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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

37.4.2 Chemical Shifts and Splitting Patterns in Proton (1H) NMR Spectroscopy

Proton (1H) NMR spectroscopy is a powerful tool in organic chemistry, providing detailed insights into molecular structure. This section focuses on the prediction and interpretation of 1H NMR chemical shifts and splitting patterns, considering the electronic environment and neighbouring protons.

Introduction to 1H NMR Chemical Shifts

Chemical shifts in 1H NMR spectroscopy are pivotal for identifying different protons within a molecule. These shifts, measured in parts per million (ppm), are influenced by the electronic environment surrounding the protons.

  • Electronic Environment and Shielding: The shift depends on the electron density around the hydrogen atom. Electronegative atoms or groups draw electron density away from the hydrogen nucleus, leading to deshielding and a downfield shift in the NMR spectrum.
  • Chemical Shift Range: Proton NMR chemical shifts typically range from 0 to 12 ppm. Tetramethylsilane (TMS) is used as the standard reference compound, with its signal defined at 0 ppm.
Diagram showing NMR chemical shift- upfield and downfield signal

Image courtesy of Technology Networks

Factors Affecting Chemical Shifts

The chemical shift of protons is determined by several key factors.

Electronegativity and Hybridisation

  • Electronegativity: Protons bonded to more electronegative elements (like oxygen or nitrogen) experience greater deshielding and exhibit higher chemical shift values.
  • Hybridisation: The type of carbon atom to which the hydrogen is attached affects its chemical shift. Protons on sp² or sp hybridised carbons resonate at a lower field (higher chemical shift) compared to those on sp³ hybridised carbons.

Anisotropic Effects

  • Diamagnetic Anisotropy: Occurs in ring systems like benzene. The circulating electrons create a magnetic field that affects the chemical shift of protons in the ring, often causing a downfield shift.

Hydrogen Bonding

  • Strong hydrogen bonding, as seen in alcohols and acids, can cause significant shifts in the resonance position of protons, often moving them further downfield.

Understanding Splitting Patterns

Splitting patterns in 1H NMR spectra arise from spin-spin coupling between non-equivalent protons.

The n+1 Rule

  • The n+1 rule helps predict the number of peaks a proton signal will split into due to coupling with neighbouring protons.
  • Example: A proton coupled with two non-equivalent neighbouring protons (n = 2) will show a triplet (n+1 = 3).
A diagram showing signal splitting patterns in 1H NMR spectroscopy.

Image courtesy of Topics in Organic Chemistry

Coupling Constants

  • Coupling Constant (J): This is the separation between split peaks, measured in Hertz (Hz). It reveals the strength of coupling between protons and is independent of the magnetic field strength.

Factors Affecting Splitting Patterns

  • Proximity and Orientation: Only protons on adjacent atoms or within three bonds typically exhibit coupling. The orientation (geminal, vicinal, or long-range) affects the coupling constant.

Practical Applications and Examples

To illustrate these principles, let's analyse the 1H NMR spectra of specific compounds.

Ethanol (CH₃CH₂OH)

  • The CH₃ group shows a triplet due to coupling with the two protons of the CH₂ group.
  • The CH₂ group exhibits a quartet, coupling with the three protons of the CH₃ group.
  • The OH proton often appears as a broad singlet due to rapid exchange with other protons.
1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra of Ethanol

Acetone (CH₃COCH₃)

The methyl protons appear as a singlet, illustrating the effect of the carbonyl group on the chemical shift.

1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra of acetone

Image courtesy of ChemicalBook

Common Challenges and Tips

  • Overlapping Peaks: In complex spectra, peaks may overlap. Here, knowledge of typical chemical shift values and coupling patterns is invaluable.
  • Complex Splitting Patterns: Complex molecules can show intricate splitting patterns. Understanding the n+1 rule and the factors affecting J values is crucial.

Advanced Topics in Chemical Shifts and Splitting

Beyond the basics, several advanced concepts add depth to the understanding of 1H NMR spectroscopy.

Chemical Shift Equivalence

  • Understanding the concept of chemical shift equivalence is vital for accurate interpretation of spectra. Equivalent protons do not split each other's signals.

Solvent Effects

  • The choice of solvent can influence the chemical shift of protons. Deuterated solvents are typically used to avoid additional proton signals.

Temperature Effects

  • Temperature changes can affect the chemical shifts and splitting patterns, especially in the case of hydrogen bonding.


This comprehensive guide to chemical shifts and splitting patterns in 1H NMR spectroscopy equips students with the essential knowledge to analyse and predict NMR spectra of various organic compounds. Mastery of these concepts is achieved through practice and exposure to a range of examples, forming a fundamental skill in the chemist's toolkit.


Temperature can have a significant influence on 1H NMR spectra, affecting both chemical shifts and splitting patterns. As temperature increases, molecules gain more kinetic energy, which can alter the electronic environment around protons and thus their chemical shifts. For instance, hydrogen bonding, which significantly affects the chemical shift, especially in protons like O–H and N–H, can be weakened or disrupted at higher temperatures, leading to a shift in the resonance signal. Furthermore, increased temperature can cause changes in molecular conformation or dynamics, affecting the splitting patterns observed. This is particularly relevant for molecules that exhibit conformational isomerism. Temperature control is therefore important in NMR spectroscopy to obtain reproducible and accurate spectra. For compounds sensitive to temperature changes, maintaining a constant temperature during the NMR analysis ensures that the spectra accurately reflect the molecular structure under standard conditions.

