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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

7.2.1 Brønsted–Lowry Theory in Acids, Bases, and Salts

The Brønsted–Lowry theory is a central concept in the study of acids, bases, and salts, offering insightful explanations into their chemical behaviours and interactions. This detailed exploration will provide A-level Chemistry students with a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

Introduction to Acids and Bases

In chemistry, acids and bases are two classes of substances with distinct properties, reactivity, and composition. Acids typically have a sour taste and turn blue litmus paper red, while bases have a bitter taste and turn red litmus paper blue.

Common Acids and Alkalis: Names and Formulas

Identifying common acids and alkalis is fundamental in chemistry. Below are the names and formulas of some well-known acids and alkalis.


1. Hydrochloric Acid (HCl): A colourless, pungent solution of hydrogen chloride in water. It's used in food processing and metal cleaning.

2. Sulphuric Acid (H₂SO₄): A highly corrosive strong mineral acid used in battery acid and for phosphate fertilizers.

3. Nitric Acid (HNO₃): A highly corrosive and toxic strong acid used in fertilisers and explosives.

4. Acetic Acid (CH₃COOH): Also known as ethanoic acid, it's the main component of vinegar and is used as a solvent and in the production of chemicals.


1. Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): Commonly known as caustic soda, it's used in soap making and paper manufacturing.

2. Potassium Hydroxide (KOH): Often used in the production of liquid soap and as an electrolyte in alkaline batteries.

3. Ammonium Hydroxide (NH₄OH): A solution of ammonia in water, used as a cleaning agent and in the manufacture of fertilisers.

Acid-base chemistry

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Brønsted–Lowry Theory Explained

The Brønsted–Lowry theory, formulated in 1923 by Johannes Nicolaus Brønsted and Thomas Martin Lowry, is a model for explaining acid-base reactions.

Core Concept: Proton Transfer

The theory defines an acid as a proton (H⁺) donor and a base as a proton acceptor. This model is more comprehensive than the Arrhenius definition, as it includes reactions that do not involve water.

Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs

In a Brønsted–Lowry acid-base reaction, the acid and base react to form their conjugate base and acid, respectively. For example, when hydrogen chloride (HCl) reacts with ammonia (NH₃):

  • HCl (acid) donates a proton to NH₃ (base).
  • NH₃ becomes NH₄⁺ (conjugate acid), and HCl becomes Cl⁻ (conjugate base).
A diagram showing Brønsted-Lowry Acid and Brønsted-Lowry Base.

Image courtesy of SAMYA

Distinguishing Strong and Weak Acids/Bases

It's crucial to understand the difference between strong and weak acids and bases in chemical reactions.

Strong Acids and Bases

  • Complete Dissociation: Strong acids and bases fully dissociate into their ions in aqueous solutions.
  • Conductivity: High conductivity due to more free ions.
  • Examples: Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Sodium hydroxide (NaOH).
Chemical reactions of strong acid and strong base- reaction of Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution.

Image courtesy of SAMYA

Weak Acids and Bases

  • Partial Dissociation: Weak acids and bases do not fully dissociate in solutions.
  • Equilibrium: They establish a reversible reaction where some of the acid or base remains undissociated.
  • Examples: Acetic acid (CH₃COOH) and Ammonium hydroxide (NH₄OH).
A diagram showing the strength of acids and bases.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Dissociation in Aqueous Solutions

The process of dissociation is different for strong and weak acids and bases.

Strong Acids

  • Example Reaction: HCl → H⁺ + Cl⁻
  • Behaviour: High concentration of H⁺ ions, resulting in a low pH.

Weak Acids

  • Example Reaction: CH₃COOH ⇌ CH₃COO⁻ + H⁺
  • Behaviour: Equilibrium between undissociated and dissociated forms, resulting in a higher pH than strong acids.

Strong Bases

  • Example Reaction: NaOH → Na⁺ + OH⁻
  • Behaviour: Complete dissociation, leading to a high concentration of OH⁻ ions.

Weak Bases

Example Reaction: NH₄OH ⇌ NH₄⁺ + OH⁻

Behaviour: Partial dissociation with an equilibrium between the base and its ions.

Application of Brønsted–Lowry Theory

This theory is not just a theoretical concept but has practical applications in various fields such as:

  • Pharmaceuticals: Understanding acid-base properties is crucial in drug formulation.
  • Industrial Chemistry: Acid-base reactions are fundamental in manufacturing processes.
  • Environmental Science: Acid-base chemistry helps in understanding phenomena like acid rain.

The Brønsted–Lowry theory provides a more comprehensive view of acids and bases, extending beyond simple definitions based on the presence of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions. This understanding is not only crucial for academic purposes but also forms the basis of numerous real-world chemical applications. By grasping the concepts of proton transfer, conjugate acid-base pairs, and the distinction between strong and weak acids and bases, students can develop a more nuanced understanding of chemical reactions and their implications in both laboratory and industrial contexts.


