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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

22.2.2 Fragmentation Patterns in Mass Spectrometry

Mass spectrometry is an invaluable tool in analytical chemistry, offering insights into the molecular structure and composition of substances. This section delves into the interpretation of fragmentation patterns in mass spectra, focusing on how these patterns reveal the identity of molecules formed by simple fragmentation, and the importance of [M+1](^+) and [M+2](^+) peaks in determining structural details.

Introduction to Fragmentation in Mass Spectrometry

Fragmentation is a fundamental process in mass spectrometry where molecules break into smaller pieces, providing critical information about the molecular structure.

The Mechanism of Fragmentation

  • Ionisation: Molecules are ionised, usually resulting in a positively charged molecule (M(^+)).
  • Cleavage: The ionised molecule often undergoes cleavage, breaking into smaller fragments.
  • Spectrum Representation: The mass spectrometer measures these fragments, displaying them as a spectrum of mass-to-charge (m/e) ratios.

Importance of Fragmentation Patterns

  • Structural Information: The pattern of fragmentation can reveal much about the structure of the molecule.
  • Mass Differences: By examining the mass differences between peaks, chemists can hypothesize about the types of bonds broken and the fragments formed.
  • Peak Intensities: The relative intensities of peaks provide clues about the stability and abundance of fragments.

Detailed Analysis of Fragmentation Patterns

Understanding the nuances of fragmentation patterns is crucial for accurate molecular identification.

Identifying Molecular Ion Peaks

  • Molecular Ion Peak: The peak corresponding to the unfragmented molecule, usually the highest m/e value in the spectrum.
  • Significance: This peak is crucial as it often gives the molecular mass of the compound.

Interpreting Fragmentation

  • Common Fragmentations: Familiarity with common fragmentation patterns aids in interpreting spectra. For example, alkanes often show a pattern indicative of cleavage next to carbons.
  • Functional Groups: Certain fragments are characteristic of specific functional groups, aiding in identifying these groups within the molecule.
Mass spectrum of acetic acid as an example

Mass spectrum of acetic acid as an example

Image courtesy of the NIST WebBook - National Institute of Standards and Technology

The Role of [M+1](^+) and [M+2](^+) Peaks

The [M+1](^+) and [M+2](^+) peaks provide crucial information about the elemental composition of the molecule, especially in organic compounds.

Understanding the [M+1](^+) Peak

  • Isotopic Abundance: This peak results from the presence of isotopes like carbon-13 or nitrogen-15 in the molecule.
  • Carbon Counting: The relative intensity of the [M+1](^+) peak can be used to estimate the number of carbon atoms in the molecule.
M+1 peak in mass spectrometry

Image courtesy of Chemguide

Significance of the [M+2](^+) Peak

  • Elemental Indicators: This peak is particularly significant for elements like bromine and chlorine.
  • Characteristic Ratios: The intensity ratio of [M+2](^+) to the molecular ion peak can indicate the presence of these elements.
[M+2] Peak in compounds containing two chlorine atoms

Compounds containing two chlorine atoms

Image courtesy of Shout Education

Practical Applications and Examples

Applying these concepts to real-world examples enhances understanding.

Example 1: Aliphatic Hydrocarbon

  • Scenario: An aliphatic hydrocarbon shows a molecular ion peak at m/e 100.
  • Analysis: Fragmentation leading to peaks at intervals of 14 Da (CH(_2) units) suggests an alkane chain.

Example 2: A Chlorinated Compound

  • Scenario: Examination of a chlorinated compound reveals a molecular ion peak at m/e 84.
  • Interpretation: The presence of a significant [M+2](^+) peak indicates a chlorine atom. Further fragmentation analysis helps identify the rest of the molecular structure.

Advanced Interpretation Techniques

  • Isotope Patterns: Recognising isotope patterns, such as those for sulfur or bromine, can be key in identifying these elements.
  • Rearrangement Fragmentations: Some molecules undergo complex rearrangements during fragmentation, leading to unexpected fragments.

Tips for Effective Interpretation

  • Systematic Approach: Start from the molecular ion peak and work downwards in mass.
  • Peak Comparison: Compare unknown spectra with reference spectra for better understanding.
  • Software Tools: Utilise mass spectrometry software for more complex interpretations.

In conclusion, mastering the interpretation of fragmentation patterns and the significance of [M+1](^+) and [M+2](^+) peaks in mass spectrometry is vital for students of A-level chemistry. This knowledge not only aids in understanding the structure of organic molecules but also equips students with essential skills for future research and professional work in the field of chemistry.


The presence of sulfur in a compound significantly impacts its mass spectrum, particularly in the pattern of its isotopic peaks. Sulfur primarily exists as two isotopes: (^{32})S and (^{34})S, with the latter being less abundant. In a mass spectrum, a compound containing sulfur will show a distinct [M+2](^+) peak due to the presence of (^{34})S. The relative intensity of this peak, compared to the molecular ion peak, is around 4.2%, reflecting the natural abundance of (^{34})S. This isotope pattern is a key indicator of sulfur's presence in a molecule. Additionally, sulfur-containing compounds may also exhibit unique fragmentation patterns, which can provide further insights into the compound’s structure. However, just like with chlorine and bromine, mass spectrometry cannot pinpoint the exact location of sulfur within the molecule; other analytical methods are necessary for detailed structural analysis.

