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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

30.1.4 Substituent Directing Effects in Electrophilic Substitution

Electrophilic substitution is a pivotal reaction in organic chemistry, particularly in the chemistry of arenes. The pattern of substitution – whether at the ortho, meta, or para positions – is strongly influenced by the nature of substituents already present on the aromatic ring. This section delves into how different groups such as –NH₂, –OH, –R (alkyl), –NO₂, –COOH, and –COR affect these patterns and the underlying reasons for their directing effects.

Understanding Electrophilic Substitution in Arenes

Electrophilic substitution is a fundamental reaction mechanism where an electrophile replaces a hydrogen atom on an aromatic ring. The reaction's course is significantly influenced by the substituents attached to the ring, dictating both the reactivity of the ring and the position of substitution.

Nature of Electrophilic Attack

  • Electrophile Introduction: An electrophile is introduced to the aromatic system, targeting the electron-rich areas of the ring.
  • Formation of Carbocation Intermediate: The electrophile adds to the ring, temporarily disrupting the aromaticity and forming a carbocation intermediate.

Role of the Aromatic System

  • Restoration of Aromaticity: The hydrogen atom is then removed, restoring aromaticity. The position where this occurs is influenced by the substituents on the ring.
Mechanism of Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

Image courtesy of Ben Mills

Substituents and Their Influence on Arenes

Activating and Deactivating Groups

  • Activating groups, such as –NH₂, –OH, and –R (alkyl), donate electrons, enhancing the electron density on the ring and making it more susceptible to electrophilic attack.
  • Deactivating groups, including –NO₂, –COOH, and –COR, withdraw electrons, decreasing electron density and making the ring less reactive.

Directing Effects of Substituents

  • Ortho/Para Directing Groups: Electron-donating groups direct the electrophile to the ortho and para positions due to increased electron density at these sites.
  • Meta Directing Groups: Electron-withdrawing groups direct the electrophile to the meta position as the electron density is less perturbed here compared to the ortho and para positions.
The aromatic ring ortho, meta, or para

Image courtesy of Isilanes

Detailed Exploration of Substituent Effects

Electron Donation and Withdrawal Mechanisms

  • Electron Donating Groups (EDGs): These groups donate electrons through resonance (delocalization of electrons) and inductive effects (electron donation through sigma bonds), enhancing electron density particularly at the ortho and para positions.
  • Electron Withdrawing Groups (EWGs): Withdraw electrons primarily through resonance and inductive effects, making the ortho and para positions less favorable for electrophilic attack.

Inductive and Resonance Effects

  • Inductive Effect: This is the transmission of charge through a chain of atoms in a molecule, influenced by electronegativity and the polarizability of bonds.
  • Resonance Effect: The delocalization of electrons across a molecule, which can either increase or decrease electron density on the aromatic ring.

Specific Cases of Substituent Effects

-NH₂ (Amino Group)

  • Highly Activating and Ortho/Para Directing: This is due to the amino group’s ability to donate electrons through both resonance and inductive effects, significantly enhancing the electron density on the ring.

-OH (Hydroxyl Group)

  • Strongly Activating and Ortho/Para Directing: The hydroxyl group increases the electron density on the aromatic ring, making ortho and para positions more reactive.

-R (Alkyl Group)

  • Moderately Activating and Ortho/Para Directing: Alkyl groups are electron-releasing through hyperconjugation (a sort of resonance with sigma bonds) and inductive effects, leading to a preference for substitution at the ortho and para positions.

-NO₂ (Nitro Group)

Strongly Deactivating and Meta Directing: The nitro group is a potent electron-withdrawing group, destabilizing the carbocation intermediate at the ortho and para positions but stabilizing it at the meta position.

-COOH (Carboxyl Group)

  • Deactivating and Meta Directing: The carboxyl group, being electron-withdrawing, reduces the electron density on the ring, particularly at the ortho and para positions, making the meta position the most favorable for substitution.

-COR (Acyl Group)

  • Deactivating and Meta Directing: Similar to the carboxyl group, acyl groups withdraw electrons from the ring, directing electrophilic substitution predominantly to the meta position.

Practical Implications and Applications

The knowledge of substituent directing effects is crucial in the field of synthetic chemistry. It enables chemists to predict the outcome of reactions involving arenes and to strategically design synthesis pathways for complex organic compounds.

Application in Synthesis

  • Predicting Reaction Products: By understanding the directing effects, chemists can predict where an electrophile will add to an aromatic ring, crucial for planning synthetic routes.
  • Designing Multi-step Synthesis: In complex organic synthesis, the choice of substituents can be tailored to achieve specific substitution patterns in subsequent reaction steps.

Educational Perspective

For students, this topic offers insight into the intricate interplay of electronic effects in organic chemistry, illustrating how subtle changes in molecular structure can significantly alter chemical reactivity and outcomes.


Understanding the directing effects of substituents in electrophilic substitution reactions is foundational in organic chemistry. It not only aids in predicting reaction outcomes but also provides a deeper insight into the electronic nature of organic molecules, an essential aspect of advanced chemistry education.