The concept of conjugate acid-base pairs in the Brønsted–Lowry theory is instrumental in predicting the direction of acid-base reactions. When an acid donates a proton, it forms its conjugate base, and when a base accepts a proton, it forms its conjugate acid. The strength of an acid is inversely related to the strength of its conjugate base; a strong acid forms a weak conjugate base, and vice versa. In an acid-base reaction, the equilibrium will favor the formation of the weaker acid and base. For instance, if a strong acid reacts with a weak base, the equilibrium will lie far to the right, favoring the formation of the weak conjugate acid and base. Conversely, if a weak acid reacts with a strong base, the reaction proceeds almost to completion towards the stronger conjugate pairs. Understanding these relationships helps chemists predict and control the equilibrium position of acid-base reactions, crucial in various chemical processes and industries.

Understanding strong and weak acids is crucial in the context of buffer solutions, which are systems that resist changes in pH upon the addition of small amounts of acid or base. Buffer solutions typically consist of a weak acid and its conjugate base, or a weak base and its conjugate acid. The key to their buffering action lies in the ability of weak acids and bases to partially dissociate. When an acid (H⁺) is added to a buffer, the conjugate base in the buffer neutralises it, minimising the pH change. Similarly, when a base (OH⁻) is added, the weak acid in the buffer reacts with it, again stabilising the pH. Strong acids or bases are unsuitable for buffers as their complete dissociation would lead to significant pH changes. Understanding the dissociation characteristics of acids and bases allows chemists to design buffer systems with desired pH levels and buffering capacities, which is vital in many biological and chemical processes, including enzyme reactions in living organisms and maintaining the pH in shampoos and pharmaceuticals.

Water plays a significant and versatile role in the Brønsted–Lowry theory of acids and bases. Although the theory itself does not necessitate the presence of water, in aqueous solutions, water acts as both an acid and a base – a property known as amphiprotic. When reacting with strong acids, water acts as a base, accepting protons and forming hydronium ions (H₃O⁺). Conversely, with strong bases, it behaves as an acid, donating protons to form hydroxide ions (OH⁻). This dual role is essential in maintaining the pH balance in water-based solutions. Water's ability to self-ionise (2H₂O ⇌ H₃O⁺ + OH⁻) exemplifies its amphiprotic nature and is fundamental to the autoionisation concept in aqueous solutions. In Brønsted–Lowry acid-base reactions, water often serves as the solvent, and its role as an acid or base significantly influences the reaction's direction and equilibrium.

Yes, the Brønsted–Lowry theory can explain the acidity or basicity of substances that do not contain hydrogen or hydroxide ions, which is one of its significant advantages over the Arrhenius definition. This broader approach allows for the classification of substances based on their ability to donate or accept protons, irrespective of their composition. For instance, substances like aluminium chloride (AlCl₃) and boron trifluoride (BF₃) do not contain hydrogen yet act as Lewis acids (a concept related to Brønsted–Lowry theory) by accepting electron pairs. Similarly, ammonia (NH₃) and pyridine are bases despite not containing hydroxide ions, as they can accept protons. This flexibility in defining acids and bases allows for a more comprehensive understanding of chemical reactions, particularly in organic and inorganic chemistry, where complex molecules and ions often do not follow the simple presence of H⁺ or OH⁻ ions to exhibit acidic or basic properties.

The Brønsted–Lowry theory and the Arrhenius definition present different perspectives on acids and bases. The Arrhenius definition, which is more traditional, states that acids are substances that increase the concentration of hydrogen ions (H⁺) in water, while bases increase the concentration of hydroxide ions (OH⁻). This definition is limited to aqueous solutions. In contrast, the Brønsted–Lowry theory, which is broader, defines acids as proton (H⁺) donors and bases as proton acceptors. This theory does not limit the reaction medium to water, allowing it to explain acid-base behaviour in non-aqueous solutions and even in reactions where no ions are formed. The Brønsted–Lowry theory is more encompassing, as it includes all Arrhenius acids and bases but also explains reactions that do not fit the Arrhenius criteria. It provides a more comprehensive understanding of acid-base chemistry, especially in organic chemistry and biochemistry where reactions often occur in solvents other than water.

Practice Questions

Describe the Brønsted–Lowry theory of acids and bases. Use an example to explain how a conjugate acid-base pair is formed in a reaction.

The Brønsted–Lowry theory defines acids as proton donors and bases as proton acceptors. This theory extends beyond aqueous solutions and does not require the presence of hydroxide ions. For instance, in the reaction between ammonia (NH₃) and hydrochloric acid (HCl), NH₃ acts as a Brønsted–Lowry base as it accepts a proton from HCl, which is acting as a Brønsted–Lowry acid. As a result, NH₄⁺ (ammonium ion) and Cl⁻ (chloride ion) are formed. Here, NH₄⁺ is the conjugate acid of the base NH₃, and Cl⁻ is the conjugate base of the acid HCl. This example demonstrates how acids and bases transform into their conjugate pairs through the transfer of a proton.

Explain the difference between strong and weak acids, with reference to their dissociation in aqueous solutions. Illustrate your answer with appropriate examples.

Strong acids, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl), dissociate completely in aqueous solutions, releasing a high concentration of H⁺ ions. This complete dissociation results in a lower pH and higher electrical conductivity due to the increased ion concentration. On the other hand, weak acids like acetic acid (CH₃COOH) only partially dissociate in water. This partial dissociation establishes an equilibrium between the undissociated molecules and the ions produced. As a result, weak acids contribute fewer H⁺ ions to the solution, leading to a higher pH compared to strong acids. The extent of dissociation is a key factor distinguishing strong and weak acids, significantly impacting their chemical behaviour and properties.

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