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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

7.2.3 Titration and Indicators

Titration and indicators are vital tools in analytical chemistry, providing insights into the concentration and nature of acids and bases. This section focuses on the principles and applications of pH titration curves and the selection of appropriate indicators for acid-alkali titrations.

Introduction to Titration

Titration is a quantitative analytical procedure used to determine the concentration of a known reactant in a solution. It involves the careful addition of a titrant of known concentration to a solution containing the analyte until the reaction reaches completion, as indicated by a colour change due to an indicator or an instrumental method.

Purpose and Application

  • Determining Concentration: Titration helps in calculating the molarity of unknown acids or bases.
  • Acid-Base Reactions: Essential in understanding the neutralisation process.
  • Quality Control: Widely used in industry for purity assessment.
pH indicators and titration.

Image courtesy of sinhyu

Understanding pH Titration Curves

A pH titration curve graphically represents the pH change of a solution as an acid or base is added. This curve provides valuable information about the strength and the equivalence point of the acids and bases involved.

Titration Curve Characteristics

Strong Acid and Strong Base Titration

  • Initial pH: Starts low due to the high concentration of hydrogen ions in strong acids.
  • Midpoint: Exhibits a rapid increase in pH near the equivalence point.
  • Equivalence Point: pH is neutral (around 7) when equal amounts of acid and base have reacted.
  • Curve Feature: Characterised by a steep and symmetrical profile.

Strong Acid and Weak Base Titration

  • Initial pH: Similar to strong acid-strong base titrations, it starts low.
  • Equivalence Point: pH is acidic (less than 7), reflecting the weak base's inability to completely neutralise the acid.
  • Curve Feature: Shows a less steep rise near the equivalence point due to the buffer effect of the weak base.

Weak Acid and Strong Base Titration

  • Initial pH: Higher than strong acids, as weak acids have a lower concentration of hydrogen ions.
  • Equivalence Point: pH is basic (greater than 7), due to the formation of the weak acid's conjugate base.
  • Curve Feature: Begins with a gradual rise, followed by a steep increase as it approaches the equivalence point.

Weak Acid and Weak Base Titration

  • Initial pH: Varies based on the relative strengths of the acid and base.
  • Equivalence Point: Not sharply defined; the pH at this point is influenced by the strengths of the reactants.
  • Curve Feature: Exhibits a broad and gradual slope, indicating a less distinct transition.
A diagram showing titration curves of an acid with a base - A typical titration curve.

Image courtesy of MME Revise

Selecting the Right Indicator

The choice of indicator in a titration is crucial as it determines the accuracy of detecting the endpoint, where the titrant has been added in stoichiometrically equivalent amounts to the analyte.

Factors Influencing Indicator Selection

  • pH Transition Range: The indicator's pH range over which it changes colour should encompass the pH of the titration's equivalence point.
  • Type of Titration: The nature of the acid and base dictates the pH at the equivalence point.
  • Colour Change: Indicators with a distinct and sharp colour change are preferred for accuracy.

Common Indicators and Their Applications

  • Phenolphthalein: Changes colour in the pH range of 8.2 to 10, making it suitable for strong acid-strong base and weak acid-strong base titrations.
  • Methyl Orange: Exhibits a colour change between pH 3.1 and 4.4, ideal for titrations involving strong acids and weak bases.
  • Bromothymol Blue: Useful in slightly acidic to neutral pH ranges, applicable in some weak acid-strong base titrations.
  • Universal Indicator: Offers a broad range of colour changes across the pH spectrum, suitable for titrations where the equivalence point is not well-defined.
A diagram showing different types of indicators and their pH range.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Practical Aspects of Titration

Conducting a titration requires precision and understanding of the procedure to ensure accurate results.

Technique and Precision

  • Burette Usage: Proper handling of the burette, including consistent drop size and accurate volume measurement, is essential.
  • Endpoint Detection: Careful observation is necessary to detect the first permanent colour change, marking the endpoint.
  • Repeat Trials: Conducting multiple trials helps in obtaining a reliable average value for the titration.
Handling of the burette in acid-base titration

Image courtesy of bigy9950

Common Errors and Mitigation

  • Parallax Error: Ensuring eye level is even with the burette reading to avoid inaccurate volume measurements.
  • Indicator Excess: Using a minimal amount of indicator as excessive amounts can affect the titration's outcome.

Safety Considerations

  • Chemical Handling: Proper handling of acids and bases, wearing protective gear like gloves and goggles.
  • Equipment Care: Correct usage and maintenance of lab equipment to prevent accidents.

In summary, mastering titration techniques and understanding the selection of suitable indicators are crucial skills in A-level Chemistry. These concepts not only provide foundational knowledge in acid-base chemistry but also equip students with essential analytical skills beneficial in various scientific endeavours.


