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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

22.2.1 Analysis of Mass Spectra

Mass spectrometry is a sophisticated analytical method extensively used in chemistry for the accurate determination of the composition of substances. It operates on the principle of ionising sample molecules, generating charged fragments or ions, and then measuring their mass-to-charge (m/e) ratios and isotopic abundances. This section provides a detailed exploration of how mass spectra are analysed, focusing on the fundamental principles and practical applications in chemistry.

Understanding Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry involves converting atoms or molecules into ions, which are then separated based on their mass-to-charge ratios (m/e). This process is critical for identifying and quantifying isotopes in a sample.

Key Concepts

  • Ionisation: The initial step where atoms or molecules are converted into charged ions, either positively or negatively charged.
  • Mass-to-Charge Ratio (m/e): This is a vital parameter in mass spectrometry, representing the mass of an ion divided by its charge. The mass spectrometer measures these ratios to generate a mass spectrum.
  • Detector: After ionisation, ions are accelerated and their flight time is measured by the detector, which then translates this data into a mass spectrum.
Illustration of mass spectrometry

Image courtesy of Learning Chemistry

Analysing Mass Spectra

The core of mass spectrometry analysis lies in interpreting the mass spectrum, a graphical representation of ions based on their m/e ratios.

Mass-to-Charge Ratios

  • Isotopic Peaks: These are peaks in the mass spectrum that represent different isotopes of an element. Each isotope, due to its unique mass, produces a distinct peak.
  • Molecular Ion Peak: This peak corresponds to the intact molecule and is crucial for determining its molecular mass. It's often the peak with the highest m/e ratio.

Calculating Relative Atomic Mass

  • Isotopic Abundance: Refers to the relative amount of each isotope of an element in a given sample. This data is essential for calculating the average atomic mass.
  • Average Atomic Mass Calculation: The average atomic mass of an element is computed using the isotopic abundances and their respective atomic masses. This calculation is fundamental in deducing the elemental composition of the sample.

Practical Applications in Chemistry

Mass spectrometry finds its application especially in the field of organic chemistry for the determination of molecular masses of organic compounds.

Determining Molecular Mass

  • Identification of the Molecular Ion Peak: The molecular ion peak, often the highest m/e ratio peak, indicates the molecular mass of the compound. This peak is crucial for molecular mass determination.
  • Example Calculations: To illustrate, consider a mass spectrum with a molecular ion peak at an m/e ratio of 44. This could indicate a molecular mass of 44, suggesting the compound could be carbon dioxide (CO₂).

Interpreting Isotopic Patterns

Isotopic patterns in the mass spectrum provide insights into the isotopic composition of the sample.

Isotopes in Mass Spectrometry

  • Common Isotopes: Carbon-12 (¹²C) and Carbon-13 (¹³C) are common examples. In a mass spectrum, ¹²C would produce a peak at m/e 12, while ¹³C would produce a peak at m/e 13, reflecting their mass difference.
  • Significance of Isotopic Peaks: These peaks are instrumental in identifying the presence of certain isotopes in the compound, providing clues about the compound's structure and composition.
Carbon Isotopes in Mass Spectrometry

Image courtesy of www.inf.fu-berlin.de

Case Studies: Analysing Different Compounds

Analyzing real-world examples helps in understanding the application of mass spectrometry in different scenarios.

Analysis of Simple Organic Molecules

  • Case Study 1: Consider the analysis of ethanol (C₂H₅OH). The mass spectrum of ethanol would show a molecular ion peak corresponding to its molecular weight (46 u), along with other peaks due to fragmentation.
The mass spectrum of ethanol

Image courtesy of Doc Brown's Chemistry

Case Study 2: In another scenario, analysing a compound like benzene (C₆H₆) would show a distinct molecular ion peak at m/e 78, along with characteristic fragmentation patterns.

The mass spectrum of benzene

Image courtesy of Doc Brown's Chemistry

Advanced Techniques in Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is not just limited to basic analysis but also encompasses advanced techniques that provide more in-depth information.

