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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

16.1.2 Reactions Involving Alcohols

Alcohols, owing to their unique molecular structure, exhibit a range of chemical reactions. These reactions are pivotal for understanding the behaviour and applications of alcohols in both laboratory and industrial contexts. This section delves into the various reactions that alcohols undergo, providing A-level students with comprehensive insights into these processes.

Combustion in Oxygen

Combustion is a fundamental reaction where alcohols react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. This reaction is crucial in understanding the energy content of alcohols.

  • General Reaction: The general formula for the combustion of an alcohol is CnH2n+1OH + O2 → CO2 + H2O.
  • Energy Release: Combustion is an exothermic process, where the longer the carbon chain of the alcohol, the more energy is released.
  • Example: Ethanol (C2H5OH) combustion is widely used in alcohol burners and spirit lamps.
  • Complete and Incomplete Combustion: Complete combustion produces carbon dioxide and water, whereas incomplete combustion can lead to carbon (soot) or carbon monoxide formation, depending on the oxygen availability.
The combustion reaction of an alcohol (ethanol)

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Substitution to Form Halogenoalkanes

Substitution reactions of alcohols involve the replacement of the hydroxyl group with a halogen, resulting in the formation of halogenoalkanes.

  • Reaction with Hydrogen Halides (HX): Alcohols react with hydrogen halides like HCl, HBr, or HI to form chloroalkanes, bromoalkanes, or iodoalkanes.
  • Mechanism: The reaction mechanism involves the formation of a protonated alcohol intermediate, followed by nucleophilic substitution by the halide ion.
  • Phosphorus Halides (PCl3, PCl5): These reagents facilitate the formation of chloroalkanes from alcohols. PCl3 is often used for primary and secondary alcohols, while PCl5 is suitable for tertiary alcohols.
  • Thionyl Chloride (SOCl2): This reagent is preferred for preparing chloroalkanes due to its ability to produce cleaner products with fewer by-products.
Alcohol reaction with Hydrogen Halide (hydrogen bromide)

Image courtesy of Organic Chemistry Tutor

Reaction with Sodium

Alcohols react with metallic sodium to produce alkoxides and hydrogen gas, showcasing the acidic nature of alcohols.

  • Equation: 2 R-OH + 2 Na → 2 R-ONa + H2↑.
  • Alkoxides Formation: Alkoxides, the conjugate bases of alcohols, are important intermediates in various organic synthesis reactions.
  • Hydrogen Evolution: The reaction is also a qualitative test for alcohols due to the effervescence of hydrogen gas.
Alcohol (ethanol) reaction with sodium to produce sodium ethoxide and hydrogen

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Oxidation by Acidified Potassium Dichromate or Manganate

The oxidation of alcohols varies based on their classification (primary, secondary, tertiary) and is a key reaction in organic chemistry.

  • Primary Alcohols: Oxidised to aldehydes and further to carboxylic acids under controlled conditions. For example, ethanol can be oxidised to ethanal (an aldehyde) and then to ethanoic acid (a carboxylic acid).
  • Secondary Alcohols: Oxidised to ketones, which are resistant to further oxidation under mild conditions.
  • Tertiary Alcohols: Generally resistant to oxidation due to the lack of hydrogen atom on the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group.
  • Colour Change Indicator: The reduction of dichromate (orange to green) is a visual cue for the oxidation of alcohols.
The oxidation of alcohols with strong and mild oxidizing agents

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Dehydration to Form Alkenes

Dehydration of alcohols leads to the formation of alkenes, an important class of hydrocarbons in organic chemistry.

  • Mechanism: The reaction involves the elimination of a water molecule from the alcohol, typically under acidic conditions.
  • Catalysts: Common catalysts include concentrated sulfuric acid and aluminium oxide (Al2O3). The choice of catalyst and reaction conditions can influence the major product, especially for secondary and tertiary alcohols.
  • Example: Dehydration of ethanol forms ethene, a widely used industrial chemical.
Dehydration of alcohols to form alkenes

Image courtesy of Pete Davis

Esterification with Carboxylic Acids

Esterification is a key reaction where alcohols react with carboxylic acids to form esters, a class of compounds with wide applications.

