups are specific groups of atoms within molecules that impart distinctive chemical properties and reactivity patterns to organic compounds. They are the sites of chemical reactivity in an organic molecule.

Common Functional Groups and Their Impact

1. Hydroxyl Group (Alcohols)

  • Structure: Consists of an -OH group.
  • Impact: Increases polarity and enables hydrogen bonding, influencing boiling points and solubility in water. Alcohols are versatile in reactions, such as dehydration and oxidation.
Structure of hydroxyl group (alcohol)

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2. Carbonyl Group (Aldehydes and Ketones)

  • Structure: Characterised by a C=O bond.
  • Impact: The carbonyl group is a site for nucleophilic addition reactions. Aldehydes and ketones differ in their placement of the carbonyl group and exhibit distinct reactivities and properties.
Carbonyl group structure

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3. Carboxyl Group (Carboxylic Acids)

  • Structure: Contains a -COOH group.
  • Impact: Renders the compound acidic. Carboxylic acids can donate a proton in aqueous solutions and engage in reactions like esterification.
Carboxyl group structure

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4. Amine Group

  • Structure: Contains a nitrogen atom attached to alkyl or aryl groups.
  • Impact: Amines act as bases and nucleophiles, participating in a variety of reactions including the formation of amides and Schiff bases.
Amine group structure

Image courtesy of MaChe

5. Halogeno Group (Halogenoalkanes)

  • Structure: Involves a carbon-halogen bond (C-X, where X can be F, Cl, Br, I).
  • Impact: Introduces differences in reactivity and polarity. Halogenoalkanes are key in reactions like nucleophilic substitution and elimination.
Haloalkane or halogenoalkane group

Image courtesy of MaChe

6. Double Bonds (Alkenes)

  • Structure: Characterised by one or more C=C bonds.
  • Impact: The presence of double bonds makes alkenes chemically active, participating in addition reactions such as hydrogenation and halogenation.
General Structure of alkene

Image courtesy of Snipre

Significance of Functional Groups

The presence and type of functional groups in a molecule dictate its chemical behaviour. They are responsible for the characteristic reactions of organic compounds and play a crucial role in synthetic chemistry. For example, the hydroxyl group in alcohols makes them polar and capable of forming hydrogen bonds, which affects their boiling points and solubility. Similarly, the double bonds in alkenes create opportunities for a variety of addition reactions, making them a key focus in organic synthesis.

Understanding Hydrocarbons and Functional Groups

Recognising the structures and properties of hydrocarbons and functional groups is essential in understanding organic chemistry. It's through these components that we can predict the behaviour of organic compounds, their reactivity, and how they can be transformed in chemical reactions. This knowledge lays the groundwork for exploring more complex organic molecules and their applications in fields such as pharmaceuticals, materials science, and biochemistry.

As A-level Chemistry students, mastering these concepts is not only crucial for academic success but also forms the foundation for any future studies or careers in chemistry and related sciences.


Aromatic hydrocarbons are less reactive than alkenes, despite both having double bonds, due to the unique nature of aromaticity. In aromatic hydrocarbons, like benzene, the double bonds are part of a conjugated ring system where the electrons are delocalised over the entire ring. This delocalisation creates a stable electron cloud that resists addition reactions, which would disrupt the aromatic system. Instead, aromatic hydrocarbons typically undergo substitution reactions, where one of the hydrogen atoms in the ring is replaced, preserving the aromatic structure. In contrast, alkenes have localized double bonds that readily participate in addition reactions, such as hydrogenation and halogenation. The stability conferred by aromaticity is a key concept in understanding the reactivity of these compounds and their importance in organic chemistry.