Fragmentation Patterns

  • Significance: Understanding fragmentation patterns is key in deducing the molecular structure of the compound. Different compounds fragment in unique ways, providing a 'fingerprint' of sorts.
  • Interpreting Fragmentation: The analysis of how molecular ions break up into smaller fragments, each with its own m/e ratio, helps in understanding the structure of the molecule.

Challenges in Mass Spectrometry

  • Complex Mixtures: One of the challenges in mass spectrometry is analysing samples that contain multiple compounds, as the resulting spectrum can be complex.
  • Isobaric Interferences: Another challenge arises when different molecules have similar m/e ratios, which can lead to confusion in interpreting the mass spectrum.

Mass Spectrometry in Modern Chemistry

Mass spectrometry plays a vital role in contemporary chemical research, offering detailed insights into the molecular structure and composition of substances.

Current Trends

  • Developments in Ionisation Techniques: Technological advancements have led to more efficient ionisation techniques, improving the sensitivity and resolution of mass spectrometry.
  • Application in Biochemistry: Mass spectrometry is increasingly used in biochemistry for analysing complex biological molecules like proteins and nucleic acids.

Future Prospects

  • Technological Advancements: Ongoing research is focused on enhancing the resolution and sensitivity of mass spectrometers, making them capable of detecting even smaller quantities of substances.
  • Emerging Applications: The scope of mass spectrometry is expanding into new fields, including environmental science, pharmacology, and space exploration.

In conclusion, mass spectrometry remains an indispensable tool in the field of chemistry, offering precise and in-depth analysis of chemical compounds. Its ability to analyse molecular structures and compositions accurately makes it a key technique in both research and practical applications, contributing significantly to advancements in various branches of chemistry.


Mass spectrometry is a precise tool for calculating the relative atomic mass of an element with multiple isotopes. It involves measuring the mass-to-charge ratios and relative abundances of the isotopes. Each isotope of an element produces a distinct peak in the mass spectrum corresponding to its unique m/e ratio. By analysing these peaks, the relative abundance of each isotope can be determined. To calculate the relative atomic mass of the element, the atomic mass of each isotope is multiplied by its relative abundance (expressed as a fraction), and these products are summed. For example, consider an element X with two stable isotopes, X-1 and X-2, having atomic masses of 10 u and 11 u, respectively. If the relative abundances in the sample are 20% for X-1 and 80% for X-2, the relative atomic mass of element X would be calculated as (10 u × 0.20) + (11 u × 0.80) = 10.8 u. This calculation provides an average mass that takes into account the distribution of isotopes in a naturally occurring sample of the element.

Peaks labelled as [M+1]⁺ and [M+2]⁺ in a mass spectrum are related to the presence of isotopes in the molecules being analysed. The [M+1]⁺ peak results from the presence of isotopes that are one atomic mass unit heavier than the most abundant isotope, such as ¹³C in organic compounds. This peak is typically smaller than the molecular ion peak ([M]⁺) and provides information about the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. The intensity of the [M+1]⁺ peak increases with the number of carbon atoms in the compound, allowing for an estimation of their quantity. The [M+2]⁺ peak, although less common, arises from the presence of isotopes or elements that are two atomic mass units heavier than the primary isotope, such as ³⁴S, ²H (deuterium), or ³⁷Cl. The presence and intensity of these peaks can indicate the presence of these specific isotopes or elements in the molecule. For instance, a significant [M+2]⁺ peak might suggest the presence of chlorine or bromine in an organic compound. Analysing these peaks helps in further refining the molecular structure and elemental composition of the compound under study.

