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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

22.1.1 Analysis of IR Spectra

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is an essential analytical technique in chemistry, particularly useful for identifying functional groups in organic molecules. This comprehensive guide is designed to equip A-level Chemistry students with the knowledge and skills needed to interpret IR spectra effectively.

Introduction to Infrared Spectroscopy

Infrared spectroscopy involves the absorption of infrared light by molecules, leading to changes in their vibrational states. This technique is crucial in molecular identification, as different functional groups display characteristic absorption patterns in the IR region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Infrared spectroscopy instrumentation

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Fundamental Principles of IR Spectroscopy

Vibrational Modes in Molecules

  • Types of Vibrational Modes: Molecules exhibit various vibrational modes, including stretching and bending. These modes are influenced by the molecular structure.
  • Factors Affecting Vibrational Frequencies: The frequency of these vibrations depends on the mass of the atoms involved and the type of chemical bond (single, double, or triple).
Different types of vibrational modes in molecules

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Understanding Absorption Bands

  • Absorption Peak Characteristics: An IR spectrum displays absorption peaks that indicate the vibrational frequencies of the molecule.
  • Wavenumbers: IR spectra are often plotted with wavenumbers (cm⁻¹) on the x-axis, representing the frequency of the IR radiation absorbed.

Techniques in Interpreting IR Spectra

Identifying Functional Groups

  • Peak Position Analysis: By examining the position of peaks, chemists can deduce the presence of specific functional groups.
  • Characteristic Frequencies: Each functional group has a characteristic absorption range, aiding in its identification.

Peak Intensity and Shape

  • Intensity: The intensity of a peak can vary from strong to weak, depending on the molecule's characteristics.
  • Shape: The shape of the peaks (sharp, broad, etc.) can also provide valuable information about the molecular environment.

Detailed Review of Characteristic Absorption Frequencies


  • Alkanes: Display C-H stretching vibrations around 2850-3000 cm⁻¹.
  • Alkenes: Characterized by C=C stretching near 1650 cm⁻¹ and C-H stretching in the 3020-3100 cm⁻¹ range.
  • Alkynes: Distinctive C≡C triple bond stretching is observed around 2100-2260 cm⁻¹.

Oxygen-Containing Functional Groups

  • Alcohols and Phenols: Exhibiting a broad O-H stretching band near 3200-3550 cm⁻¹.
  • Ketones and Aldehydes: Characterized by a strong C=O stretching vibration around 1700-1750 cm⁻¹.
  • Carboxylic Acids: Displaying a broad, strong O-H stretch above 2500 cm⁻¹, coupled with a sharp C=O stretch near 1700 cm⁻¹.

Nitrogen-Containing Compounds

  • Amines: N-H stretching vibrations appear between 3300 and 3500 cm⁻¹.
  • Amides: N-H stretch near 3300 cm⁻¹ and a strong C=O stretch around 1630-1690 cm⁻¹.

Halogen-Containing Compounds

  • Alkyl Halides: The C-X (X = halogen) stretching frequencies vary, generally observed in the 500-1000 cm⁻¹ range.
Interpreting IR Spectra peak characteristics

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Practical Applications and Techniques

Sample Preparation

  • Different States of Matter: Samples can be prepared in various states, each requiring specific techniques.
  • Effect on Spectrum: The thickness and concentration of the sample can influence the spectrum's appearance.

Techniques for Spectral Analysis

  • Spectral Comparison: Matching an unknown spectrum with reference spectra is a common technique for functional group identification.
  • Use of Software: Modern IR spectroscopy often involves software for enhanced spectral analysis.

Addressing Challenges and Limitations

  • Overlapping Peaks: Peaks from different functional groups can overlap, complicating the analysis.
  • Limitation in Scope: IR spectroscopy is best suited for identifying functional groups, not for deducing the complete molecular structure.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

  • Handling Chemicals: Proper safety measures should be taken when handling chemicals and samples.
  • Environmental Impact: As a non-destructive technique, IR spectroscopy minimizes waste production.
Proper Handling of Chemicals in Laboratory

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Further Learning Resources

  • Textbooks and Journals: Recommended reading for a deeper understanding of IR spectroscopy.
  • Online Resources: Websites and online courses offering additional information and practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can IR Spectroscopy Detect All Functional Groups?

  • While effective for most groups, some may be challenging to identify due to their weak or overlapping absorption patterns.

How Does the Sample's Physical State Affect the Spectrum?

  • The physical state can influence the appearance of the spectrum, particularly the intensity and breadth of absorption bands.


This detailed exploration of IR spectroscopy provides A-level Chemistry students with a solid foundation for understanding and interpreting IR spectra. Mastery of this technique is a valuable skill in chemistry, offering insights into the molecular structure and functional groups of compounds. Remember, becoming proficient in IR spectroscopy requires practice and exposure to a variety of spectral patterns.