Isobaric compounds, which have the same molecular mass but different structures, can be challenging to differentiate using mass spectrometry alone. However, their fragmentation patterns often provide the necessary clues for distinction. Isobaric compounds will generally fragment differently due to variations in their molecular structures, leading to unique spectra. These differences can be subtle, such as variations in the intensities of certain peaks or the presence of specific fragment ions that are unique to each compound. For instance, isobaric isomers might show different patterns based on how easily certain bonds break under ionisation. Advanced mass spectrometry techniques, like tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS), where molecules are fragmented further, can be particularly useful in distinguishing isobaric compounds. Additionally, combining mass spectrometry with other analytical techniques like gas chromatography or liquid chromatography can enhance the ability to differentiate between isobaric species.

The mass spectrum of a compound, specifically the presence of [M+2](^+) peaks, can indicate the presence of elements like chlorine or bromine due to their significant isotopic patterns. However, mass spectrometry alone cannot determine the exact position of these elements within the molecule. The [M+2](^+) peak arises from isotopes Cl-37 or Br-81, which are heavier than their more abundant counterparts Cl-35 and Br-79. While this information is valuable for confirming the presence of these elements, additional analytical techniques are needed to ascertain their positions in the molecule. Techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy or X-ray crystallography are often employed alongside mass spectrometry to determine the structural details, including the positions of specific atoms like chlorine or bromine.

Electron impact (EI) ionisation is a common method used in mass spectrometry, particularly for organic molecules. In EI, high-energy electrons are used to ionise the molecules. This ionisation often results in the formation of a positively charged molecular ion (M(^+)). The energy imparted by the electron impact can also cause the molecular ion to fragment into smaller ions. These fragments are then detected and analysed in the mass spectrometer. The pattern of fragmentation is highly dependent on the molecular structure of the compound. The energy provided by EI is generally sufficient to break chemical bonds, leading to a variety of fragments that are characteristic of the original molecule’s structure.

The interpretation of these fragmentation patterns is crucial for understanding the structure of the molecule. However, it's important to note that different ionisation techniques can lead to different fragmentation patterns. Thus, the choice of ionisation method can influence the type of information obtained from the mass spectrum.

The intensity of the [M+1](^+) peak in a mass spectrum is influenced by the presence of isotopes heavier than the most abundant isotope in the molecule. This peak typically arises from the natural abundance of isotopes like carbon-13 ((^{13})C) or nitrogen-15 ((^{15})N). In molecules with a higher number of carbon atoms, the likelihood of having one or more (^{13})C atoms increases, leading to a more pronounced [M+1](^+) peak. The intensity of this peak relative to the molecular ion peak (M(^+)) can be used to estimate the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. This is based on the natural abundance of (^{13})C, which is approximately 1.1%. Therefore, the analysis of the [M+1](^+) peak provides valuable information about the molecular composition, particularly in organic compounds dominated by carbon.

Practice Questions

Given a mass spectrum of an organic molecule, it shows a molecular ion peak at m/e 78, a significant [M+1](^+) peak, and a [M+2](^+) peak of very low intensity. Describe what these observations suggest about the molecular structure of the compound, particularly in terms of its elemental composition.

The molecular ion peak at m/e 78 indicates the molecular mass of the compound. The significant [M+1](^+) peak suggests a notable presence of carbon-13 isotopes, implying that the compound contains several carbon atoms. The intensity of the [M+1](^+) peak relative to the molecular ion peak can be used to estimate the number of carbon atoms. The very low intensity of the [M+2](^+) peak suggests that elements like chlorine or bromine, which would cause a more pronounced [M+2](^+) peak due to their isotopic abundances, are not present in the compound. Therefore, the compound likely consists mainly of carbon and hydrogen atoms, with the possibility of other elements that do not significantly affect the [M+2](^+) peak.

A mass spectrum of an unknown compound shows a molecular ion peak at m/e 136 and a very prominent [M+2](^+) peak at m/e 138. What does this information reveal about the compound, and what further steps could you take to identify it?

The presence of a very prominent [M+2](^+) peak at m/e 138, relative to the molecular ion peak at m/e 136, strongly suggests the presence of an element with significant isotopic abundance at two mass units higher than the most abundant isotope. This is characteristic of chlorine, which has two major isotopes, Cl-35 and Cl-37, with the latter being responsible for the [M+2](^+) peak. To further identify the compound, I would analyse the fragmentation pattern for clues about the molecular structure, looking for characteristic fragments that could indicate specific functional groups or the backbone structure of the molecule. Additionally, comparison with known spectra of chlorinated compounds could be beneficial for a more accurate identification.

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