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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

37.4.1 Proton (1H) NMR Spectrum Analysis

Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy represents a pivotal analytical method in chemistry, offering nuanced insights into molecular structures. This section thoroughly explores the detailed analysis of 1H NMR spectra.

Introduction to 1H NMR Spectroscopy

1H NMR spectroscopy examines the interaction between hydrogen nuclei and an external magnetic field. This technique is crucial for understanding molecular environments and structures. Key aspects include chemical shifts, peak areas, and splitting patterns, which collectively reveal detailed information about a molecule's hydrogen atoms.

Fundamentals of NMR

  • Principle: Hydrogen nuclei in a magnetic field absorb and re-emit electromagnetic radiation. The frequency of this radiation provides information about the local environment of the hydrogen atoms.
  • Instrumentation: An NMR spectrometer includes a strong magnet, a radiofrequency transmitter, and a detector. The sample is placed in a magnetic field, and its response to applied radiofrequency is recorded.
Instrumentation of an NMR spectrometer

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Detailed Analysis of 1H NMR Spectra

Chemical Shifts

  • Definition: The chemical shift is the resonant frequency of a proton, expressed in parts per million (ppm). It reflects the proton's electronic environment.
  • Factors Influencing Chemical Shifts: Electronegativity of adjacent atoms, hybridisation of the carbon atom to which hydrogen is attached, and the presence of pi electrons or aromatic systems can influence chemical shifts.
  • Chemical Shift Ranges:
    • Alkanes (0.5 – 1.5 ppm)
    • Alkenes (4.5 – 6.5 ppm)
    • Aromatics (6.5 – 8 ppm)
    • Alcohols, Amines (1-5 ppm)
  • Shielding and Deshielding: Electrons surrounding a hydrogen nucleus can shield it from the external magnetic field, resulting in an upfield (lower ppm) shift. Conversely, deshielding moves the signal downfield (higher ppm).
Diagram showing NMR chemical shift- upfield and downfield signal

Image courtesy of Technology Networks

Relative Peak Areas

  • Integration and Quantification: The area under an NMR peak is proportional to the number of protons responsible for that signal.
  • Ratio Interpretation: These areas allow chemists to ascertain the relative number of protons in different environments within a molecule.
  • Example Analysis: A spectrum showing two peaks with a 1:2 area ratio suggests two different types of hydrogen environments, with the second being twice as abundant as the first.

Splitting Patterns

  • The n+1 Rule: A proton's signal is split into multiple peaks due to interactions with adjacent nonequivalent protons. The number of these peaks follows the n+1 rule, where n is the number of neighboring protons.
  • Types of Splitting Patterns:
    • Singlet: No adjacent protons
    • Doublet: One adjacent proton
    • Triplet: Two adjacent protons
    • Quartet: Three adjacent protons
  • Coupling Constants (J-value): The peak spacing, measured in hertz (Hz), remains consistent across different field strengths and provides information about the spatial relationship between coupled protons.
A diagram showing signal splitting patterns in 1H NMR spectroscopy.

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Advanced Topics in Proton NMR Analysis

Chemical Shift Equivalency

  • Equivalency Concepts: Protons in identical chemical environments produce a single signal. Non-equivalent protons yield separate signals.
  • Symmetry in Molecules: Symmetry can play a crucial role in determining whether protons are equivalent.

Complex Splitting Patterns

  • Multiplets: Protons coupled with several nonequivalent protons create complex patterns known as multiplets.
  • Multiplet Analysis: Deciphering these patterns requires an understanding of coupling constants and chemical shift values.

Overlapping Peaks

  • Interpretation Challenges: Overlapping signals can complicate spectrum analysis, especially in molecules with multiple similar functional groups.
  • Techniques for Resolution Enhancement: High-field NMR spectrometers and computational peak deconvolution can help distinguish closely overlapping signals.

Case Studies and Practical Examples

Case Study 1: Simple Organic Molecule

  • Spectrum Interpretation: Detailed analysis of a simple organic molecule's NMR spectrum, demonstrating the identification of chemical shifts, peak areas, and splitting patterns.

Case Study 2: Complex Organic Compound

  • Complex Spectrum Analysis: Step-by-step interpretation of a complex molecule's NMR spectrum, illustrating advanced analysis techniques.


1H NMR spectroscopy is an indispensable technique in organic chemistry, providing deep insights into molecular structures. Understanding the intricacies of chemical shifts, peak areas, and splitting patterns is crucial for accurately determining molecular configurations. Through detailed analysis and practical examples, this section aims to equip A-level chemistry students with the knowledge and skills to proficiently interpret 1H NMR spectra, an essential component of their chemistry education.


'Satellite peaks' in 1H NMR spectra are small additional peaks that appear around the main peaks of a spectrum. These peaks are typically caused by isotopic effects, particularly due to the presence of (^{13}C) isotopes in the sample. Natural carbon consists of about 99% (^{12}C) and 1% (^{13}C). While (^{12}C) is NMR inactive, (^{13}C) is NMR active and can cause splitting of the (^{1}H) signals. This results in the appearance of satellite peaks at slightly different chemical shifts from the main (^{1}H) peak. The intensity of these satellite peaks is generally much lower than the main peak, usually about 1% of the main peak's intensity, reflecting the natural abundance of (^{13}C). The presence of these peaks can provide valuable information about the

number of directly bonded carbon atoms to a particular hydrogen atom, aiding in the structural elucidation of the compound.

