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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

30.1.3 Positional Selectivity in Halogenation

Halogenation, a critical chemical reaction in the realm of organic chemistry, is particularly significant when studying arenes. This process, involving the addition of halogen atoms to an organic compound, can vary in its site of action within the compound depending on several conditions. A-level Chemistry students must grasp the nuances of positional selectivity in the halogenation of arenes to appreciate the complexity of organic reactions and their dependency on various factors.

Understanding Arenes

Arenes, also known as aromatic hydrocarbons, are compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms forming a planar, cyclic structure characterized by delocalized π electrons. This structural arrangement confers unique chemical properties on arenes, influencing their reactivity, especially in halogenation reactions.

Delocalized π electrons in Arenes, also known as aromatic hydrocarbons

Image courtesy of Edgar181 derivative work: Rodolopezdato

Principles of Halogenation in Arenes

Halogenation is the introduction of halogen atoms (such as chlorine or bromine) into an organic molecule. In the context of arenes, this reaction can take place predominantly at two locations: the aromatic ring and the side-chain. The choice between these sites is governed by various factors including catalysts, temperature, and the nature of the solvent.

Aromatic Ring Halogenation

  • Role of Catalysts: Essential catalysts like AlCl₃ or FeBr₃ facilitate halogenation at the aromatic ring through a mechanism known as electrophilic aromatic substitution.
  • Mechanism: This involves the substitution of a hydrogen atom on the aromatic ring with a halogen atom, a process stabilized by the delocalized electrons of the aromatic system.
  Halogenation of benzene

Image courtesy of Pillsmarch

  • Regioselectivity: The position of halogenation on the aromatic ring (ortho, meta, or para) is often influenced by the presence of other substituent groups, which can direct the incoming halogen to specific positions.
 The aromatic ring ortho, meta, or para

Image courtesy of Holger87

Side-Chain Halogenation

  • Radical Conditions: Occurs typically in the absence of a catalyst and involves the formation of free radicals, leading to the substitution of hydrogen atoms in the side-chain.
  • Temperature Dependence: Elevated temperatures favour side-chain halogenation due to the increased energy required for radical formation.
Side Chain Halogenation

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Factors Influencing Positional Selectivity

1. Presence of Catalysts

  • Aromatic Ring Halogenation: Catalysts like AlCl₃ and FeBr₃ promote electrophilic substitution on the aromatic ring, facilitating halogenation at this site.
  • Side-Chain Halogenation: Typically proceeds in the absence of these catalysts, under conditions favourable for radical formation.

2. Temperature

  • Lower Temperatures: More conducive to aromatic ring halogenation, as these conditions favour the formation of stable intermediate complexes with the catalyst.
  • Higher Temperatures: Increase the likelihood of side-chain halogenation, as the energy provided is sufficient to generate free radicals.

3. Solvent Effects

  • Polar Solvents: Often used in aromatic ring halogenation to stabilize ionic intermediates formed during the reaction.
  • Non-Polar Solvents: Preferred in side-chain halogenation to facilitate the formation and sustenance of radicals.

Detailed Analysis of Specific Reactions

Chlorination of Toluene

  • Aromatic Ring Chlorination: When catalyzed by AlCl₃, chlorination primarily occurs on the aromatic ring, often yielding ortho and para substituted products.
  • Side-Chain Chlorination: In the absence of a catalyst and at higher temperatures, chlorination targets the methyl group, leading to the formation of benzyl chloride.

Bromination of Ethylbenzene

  • Aromatic Ring Bromination: Using FeBr₃ as a catalyst, bromination occurs predominantly on the aromatic ring.
  • Side-Chain Bromination: At elevated temperatures and without FeBr₃, bromination happens in the ethyl side-chain.

Understanding Mechanisms

Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

  • Formation of Electrophile: The reaction begins with the formation of a strong electrophile (e.g., Br⁺ in bromination).
  • Attack on Aromatic Ring: The electrophile attacks the aromatic ring, temporarily disrupting the delocalized π electron system.
  • Restoration of Aromaticity: A hydrogen atom is subsequently lost, restoring aromaticity and completing the substitution.

Radical Side-Chain Halogenation

  • Initiation: Involves the formation of halogen radicals under high temperature or light.
  • Propagation: These radicals abstract hydrogen from the side-chain, creating new radicals that react further with halogen molecules.
  • Termination: Various radical species combine, terminating the chain reaction.
Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution and Radical Side-Chain Halogenation in Ethylbenzene

Image courtesy of Oregon State University

Practical Implications

Synthesis of Halogenated Compounds

  • Pharmaceuticals: Many halogenated arenes are crucial in pharmaceutical synthesis.
  • Material Science: Halogenated arenes find applications in the development of advanced materials.


Positional selectivity in the halogenation of arenes is a cornerstone topic in A-level Chemistry. It exemplifies the impact of reaction conditions, catalysts, and molecular structure on the outcome of chemical reactions. This knowledge is vital not only for academic success but also for its practical applications in various scientific fields.