Hyperconjugation plays a significant role in determining the directing effects of alkyl groups on aromatic rings. Alkyl groups are considered electron-donating due to hyperconjugation, which is the interaction of the σ electrons of C-H bonds in the alkyl group with the π electrons of the aromatic ring. This interaction leads to a delocalization of electron density, increasing the electron density on the aromatic ring, particularly at the ortho and para positions. This increased electron density enhances the reactivity of these positions towards electrophilic attack. Consequently, alkyl groups are ortho/para directing in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions. The strength of hyperconjugation depends on the number of hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon that is directly bonded to the ring – the more hydrogens, the stronger the hyperconjugative effect. Therefore, tertiary alkyl groups (with no hydrogen attached to the ring-connected carbon) exhibit a weaker hyperconjugative effect compared to primary or secondary alkyl groups.

Halogen substituents (like Cl, Br, F, I) on an aromatic ring exhibit a unique behaviour in electrophilic substitution reactions. While they are deactivating groups because of their strong electronegativity and ability to withdraw electron density via inductive effects, they are also ortho/para directing due to their ability to donate electron density through resonance. This duality arises because halogens have lone pairs that can participate in resonance with the aromatic ring's π system, enhancing the electron density at the ortho and para positions. However, their strong electronegativity pulls electron density away from the ring through the σ bond (inductive effect), making the ring less reactive overall. Therefore, when a halogen is present on an aromatic ring, it tends to slow down electrophilic substitution reactions compared to an unsubstituted ring, but when the reaction does occur, it is more likely to happen at the ortho or para position relative to the halogen.

The directing effects of substituents are extremely valuable in multi-step synthesis pathways, particularly in the synthesis of complex organic molecules. By understanding and utilizing these effects, chemists can strategically introduce specific substituents onto an aromatic ring to guide subsequent electrophilic substitution reactions to desired positions. For example, in a multi-step synthesis, an initial substituent can be introduced onto a benzene ring to direct the next electrophilic substitution to a specific position (ortho, meta, or para). This is particularly useful when synthesizing compounds with multiple substituents on an aromatic ring, where the position of each substituent is crucial for the final product's properties. Additionally, the ability to predict the outcome of these reactions allows for the efficient planning of synthesis routes, minimising the need for trial and error and reducing the production of unwanted byproducts. This aspect of organic synthesis highlights the importance of a deep understanding of the electronic and steric effects of different substituents in designing efficient and effective synthetic pathways.

The presence of multiple substituents on an aromatic ring can significantly influence the ring's reactivity and the directing effects of each substituent. When multiple substituents are present, their individual effects can either reinforce or oppose each other. For instance, if both substituents are electron-donating, they can synergistically increase the electron density on the ring, enhancing its reactivity towards electrophiles. Conversely, if one is donating and the other is withdrawing electrons, their effects might partially cancel out, leading to a moderated reactivity. The directing effects in such scenarios become more complex. Each substituent tends to direct incoming electrophiles to certain positions on the ring based on its own directing preference. The final outcome of the substitution pattern is often a compromise between these preferences, and sometimes unexpected positions might be favored due to subtle interactions between the substituents' electronic effects. Predicting the major product in such cases requires a nuanced understanding of both the inductive and resonance effects of the substituents involved.

Electron-donating groups (EDGs) such as –OH, –NH₂, and alkyl groups increase the rate of electrophilic substitution in arenes due to their ability to enhance the electron density of the aromatic ring. These groups donate electrons through resonance and inductive effects. Resonance donation occurs when the lone pair of electrons on the substituent forms a conjugated system with the π electrons of the aromatic ring, effectively delocalizing these electrons over a larger area. This delocalization results in an increased electron density on the ring, particularly at the ortho and para positions, making them more nucleophilic and hence more attractive to electrophiles. Additionally, inductive effects, where electron density is pushed towards the ring through σ bonds, also contribute to this increased reactivity. The overall effect is that the arene becomes more reactive towards electrophiles, facilitating faster electrophilic substitution reactions.

Practice Questions

Given a benzene ring with a methyl (–CH₃) group attached, predict the major product(s) when it undergoes nitration. Explain the directing effect of the methyl group and the mechanism involved in the formation of the product.

The methyl group (–CH₃) on the benzene ring is an activating, ortho/para-directing group. It enhances the electron density at the ortho and para positions relative to the methyl group through hyperconjugation and inductive effects. In nitration, when benzene reacts with concentrated HNO₃ in the presence of concentrated H₂SO₄, the electrophile NO₂⁺ is formed. Due to the methyl group's directing effect, the NO₂⁺ will predominantly add to the ortho and para positions, leading to the formation of ortho-nitrotoluene and para-nitrotoluene as major products. The para product is often more prevalent due to fewer steric hindrances compared to the ortho position.

Explain why a benzene ring with a nitro group (–NO₂) reacts more slowly in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions compared to a benzene ring with a hydroxyl group (–OH). Also, predict the major product when the nitrobenzene undergoes chlorination and justify your answer.

A nitro group (–NO₂) on a benzene ring is a strong electron-withdrawing group, making the ring less reactive in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions. It decreases the electron density on the ring through both resonance and inductive effects, making the ring less susceptible to attack by electrophiles. In contrast, a hydroxyl group (–OH) is an electron-donating group, increasing the electron density on the ring and making it more reactive. When nitrobenzene undergoes chlorination, the major product is meta-chloronitrobenzene. This is because the –NO₂ group is a meta-directing group, favouring electrophilic substitution at the meta position relative to the nitro group.

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