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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

16.1.4 Acidity of Alcohols

Alcohols, a vital class of organic compounds, display unique properties that are central to the study of A-level Chemistry. Among these properties, the concept of acidity stands out, offering a window into the reactivity and characteristics of alcohols compared to other substances, like water.

Introduction to Acidity in Alcohols

Understanding the acidity of alcohols is crucial for comprehending their chemical behavior and reactivity. The acidity of a substance is determined by its ability to donate a proton (H+) in an aqueous solution, a feature measured by the pKa value.

Acidity of Alcohols vs. Water

  • Comparative Acidity: Alcohols are generally less acidic than water, with pKa values typically ranging between 15 and 18, compared to water's pKa of about 14.
  • Molecular Structure Influence: The difference in acidity is primarily due to the unique molecular structures of alcohols and the bond dissociation energies involved.
Alcohol in beakers- chemistry lab

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Dissociation in Alcohols

Dissociation is a crucial concept, involving the breaking apart of molecules into ions or smaller molecules. In alcohols, this process is particularly interesting.

Formation of Alkoxide Ions

  • Process of Dissociation: Alcohols, when losing a proton, form alkoxide ions (R-O⁻).
  • Role of Alkoxide Ions: These ions are significant for understanding the reactivity and stability of alcohols.
Formation of Alkoxide Ions

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Inductive Effect of Alkyl Groups

Alkyl groups attached to the hydroxyl group of alcohols play a significant role in influencing their acidity.

Electron Donation and Inductive Effect

  • Nature of Alkyl Groups: Alkyl groups are electron-releasing, influencing the molecule through an inductive effect.
  • Inductive Effect Explained: This refers to the transmission of electronic effects through a chain of atoms by electrostatic induction.
  • Impact on Acidity: The inductive effect can either raise or lower the acidity of an alcohol, depending on the nature of the alkyl group.

Alkoxide Ion Stability and Acidity

The stability of alkoxide ions is a central factor in determining the acidity of alcohols.

Stability Influencing Factors

  • Alkyl Group Influence: The presence and number of alkyl groups near the negatively charged oxygen in alkoxide ions affect stability.
  • Electron-Density and Stability: Electron-donating alkyl groups increase electron density, destabilising the alkoxide ion and reducing acidity.

Classification and Acidity

Alcohols are classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary based on the number of alkyl groups attached to the carbon with the hydroxyl group.

Variations in Acidity

  • Primary Alcohols (1°): These have the highest acidity due to fewer alkyl groups.
  • Secondary (2°) and Tertiary (3°) Alcohols: The increased number of alkyl groups in these alcohols leads to a greater inductive effect and lower acidity.
Classification of alcohol- primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols

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Proton Acceptance in Alcohols

The ability of alcohols to accept protons, compared to water, is another aspect of their acidity.

Factors Influencing Proton Acceptance

  • Alkyl Group Effects: The presence of an alkyl group affects electron distribution, impacting the alcohol's ability to accept protons.

Practical Applications in Organic Chemistry

The understanding of alcohol acidity is not just theoretical but has practical applications in organic chemistry.

Relevance in Chemical Synthesis

  • Predicting Reaction Outcomes: Knowledge of alcohol acidity assists in anticipating the results of chemical reactions involving alcohols.
  • Formation of Derivatives: This understanding aids in grasping how esters, ethers, and other alcohol-derived compounds are formed.

Molecular Orbital Theory and Acidity

Molecular Orbital Theory offers deeper insights into the electronic structure of molecules, which is essential for understanding alcohol acidity.

Role in Understanding Acidity

  • Orbital Overlap and Bonding: The theory explains how atomic orbitals combine to form molecular orbitals, influencing bond strengths and, consequently, acidity.
  • Electron Distribution and Stability: It helps in understanding the electron distribution in alcohols and their conjugate bases, further clarifying the concept of acidity.

Hydrogen Bonding in Alcohols

Hydrogen bonding significantly influences the chemical properties of alcohols, including their acidity.

Impact of Hydrogen Bonding

  • Strength and Stability: Hydrogen bonding affects the strength and stability of the hydroxyl group in alcohols.
  • Influence on Acidity: The ability of alcohols to form hydrogen bonds with water and other molecules plays a role in their acidic behavior.
Hydrogen Bonding in Alcohols with water

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Solvent Effects on Acidity

The solvent in which an alcohol is dissolved can also affect its acidity.

Solvent Interaction and Acidity

  • Solvent Polarity: Polar solvents can stabilize the alkoxide ion, thereby influencing the acidity of the alcohol.
  • Ion Solvation: The extent of ion solvation in different solvents alters the dissociation equilibrium, affecting acidity.


  • Comprehensive Understanding: The study of alcohol acidity encompasses various factors, including molecular structure, inductive effects, stability of alkoxide ions, and solvent interactions.
  • Significance in Chemistry: This knowledge is crucial for A-level students, as it not only enhances their understanding of fundamental concepts in organic chemistry but also prepares them for advanced studies and practical applications.

In conclusion, the acidity of alcohols is a multifaceted topic, essential for A-level Chemistry students. It provides a comprehensive understanding of these compounds, preparing students for more complex concepts and applications in the field of chemistry.


