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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

8.1.2 Factors Affecting Reaction Rate

In the study of chemical kinetics, the rate of reaction is a central concept, providing insights into how quickly reactants transform into products. This section focuses on the effects of concentration and pressure on reaction rates, along with methods for calculating these rates from experimental data.

1. Introduction to Reaction Rates

Chemical reactions vary in speed, influenced by several factors. Understanding these variations is crucial for controlling chemical processes in both laboratory and industrial settings.

2. Role of Concentration in Reaction Rate

The concentration of reactants is a primary factor affecting the rate of chemical reactions.

2.1. Impact of Concentration on Collision Frequency

  • Higher concentrations of reactants lead to an increased number of molecules per unit volume.
  • This increase in concentration results in more frequent collisions among reactant molecules.
A diagram showing the concentration of molecules and frequency of collisions.

Image courtesy of Sadi Carnot

2.2. Effective Collisions and Reaction Rate

  • For a collision to result in a reaction, it must be effective. An effective collision occurs when molecules collide with sufficient energy and proper orientation.
  • Increasing the concentration of reactants generally increases the number of effective collisions, thus accelerating the reaction.
Effective Collisions and Reaction Rate

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3. Influence of Pressure on Gaseous Reactions

In reactions involving gases, pressure plays a critical role.

3.1. Pressure and Collision Frequency in Gases

  • Increasing the pressure in a gaseous system compresses the gas molecules, leading to more frequent collisions.
  • This increased collision frequency enhances the probability of effective collisions, thereby speeding up the reaction.

3.2. The Relationship Between Pressure and Concentration

  • In gaseous reactions, an increase in pressure often means an increase in the concentration of the reactants, contributing to a faster reaction rate.
Pressure and Collision frequency in gases

Image courtesy of chemhume.co.uk

4. Calculating Reaction Rates from Experimental Data

Determining the rate of a reaction from experimental data is essential for understanding chemical kinetics.

4.1. Rate Equations and Reaction Rate

  • The rate equation expresses the relationship between the rate of a reaction and the concentrations of the reactants.
  • It is usually in the form: Rate = k[A]^m[B]^n, where k is the rate constant, and m and n are the reaction orders with respect to reactants A and B.

4.2. Interpreting Graphs

  • Graphical representations of concentration versus time can provide valuable insights into the rate of a reaction.
  • The slope of these graphs at any given point reflects the rate of reaction at that time.
Graphical representation of concentration versus time for rate of reaction

Image courtesy of GeeksforGeeks

4.3. Practical Aspects of Rate Calculation

  • Experimentally, reaction rates can be determined by measuring the change in concentration of a reactant or product over a period.
  • Methods include tracking changes in mass, volume, or conductivity, depending on the reactants and products involved.

5. Application in Real-World Scenarios

Understanding reaction rates has practical implications in various industries, where controlling the speed of reactions is crucial for efficiency and safety.

5.1. Industrial Applications

  • In industrial chemical processes, optimizing the rate of reaction can lead to more efficient production and reduced costs.
  • Knowledge of how concentration and pressure influence reaction rates is vital in these contexts.

5.2. Everyday Examples

  • The concept of reaction rates is also applicable in daily life, such as in cooking, where heat increases the rate of chemical reactions in food.

In conclusion, the rate of a chemical reaction is a dynamic and essential aspect of chemistry. It is influenced by factors such as concentration and pressure and can be quantitatively assessed through various experimental methods. Understanding these concepts is not only fundamental for academic purposes but also for practical applications in different industries and everyday life.


In the context of chemical kinetics, a negative reaction rate is not a concept that typically applies to the speed at which a reaction proceeds. However, the term 'negative reaction rate' can be used to describe the rate of decrease in the concentration of a reactant or the rate of increase in the concentration of a product. In this sense, a negative rate would indicate that the concentration of a reactant is decreasing over time, which is a normal aspect of any reaction where reactants are converted to products. It is important to note that the term 'negative' in this context does not imply that the reaction is proceeding backwards or that the products are turning back into reactants. Instead, it is simply a mathematical representation of the direction of change in concentration. For example, if the concentration of a reactant is measured over time and found to be decreasing, the rate of change of this concentration (the reaction rate for the reactant) would be expressed as a negative value.

Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. They achieve this by providing an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy compared to the uncatalysed reaction. This means that more reactant molecules have the necessary energy to undergo effective collisions at any given temperature, thus increasing the reaction rate. Catalysts do not alter the equilibrium of a reaction; they simply allow it to reach equilibrium more quickly. They work by binding to reactants to form an intermediate complex, which then breaks down to form the products and regenerate the catalyst. This process can be repeated many times, allowing a small amount of catalyst to affect the rate of a large number of reactant molecules. Importantly, catalysts are not altered in their chemical composition or quantity by the end of the reaction, making them reusable for subsequent reactions.

The addition of an inert gas to a reaction mixture involving gases at constant volume does not directly affect the rate of the reaction. This is because inert gases do not react with the reactants or products; they are chemically inert. However, their presence can have an indirect effect. At constant volume, adding an inert gas increases the total pressure of the gas mixture. This increase in total pressure does not change the partial pressures of the reactant gases, as the number of moles of reactants remains the same and the volume is constant. Since the rate of a gaseous reaction is dependent on the partial pressures of the reacting gases (as per the rate equation), the addition of an inert gas under these conditions does not alter the reaction rate. In contrast, if the volume were not constant, the addition of an inert gas could change the total and partial pressures, potentially affecting the reaction rate.

A reaction can exhibit a zero rate under specific conditions, essentially meaning the reaction is not proceeding at a measurable pace. This situation occurs when the reaction conditions do not favour the formation of products. For instance, if the reactants are at very low concentrations, the frequency of effective collisions might be so low that the reaction rate is negligible. Similarly, in a temperature-dependent reaction, if the temperature is significantly below the activation energy threshold, the molecules will lack the necessary energy to undergo effective collisions, leading to a zero rate of reaction. Another scenario is the presence of an inhibitor or a scenario where the product of the reaction inhibits further reaction, thus halting the progress. This is often observed in biochemical pathways where end-product inhibition regulates the reaction rate. Therefore, while a reaction might be theoretically possible under certain conditions, practical factors like concentration, temperature, and chemical inhibitors can reduce the rate to zero.

The nature of reactants significantly influences the rate of a reaction. This is because different reactants have varying physical and chemical properties which affect how they interact during a reaction. For instance, ionic compounds typically react faster than covalent compounds because the ionic bonds are more likely to dissociate in a suitable medium, leading to quicker formation of products. Similarly, polar molecules react faster than nonpolar ones due to stronger intermolecular forces, enhancing collision effectiveness. The size of molecules also plays a role; smaller molecules move faster and collide more frequently, potentially increasing the reaction rate. Moreover, the state of matter (solid, liquid, gas) of reactants affects the reaction rate. Gases react faster than liquids, which in turn react faster than solids due to the differences in particle mobility and density. The chemical structure, such as the presence of catalysts, can also alter reaction pathways, affecting the rate. These factors combined determine how readily and quickly reactants interact to form products.

Practice Questions

Describe how the rate of a reaction changes when the concentration of a reactant is increased, providing a detailed explanation based on collision theory.

When the concentration of a reactant is increased, the rate of the reaction typically increases. This is explained by collision theory, which states that chemical reactions occur when reactant molecules effectively collide with sufficient energy and proper orientation. An increase in concentration leads to a higher number of molecules in a given volume, thereby increasing the frequency of collisions. More collisions increase the likelihood of effective collisions where reactant molecules can react to form products. Thus, a higher concentration of reactants results in more frequent effective collisions, accelerating the reaction rate.

A student conducted an experiment to measure the rate of a gaseous reaction at different pressures. Explain how an increase in pressure would affect the rate of the reaction

An increase in pressure in a gaseous reaction system typically results in an increased reaction rate. This effect is due to the compression of gas molecules under higher pressure, which reduces the volume they occupy. The reduced volume leads to a higher concentration of molecules per unit volume, thereby increasing the frequency of molecular collisions. Since reaction rate is dependent on the frequency of effective collisions, a higher pressure, which causes more frequent collisions, directly contributes to an increase in the rate of the reaction. This explanation aligns with the principles of collision theory, where both frequency and energy of collisions are crucial factors.

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