The hybridisation of a carbon atom to which a hydrogen is attached significantly influences the chemical shift of that hydrogen in 1H NMR. In general, as the s-character of the hybridised orbital increases, the chemical shift also increases. For instance, protons attached to an sp³ hybridised carbon (as in alkanes) typically resonate at a lower chemical shift (0.5 – 1.5 ppm). This is because the higher p-character in sp³ orbitals leads to less effective shielding of the proton, causing it to appear upfield. In contrast, protons attached to sp² hybridised carbons (as in alkenes) resonate at higher chemical shifts (4.5 – 6.5 ppm) due to the lower p-character and thus greater deshielding. Protons attached to sp hybridised carbons (as in alkynes) resonate even further downfield. The increased s-character in these orbitals leads to greater deshielding and higher chemical shifts. This concept is pivotal in predicting and interpreting NMR spectra, as it allows chemists to infer the types of carbon atoms present in a molecule based on the observed chemical shifts of the hydrogens.

Temperature can have a significant effect on the 1H NMR spectrum of a sample. Firstly, temperature changes can affect the chemical shift. This is because temperature variations can alter the electronic environment around the hydrogen atoms, leading to a shift in their resonance frequency. For example, hydrogen-bonded protons, like those in alcohols and carboxylic acids, can exhibit significant chemical shift changes with temperature due to the weakening of hydrogen bonding.

Secondly, temperature affects the rate of dynamic processes such as tautomerism, conformational changes, and exchange reactions. This can lead to changes in the splitting patterns and peak intensities in the NMR spectrum. For instance, at higher temperatures, rapid exchange processes can cause the disappearance of splitting patterns, leading to simpler spectra.

Moreover, temperature influences the viscosity of the solvent, which in turn affects the relaxation times of the nuclei. This can impact both the linewidth and intensity of the NMR signals. In cases where fine structural details are important, maintaining a constant and appropriate temperature during NMR analysis is crucial for accurate and consistent spectral interpretation.

Tetramethylsilane (TMS) is universally used as a standard in 1H NMR for several reasons that make it an ideal reference compound. Firstly, TMS is chemically inert and does not react with the sample. This ensures that it does not interfere with the spectrum of the sample being analyzed. Secondly, the methyl groups in TMS are equivalent, producing a single sharp peak at 0 ppm, which is used as a reference point. This singlet is located downfield, ensuring it does not overlap with most of the sample's peaks. Furthermore, TMS is volatile, making it easy to remove from the sample after the analysis. Its non-polarity means it has little to no interaction with most organic compounds, ensuring it does not affect the chemical environment of the sample. Lastly, TMS is soluble in a wide range of solvents, making it compatible with various samples analyzed in 1H NMR spectroscopy.

Distinguishing between overlapping peaks and actual multiplets in a 1H NMR spectrum can be challenging but is crucial for accurate interpretation. Overlapping peaks occur when signals from different proton environments are close in chemical shift and appear to merge. In contrast, multiplets are a result of spin-spin coupling between adjacent, nonequivalent protons. To differentiate them, one should consider the following aspects:

  1. Symmetry and Consistency: Multiplets exhibit symmetry and consistent splitting patterns (e.g., doublets, triplets) across the spectrum. Overlapping peaks may lack this symmetry and the consistency in splitting.
  2. Chemical Shift Considerations: Understanding the typical chemical shift ranges of various proton environments can aid in predicting whether a set of peaks is likely to be from overlapping signals or a genuine multiplet.
  3. Integration Values: Check the integration values of the signals. In a multiplet, the integrated area should correspond to the number of equivalent protons causing the signal. In overlapping peaks, the integration may not match the expected values based on the number of protons.
  4. Coupling Constants: Analyzing the coupling constants (J-values) can also help. In a true multiplet, the J-values between peaks are consistent.
  5. Advanced Techniques: Techniques like peak deconvolution or using higher magnetic field strengths can also aid in resolving ambiguities.

Practice Questions

Given a proton NMR spectrum of an unknown organic compound, the spectrum shows a triplet at 1.0 ppm, a quartet at 2.3 ppm, and a singlet at 7.0 ppm. Predict the structure of the compound and justify your answer based on the NMR data.

The compound is most likely ethyl benzene. The triplet at 1.0 ppm corresponds to the methyl group (CH₃-) protons, which are split into a triplet due to the two protons of the adjacent -CH₂- group (n+1 rule, where n=2). The quartet at 2.3 ppm is attributed to these two protons of the ethyl group (-CH₂-), split by the three protons of the methyl group. Lastly, the singlet at 7.0 ppm indicates the presence of aromatic protons, consistent with a benzene ring, which are not split as they are equivalent and have no adjacent protons to cause splitting. This analysis aligns with the structure of ethyl benzene.

Explain how the use of deuterated solvents, like CDCl₃, affects the proton NMR spectra and why they are preferred in NMR spectroscopy.

Deuterated solvents, such as CDCl₃, are preferred in 1H NMR spectroscopy because they minimise interference from the solvent’s hydrogen atoms. In NMR, protons (1H) are the primary nuclei of interest. If a non-deuterated solvent were used, its hydrogen atoms would also absorb and re-emit electromagnetic radiation, leading to additional peaks in the spectrum and complicating the analysis. Deuterium atoms (2H) do not resonate under the same conditions as protons, thus using a deuterated solvent like CDCl₃ ensures that only the signals from the sample are observed, providing clearer and more interpretable spectra.

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