  • Reaction Equation: R-OH + R'-COOH → R'-COOR + H2O.
  • Catalysts: Strong acids like sulphuric acid catalyse the reaction by protonating the carboxylic acid, making it more electrophilic.
  • Reversibility and Equilibrium: The reaction is reversible, and the yield of ester can be increased by using excess reactants or removing water from the system.
  • Applications: Esters are known for their pleasant smells and are used in fragrances and flavourings.
Esterification, alcohol reaction with carboxylic acid to form ester

Image courtesy of ChemistryScore

In conclusion, the versatility of alcohols in undergoing a range of reactions makes them essential subjects of study in A-level chemistry. From energy-producing combustion reactions to the synthesis of complex organic compounds through esterification, the reactions involving alcohols are integral to both theoretical understanding and practical applications in chemistry. These reactions not only exemplify the reactivity of alcohols but also provide a pathway to synthesise various useful compounds, making them a crucial topic for chemistry students.


Tertiary alcohols are resistant to oxidation because they lack a hydrogen atom on the carbon atom bearing the hydroxyl group, which is essential for the oxidation process. In primary and secondary alcohols, the oxidation involves the removal of hydrogen atoms from the carbon with the hydroxyl group and the adjacent carbon. However, in tertiary alcohols, the carbon with the hydroxyl group is bonded to three other carbon atoms, leaving no hydrogen to be removed for oxidation to occur. This structural aspect renders tertiary alcohols resistant to common oxidising agents like potassium dichromate (K₂Cr₂O₇) or potassium permanganate (KMnO₄) under mild conditions.

In synthetic chemistry, this resistance to oxidation is significant. It allows for the selective oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols in the presence of tertiary alcohols. This selective reactivity is utilised in multi-step synthetic pathways where the preservation of the tertiary alcohol functionality is required while oxidising other alcohol groups in the molecule. Additionally, this property is exploited in protecting group strategies, where a tertiary alcohol group can be used to protect a functional group from oxidation in complex organic syntheses.

The reaction of alcohols with hydrogen halides (HX) can be used to distinguish between different classes of alcohols based on the rate of reaction and the conditions required. Primary alcohols react slowly with hydrogen halides, and often require heating to facilitate the reaction. The mechanism is typically SN2, where the halide ion attacks the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group, leading to the formation of a halogenoalkane.

Secondary alcohols react at a moderate rate with hydrogen halides. The mechanism can be either SN1 or SN2, depending on the specific conditions and the structure of the alcohol. The SN1 mechanism involves the formation of a carbocation intermediate, while the SN2 mechanism involves a direct displacement of the hydroxyl group by the halide ion.

Tertiary alcohols react rapidly with hydrogen halides, often at room temperature. The reaction proceeds via an SN1 mechanism, where the formation of a stable tertiary carbocation intermediate occurs, followed by the rapid attack of the halide ion. This difference in reactivity is due to the increasing stability of carbocations as we move from primary to tertiary alcohols.

Therefore, the rate of reaction and the conditions required for the reaction with hydrogen halides can be used as an indicative test to distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols.

The structure of an alcohol significantly influences its reactivity in esterification reactions. Primary alcohols, having the hydroxyl group attached to a primary carbon (carbon attached to only one other carbon), are generally more reactive due to less steric hindrance and a higher electron density around the hydroxyl group. This makes them more accessible to the carboxylic acid or its derivatives in esterification reactions. Secondary alcohols, attached to a secondary carbon (carbon attached to two other carbons), show moderate reactivity. The increased steric hindrance around the hydroxyl group and the electron-donating effect of the adjacent alkyl groups slightly reduce the reactivity compared to primary alcohols. Tertiary alcohols, with the hydroxyl group on a tertiary carbon (carbon attached to three other carbons), exhibit the least reactivity in esterification. The substantial steric hindrance and electron-donating effects from the surrounding alkyl groups make the hydroxyl group less nucleophilic and hence less reactive. Additionally, the rate of the reaction and the choice of catalyst can also be influenced by the alcohol's structure, with more hindered alcohols potentially requiring stronger or more specific catalysts to achieve effective esterification.