The presence of a halogeno group in halogenoalkanes significantly influences their reactivity in nucleophilic substitution reactions. Halogens are electronegative, which makes the carbon-halogen bond polar. The carbon atom becomes partially positive, making it susceptible to attack by nucleophiles (electron-rich species). The reactivity in these reactions is also influenced by the type of halogen; for instance, iodine (I) being less electronegative than fluorine (F) makes iodides more reactive than fluorides. Additionally, the nature of the carbon chain and the presence of other functional groups can affect the reactivity and the mechanism (SN1 or SN2) of the nucleophilic substitution reaction. These reactions are vital in organic synthesis, allowing for the transformation of halogenoalkanes into a wide variety of functionalised organic compounds.

Functional groups are crucial in determining the acidity or basicity of organic compounds. For instance, carboxylic acids (-COOH) are acidic due to the ability of the carboxyl group to donate a proton (H⁺) to the solution, forming a carboxylate anion. The stability of the carboxylate anion, often due to resonance, contributes to the acidity of the compound. In contrast, amines (-NH₂) are basic. The lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom in amines can accept a proton from the solution, making amines act as Lewis bases. The structure of the functional group, its electronegativity, and the ability to stabilize charged species after proton transfer are key factors influencing the acidic or basic nature of organic compounds. Understanding these principles is essential for predicting the behaviour of organic molecules in different pH environments and their reactivity.

The unsaturated nature of alkenes, characterized by one or more double bonds, makes them ideal candidates for polymerisation reactions. In these reactions, the double bonds in the alkene monomers open up and link together, forming long polymer chains. This process, known as addition polymerisation, does not require a second reactant or produce any byproducts. The versatility of alkenes in polymerisation lies in their ability to form polymers with varying properties, depending on the nature of the monomer and the conditions of the reaction. This property of alkenes is exploited in the production of a wide range of polymers, from plastics like polyethylene and polypropylene to synthetic rubbers. Understanding the polymerisation of alkenes is fundamental in the field of polymer chemistry and has significant industrial and commercial implications.

The physical properties of alcohols change significantly with the length of the carbon chain. As the carbon chain length increases, the molecular weight of the alcohol increases, which in turn affects properties like boiling point, melting point, and solubility. Longer chain alcohols have higher boiling points due to increased van der Waals forces, requiring more energy to break the intermolecular attractions. In terms of solubility, short-chain alcohols are highly soluble in water because the hydroxyl group can form hydrogen bonds with water. However, as the chain lengthens, the non-polar carbon chain's influence grows, reducing the overall solubility in water. This results in longer-chain alcohols being less soluble in water but more soluble in non-polar solvents. Understanding these variations is crucial in predicting the behaviour of alcohols in different chemical environments and their applications in industries like pharmaceuticals and solvents.

Practice Questions

Identify the functional group present in ethanol and describe its impact on the physical and chemical properties of the molecule.

Ethanol contains a hydroxyl (-OH) functional group, which significantly influences its properties. The presence of the hydroxyl group makes ethanol polar, enhancing its solubility in water due to the ability to form hydrogen bonds. This polarity also influences its boiling point, making it higher than hydrocarbons of similar molecular weight. Chemically, the hydroxyl group allows ethanol to engage in reactions characteristic of alcohols, such as oxidation to form ethanoic acid and dehydration to yield ethene. This functional group also enables ethanol to act as a versatile solvent and reactant in various organic reactions.

Compare and contrast the chemical properties of alkanes and alkenes, focusing on their reactivity and types of reactions they undergo.

Alkanes and alkenes differ significantly in their chemical properties due to the presence of a double bond in alkenes. Alkanes, with only single carbon-carbon bonds, are relatively inert and primarily undergo substitution reactions, particularly with halogens. Their reactivity is generally low due to the strong C-C and C-H bonds. In contrast, alkenes are much more reactive, primarily because of their carbon-carbon double bonds. These double bonds make alkenes prone to addition reactions, such as hydrogenation (adding hydrogen), halogenation (adding halogens), and hydration (adding water). This difference in reactivity is a fundamental aspect of organic chemistry, underscoring the significance of multiple bonds in determining the chemical behavior of organic compounds.

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