Fragmentation patterns in a mass spectrum are key to identifying unknown compounds. When a molecule undergoes ionisation in a mass spectrometer, it often breaks apart into smaller fragments. Each fragment, having a unique mass-to-charge ratio, produces a distinct peak in the mass spectrum. The pattern of these peaks – their relative positions and intensities – can reveal information about the molecular structure of the compound. For example, the presence of certain peaks can indicate specific functional groups or structural features. If a molecule contains a particular functional group, like an ester or a ketone, it will likely break in a way characteristic of that group, producing specific fragments that can be recognised in the mass spectrum. Furthermore, by comparing the fragmentation pattern of the unknown compound with known standards or literature data, chemists can deduce the compound's identity. This process is especially useful in organic chemistry, where the structural complexity of molecules often leads to unique and identifiable fragmentation patterns. In summary, the analysis of fragmentation patterns is a crucial aspect of using mass spectrometry for compound identification, providing insights into both the molecular weight and the structural details of the compound.

The base peak in a mass spectrum is the peak with the highest intensity and is assigned a relative intensity of 100%. This peak is significant because it represents the most abundant ion formed during the ionisation process. The base peak is often not the same as the molecular ion peak. The molecular ion peak, on the other hand, corresponds to the intact molecule with an electron removed (M⁺) and usually has the highest m/e ratio. It is critical for determining the molecular mass of the compound. In contrast, the base peak, which may or may not be the molecular ion peak, often results from the most stable ion formed during fragmentation. This peak can provide insights into the stability and common fragmentation patterns of the compound. For example, in a mass spectrum, a base peak might arise from a particularly stable fragment, suggesting a specific structural feature or functional group in the molecule. Analyzing both the molecular ion peak and the base peak, along with the entire fragmentation pattern, is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the compound's structure.

Ionisation is a critical step in mass spectrometry that directly influences the interpretation of the mass spectrum. During ionisation, molecules in the sample are bombarded with high-energy electrons, causing them to lose or gain an electron and form ions. This process typically generates positive ions. The nature of ionisation can lead to fragmentation, where the molecule breaks apart into smaller pieces, each with its unique mass-to-charge (m/e) ratio. These fragments are then separated and detected in the mass spectrometer. The pattern of fragmentation provides valuable information about the structure of the molecule. For instance, certain bonds within the molecule might be more susceptible to breaking, leading to characteristic fragmentation patterns that are specific to certain functional groups or molecular structures. This information is crucial for chemists to deduce the molecular structure, identify unknown compounds, or confirm the purity of a sample. The ionisation process can also influence the intensity of the peaks in the mass spectrum, which in turn can provide information about the relative abundance of different isotopes or molecular fragments in the sample.

Practice Questions

A sample of an organic compound was analysed using mass spectrometry and produced a molecular ion peak at m/e 44. Based on this information, deduce the possible molecular formula of the compound. Explain your reasoning.

An excellent A-level Chemistry student's answer:
The molecular ion peak in a mass spectrum represents the molecular mass of the compound. A peak at m/e 44 suggests a molecular mass of 44 u. One possible molecular formula for this mass is CO₂ (carbon dioxide), as the atomic masses of carbon and oxygen are approximately 12 u and 16 u, respectively. The formula CO₂ gives a total mass of (12 + 16×2) = 44 u, which matches the molecular ion peak. This deduction process involves understanding molecular masses and correlating them with possible combinations of atoms to arrive at a plausible molecular formula.

Explain how mass spectrometry can be used to distinguish between isotopes of an element. Include an example with your explanation.

An excellent A-level Chemistry student's answer:
Mass spectrometry can distinguish between isotopes due to their different masses. Isotopes of an element have the same atomic number but different mass numbers due to varying numbers of neutrons. In a mass spectrum, these isotopes appear as separate peaks corresponding to their unique mass-to-charge (m/e) ratios. For example, carbon has two stable isotopes, ¹²C and ¹³C, with mass numbers 12 and 13, respectively. In a mass spectrum, ¹²C would produce a peak at m/e 12, while ¹³C would appear at m/e 13, clearly distinguishing the two isotopes. This separation allows chemists to determine the isotopic composition of a sample.

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