Deuterated solvents are crucial in 1H NMR spectroscopy due to their lack of hydrogen atoms that can contribute to the NMR spectrum. Regular solvents contain hydrogen atoms that would produce additional signals in the spectrum, complicating the analysis. Deuterated solvents, where the hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium (²H), are non-responsive to the 1H NMR frequency due to deuterium's different magnetic properties. This makes the solvent "invisible" in the 1H NMR spectrum, allowing for clearer observation of the sample's proton signals. Common deuterated solvents include deuterated chloroform (CDCl₃), deuterated water (D₂O), and deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO-d₆). Additionally, deuterated solvents often contain a small amount of TMS (tetramethylsilane) as an internal standard for calibration purposes, providing a reference peak at 0 ppm to accurately measure chemical shifts.

Chemical shift equivalence is a fundamental concept in interpreting 1H NMR spectra. It refers to the scenario where two or more protons in a molecule are in identical chemical environments, making their NMR signals indistinguishable from each other. These protons are said to be chemically equivalent. In practice, this means that equivalent protons contribute to a single signal in the NMR spectrum, simplifying the analysis. However, it's important to differentiate chemical equivalence from magnetic equivalence. Even if protons are chemically equivalent, if their coupling with other protons is different, they can still show different splitting patterns (magnetic inequivalence). Understanding chemical shift equivalence is crucial when analysing complex molecules, as it aids in predicting the number of distinct signals in the spectrum and interpreting splitting patterns. This concept is particularly useful in symmetrical molecules where equivalent proton sets are common, helping to reduce the complexity of the NMR analysis.

1H NMR spectroscopy is an excellent tool for distinguishing between structural isomers, as these compounds have different arrangements of atoms and thus different chemical environments for their protons. In 1H NMR, each type of proton, based on its unique chemical environment, gives rise to a distinct signal. For instance, in positional isomers, where functional groups are located at different positions on the same carbon chain, the chemical shifts and splitting patterns of the protons adjacent to these groups will vary, reflecting their different electronic environments. Similarly, in functional isomers, where the functional groups themselves differ, the 1H NMR spectra will show different chemical shifts and multiplicity patterns corresponding to these groups. For example, the spectra of an alcohol and an ether (functional isomers) would be distinct as the hydroxyl proton in the alcohol would exhibit a unique, often deshielded signal, whereas ethers lack this proton. Therefore, by analyzing the number, position, and splitting of the peaks in the 1H NMR spectrum, one can effectively differentiate between various structural isomers.

The presence of a carbonyl group (C=O) in a molecule has a significant impact on the chemical shifts observed in 1H NMR spectroscopy. Carbonyl groups are highly electronegative due to the oxygen atom, which pulls electron density away from adjacent atoms. This deshielding effect causes protons near the carbonyl group to resonate at a lower field (higher chemical shift). For example, protons on a carbon adjacent to a carbonyl group (α-protons) typically resonate between 2.0 and 2.5 ppm. In contrast, protons two carbons away (β-protons) show less deshielding and resonate around 1.5 to 2.0 ppm. The effect diminishes with increasing distance from the carbonyl group. Additionally, the carbonyl group's influence extends to altering splitting patterns. Protons near a carbonyl group may show more complex splitting due to the influence of adjacent functional groups or atoms, further illustrating the carbonyl group’s significant role in determining the chemical environment in NMR spectroscopy.

Practice Questions

A molecule of propylamine (CH₃CH₂CH₂NH₂) is analysed using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Predict the splitting pattern for each type of proton in the molecule and explain the reasoning behind each prediction.

Propylamine consists of three different types of protons: methyl (CH₃-), methylene (CH₂-), and methine (CH₂-NH₂). The methyl protons are expected to appear as a triplet due to coupling with the two adjacent methylene protons. The methylene protons should show a multiplet (usually a quartet) due to coupling with both the methyl protons and the methine proton. Lastly, the methine proton will likely show a doublet, resulting from its coupling with the two methylene protons. This pattern reflects the n+1 rule, where n is the number of neighbouring protons causing the splitting.

In a 1H NMR spectrum, a signal appears at 3.5 ppm and shows a triplet splitting pattern. Suggest a possible environment for the proton responsible for this signal and justify your answer.

A signal at 3.5 ppm exhibiting a triplet pattern is indicative of a proton in an environment moderately deshielded, likely due to the presence of electronegative atoms. Such a proton could be part of a methylene group (CH₂) adjacent to electronegative groups like -OH or -OCH₃. The triplet pattern suggests the presence of two equivalent protons on the adjacent carbon, following the n+1 rule (where n=2, the number of adjacent protons). This environment is typical in alcohols, ethers, or amino groups, where the presence of oxygen or nitrogen atoms influences the chemical shift.

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