IR spectroscopy can indeed be used to determine the concentration of a sample, utilising the Beer-Lambert law. According to this law, the absorbance of a sample is directly proportional to its concentration and the path length of the sample cell. In practice, a calibration curve is first established using standards of known concentrations. These standards are analysed to create a plot of absorbance versus concentration. Then, the unknown sample’s absorbance is measured using IR spectroscopy, and its concentration is determined by referencing the calibration curve. This method is particularly useful in quantitative analysis of compounds with specific functional groups that exhibit strong and distinct absorption peaks. However, it’s important to note that the sample must be homogeneous, and the IR spectra should be free from interferences caused by overlapping peaks or impurities. The technique is widely used in various fields, including pharmaceuticals, environmental science, and food analysis, for the quantitative determination of specific compounds.

IR spectra are usually plotted with wavenumber (measured in cm⁻¹) rather than wavelength because wavenumber is directly proportional to energy. This makes wavenumbers a more useful and informative measure in vibrational spectroscopy. In contrast, wavelength and energy are inversely related, which can make the interpretation less intuitive. The use of wavenumber simplifies the correlation between the observed spectral features and the vibrational energy levels of the molecule. Moreover, plotting with wavenumber provides a more linear and uniform scale, as the energy differences between vibrational levels in a molecule are more uniform when plotted against wavenumber. This uniformity helps in the clearer differentiation and identification of peaks corresponding to different functional groups. Additionally, chemists and spectroscopists have conventionally used wavenumber for historical and practical reasons, aiding in standardization and comparison of spectra across different studies and instruments.

The presence of impurities in a sample can significantly affect its IR spectrum, potentially complicating the analysis. Impurities may introduce additional absorption peaks or modify the intensity and shape of existing peaks. For example, if a sample containing an alcohol also has water as an impurity, the broad O-H stretching band typical of alcohols may be intensified or broadened due to the overlapping water O-H stretching vibration. Additionally, impurities can create new peaks that might be mistaken for functional groups not actually present in the sample. This can lead to incorrect interpretations unless the impurity is identified and accounted for. Careful sample preparation and purity analysis are crucial to ensure accurate IR spectroscopy results. In a laboratory setting, using purified samples and comparing spectra with reference compounds are common practices to mitigate the effects of impurities.

The different absorption frequencies of functional groups in IR spectroscopy are primarily due to the variations in bond strength and the mass of the atoms involved. Each bond in a molecule, such as C-H, C=O, or O-H, has a specific natural vibrational frequency, which is a function of the mass of the bonded atoms and the stiffness of the bond. This stiffness, or bond strength, is related to the type of bond (single, double, triple) and the electronegativity of the bonded atoms. In simpler terms, heavier atoms and stronger bonds tend to vibrate at lower frequencies, while lighter atoms and weaker bonds vibrate at higher frequencies. For instance, a C=O bond has a different vibrational frequency compared to a C-H bond due to differences in mass (oxygen being heavier than hydrogen) and bond strength (double bonds being stronger than single bonds). This unique vibrational frequency is what IR spectroscopy measures, allowing us to identify the presence of specific functional groups based on their characteristic absorption frequencies.

Temperature and pressure can have noticeable effects on IR spectra. Temperature changes can alter the intensity and position of absorption bands. As temperature increases, the intensity of absorption bands can decrease due to the increased molecular motion, leading to a broadening of the peaks. Additionally, higher temperatures can cause shifts in the peak positions due to changes in the bond vibrational energy. Pressure, on the other hand, may affect the IR spectra of gases more than liquids and solids. In gases, increased pressure can lead to broadening and merging of peaks due to increased collision rates between molecules.

To manage these effects, IR spectroscopic analysis is often conducted under controlled temperature and pressure conditions. In laboratories, samples are typically analysed at room temperature to maintain consistency. When analysing gases, the pressure is usually kept constant and known. In cases where temperature effects are being studied, the analysis is done over a range of temperatures, and the results are interpreted with the understanding of how temperature influences the spectra. Standardization of these conditions is crucial for reproducibility and accuracy in IR spectroscopic analysis.

Practice Questions

An unknown compound was analysed using IR spectroscopy, and the spectrum showed a strong absorption peak at approximately 1710 cm⁻¹. Identify the functional group present in the compound and explain the reasoning behind your identification.

The strong absorption peak at approximately 1710 cm⁻¹ suggests the presence of a carbonyl group (C=O). This inference is based on the characteristic absorption range for carbonyl groups in organic compounds. Typically, ketones, aldehydes, and carboxylic acids show a strong absorption in this region. The peak's high intensity and its location within the 1700-1750 cm⁻¹ range are indicative of the C=O stretching vibration, which is a hallmark of these types of functional groups. This deduction is a key aspect of IR spectroscopic analysis, where specific absorption frequencies are correlated with particular functional groups.

A sample displays a broad absorption band near 3400 cm⁻¹ in its IR spectrum. What is the most likely functional group present, and what are the characteristic features of this group’s absorption in an IR spectrum?

The broad absorption band near 3400 cm⁻¹ is indicative of an O-H stretching vibration, commonly associated with alcohols or phenols. This broadness is characteristic of hydrogen-bonded O-H groups. The broad, often diffuse nature of this band is due to the hydrogen bonding, which causes a range of slightly different O-H stretching frequencies. Alcohols and phenols typically exhibit this broad O-H stretch, distinguishing them from other functional groups in IR spectroscopy. Such a broad band is in contrast to the sharper peaks observed for most other functional groups, reflecting the unique intermolecular interactions present in alcohols and phenols.

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