Halogenation can indeed occur on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), but the process and outcomes differ from those in monocyclic arenes due to the more complex structure of PAHs. PAHs contain multiple aromatic rings, which can influence the reactivity and selectivity of the halogenation reaction. In PAHs, the electron density is not uniformly distributed across all the aromatic rings, leading to differences in reactivity. Some rings in a PAH molecule might be more reactive towards electrophilic attack due to the influence of adjacent rings or substituents. This variation in reactivity can result in regioselectivity, where certain positions within the PAH are more likely to undergo halogenation. Additionally, the steric hindrance in PAHs can affect the approach of the electrophile to certain positions. As a result, halogenation of PAHs often requires more careful consideration of the specific structure of the compound and the reaction conditions to achieve the desired selectivity and yield.

Side-chain halogenation of arenes tends to produce a mixture of products due to the nature of the radical chain mechanism involved. The process initiates with the generation of halogen radicals, which abstract a hydrogen atom from the arene's side-chain, creating a carbon radical. This carbon radical can react with halogen molecules to form a mono-halogenated product. However, the carbon radical can also further react with additional halogen radicals, leading to multi-halogenated products. Moreover, if the side-chain has multiple hydrogen atoms, the initial radical formation can occur at different positions, resulting in isomeric products. The lack of regioselectivity and the possibility of multiple halogenation under radical conditions contribute to the formation of a mixture of products. The extent and variety of these products depend on the reaction conditions, such as temperature, concentration of the halogen, and the presence of other substituents on the arene.

The presence of substituent groups on the aromatic ring significantly influences the positional selectivity during halogenation. Substituents can be classified as either electron-donating or electron-withdrawing. Electron-donating groups, such as alkyl groups or methoxy groups, increase the electron density on the ring, particularly at the ortho and para positions, thus making these positions more reactive towards electrophilic attack. As a result, halogenation in the presence of such groups typically occurs at these positions. Conversely, electron-withdrawing groups, like nitro groups, decrease electron density on the ring and are meta-directing. They make the ortho and para positions less susceptible to electrophilic attack, hence directing the halogenation to the meta position. These directing effects are a result of the resonance and inductive effects exerted by the substituents, which alter the electron density distribution on the aromatic ring, thereby influencing the site of electrophilic attack during halogenation.

The environmental implications of halogenating arenes are significant, especially considering the persistence and toxicity of many halogenated aromatic compounds. Halogenated arenes, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins, are known for their stability and resistance to degradation, leading to their accumulation in the environment. These compounds can be bioaccumulative and have been associated with various adverse health effects, including endocrine disruption, carcinogenicity, and toxicity to aquatic life. The production and disposal of halogenated arenes require stringent controls to prevent environmental contamination. Additionally, the use of certain halogens, particularly chlorine and bromine, in these reactions can lead to the formation of harmful by-products. The environmental impact of halogenation processes necessitates the development of greener and more sustainable chemical practices, such as using less toxic halogens or alternative methods for introducing functional groups into arenes.

The nature of the halogen used in the halogenation of arenes significantly affects the reaction due to differences in reactivity and stability of the halogen species. Chlorine and bromine are commonly used in halogenation reactions due to their suitable reactivity. Chlorine is more reactive than bromine, leading to faster reaction rates but potentially lower selectivity. Bromination tends to be more selective, allowing for greater control over the reaction outcome. Iodination of arenes is less common because iodine is less reactive due to its larger size and lower electronegativity. However, iodination can be achieved under certain conditions, often requiring oxidizing agents to facilitate the reaction. The choice of halogen also affects the reaction conditions required, such as the need for catalysts and the reaction temperature. For example, bromination usually requires a stronger Lewis acid catalyst compared to chlorination. Each halogen brings distinct characteristics to the reaction, influencing the mechanism, rate, and product distribution in the halogenation of arenes.

Practice Questions

Explain the outcome of brominating toluene at high temperature in the absence of a catalyst. Include the type of reaction, the site of halogenation, and the product formed.

Brominating toluene at high temperature without a catalyst results in a radical halogenation reaction, primarily occurring at the methyl side-chain rather than the aromatic ring. This is due to the conditions favouring radical formation over electrophilic aromatic substitution. The high temperature initiates the homolytic cleavage of Br₂, generating bromine radicals. These radicals abstract a hydrogen atom from the methyl group, forming a benzyl radical, which subsequently reacts with another bromine molecule to yield benzyl bromide. The process illustrates the importance of reaction conditions in determining the site and type of halogenation in arenes.

Describe the mechanism of chlorination of benzene in the presence of AlCl₃. What role does the catalyst play in this reaction?

Chlorination of benzene in the presence of AlCl₃ follows an electrophilic aromatic substitution mechanism. AlCl₃ acts as a Lewis acid catalyst, enhancing the reactivity of Cl₂ by forming a complex with chlorine, generating a positively charged chloronium ion (Cl⁺), a strong electrophile. This electrophile attacks the electron-rich benzene ring, forming a sigma complex where the aromaticity is temporarily lost. The subsequent loss of a hydrogen ion, which combines with AlCl₄⁻ (formed during the reaction), restores the aromaticity, resulting in chlorobenzene. The catalyst, therefore, plays a crucial role in both generating the reactive electrophile and facilitating the reaction's completion.

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