The reaction of alcohols with sodium, producing hydrogen gas, is a classic demonstration of the acidic nature of alcohols. In this reaction, the sodium metal donates an electron to the hydroxyl group (OH) of the alcohol. This electron donation results in the formation of an alkoxide ion and the liberation of hydrogen gas. The equation for this reaction is 2 R-OH + 2 Na → 2 R-ONa + H₂↑. This reaction signifies that alcohols, while weakly acidic, can behave as acids when reacting with highly reactive metals like sodium. The hydrogen gas evolution is a characteristic test for alcohols. The alkoxide ions formed are strong bases and nucleophiles, and their formation underscores the ability of alcohols to undergo deprotonation, a typical property of acids. This reaction also highlights the difference in reactivity between alcohols and water, as alcohols are less acidic than water and react more slowly with sodium.

The selectivity of the dehydration of alcohols to alkenes is influenced by several factors, including the structure of the alcohol, the type of acid catalyst used, and the reaction conditions (mainly temperature). The structure of the alcohol plays a significant role; primary alcohols tend to form alkenes through an E2 mechanism, leading to the more substituted alkene as the major product due to Zaitsev's rule. Secondary and tertiary alcohols often undergo dehydration through an E1 mechanism, where the formation of a carbocation intermediate occurs. The stability of the carbocation intermediate is crucial, with more substituted carbocations being more stable and thus more likely to form. The type of acid catalyst is another important factor. Strong acids like sulfuric acid are commonly used, and their concentration can affect the reaction pathway and the selectivity of the alkene formed. High temperatures generally favour the formation of more substituted alkenes (following Zaitsev's rule), whereas lower temperatures can sometimes lead to less substituted alkenes. Additionally, intramolecular rearrangements like hydride or alkyl shifts in the carbocation intermediate can occur, influencing the selectivity of the alkene product.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of the reaction between ethanol and sulphuric acid to form ethene, detailing the conditions required and the steps involved in the process.

The dehydration of ethanol to ethene in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid involves an E1 elimination mechanism. Initially, the concentrated sulphuric acid protonates the hydroxyl group of ethanol, making it a better leaving group. This step forms an ethyl hydrogen sulphate intermediate. Next, a water molecule is eliminated from this intermediate, forming a carbocation. The carbocation is stabilised through a rearrangement if necessary. Finally, a proton is lost from the carbocation to form ethene. The reaction requires a high temperature, around 170°C, to facilitate the dehydration process. This mechanism showcases the role of sulphuric acid as both a catalyst and a dehydrating agent in the formation of alkenes from alcohols.

Explain how primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols differ in their reaction with acidified potassium dichromate, using ethanol, propan-2-ol, and tert-butanol as examples. Include the products formed and the colour change of the dichromate solution.

Primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols exhibit different reactivities towards oxidation with acidified potassium dichromate. Ethanol, a primary alcohol, is oxidised first to ethanal (an aldehyde) and then further to ethanoic acid (a carboxylic acid). The dichromate solution changes from orange to green, indicating the reduction of Cr6+ to Cr3+. Propan-2-ol, a secondary alcohol, is oxidised to propanone (a ketone), with the same colour change in the dichromate solution. However, tertiary alcohols, like tert-butanol, are generally resistant to oxidation under these conditions, and there is no significant colour change in the dichromate solution. This resistance is due to the lack of a hydrogen atom attached to the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group, which is essential for the oxidation process.

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