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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

34.1.3 Basicity of Amines in Aqueous Solutions

Amines, as organic compounds containing a nitrogen atom with a lone pair of electrons, exhibit basic characteristics. Their basicity, particularly in aqueous solutions, is a fundamental aspect in organic chemistry, influencing their reactivity and applications. This exploration covers the factors affecting the basic strength of amines and provides comparative analyses of different types of amines.

Introduction to Amine Basicity

Amines, classified as derivatives of ammonia, are basic due to the presence of a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom. This lone pair readily accepts a proton (H⁺), forming an ammonium ion (R₃NH⁺), and thus exhibiting the basic nature of amines.

Amine to ammonium ion (R₃NH⁺)

Image courtesy of H Padleckas

Electronic Structure and Basicity

  • Lone Pair Availability: The availability of the lone pair on the nitrogen atom is the primary determinant of an amine's basicity.
  • Inductive Effect: Alkyl groups, being electron-donating, increase the electron density on nitrogen, enhancing the amine's ability to donate its lone pair.

Factors Influencing Basicity

1. Electron Donating Groups: Groups that donate electrons to the nitrogen atom increase its basicity by enhancing the electron density around the nitrogen.

2. Electron Withdrawing Groups: Groups that withdraw electrons decrease basicity by delocalizing the lone pair, making it less available for bonding with a proton.

3. Steric Factors: Bulkier groups around the nitrogen atom can hinder the accessibility of the lone pair, reducing the amine's basicity.

4. Solvent Effects: In aqueous solutions, the interaction between amines and water molecules significantly affects their basicity.

Comparative Analysis of Different Amines

To understand the basicity of amines, it is crucial to compare the basic strengths of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines, as well as aromatic amines.

Primary Amines (RNH₂)

  • Structure and Basicity: Primary amines have one alkyl group attached to the nitrogen. This increases the electron density on the nitrogen, making primary amines more basic than ammonia.
  • Water Interaction: In water, primary amines can form hydrogen bonds, which affects their basicity. The interaction with water molecules slightly reduces their basic strength compared to their behaviour in the gas phase.
Structure of primary amine

Image courtesy of Kes47

Secondary Amines (R₂NH)

  • Enhanced Basicity: With two alkyl groups, secondary amines have an increased electron-donating effect, making them more basic than primary amines.
  • Moderate Steric Hindrance: The presence of two alkyl groups introduces some steric hindrance, which can slightly affect the availability of the lone pair for bonding.
Structure of secondary amine

Image courtesy of Kes47

Tertiary Amines (R₃N)

  • Maximum Electron Donation: Tertiary amines, with three alkyl groups, have the highest electron density on the nitrogen atom among the alkyl amines.
  • Steric Hindrance and Solvent Interaction: The bulky structure of tertiary amines can impede effective solvation in water, which can reduce their basicity despite the high electron density.
Structure of tertiary amine

Image courtesy of Kes47

Aromatic Amines

  • Resonance Effect: In aromatic amines, such as aniline, the lone pair on the nitrogen atom is partially delocalized into the aromatic ring, reducing its availability for bonding with a proton.
  • Reduced Basicity: This delocalization significantly reduces the basicity of aromatic amines compared to their aliphatic counterparts.
Aniline resonance

Resonance structures of Aniline

Image courtesy of Toppr

Practical Examples

  • Ethylamine vs. Diethylamine: Ethylamine, a primary amine, is less basic than diethylamine, a secondary amine. The two ethyl groups in diethylamine increase the electron density more significantly than the single ethyl group in ethylamine.
  • Triethylamine vs. Aniline: Triethylamine, a tertiary amine, is substantially more basic than aniline. The lone pair on the nitrogen in aniline is involved in the aromatic system, reducing its basicity.

The basicity of amines plays a pivotal role in their chemical reactivity and industrial applications. For instance, the varying basicities of amines are exploited in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, dyes, and polymers. In biological systems, the basic nature of amines is crucial in the functionality of amino acids and proteins.

Understanding the Trends

  • Trend in Aliphatic Amines: Generally, the basicity increases from primary to secondary and then to tertiary amines due to increasing electron donation. However, in aqueous solutions, tertiary amines may show reduced basicity compared to secondary amines due to steric factors.
  • Aromatic vs. Aliphatic Amines: Aromatic amines are less basic than aliphatic amines because of the resonance stabilization of the lone pair.

Real-world Implications

  • Drug Design: The basicity of amines is a key factor in the design of drugs, influencing their pharmacological properties and interactions within the body.
  • Industrial Synthesis: In industrial chemistry, the basicity of amines determines their suitability as catalysts or intermediates in various synthetic processes.

In conclusion, the basicity of amines in aqueous solutions is a multifaceted subject influenced by structural, electronic, and environmental factors. Understanding these aspects is crucial in predicting the behavior of amines in various chemical contexts and their practical applications.