Isotopic substitution, such as replacing a hydrogen atom with deuterium in alcohols, can affect their acidity, a phenomenon known as the kinetic isotope effect. Deuterium bonds are stronger than hydrogen bonds due to the greater mass of deuterium, leading to a lower zero-point energy. As a result, when a hydrogen atom in the hydroxyl group of an alcohol is replaced with deuterium, the O-D bond becomes stronger than the O-H bond. This increased bond strength makes the deuterated alcohol less willing to lose its deuteron (D+) compared to its proton (H+), thus slightly decreasing its acidity. This effect is primarily observable in kinetic studies where the rate of proton or deuteron transfer is measured. While the effect on acidity is generally small, it can be significant in mechanistic studies and in understanding the dynamics of proton transfer reactions.

The solvent in which an alcohol is dissolved significantly affects its acidity due to solvation effects and the solvent's own acidic or basic nature. In polar solvents, such as water, the alkoxide ions formed upon deprotonation of alcohols are better stabilized through solvation. This increased stabilization leads to a greater tendency for the alcohol to lose a proton, thereby increasing its apparent acidity. Conversely, in non-polar solvents, the lack of solvation support makes alkoxide ions less stable, decreasing the acidity of the alcohol. Moreover, the solvent can participate in acid-base reactions with the alcohol. For example, in a strongly basic solvent, even a weakly acidic alcohol can lose a proton more readily. Understanding solvent effects is crucial in practical chemistry, as it helps chemists control the outcome of reactions involving alcohols, especially in synthesis and purification processes.

Temperature changes can significantly affect the acidity of alcohols, mainly due to their influence on the equilibrium constant of the dissociation reaction and the solubility of the alcohol. As temperature increases, the equilibrium of the acid-base dissociation reaction can shift. For many alcohols, an increase in temperature leads to an increase in the degree of dissociation, making them appear more acidic. This is because higher temperatures generally favour endothermic processes, and the dissociation of alcohols into alkoxide ions and protons is often endothermic. Additionally, temperature changes can alter the solubility of alcohols in water or other solvents, which in turn affects the concentration of alcohol molecules available to dissociate and contribute to acidity. However, the effect of temperature on acidity is complex and can vary depending on the specific alcohol and solvent system involved. Understanding these temperature effects is important for controlling reactions involving alcohols, especially in industrial processes and laboratory experiments.

The hybridisation of the carbon atom bonded to the hydroxyl group in alcohols has a notable effect on their acidity. In alcohols where this carbon is sp3-hybridised (as in most alcohols), the electron density around the oxygen atom is affected by the alkyl groups through sigma bonds. This influences the stability of the alkoxide ion formed upon deprotonation. If the carbon is sp2-hybridised (as in vinylic alcohols) or sp-hybridised (as in phenols), the situation changes. For example, phenols, where the hydroxyl group is bonded to an sp2-hybridised carbon in an aromatic ring, are more acidic than typical alcohols. This is because the negative charge on the oxygen atom in the phenoxide ion can delocalize into the aromatic system, stabilizing the ion and making phenol more willing to lose a proton. Therefore, the hybridisation state of the carbon atom to which the hydroxyl group is attached plays a significant role in determining the acidity of alcohols.

The presence of additional functional groups in an alcohol molecule can significantly affect its acidity, primarily through electronic and steric effects. For instance, an electron-withdrawing group, such as a halogen or a nitro group, near the hydroxyl group will increase the acidity of the alcohol. This is because electron-withdrawing groups stabilize the negative charge on the oxygen atom in the alkoxide ion formed upon deprotonation, making it easier for the alcohol to lose a proton. Conversely, an electron-donating group, like an alkyl chain, decreases the alcohol's acidity by destabilizing the alkoxide ion due to increased electron density. Steric hindrance, caused by bulky groups near the hydroxyl group, can also influence acidity by making it physically harder for the molecule to interact with a proton donor or acceptor. In summary, the electronic nature and spatial arrangement of functional groups in alcohols play a crucial role in determining their acidic behaviour.

Practice Questions

Explain why tertiary alcohols are less acidic than primary alcohols. Your answer should include the concepts of alkyl group inductive effect and the stability of the corresponding alkoxide ion.

Tertiary alcohols are less acidic than primary alcohols primarily due to the inductive effect exerted by the alkyl groups. In tertiary alcohols, the presence of three alkyl groups, which are electron-donating, leads to an increase in electron density around the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group. This increased electron density reduces the stability of the resultant alkoxide ion, making it less favourable for the alcohol to lose a proton. In contrast, primary alcohols have only one alkyl group, resulting in less electron donation and a more stable alkoxide ion. Therefore, primary alcohols can more readily donate a proton, making them more acidic than tertiary alcohols.

Describe how the molecular orbital theory helps in understanding the acidity of alcohols. Include the concepts of orbital overlap, bond strengths, and electron distribution in your answer.

The molecular orbital theory aids in understanding the acidity of alcohols by explaining the electronic structure of molecules. According to this theory, atomic orbitals overlap to form molecular orbitals, which determine the distribution of electrons in a molecule. In alcohols, the overlap between the oxygen atom's p orbital and the hydrogen atom's s orbital in the hydroxyl group affects the O-H bond strength. A stronger O-H bond, as indicated by a greater overlap, would mean that the bond is less likely to break, making the alcohol less acidic. Conversely, weaker overlap results in a weaker bond, facilitating easier proton (H+) release, and thus, higher acidity. Additionally, the theory helps in understanding the electron distribution in alcohols and their conjugate bases (alkoxide ions), influencing their stability and reactivity.

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