A buffer solution plays a significant role in certain titrations, particularly when dealing with weak acids or bases. In a titration involving a weak acid or base, the buffer solution helps to stabilise the pH of the system, especially near the equivalence point. This stabilisation is crucial because the pH can change significantly with the addition of small amounts of titrant in these cases. The buffer solution consists of a weak acid and its conjugate base (or a weak base and its conjugate acid), which can absorb excess hydrogen or hydroxide ions, thereby resisting drastic changes in pH. This property of buffers is particularly useful in weak acid-strong base or weak base-strong acid titrations, where the equivalence point might otherwise be difficult to identify due to the gradual pH change. Additionally, in some analytical procedures, buffer solutions are used to maintain the pH at a constant value, which is essential for the stability of certain reactants or for the optimal performance of specific reactions.

pH meters can indeed be used in titrations as an alternative to indicators, and they offer several advantages. One significant advantage is their high precision and accuracy in measuring the pH, which can provide a more exact determination of the equivalence point, especially in titrations where the endpoint is not well-defined by colour change indicators. pH meters are particularly useful in weak acid-weak base titrations, where the colour change of indicators can be subtle and difficult to discern. Another advantage is the ability to generate a complete pH titration curve, which can be analysed for additional information about the reaction.

However, there are also disadvantages. pH meters require careful calibration and maintenance, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. They can also be more susceptible to technical issues compared to the simplicity of using indicators. Additionally, pH meters might not be as practical or available in all educational or laboratory settings due to cost and the need for regular calibration. In such cases, colour change indicators, despite their limitations, provide a more accessible and straightforward method for determining the endpoint of a titration.

Titrations are considered an essential skill in Chemistry due to their widespread application in both educational and professional laboratory settings. This technique is fundamental in analytical chemistry for quantitatively determining the concentration of an unknown solution. Titrations are used in various real-world scenarios, such as in pharmaceuticals for drug formulation and quality control, in environmental chemistry for testing water quality, and in the food industry for determining the acidity of products like wine and vinegar. They are also crucial in industrial processes, where accurate concentration measurements are necessary for the correct formulation of chemical products. Additionally, titrations teach students important laboratory skills, such as precision in measurement, understanding of acid-base reactions, and data analysis. The principles learned through titrations are applicable to a wide range of chemical analyses and processes, making it a cornerstone technique in the field of Chemistry.

Conducting multiple titrations and taking an average of the results is crucial for ensuring accuracy and reliability in the experimental findings. This practice helps to minimise random errors, which are inherent in any experimental procedure. Random errors can arise from minor inconsistencies in measurement, such as slight variations in dropping the titrant, differences in the exact point of colour change observation, or small temperature fluctuations in the laboratory. By performing several titrations, these random errors tend to cancel out or be reduced when an average is taken. Furthermore, conducting multiple trials allows the experimenter to identify and discard any anomalous results, which might be due to procedural errors, thus ensuring the data's integrity. This practice is fundamental in any quantitative analysis, as it enhances the precision and confidence in the obtained results.

The choice of indicator can significantly impact the accuracy of a titration, particularly in determining the precise endpoint. An ideal indicator should have a colour change that occurs right at the equivalence point of the titration. If the indicator's colour change occurs too early or too late, it can lead to an inaccurate determination of the endpoint, resulting in systematic errors. For instance, using phenolphthalein in a strong acid-weak base titration would be inappropriate as its colour change range is in the basic region, whereas the equivalence point for such a titration is typically acidic. Consequently, this mismatch would lead to an overestimation of the volume of titrant required, yielding inaccurate concentration values. Selecting an indicator with a narrow and well-defined colour change range that closely aligns with the pH at the equivalence point is crucial for achieving precise and reliable titration results.

Practice Questions

Describe the procedure of performing a titration between a strong acid and a strong base. Include in your answer the steps to prepare for the titration, the process of titration itself, and how the endpoint is determined.

To perform a titration between a strong acid and a strong base, one must first set up the apparatus, including a burette, conical flask, and a white tile. The burette is filled with the strong base, and its initial volume is recorded. The strong acid, whose concentration is to be determined, is poured into the conical flask, usually with a few drops of a suitable indicator like phenolphthalein. The base is then gradually added to the acid from the burette while constantly swirling the flask to ensure thorough mixing. The endpoint is reached when the first permanent colour change is observed in the solution, indicating neutralisation. This is usually a clear to pink change for phenolphthalein. The final burette reading is taken, and the volume of base used is calculated. This data is then used to calculate the concentration of the acid.

Explain why methyl orange would not be a suitable indicator for a titration involving a weak acid and a strong base. Suggest an appropriate alternative indicator and justify your choice.

Methyl orange is not suitable for a titration involving a weak acid and a strong base because its colour change range (pH 3.1 to 4.4) does not align with the pH of the equivalence point in such a titration, which is typically above 7. In this scenario, the weak acid reacts with the strong base to produce a basic solution at the equivalence point due to the formation of the weak acid's conjugate base. Phenolphthalein, which changes colour in the pH range of 8.2 to 10, would be a more appropriate choice. This indicator's transition range aligns well with the basic pH at the equivalence point in a weak acid-strong base titration, allowing for a more accurate detection of the endpoint.

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