The introduction of a hydroxyl group into an amine significantly reduces its basicity due to the electron-withdrawing nature of the hydroxyl group and the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonding. The hydroxyl group is electronegative and tends to draw electron density away from the nitrogen atom. This reduction in electron density at the nitrogen atom decreases the availability of the lone pair of electrons for protonation, thus diminishing the basic character of the amine. Additionally, the hydroxyl group can form an intramolecular hydrogen bond with the nitrogen atom's lone pair. This intramolecular hydrogen bonding further reduces the availability of the lone pair for bonding with protons. Therefore, the overall basicity of the amine is decreased due to both the electron-withdrawing effect and intramolecular hydrogen bonding, which collectively make the lone pair on nitrogen less available for accepting a proton.

The length of the alkyl chain in a primary amine influences its basicity, with longer alkyl chains generally increasing the basicity up to a certain point. This effect is due to the inductive effect, where alkyl groups, being electron-donating, increase the electron density on the nitrogen atom. Longer alkyl chains have a greater electron-donating effect, thus enhancing the availability of the lone pair on the nitrogen for protonation. However, this trend is not indefinite. Very long alkyl chains can introduce steric hindrance, which may impede the approach of protons to the nitrogen atom. Additionally, solubility issues in aqueous solutions can arise with very long alkyl chains, affecting the interaction of the amine with water and hence its observed basicity. In summary, while longer alkyl chains initially increase the basicity of primary amines due to enhanced electron donation, extremely long chains can reduce basicity due to steric and solubility factors.

The basicity of amines can be indirectly related to their boiling points, primarily due to the ability of amines to form hydrogen bonds. Amines with higher basicity tend to have stronger intermolecular hydrogen bonding capabilities. This is because a more basic amine has a greater electron density on the nitrogen atom, enhancing its ability to form hydrogen bonds with hydrogen donors. Stronger intermolecular hydrogen bonding leads to an increase in the boiling point, as more energy is required to overcome these interactions. For example, primary amines, which often have stronger hydrogen bonding than tertiary amines, typically have higher boiling points. However, this trend is not absolute and can be influenced by other factors such as molecular weight, steric hindrance, and the presence of other functional groups. While basicity gives an indication of hydrogen bonding potential, and thus boiling points, it is one of several factors that must be considered in predicting the physical properties of amines.

Amine basicity significantly impacts its nucleophilicity in organic reactions. Generally, a more basic amine is also a stronger nucleophile. This is because the basicity of an amine is indicative of the availability of its lone pair of electrons. Amines with a readily available lone pair (high basicity) are more effective in donating electrons and forming new bonds, a characteristic that defines nucleophilicity. Therefore, amines that are strong bases tend to be strong nucleophiles as well. However, this correlation is not always straightforward. Steric hindrance can affect nucleophilicity without significantly impacting basicity. For example, bulky tertiary amines might be less nucleophilic than primary or secondary amines because their large groups hinder the approach of the amine to electrophilic centers, even though they might have comparable or higher basicity. Therefore, while basicity is a key factor in determining nucleophilicity, steric effects must also be considered in evaluating an amine's reactivity as a nucleophile.

Cyclohexylamine typically exhibits higher basicity compared to benzylamine, and this difference is primarily attributed to the electronic environments in these molecules. Cyclohexylamine, being an aliphatic amine, has its lone pair on the nitrogen atom readily available for protonation. The cyclohexyl group does not delocalise the lone pair, hence allowing it to remain free for accepting a proton, thus exhibiting strong basic characteristics. In contrast, benzylamine contains a phenyl group attached to the nitrogen atom through a CH2 group. The aromatic ring in benzylamine exerts a slight electron-withdrawing effect through the sigma bond, which can slightly reduce the electron density on the nitrogen. Although this effect is less pronounced than in aniline (where the nitrogen is directly attached to the ring), it still reduces the basicity of benzylamine compared to cyclohexylamine. Therefore, the difference in basicity can be attributed to the presence of an aromatic ring in benzylamine, which slightly reduces the electron density on the nitrogen atom, while cyclohexylamine remains unaffected by such electronic effects.

Practice Questions

Compare the basicity of aniline and N-methylaniline in aqueous solution. Explain the factors affecting their basic strengths and predict which compound is more basic.

N-methylaniline is more basic than aniline in aqueous solution. The basicity of amines is primarily determined by the availability of the lone pair on the nitrogen atom for protonation. In aniline, the lone pair on the nitrogen is partially delocalised into the aromatic ring, reducing its availability for bonding with protons, and consequently, its basicity. In N-methylaniline, the methyl group donates electrons inductively, increasing the electron density on the nitrogen. This makes the lone pair more available for protonation, thereby increasing its basicity compared to aniline. Hence, N-methylaniline is more basic than aniline due to the inductive effect of the methyl group.

Explain why tertiary amines are generally less basic in aqueous solutions than in the gaseous phase, and compare this with the trend observed in primary amines.

Tertiary amines exhibit lower basicity in aqueous solutions compared to their gaseous phase due to steric hindrance and reduced solvation effects. In the gaseous phase, the lone pair on the nitrogen of tertiary amines is readily available for protonation due to the high electron density provided by three alkyl groups. However, in aqueous solutions, the bulky alkyl groups hinder effective solvation and the approach of water molecules, reducing the amine’s ability to accept a proton. In contrast, primary amines, with only one alkyl group, face less steric hindrance and form stronger hydrogen bonds with water, enhancing their basicity in aqueous solutions compared to the gaseous phase. This difference highlights the influence of solvent and steric factors on the basicity of amines.

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